Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

So repubs don't dislike all unions just the public sector ones. Is that a fair synopsis of this thread?
Really? And what is wrong with Venezuala at the moment. You do realise that ultimate capitalism is what you get in these right-wing tinpot dictatorships, right? The ruling 1 percent elite own 99 precent of the wealth, while the rest live in abject poverty. Why do you think so many South and Central Americans head for the US? With no unions etc in South America, there is no protection for the workers. So your heroes, the uber Capitalists get their way every time. You think that a good society to live in? Realise this is what you covet....

Hugo Chavez is a socialist my friend..........

Is he? And that is bad because?.....

If you like socialism, it's not bad at all........:lol:
Why, I am only acknowledging the fact that labor unions protect the rights of drug addicts like Imus and Limbo. From the lowly janitor to network icons, unions will protect the rights of drug addicts to remain employed

Imus did not get fired for his drug addiction. He got fired for being a racist......even Unions do not want to defend racists
So. Let's extend the 'good' you're playing fast and loose with here.

There is no law that says a person can't work if convicted of drug related issues if no crime was convicted. Racism isn't a crime. Drug use is an illness apparently so it's not a crime.

Limbaugh could not have been prevented from having a job because he is, for the most part, his own company. Although if he WAS fired, he would be able to start his own again. All these personalities, with real talent can land elsewhere to work fairly easily. That's why shitballs like Olberman and Couric will not be out of the public eye for long. They can find a gig with someone else.

This is a lie to say the union did a thing for Limbaugh. Same goes for Imus being fired for being a racist as you freely admit, they won't protect racists... which into itself makes them just as bad philosophically. To some degree, it's why I have at least an ounce of respect for the ACLU in some cases.

What a blatant LIE

Limbaugh would never make the money he makes without the Union looking out for him

I hear they even got him a good dental plan and a union discount on Oxycontin
Limbaugh would never make the money he makes without the Union looking out for him

Really? I want proof they're doing a damn thing for him OR the Excellence in Broadcasting Network. Links please, otherwise I stand on calling bullshit.

I hear they even got him a good dental plan and a union discount on Oxycontin

Show proof, or again, it's a lie based entirely on your personal hate.
Rush may have been able to negotiate his salary without Union help. The deciding factor was the Union drug plan

You keep going with the old and obvious drug joke. I agree with you that his use of drugs is hypocritical given that he's a social conservative. Though that's the least of the social conservative's hypocrisy on drugs. The biggest is their preaching that government should be small and not make our decisions for us. That would be unless we want to do something with our own bodies they disapprove of.

Let's test your consistency though. Do you also condemn Rangle and Daschle as big government liberals who cheat on their taxes? At least Rush started through legal use of drugs, they just cheated. And they force everyone else to the standard of funding their big government. And The Democrats were silent on all that, pathetic.

So do you condemn Rangle, Daschle as hypocrites and the Democrats for failing to hold them accountable by decrying their hypocrisy? Or are you a hypocrite who hold only the "other party" to the standard of living what they preach?

The hypocricy is multi-level

Rush attacks unions and yet is a member
Unions would defend members who have the same drug problems that Rush has
Rush will attack unions for defending members who are lazy, substance abusers yet he has suffered from many of the same foibles

As to Rangle, Daschle or any other member of Congress who is a tax cheat. I don't care what party they are or what their seniority is as long as they are treated the same. If you censure Rangle you must censure every other member under similar circumstances
This is why the media unions could use to be broken too. Closed shops are unfair.
So. Let's extend the 'good' you're playing fast and loose with here.

There is no law that says a person can't work if convicted of drug related issues if no crime was convicted. Racism isn't a crime. Drug use is an illness apparently so it's not a crime.

Limbaugh could not have been prevented from having a job because he is, for the most part, his own company. Although if he WAS fired, he would be able to start his own again. All these personalities, with real talent can land elsewhere to work fairly easily. That's why shitballs like Olberman and Couric will not be out of the public eye for long. They can find a gig with someone else.

This is a lie to say the union did a thing for Limbaugh. Same goes for Imus being fired for being a racist as you freely admit, they won't protect racists... which into itself makes them just as bad philosophically. To some degree, it's why I have at least an ounce of respect for the ACLU in some cases.

What a blatant LIE

Limbaugh would never make the money he makes without the Union looking out for him

I hear they even got him a good dental plan and a union discount on Oxycontin
Limbaugh would never make the money he makes without the Union looking out for him

Really? I want proof they're doing a damn thing for him OR the Excellence in Broadcasting Network. Links please, otherwise I stand on calling bullshit.

I hear they even got him a good dental plan and a union discount on Oxycontin

Show proof, or again, it's a lie based entirely on your personal hate.

Without the union representing him, Limbaugh would be making minimum wage

And without the union that minimum wage would be $2.10 an hour
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So repubs don't dislike all unions just the public sector ones. Is that a fair synopsis of this thread?
Im sure they wouldnt be members if they had a choice. I have a feeling that union doesnt do them much good.

In the same segment where O'Reilly blamed government financial woes on union benefits, he not only said he was an AFTRA member, but that his membership had benefited him in the past. "On a personal note, I'm a member of a union, AFTRA, and when I was working at 'Inside Edition' some years ago, the King World company tried to renege on pension benefits," said O'Reilly. "AFTRA took them to court and the case was settled. If the shop had been non-union, we might have been stiffed."

