Hanoi Jane

They weren't giving aid or comfort to anyone. They were finding out facts after being lied to and rightfully protesting a war crime.

Ahh, perception. Ain't it great!


Apparently massacring a whole village of unarmed civilians and gang raping children, as Lt. Calley did, is a-okay..in the eyes of some folks.

And "posing" for pictures is treason in those very same eyes.

You bring up one documented incident to condemn the total? :eusa_eh:
Nobody in this thread, or that I ever heard in my life has EVER said what Calley did was A-Okay. What planet are you on where some have said such a thing?

This isnt about Calley anyway. Its about that skanky bitch committing treason and she DID. Just by playing "ooh, look at me at this big ol tank and all these men..giggle giggle...oooh Ill pretend aim" while men suffered in torturous conditions by the very same assholes she was entertaining.
If I could spit on her, I would. As much as I could hawwwwk up.
Oh my. That wasnt very graceful, was it.
But Id still do it.
Ahh, perception. Ain't it great!


Apparently massacring a whole village of unarmed civilians and gang raping children, as Lt. Calley did, is a-okay..in the eyes of some folks.

And "posing" for pictures is treason in those very same eyes.

Ya cause after all we did not prosecute for that right? YOU are to stupid to breath.

Calley is still living and breathing to this day..without spending all that much time in jail. And..he was convicted of killing 22 people.

Stupidity, apparently, had nothing to do with the act of breathing.

And approving of the murder and gang rape of children is just disgusting.

Absolutely and utterly disgusting.
Nobody in this thread, or that I ever heard in my life has EVER said what Calley did was A-Okay. What planet are you on where some have said such a thing?

This isnt about Calley anyway. Its about that skanky bitch committing treason and she DID. Just by playing "ooh, look at me at this big ol tank and all these men..giggle giggle...oooh Ill pretend aim" while men suffered in torturous conditions by the very same assholes she was entertaining.
If I could spit on her, I would. As much as I could hawwwwk up.

Were you alive back then?
Ahh, perception. Ain't it great!


Apparently massacring a whole village of unarmed civilians and gang raping children, as Lt. Calley did, is a-okay..in the eyes of some folks.

And "posing" for pictures is treason in those very same eyes.

You bring up one documented incident to condemn the total? :eusa_eh:

What was the justification of the Vietnam war?

The Vietnamese invaded US shores, when?

What the heck did they do to merit a Genocide?

Apparently massacring a whole village of unarmed civilians and gang raping children, as Lt. Calley did, is a-okay..in the eyes of some folks.

And "posing" for pictures is treason in those very same eyes.

Ya cause after all we did not prosecute for that right? YOU are to stupid to breath.

Calley is still living and breathing to this day..without spending all that much time in jail. And..he was convicted of killing 22 people.

Stupidity, apparently, had nothing to do with the act of breathing.

And approving of the murder and gang rape of children is just disgusting.

Absolutely and utterly disgusting.

Calley was a scape goat used to protect his superiors and the Army in general, why else do you think he got off so lightly? As for anyone here, other than you, claiming we approve(d) of those actions.... well, so far I haven't seen it.
Nobody in this thread, or that I ever heard in my life has EVER said what Calley did was A-Okay. What planet are you on where some have said such a thing?

This isnt about Calley anyway. Its about that skanky bitch committing treason and she DID. Just by playing "ooh, look at me at this big ol tank and all these men..giggle giggle...oooh Ill pretend aim" while men suffered in torturous conditions by the very same assholes she was entertaining.
If I could spit on her, I would. As much as I could hawwwwk up.

Were you alive back then?

How old do you think I am?

Were YOU alive back then?
Ya cause after all we did not prosecute for that right? YOU are to stupid to breath.

Calley is still living and breathing to this day..without spending all that much time in jail. And..he was convicted of killing 22 people.

Stupidity, apparently, had nothing to do with the act of breathing.

And approving of the murder and gang rape of children is just disgusting.

Absolutely and utterly disgusting.

