Hanoi Jane

Here's the skinny on the Vietnam war..it was betrayal on many levels.

It was the betrayal of the Vietnamese people, who during world war II helped in the allied efforts against the Japanese.

It was a betrayal against the troops, who had to fight and die in what amounted to one of the worst war crimes in history.

It was a betrayal against humanity, because America was responsible for the deaths of millions.

There was absolutely no reason to attack Vietnam. None.

And Jane Fonda saw this..in fact..she should be proud that she pointed out what a disgusting thing this country was doing.

I find it absolutely reprehensible that conservatives keep braying on and on about this..yet not a peep about Lt. Calley..who massacred over 300 innocent and unarmed people..and who's men ganged raped children.

Disgusting...and you guys should be ashamed.
"I would like to say something, not just to Vietnam veterans in New England, but to men who were in Vietnam, who I hurt, or whose pain I caused to deepen because of things that I said or did," she began. "I was trying to help end the killing and the war, but there were times when I was thoughtless and careless about it and I'm . . . very sorry that I hurt them. And I want to apologize to them and their families." Jane Fonda 1988

The words of a patriotic American citizen who sacrificed her career and finical resources to help stop an unjust and immoral war.

I wish there were more like her today. :cool:
You wish those who have no regrets about their disrespect for soldiers, Marines, and sailors in Vietnam were more common?


that is specifically what she said she regretted.
was Veitmnam ever declaired a war?

Look--I am a twenty year veteran. I freely admit Vietnam was a mistake. Those who served did their duty. What she did was wrong. She aided the enemy. Caused real harm to our prisoners of war. We do not forgive or forget traitors.
When the government has made a mistake we work here to create change. Going to the enemy and assisting them with their propaganda is treason.
She regrets her actions towards the soldiers.

But her motives were to stop the war.

She should be respected for trying to do that as a patriotic service to our nation. :cool:
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The words of a patriotic American citizen who sacrificed her career and finical resources to help stop an unjust and immoral war.

I wish there were more like her today. :cool:
You wish those who have no regrets about their disrespect for soldiers, Marines, and sailors in Vietnam were more common?


that is specifically what she said she regretted.
I'm going by what she said in her book in 2005. The only regret she said she had was the photo.

She may actually regret how she did it, today. I don't know.

I don't respect her at all because of it.
Here's the skinny on the Vietnam war..it was betrayal on many levels.

It was the betrayal of the Vietnamese people, who during world war II helped in the allied efforts against the Japanese.

It was a betrayal against the troops, who had to fight and die in what amounted to one of the worst war crimes in history.

It was a betrayal against humanity, because America was responsible for the deaths of millions.

There was absolutely no reason to attack Vietnam. None.

And Jane Fonda saw this..in fact..she should be proud that she pointed out what a disgusting thing this country was doing.

I find it absolutely reprehensible that conservatives keep braying on and on about this..yet not a peep about Lt. Calley..who massacred over 300 innocent and unarmed people..and who's men ganged raped children.

Disgusting...and you guys should be ashamed.

Shuddup coward. Perhaps you'll grow a "set" someday and serve your country. Short of that, STFU polesmoker.
You wish those who have no regrets about their disrespect for soldiers, Marines, and sailors in Vietnam were more common?


that is specifically what she said she regretted.
I'm going by what she said in her book in 2005. The only regret she said she had was the photo.

She may actually regret how she did it, today. I don't know.

I don't respect her at all because of it.

she regretted the photo because it hurt the servicemen.
was Veitmnam ever declaired a war?

Look--I am a twenty year veteran. I freely admit Vietnam was a mistake. Those who served did their duty. What she did was wrong. She aided the enemy. Caused real harm to our prisoners of war. We do not forgive or forget traitors.
When the government has made a mistake we work here to create change. Going to the enemy and assisting them with their propaganda is treason.

Right on brother!
Attention dumb-ass -

Vietnam began under a DEMOCRAP (JFK) and continued under a DEMOCRAP (Johnson) until Nixon ended the fucking thing.

