Hannity And Mark Fuhrman Fear Monger About African American Riots

When people try to make the claim only black people riot I link them to the riot at WSU. http://dailyuw.com/archive/1998/05/04/imported/police-wsu-students-clash-all-night-riot#.Ud9gkaa9LCQ

Go to Pullman, Washington, on the Idaho border in Eastern Washington and see how many black people live there.

Then after that look up the WTO riots in Seattle.

The idea of painting black people with this broad brush and trying to act like white people are just as criminal is why we still have "race wars".
When people try to make the claim only black people riot I link them to the riot at WSU. Police, WSU Students Clash in All-Night Riot | The Daily

Go to Pullman, Washington, on the Idaho border in Eastern Washington and see how many black people live there.

Then after that look up the WTO riots in Seattle.

The idea of painting black people with this broad brush and trying to act like white people are just as criminal is why we still have "race wars".

White left wing radicals? Hell's bells they riot at the drop of a hat. White union thugs as well.

And up here over losing the Stanley Cup, you bettcha white people have rioted.


I don't remember ever saying that whites don't riot. But there is a special type of white person that riots far more often than white hockey fans.

That would be left wing white people.
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White Hispanic Community is extremely pissed off that Zimmerman is getting railroaded by Obama

What the fuck are these new charges? Is this how justice works in Obama's America?
White Hispanic Community is extremely pissed off that Zimmerman is getting railroaded by Obama

What the fuck are these new charges? Is this how justice works in Obama's America?

By "Extremely Pissed Off," I guess you mean they won't be voting for Obama in 2016.....

...what a shame.

Sean Hannity, Fox News Master Baiter Of Race, once again stuck his finger in the eye of African Americans tonight with the blatantly insensitive use of Mark Fuhrman as an analyst of the George Zimmerman trial. But even worse, Hannity specifically asked Fuhrman to opine about how likely it will be that African Americans will riot if when Zimmerman is acquitted. As if a noted racist like Fuhrman would have any insight into African Americans in Florida. Yet Fuhrman used the opportunity to take a thinly-veiled swipe at the black community. Despite the fact that Sean Hannity has already declared the George Zimmerman trial over, he didn’t bother to contain his excitement tonight over the testimony of pathologist and gun-shot expert, Vincent Di Maio. Never mind that forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden pretty much tore apart Di Maio’s testimony as useless on Fox's On The Record. Hannity for the defense knew better!

....I guess Casey Anthony wasn’t available to analyze Trayvon Martin’s parents child-raising techniques - and "prove" for Fox News viewers that he, not Zimmerman, was the violent one

Read more at Hannity And Mark Fuhrman Fear Monger About African American Riots In The Wake Of The (Certain) Zimmerman Acquittal - NewsHounds

Wow ! Does Hannity have any credibility?
Employees in the DOJ who didn't care for Obama sending government community organizers into the community in which a Hispanic male defended himself from the assault of a black male who had intent to kill anyone asking him what he was doing in the vicinity of homes that had been broken into, and defended himself from his bludgeoning with the shooting of his assailant may have tipped Hannity off, since the leftist lockstep media would have hidden any innocence derived from the law about self-defense which the leftists would like stopped.

Sean Hannity is just being a journalist. The leftist media takes freebies in white house front row seats and doesn't think another thing about their lies of omission used by this administration against all American people except blacks, who are still cashing in on victimy nearly 150 years after their emancipation.
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How also do they get justice? they had to riot to be freed, they had to riot to vote, they had to be treated with dignity, they had to riot to stop from being killed, they had to riot to get a proper education.

They have learned they have to fight for their rights.

Martin Luther King, if he were here, would beg to differ with you.

He would disagree with historical facts?

Since you made the claim, I'd like to see documentation of a black riot to be:

1. freed
2. vote
3. treated with dignity
4. stop from being killed
5. get a proper education

Mind you, we aren't talking a demonstration or a protest. We will use your word of "riot" as the criteria. Since you seem convinced that all of these things were achieved thru rioting, it should be a simple task to show the cause and effect of how these riots led to social changes.

Ready, set, go.
How also do they get justice? they had to riot to be freed, they had to riot to vote, they had to be treated with dignity, they had to riot to stop from being killed, they had to riot to get a proper education.

They have learned they have to fight for their rights.

Martin Luther King, if he were here, would beg to differ with you.

Well, having a gaping hole drilled through his body may have changed his mind.

