Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

you can look up Fi core with google if you dont believe me, I have worked Aftra and Sag jobs as an extra and have become acquainted with the rules, sorry you are the retarded one.

So you deny AFTRA will boycott any station that hires him?

You deny that boycott would include using clauses in the contracts of all AFTRA members to not work for those boycotted stations?

You deny it would work?

It wouldnt happen, do you even know what Fi Core is?
Yes, do you?

First, Fi Core doesn't apply, he is not an employee of the station, he has a contract with them.

Fi Core protects him from the company, it doesn't protect him from the union.

Fi Core doesn't protect the company from the union, the issue being raised.

Fi Core doesn't get him out of paying union dues, only otherwise participating in union activities. But no one's so far even claimed he did anything with the union. Other then rightwinger and let's face it, he's not very bright.

So I answered your question and explained to you the many ways your point didn't apply. Now answer mine. So if Rush didn't join the union, what station would sign a contract with him since AFTRA would shut them down?
I think the "pivot" (read as: squirming) that conservatives are doing to try and say private unions are ok, but public unions are not is HIGH-LAROUS. High, because they must be high to think that such a distinction without a difference fools anyone...except their own rank and file.

Either collective bargaining works...or it doesnt. Taking privileges away from government workers...hell rights ...the right to freely associate that's in the Constitution....that's down right un-American.

In your liberal world this is true because you think choice is something that is bestowed on you by government. But to clarify, we think government removes choice. So to us:

- Public sector union is negotiation with bureaucrats with bill going to taxpayers. Taxpayers have no choice.

- Private sector union is free market, as long as government stays out of it, union negotiates with company, company gets bills. They have choice.

To us those are fundamentally different situations. To you they are just words because they ignore that only government provides choice. So you will never understand and to you it will appear we are squeaming. Actually we are squinting because we don't understand why you don't understand those getting the bills having a choice in the process. The gap between us is a chasm.

Funny thing is...you're wrong with almost every thing you said.

1. I'm not liberal - I'm centrist. Pro-life, pro-gun, anti-illegal aliens, etc. etc.
2. There's no such thing as a free market. Apparently you don't understand that concept.
3. I dont think that the government is the source of funds or benefits. I understand that WE, THE PEOPLE give the government money...and it's our money they use, misuse and give back.
4. You want to deny federal workers the same right to associate that the Constitution affords every citizen. Most likely because you're one of those conservatives who rails and flails about how bad the government is at everything. It's a non-thinking, knee-jerk position that doesnt take into account that EVERYONE should be able to bargain for their wages. Being a government employee doesnt mean you should be treated worse (or better) than anyone else in either private or public sectors, douchekadoo.

In all reality, you're the one who is blindly spouting anti-union drivel fed to you by your conservative masters. Stop for a second and actually do some critical thinking for yourself.
So you deny AFTRA will boycott any station that hires him?

You deny that boycott would include using clauses in the contracts of all AFTRA members to not work for those boycotted stations?

You deny it would work?

It wouldnt happen, do you even know what Fi Core is?
Yes, do you?

First, Fi Core doesn't apply, he is not an employee of the station, he has a contract with them.

Fi Core protects him from the company, it doesn't protect him from the union.

Fi Core doesn't protect the company from the union, the issue being raised.

Fi Core doesn't get him out of paying union dues, only otherwise participating in union activities. But no one's so far even claimed he did anything with the union. Other then rightwinger and let's face it, he's not very bright.

So I answered your question and explained to you the many ways your point didn't apply. Now answer mine. So if Rush didn't join the union, what station would sign a contract with him since AFTRA would shut them down?

He could have been Fi core from when he started his career rather than joining the hated union.
As far as paying union dues while being Fi core: so he should just walk in the door and get the union negotiated wages and benefits but not contribute towards that which brought them about?
Funny thing is...you're wrong with almost every thing you said.

1. I'm not liberal - I'm centrist. Pro-life, pro-gun, anti-illegal aliens, etc. etc.
2. There's no such thing as a free market. Apparently you don't understand that concept.
3. I dont think that the government is the source of funds or benefits. I understand that WE, THE PEOPLE give the government money...and it's our money they use, misuse and give back.
4. You want to deny federal workers the same right to associate that the Constitution affords every citizen. Most likely because you're one of those conservatives who rails and flails about how bad the government is at everything. It's a non-thinking, knee-jerk position that doesnt take into account that EVERYONE should be able to bargain for their wages. Being a government employee doesnt mean you should be treated worse (or better) than anyone else in either private or public sectors, douchekadoo.

In all reality, you're the one who is blindly spouting anti-union drivel fed to you by your conservative masters. Stop for a second and actually do some critical thinking for yourself.

Wow, you are a centrist. I'm a race car driver.

I like with how with you libs anyone else is "driven by their masters." Only a liberal thinks for themselves. Gotcha, good point there.
It wouldnt happen, do you even know what Fi Core is?
Yes, do you?

First, Fi Core doesn't apply, he is not an employee of the station, he has a contract with them.