Calley was a scape goat used to protect his superiors and the Army in general, why else do you think he got off so lightly? As for anyone here, other than you, claiming we approve(d) of those actions.... well, so far I haven't seen it.

Calley wasn't a "scape goat" he was a monster. And his actions were not unique. Millions of people didn't die in Vietnam because Americans were being "nice". Millions died because the dogs of war were unleashed in a very savage way in that country. Basically the Troops were not to blame (although there were plenty of psychos there) because the mission was so screwed up. Early in the war, it was almost US policy not to take prisoners..and that changed once US prisoners were taken. Torture and political assassinations were the norm..so much so..the US military had to change it's protocols and Gerald Ford had to issue an executive order putting an end to poltical assassinations.

Not one conservative in this thread has said that war was wrong. In fact..is yet another dump on Jane Fonda..who did something that was incredibly brave. She went into a war zone, to determine on her own, what exactly we were doing there. It's an action that SHOULD be applauded.
Nobody in this thread, or that I ever heard in my life has EVER said what Calley did was A-Okay. What planet are you on where some have said such a thing?

This isnt about Calley anyway. Its about that skanky bitch committing treason and she DID. Just by playing "ooh, look at me at this big ol tank and all these men..giggle giggle...oooh Ill pretend aim" while men suffered in torturous conditions by the very same assholes she was entertaining.
If I could spit on her, I would. As much as I could hawwwwk up.

Were you alive back then?

How old do you think I am?

Were YOU alive back then?


Haven't linked one article.

This is all from memory.

Add in..I had a few friends that fought in that war. I was 50 in feburary.
Calley is still living and breathing to this day..without spending all that much time in jail. And..he was convicted of killing 22 people.

Stupidity, apparently, had nothing to do with the act of breathing.

And approving of the murder and gang rape of children is just disgusting.

Absolutely and utterly disgusting.

Calley was a scape goat used to protect his superiors and the Army in general, why else do you think he got off so lightly? As for anyone here, other than you, claiming we approve(d) of those actions.... well, so far I haven't seen it.

Calley wasn't a "scape goat" he was a monster. And his actions were not unique. Millions of people didn't die in Vietnam because Americans were being "nice". Millions died because the dogs of war were unleashed in a very savage way in that country. Basically the Troops were not to blame (although there were plenty of psychos there) because the mission was so screwed up. Early in the war, it was almost US policy not to take prisoners..and that changed once US prisoners were taken. Torture and political assassinations were the norm..so much so..the US military had to change it's protocols and Gerald Ford had to issue an executive order putting an end to poltical assassinations.

Not one conservative in this thread has said that war was wrong. In fact..is yet another dump on Jane Fonda..who did something that was incredibly brave. She went into a war zone, to determine on her own, what exactly we were doing there. It's an action that SHOULD be applauded.

Once again, ain't perceptions great. Funny though, you're 50 eh? That would mean you're not a Vietnam era vet and I wonder where you attained all this information while apparently ignoring the atrocities committed by the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese, as bad if not worse than ours. Not accusing, just wondering. By the way, I'm 57 this year........ and I am a Vietnam era vet.....
Was the war wrong, again it's a matter of perspective plus Jane Fonda only saw and showed what she was shown and told.
Were you alive back then?

How old do you think I am?

Were YOU alive back then?


Haven't linked one article.

This is all from memory.

Add in..I had a few friends that fought in that war. I was 50 in feburary.

Im 58. Ill be 59 in October.
Were you there??? Did you see for yourself?
Someone asked what would happen if Lindsay Lohan went to iraq and played on tanks, wore scarves and said all was rosey while pretend aiming at US soldiers. Would you be ok with that?

Isolated atrocities committed by American soldiers produced torrents of outrage from antiwar critics and the news media while Communist atrocities were so common that they received hardly any attention at all. The United States sought to minimize and prevent attacks on civilians while North Vietnam made attacks on civilians a centerpiece of its strategy. Americans who deliberately killed civilians received prison sentences while Communists who did so received commendations. From 1957 to 1973, the National Liberation Front assassinated 36,725 South Vietnamese and abducted another 58,499. The death squads focused on leaders at the village level and on anyone who improved the lives of the peasants such as medical personnel, social workers, and schoolteachers.