Yeah, let's go with that. :rolleyes:
If Martin Luther King were here he'd be dead of alcoholism or an std by now. That's after serving his prison sentence for embezzlement.
How also do they get justice? they had to riot to be freed, they had to riot to vote, they had to be treated with dignity, they had to riot to stop from being killed, they had to riot to get a proper education.

They have learned they have to fight for their rights.

Then let them riot. I have no objections to blacks rioting and I've been through the 1965 Watts riot, the 1992 Rodney King riots and the Staples riot. No one is afraid of them rioting. It's called target practice. Do you think those Korean shop owners are afraid of another riot? They are fortifying their rooftops.

Black people rioting hasn't been taken seriously since the Staples riot. Everyone who has been through one or more riots knows two things; One, any excuse to loot is a good one and Two, they burn down their own houses first.

A lot of white people lost their jobs,including LA Chief of Police, and LA Mayor. Many white businesses were burned. Tax payers paid billions in taxes and increased insurance.

The businesses targeted were primarily Asian. They were burned and looted.
Does Hannity have any credibility?

Yes......about 4 times more than you do.

If you think nothing is going to happen if Zimmerman is set free, then you really do have a screw lose. Not all blacks will riot, many are not that way. But they'll also have a bunch of lefty white radicals joining the ones that do, so it won't be all blacks.

If they don't riot....then good! I'll applaud them!

So...Hannity has done what he promised and gone thru the Waterboarding for charity?

Don't know...never really heard much about that, but if that's what he said he would do then he should. My son's been waterboarded a few times in training...he lived through it with no problems.

Besides....has ANY politician, or news person, that has promised things come through on all of them? I still say Hannity has much more credibility than the OP.
Check out all the white people here threatening to riot if Zimmerman is convicted.

How very typical of them. Bunch of savages, always threatening violence if they don't get their way.

...Looks around...

Show me where ANYONE here said they would riot if Z is convicted. Come on. SHOW it. Links please.

Come on! Give mamooth credit for attempting to be humorous and sarcastic.
well don't know what planet you live but there were protesting that turned into rioting.

and now you need to EAT some crow or just go on pretending..I would keep pretending if I had started the dumb thread too
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Sean Hannity, Fox News Master Baiter Of Race, once again stuck his finger in the eye of African Americans tonight with the blatantly insensitive use of Mark Fuhrman as an analyst of the George Zimmerman trial. But even worse, Hannity specifically asked Fuhrman to opine about how likely it will be that African Americans will riot if when Zimmerman is acquitted. As if a noted racist like Fuhrman would have any insight into African Americans in Florida. Yet Fuhrman used the opportunity to take a thinly-veiled swipe at the black community. Despite the fact that Sean Hannity has already declared the George Zimmerman trial over, he didn’t bother to contain his excitement tonight over the testimony of pathologist and gun-shot expert, Vincent Di Maio. Never mind that forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden pretty much tore apart Di Maio’s testimony as useless on Fox's On The Record. Hannity for the defense knew better!

....I guess Casey Anthony wasn’t available to analyze Trayvon Martin’s parents child-raising techniques - and "prove" for Fox News viewers that he, not Zimmerman, was the violent one

Read more at Hannity And Mark Fuhrman Fear Monger About African American Riots In The Wake Of The (Certain) Zimmerman Acquittal - NewsHounds

Wow ! Does Hannity have any credibility?

Hannity is a piece of shit. Seriously.
If Martin Luther King were here he'd be dead of alcoholism or an std by now. That's after serving his prison sentence for embezzlement.

:eusa_shhh:lets just keep pretending there was no rioting..many more of these stories out there but we'll just pretend they aren't

'Let’s Go Mess Up Hollywood for Trayvon'

by Ben Shapiro 18 Jul 2013, 10:40 AM PDT 1720 post a comment

On Tuesday night, a flash mob of some 40 to 50 teenagers invaded the busiest and most tourist-centric part of Hollywood, smashing windows, stealing cellphones, and assaulting passersby. The police described the incident as a “rolling crime wave.” One police official said that the George Zimmerman acquittal provided the flash point excuse for the flash mob. “They’re using Trayvon as an excuse,” the official said to local media. “They were saying, ‘Let’s go mess up Hollywood for Trayvon.’”

The incident began when 911 dispatchers began getting calls about trouble on Hollywood and Vine, including young people running through traffic, bowling people over, and grabbing their purses and cell phones. The hoodlums robbed local stores as they charged down Hollywood Blvd. One took a cash register. “They kept moving from location to location,” said Officer Christopher No.

all of it here
'Let?s Go Mess Up Hollywood for Trayvon'

and here
'Flash mob' of thieves causes chaotic night in Hollywood - latimes.com
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