Fi Core protects him from the company, it doesn't protect him from the union.

Fi Core doesn't protect the company from the union, the issue being raised.

Fi Core doesn't get him out of paying union dues, only otherwise participating in union activities. But no one's so far even claimed he did anything with the union. Other then rightwinger and let's face it, he's not very bright.

So I answered your question and explained to you the many ways your point didn't apply. Now answer mine. So if Rush didn't join the union, what station would sign a contract with him since AFTRA would shut them down?

He could have been Fi core from when he started his career rather than joining the hated union.
As far as paying union dues while being Fi core: so he should just walk in the door and get the union negotiated wages and benefits but not contribute towards that which brought them about?

So you're arguing he's a hypocrite because he could have been Fi Core and paid union dues but not be technically in the union he's paying dues to. This is why I like arguing with liberals. Funny, you are very funny.
Yes, do you?

First, Fi Core doesn't apply, he is not an employee of the station, he has a contract with them.

Fi Core protects him from the company, it doesn't protect him from the union.

Fi Core doesn't protect the company from the union, the issue being raised.

Fi Core doesn't get him out of paying union dues, only otherwise participating in union activities. But no one's so far even claimed he did anything with the union. Other then rightwinger and let's face it, he's not very bright.

So I answered your question and explained to you the many ways your point didn't apply. Now answer mine. So if Rush didn't join the union, what station would sign a contract with him since AFTRA would shut them down?

He could have been Fi core from when he started his career rather than joining the hated union.
As far as paying union dues while being Fi core: so he should just walk in the door and get the union negotiated wages and benefits but not contribute towards that which brought them about?

So you're arguing he's a hypocrite because he could have been Fi Core and paid union dues but not be technically in the union he's paying dues to. This is why I like arguing with liberals. Funny, you are very funny.

Yes taking a principled stand in such manners would elude the conservative mindset.
Wow, you post on a message board and get people to respond to you. That is an amazing feat. It never ceases to amaze you, does it?


You respond "Like a monkey on a string"
I pull your strings and you jump up and down screeching "Wheres the link? You can't prove that?"
Obviously I'm controlling you as I keep forcing you to respond to me.

Now, respond to this post, bitch...

Kaz's new Avatar

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He wasnt forced, he could have easily became a non union toilet cleaner but he decided to follow the very prosperous path that comes with being part of the union he belongs to.


This will be difficult for you to comprehend, but outside the Union bubble, talent is an avenue for success. People can achieve great things.

Or are you saying that there has been no one capable of greatness before Unions came into being?

Don't let your head explode thinking too hard on that one, son.

Yet they chose the route that's road was paved by the union, they were union until they no longer needed them and now they bitch and complain but they had no problem with the union negotiated benefits before they hit the big time, like stated dont like unions then dont use unionized jobs for stepping stones.

Weak. You won't answer my question.

Become a thinker. Try hard.
What a blatant LIE

Limbaugh would never make the money he makes without the Union looking out for him

I hear they even got him a good dental plan and a union discount on Oxycontin

Really? I want proof they're doing a damn thing for him OR the Excellence in Broadcasting Network. Links please, otherwise I stand on calling bullshit.

I hear they even got him a good dental plan and a union discount on Oxycontin

Show proof, or again, it's a lie based entirely on your personal hate.

Without the union representing him, Limbaugh would be making minimum wage

And without the union that minimum wage would be $2.10 an hour

Bullshit....Limbaugh along with most other syndicated radio and tv talk show hosts are independent contractors who sell their time and talent to the highest bidder. They are self employed.
AFTRA and SAG do NOTHING for them except collect dues which in turn are used to fill campaign coffers of democrats.
"The union". Unions are meaningless now. No business person with half a brain in their head wants to deal with these criminal organizations. That's right , criminal. All unions are either run by La Costra Nostra or have ties to organized crime syndicates.
If the unions are not, it's news to me.
In any event this idea you union folks have that we should kneel at the organized labor altar is a bunch of bullshit.
Look, less than 8% of the US labor force is unionized. That should tells me that unions have worn out their welcome.
Funny thing is...you're wrong with almost every thing you said.

1. I'm not liberal - I'm centrist. Pro-life, pro-gun, anti-illegal aliens, etc. etc.
2. There's no such thing as a free market. Apparently you don't understand that concept.
3. I dont think that the government is the source of funds or benefits. I understand that WE, THE PEOPLE give the government money...and it's our money they use, misuse and give back.
4. You want to deny federal workers the same right to associate that the Constitution affords every citizen. Most likely because you're one of those conservatives who rails and flails about how bad the government is at everything. It's a non-thinking, knee-jerk position that doesnt take into account that EVERYONE should be able to bargain for their wages. Being a government employee doesnt mean you should be treated worse (or better) than anyone else in either private or public sectors, douchekadoo.

In all reality, you're the one who is blindly spouting anti-union drivel fed to you by your conservative masters. Stop for a second and actually do some critical thinking for yourself.

Wow, you are a centrist. I'm a race car driver.

