Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

I would lose my job for using an illegal drug........doesn't apply to ole Rush

Still waiting for that link to prove that the union saved Rush's job.


Of course they did.......Rush is a UNION man

You think he got by on his charming personality?

Unions are there to protect the jobs of addicts and miscreants no matter how big they are

I see you can't provide any empirical proof - all you are doing is speculating to support your sad little world view.

But you do get 10 Points For Consistency.
Thats a private sector union.

right wingers do not complalin of GM's union or other private sector unions?

Reason TV....

private sector unions and private companies negotiate over dividing private profits, it is an adversarial relationship. Public sector unions negotiate with politicians who want their votes over how to divide money that belongs to the taxpayer. It's party1 and party2 agreeing on how to divide money from party3. Ask Milton Freidman how that works out.

Exactly. It's money laundering between the Unions and politicians.
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Of course they did.......Rush is a UNION man

You think he got by on his charming personality?

Unions are there to protect the jobs of addicts and miscreants no matter how big they are
He got by because he owns his own company and has high ratings. There was nothing unions could even protect him from. I like how liberals hurdle for themselves is a line painted on the floor and their standard for others is a skyscraper. Then they continually trip over the line painted on the floor. Stupid is as stupid does.

As a union man.....the union is there to protect the rights of ALL drug addicts. Are you implying that because Rush is a big shot that a different standard applies to him than other union workers

Rush can rest assured that if he reverts to his drug using ways that the union will be there to protect him
So are you saying that the Union saved Imus' job as well? Unions are to blame for all the good, and none of the bad?

Second of all, are you willing to concede that all television and on air personalities must be union members because they have made a closed shop?
He got by because he owns his own company and has high ratings. There was nothing unions could even protect him from. I like how liberals hurdle for themselves is a line painted on the floor and their standard for others is a skyscraper. Then they continually trip over the line painted on the floor. Stupid is as stupid does.

As a union man.....the union is there to protect the rights of ALL drug addicts. Are you implying that because Rush is a big shot that a different standard applies to him than other union workers

Rush can rest assured that if he reverts to his drug using ways that the union will be there to protect him
So are you saying that the Union saved Imus' job as well? Unions are to blame for all the good, and none of the bad?

Second of all, are you willing to concede that all television and on air personalities must be union members because they have made a closed shop?

Why, I am only acknowledging the fact that labor unions protect the rights of drug addicts like Imus and Limbo. From the lowly janitor to network icons, unions will protect the rights of drug addicts to remain employed

Imus did not get fired for his drug addiction. He got fired for being a racist......even Unions do not want to defend racists
Just what the hell does Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly being in a union have anything to DO WITH ANYTHING.

man this is scrapping the bottom of the barrel.:lol:
As a union man.....the union is there to protect the rights of ALL drug addicts. Are you implying that because Rush is a big shot that a different standard applies to him than other union workers

Rush can rest assured that if he reverts to his drug using ways that the union will be there to protect him
So are you saying that the Union saved Imus' job as well? Unions are to blame for all the good, and none of the bad?

Second of all, are you willing to concede that all television and on air personalities must be union members because they have made a closed shop?

Why, I am only acknowledging the fact that labor unions protect the rights of drug addicts like Imus and Limbo. From the lowly janitor to network icons, unions will protect the rights of drug addicts to remain employed

Imus did not get fired for his drug addiction. He got fired for being a racist......even Unions do not want to defend racists

Links to union involvement in Limbaugh's case and disavowal as it applies to Imus's case please.
As a union man.....the union is there to protect the rights of ALL drug addicts. Are you implying that because Rush is a big shot that a different standard applies to him than other union workers

Rush can rest assured that if he reverts to his drug using ways that the union will be there to protect him
So are you saying that the Union saved Imus' job as well? Unions are to blame for all the good, and none of the bad?

Second of all, are you willing to concede that all television and on air personalities must be union members because they have made a closed shop?

Why, I am only acknowledging the fact that labor unions protect the rights of drug addicts like Imus and Limbo. From the lowly janitor to network icons, unions will protect the rights of drug addicts to remain employed

Imus did not get fired for his drug addiction. He got fired for being a racist......even Unions do not want to defend racists
So. Let's extend the 'good' you're playing fast and loose with here.