I guess you missed this part

I didn't miss it at all. Bill belonged to a private sector Union. Big difference.

Of course you, being the bright person you are, wouldn't see the difference.

The only thing you see is Union.
Without the union representing him, Limbaugh would be making minimum wage

And without the union that minimum wage would be $2.10 an hour

Yep, Rush would make $2.10 an hour if it weren't for unions. You're quite the intellectual dynamo there, my friend
Without his corporate masters Rush couldn't get a late hours gig in a ten watt radio station.
How long before they are denying this thread exsists?

I'll admit Rush is a hypocrite for joining a union when he had no choice when the liberals start admitting they are hypocrites for buying gasoline from evil oil companies...
RUSH:" Exactly right. Now, we're just assuming here that I will not be kicked out of the Screen Actors Guild in such a circumstance. I mean it was touch-and-go even getting the card.

They eventually decided they wanted my dues, but it was touch-and-go getting the card. "Why don't you just rely on your AFTRA card?" And I said, "Well, the Screen Actors Guild is requiring a presence here." Not all shows do, but -- (interruption)

well, I don't want to admit this publicly, yeah, but under duress. I belong to unions under duress, yes. My union dues are going to elect Democrats. I mean Bill Buckley had to join AFTRA in order to do Firing Line. He wrote column after column after column opposing the fact that he had to do this on the same grounds that I have complained about it."

rush has admitted to belonging to
unions but he doesn't like it.
He joined because he was forced to
join. Under duress.
None of them deny it! Actually all of them repeatedly state they are union members.
First, private sector unions are FAR FAR different than public sector bolshevick ones.
Second, most people, including conservatives, don't think private sector unions should be done away with, but rather they should have much of their antibusiness and anticapitialistic power stripped.

Confirmed: Union-Bashing Right-Wing Media Stars Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly Are AFL-CIO Union-Affiliated Members | | AlterNet

report voted to the front page of Reddit Friday claimed that Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly were union members, as well as Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter. Right-wing blogger Michelle Malkin called it the "stupid lie of the week," insisting that neither she nor the "other Fox News personalities being accused of 'hypocrisy' belong to the union." As one might expect, Malkin didn't know what she was talking about and the liberals were right (she herself, as just a frequent guest on the network, is not a member of the union).

A representative from Beck's camp denied the claim, but a source within AFTRA confirmed to AlterNet Friday that O'Reilly, Limbaugh and Hannity were indeed union members.
Touche. Still a private union though. I dont have an issue with private unions. Though Id never want to be in one. And they UAW was part of the reason the automotive industry tanked. The private union still has a vested interest in the corporation succeeding. The public union only has interest in themselves.

The auto industry tanked because the auto companies fucked up big time, not because of the unions. They weren't tanked bad enough not to pay huge bonuses to the top dogs in the company.

Banned already, but worthy of a rebuttal. A ginormous reason the Big Three collaspe was because of the ginormous pensions! These pensions were unsustainable. If the Big Three were able to go the 401(k) 10 years ago, then the collaspe would have been an economic downturn and not Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse calling!

The 10K Gorrilla in the room was the pension funds. I read something on townhall at the time that said GM, in particular, paid more retirees in pension funds then they did to their current work force. That is F'ed up! And for some reason liberals can't see that the unsustainable pension funds were the prime reason for the downfall! :confused:
RUSH:" Exactly right. Now, we're just assuming here that I will not be kicked out of the Screen Actors Guild in such a circumstance. I mean it was touch-and-go even getting the card.

They eventually decided they wanted my dues, but it was touch-and-go getting the card. "Why don't you just rely on your AFTRA card?" And I said, "Well, the Screen Actors Guild is requiring a presence here." Not all shows do, but -- (interruption)

well, I don't want to admit this publicly, yeah, but under duress. I belong to unions under duress, yes. My union dues are going to elect Democrats. I mean Bill Buckley had to join AFTRA in order to do Firing Line. He wrote column after column after column opposing the fact that he had to do this on the same grounds that I have complained about it."

rush has admitted to belonging to
unions but he doesn't like it.
He joined because he was forced to
join. Under duress.

He wasnt forced, he could have easily became a non union toilet cleaner but he decided to follow the very prosperous path that comes with being part of the union he belongs to.
RUSH:" Exactly right. Now, we're just assuming here that I will not be kicked out of the Screen Actors Guild in such a circumstance. I mean it was touch-and-go even getting the card.

They eventually decided they wanted my dues, but it was touch-and-go getting the card. "Why don't you just rely on your AFTRA card?" And I said, "Well, the Screen Actors Guild is requiring a presence here." Not all shows do, but -- (interruption)

well, I don't want to admit this publicly, yeah, but under duress. I belong to unions under duress, yes. My union dues are going to elect Democrats. I mean Bill Buckley had to join AFTRA in order to do Firing Line. He wrote column after column after column opposing the fact that he had to do this on the same grounds that I have complained about it."

rush has admitted to belonging to
unions but he doesn't like it.
He joined because he was forced to
join. Under duress.

He wasnt forced, he could have easily became a non union toilet cleaner but he decided to follow the very prosperous path that comes with being part of the union he belongs to.
so you admit that in order to do his JOB he HAD to join
Personally i'm not so opposed to Private Sector Unions. That's between Employees and their Employers. However i am vehemently opposed to Public Sector Unions. They only serve to screw the Taxpayers and enrich themselves and Democrats. Unions just don't belong in Government. They should be abolished.

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