I like with how with you libs anyone else is "driven by their masters." Only a liberal thinks for themselves. Gotcha, good point there.

At least you've got some spine. That's semi-laudable. But I'm not a liberal and I never said that ONLY liberals think for themselves.

Show me where I posted that and I'll gladly eat my own sock. I spoke about YOU specifically.

Your posts have nothing worth reading since you obviously can't be objective. See that's what I respect...objectivity. NEITHER side has all the right answers. Not republicans...Not democrats. When you wake up and realize that...you might be worth reading. Until then...good job with your hack posts, douche.
Party of personal responsibility tells us Rush had to join to make money. The reason he can make that money and have those protections is because of the union. If he was so opposed to it you'd think he'd stand on principals (haha) and not join. He's part of the mob he so detests. In fact he supported them.

Unions bad...dems supported by unions bad..unions supported by dems bad...Rush financially backing and joining the unions...good

Nope no bias here
Really? I want proof they're doing a damn thing for him OR the Excellence in Broadcasting Network. Links please, otherwise I stand on calling bullshit.

Show proof, or again, it's a lie based entirely on your personal hate.

Without the union representing him, Limbaugh would be making minimum wage

And without the union that minimum wage would be $2.10 an hour

Bullshit....Limbaugh along with most other syndicated radio and tv talk show hosts are independent contractors who sell their time and talent to the highest bidder. They are self employed.
AFTRA and SAG do NOTHING for them except collect dues which in turn are used to fill campaign coffers of democrats.
"The union". Unions are meaningless now. No business person with half a brain in their head wants to deal with these criminal organizations. That's right , criminal. All unions are either run by La Costra Nostra or have ties to organized crime syndicates.
If the unions are not, it's news to me.
In any event this idea you union folks have that we should kneel at the organized labor altar is a bunch of bullshit.
Look, less than 8% of the US labor force is unionized. That should tells me that unions have worn out their welcome.

Rush only got his union job because of his extensive mob connections...

Had something to do with a horses head

You respond "Like a monkey on a string"
I pull your strings and you jump up and down screeching "Wheres the link? You can't prove that?"
Obviously I'm controlling you as I keep forcing you to respond to me.

Now, respond to this post, bitch...

Kaz's new Avatar


Excellent. You are a very obedient slave. Your new name is Nobody.

Now Nobody, respond to this post. You are my wench, respond!
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Funny thing is...you're wrong with almost every thing you said.

1. I'm not liberal - I'm centrist. Pro-life, pro-gun, anti-illegal aliens, etc. etc.
2. There's no such thing as a free market. Apparently you don't understand that concept.
3. I dont think that the government is the source of funds or benefits. I understand that WE, THE PEOPLE give the government money...and it's our money they use, misuse and give back.
4. You want to deny federal workers the same right to associate that the Constitution affords every citizen. Most likely because you're one of those conservatives who rails and flails about how bad the government is at everything. It's a non-thinking, knee-jerk position that doesnt take into account that EVERYONE should be able to bargain for their wages. Being a government employee doesnt mean you should be treated worse (or better) than anyone else in either private or public sectors, douchekadoo.

In all reality, you're the one who is blindly spouting anti-union drivel fed to you by your conservative masters. Stop for a second and actually do some critical thinking for yourself.

Wow, you are a centrist. I'm a race car driver.

I like with how with you libs anyone else is "driven by their masters." Only a liberal thinks for themselves. Gotcha, good point there.

At least you've got some spine. That's semi-laudable. But I'm not a liberal and I never said that ONLY liberals think for themselves.

Show me where I posted that and I'll gladly eat my own sock. I spoke about YOU specifically.

Your posts have nothing worth reading since you obviously can't be objective. See that's what I respect...objectivity. NEITHER side has all the right answers. Not republicans...Not democrats. When you wake up and realize that...you might be worth reading. Until then...good job with your hack posts, douche.
Yeah, right. Liberals love to claim they are centrists, and centrists don't spout this leftist drivel.

BTW, I'm a libertarian, not a conservative
this is just classic, tell someone they have to join the union to work, then bitch about them being in the union
there couldnt be any better reason to say fuck off to the unions and mandate open shops nationwide
this is just classic, tell someone they have to join the union to work, then bitch about them being in the union

By people who bitch about oil companies then buy the gas anyway.

You work in radio, you join the union. You don't, your voice is silenced. You want to drive a car, you buy the gas. You don't, you don't go anywhere. That is reality. The stupid gotcha game of Rush should be silenced because they succeeded in forcing him to join a union is to the point of retarded.
Public Unions only serve themselves and Democrats. They could give a rat's ass about Taxpayers. Once more people become educated on the difference between Private Sector Unions & Public Sector Unions,the Public Union support will continue to dry up. They have simply screwed Taxpayers for too long. I do think more & more Americans are coming to understand this. I would like to see a bold Government actually move towards abolishing Public Unions. It's time for bold solutions. Public Unions had their day but that day is now over.

I am more than willing to block union PACs and I am also equally as willing to block corporate PACs.

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