There is no law that says a person can't work if convicted of drug related issues if no crime was convicted. Racism isn't a crime. Drug use is an illness apparently so it's not a crime.

Limbaugh could not have been prevented from having a job because he is, for the most part, his own company. Although if he WAS fired, he would be able to start his own again. All these personalities, with real talent can land elsewhere to work fairly easily. That's why shitballs like Olberman and Couric will not be out of the public eye for long. They can find a gig with someone else.

This is a lie to say the union did a thing for Limbaugh. Same goes for Imus being fired for being a racist as you freely admit, they won't protect racists... which into itself makes them just as bad philosophically. To some degree, it's why I have at least an ounce of respect for the ACLU in some cases.
Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

Are they members of the National Propagandist Whores Union?

Must be a pretty good union if their salaries and benefits packages are any indication.
Maybe RW has a point, i mean, unions help get a radical socialist, marxist, lying, manipulating drug addict elected to the highest office in the country.......
Maybe RW has a point, i mean, unions help get a radical socialist, marxist, lying, manipulating drug addict elected to the highest office in the country.......
Drug addict? Nicotene, caffeine or transfats?

The rest, I'll give you. :razz:
they are part of private sector unions! Its the public sector unions that stink! How many times do people have to post this!

Until they think they've convinced people it's true. The problem is that it's not.
That's not what strawman means. Liberals love to use words they like the sound of without knowing what they mean...

You are dumb is what you are saying, comrade? Straw man means accuse somebody of something isn't true. Which is exactly what you do. You must read Saul Alinsky every night before you go to bed.
Actually a strawman argument is to change someone's view to something they didn't say and make it sound like you had refuted their argument when you refuted your own strawman. Since you obviously didn't know what it meant, why didn't you google the word dumb ass before you confirmed you didn't know what it meant?

Comrade Kaz, that is part of what you are doing, Saul junior.
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Maybe RW has a point, i mean, unions help get a radical socialist, marxist, lying, manipulating drug addict elected to the highest office in the country.......

You, driveby, are far more likely to be a radical, a socialist, a marxist, and drug addict than BHO.

Next to "buffoon" in the dictionary is you in a group picture with kaz, t, divecon, fitz and several other reactionaries. Thank heavens not one of you is GOP but will vote for one for president. Who you want in the primaries, of course, does not matter. Your numbers are too insignificant to swing a primary,
Maybe RW has a point, i mean, unions help get a radical socialist, marxist, lying, manipulating drug addict elected to the highest office in the country.......

You, driveby, are far more likely to be a radical, a socialist, a marxist, and drug addict than BHO.

Next to "buffoon" in the dictionary is you in a group picture with kaz, t, divecon, fitz and several other reactionaries. Thank heavens not one of you is GOP but will vote for one for president. Who you want in the primaries, of course, does not matter. Your numbers are too insignificant to swing a primary,

Your boring tactics are similar to two former icons, Saul Alinsky and Pee Wee Herman, Kerry on........
Maybe RW has a point, i mean, unions help get a radical socialist, marxist, lying, manipulating drug addict elected to the highest office in the country.......

You, driveby, are far more likely to be a radical, a socialist, a marxist, and drug addict than BHO.

Next to "buffoon" in the dictionary is you in a group picture with kaz, t, divecon, fitz and several other reactionaries. Thank heavens not one of you is GOP but will vote for one for president. Who you want in the primaries, of course, does not matter. Your numbers are too insignificant to swing a primary,

Kerry on........

As a union man.....the union is there to protect the rights of ALL drug addicts. Are you implying that because Rush is a big shot that a different standard applies to him than other union workers

Rush can rest assured that if he reverts to his drug using ways that the union will be there to protect him
So are you saying that the Union saved Imus' job as well? Unions are to blame for all the good, and none of the bad?

Second of all, are you willing to concede that all television and on air personalities must be union members because they have made a closed shop?

Why, I am only acknowledging the fact that labor unions protect the rights of drug addicts like Imus and Limbo. From the lowly janitor to network icons, unions will protect the rights of drug addicts to remain employed

Imus did not get fired for his drug addiction. He got fired for being a racist......even Unions do not want to defend racists

Well Fitz, he's arguing that Rush, who owns his own company, voluntarily joined a union and the union is protecting him from the company that he owns. He's spent too much time in the sewers...

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