Is this clear enough or do some need more info?
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Isolated atrocities committed by American soldiers produced torrents of outrage from antiwar critics and the news media while Communist atrocities were so common that they received hardly any attention at all. The United States sought to minimize and prevent attacks on civilians while North Vietnam made attacks on civilians a centerpiece of its strategy. Americans who deliberately killed civilians received prison sentences while Communists who did so received commendations. From 1957 to 1973, the National Liberation Front assassinated 36,725 South Vietnamese and abducted another 58,499. The death squads focused on leaders at the village level and on anyone who improved the lives of the peasants such as medical personnel, social workers, and schoolteachers.

Is this clear enough or do some need more info?

If one follows some of the stricter interpretations of what today constitutes a war crime half of the WWII allied military and civilian leaders and some of the regular troops would have been tried, convicted, jailed and or executed. The allies killed more civilians in the towns and villages then enemy troops in the field and they did it on purpose.
Sallow is a fool and a retard. But Ringal is not far behind. The US Government did not order nor condone the murder of civilians. In fact they spent way to much time trying to placate the civilians.
Sallow is a fool and a retard. But Ringal is not far behind. The US Government did not order nor condone the murder of civilians. In fact they spent way to much time trying to placate the civilians.

Where did I say the government ordered or condoned the murder of civilians except during WWII and other wars that included the use of saturation bombing on civilian targets? :cuckoo:
Jane Fonda was an American Patriot whom history has proved correct.

I wish we had more citizens like her.

People who believe in the Constitution.

And will stand up and take action when they see it being violated by the government.

They are the real "Hero's" of America.


Protesting that war was a matter of doing the right thing.

Jane Fonda should have been praised.

I don’t think too many people have a problem with those who protest war. Americans have protested every war they have ever been involved in. It is part of the American Way of doing things.

But I do think there is a big difference between an American protesting a war and that same American actively helping the enemy to win that war. Nope, once someone actively tries to influence the outcome of the war, it is no longer a simple act of protest.

Jane used her celebrity to try to discourage our troops and encourage the very people they were fighting. It is no secret that she (and others) on the FTA tour went out of their way to actually try to get people to desert. And this kind of stuff goes way beyond being a simple act of protest.

Jane Fonda earned the nickname “Hanoi Jane” which is nothing more than a play on “Tokyo Rose” (who was the famous propagandists who did the exact same thing to our troops during the second world war). Janie earned that nickname and she ain’t never gonna shake it. Ever.

That said, I still gotta admit she had a great body so thanks to whoever it was that posted those pictures on this thread. Although, I think they were taken some time before she became Hanoi Jane because, by then, she was already turning into the dried-up old blister of a skank that she eventually became. It’s really too bad.
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You have no idea what the word means.

If you ever read the Constitution and could understand what it is talking about.

You would see that Jane Fonda and Muhammad Ali were both exercising their rights as American citizens as our Founding Fathers envisioned. :cool:

What was the position of the founding fathers towards anyone who was known to give comfort, support or assistance to the British during the war of independence?

Being British I don't know the answer to that but I'd be interested to find out, given the nature of this thread.

They weren't giving aid or comfort to anyone. They were finding out facts after being lied to and rightfully protesting a war crime.

I ask "what did they think about x" and instead of an answer, I am told "x wasn't the case".

When I see a politician do that I think "Fuck's sake, why can't you just answer the question?"
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Ya cause after all we did not prosecute for that right? YOU are to stupid to breath.

Calley is still living and breathing to this day..without spending all that much time in jail. And..he was convicted of killing 22 people.

Stupidity, apparently, had nothing to do with the act of breathing.

And approving of the murder and gang rape of children is just disgusting.

Absolutely and utterly disgusting.

Calley was a scape goat used to protect his superiors and the Army in general, why else do you think he got off so lightly? As for anyone here, other than you, claiming we approve(d) of those actions.... well, so far I haven't seen it.

Your words.

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