Are you seriously this fucking dense?

it began under eisenhower

thanks for playing

In 1954 the neo-cons of the day pushed Eisenhower to use the A-Bomb on the Communitsts; IKE rebuked the crazies and refused to send direct military support (our kids into harms way) to aid the French in defense of Dienbienphu.

Yet he sadly set the polcy by continuing to aid the French with supplies and at the time remarked, "if you have a row of dominoes set up, you knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over rather quickly".

He also acknowledged that if free and fair elections were held in Vietnam, Ho Chi Mihn would have won easily.

But he didn't start the shooting war which amounted to a genocide of the Vietnamese people..Johnson did.
it began under eisenhower

thanks for playing

In 1954 the neo-cons of the day pushed Eisenhower to use the A-Bomb on the Communitsts; IKE rebuked the crazies and refused to send direct military support (our kids into harms way) to aid the French in defense of Dienbienphu.

Yet he sadly set the polcy by continuing to aid the French with supplies and at the time remarked, "if you have a row of dominoes set up, you knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over rather quickly".

He also acknowledged that if free and fair elections were held in Vietnam, Ho Chi Mihn would have won easily.

But he didn't start the shooting war which amounted to a genocide of the Vietnamese people..Johnson did.

If free and fair elections were held in President, Osama Bin Laden would be president. That would be OK with you I imagine.
Take your traitor-ass out of the USA, you dishonorable douche bag.
Here's the skinny on the Vietnam war..it was betrayal on many levels.

It was the betrayal of the Vietnamese people, who during world war II helped in the allied efforts against the Japanese.

It was a betrayal against the troops, who had to fight and die in what amounted to one of the worst war crimes in history.

It was a betrayal against humanity, because America was responsible for the deaths of millions.

There was absolutely no reason to attack Vietnam. None.

And Jane Fonda saw this..in fact..she should be proud that she pointed out what a disgusting thing this country was doing.

I find it absolutely reprehensible that conservatives keep braying on and on about this..yet not a peep about Lt. Calley..who massacred over 300 innocent and unarmed people..and who's men ganged raped children.

Disgusting...and you guys should be ashamed.

oh what friggin ever. :lol:

I think you need to take a condescension:chillpill: and drop the sanctimonious horsehockey, for someone who thinks cons love to see old people die with no medical care, or are wantonly callous scum and haters who sppt. slaughter etc. as you ascribe to in the drooling nonsense posted above, don't you dare try to come off as the reasonable or sane person in the asylum.....have you asked anyone here for instance what they thought of Calleys pardon btw?I don't recall a thread on that, if I missed it please direct me... ...
that is specifically what she said she regretted.
I'm going by what she said in her book in 2005. The only regret she said she had was the photo.

She may actually regret how she did it, today. I don't know.

I don't respect her at all because of it.

she regretted the photo because it hurt the servicemen.
Yes, it did hurt them.

She did much more than that.

During a 1972 trip to North Vietnam, Jane Fonda propagandized on behalf of the North Vietnamese government, declared that American POWs were being treated humanely and condemned U.S. soldiers as "war criminals" and later denounced them as liars for claiming they had been tortured.​
snopes.com: Jane Fonda and POWs

She has no regrets for that, according to her book.
In 1954 the neo-cons of the day pushed Eisenhower to use the A-Bomb on the Communitsts; IKE rebuked the crazies and refused to send direct military support (our kids into harms way) to aid the French in defense of Dienbienphu.

Yet he sadly set the polcy by continuing to aid the French with supplies and at the time remarked, "if you have a row of dominoes set up, you knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is the certainty that it will go over rather quickly".

He also acknowledged that if free and fair elections were held in Vietnam, Ho Chi Mihn would have won easily.

But he didn't start the shooting war which amounted to a genocide of the Vietnamese people..Johnson did.

If free and fair elections were held in President, Osama Bin Laden would be president. That would be OK with you I imagine.
Take your traitor-ass out of the USA, you dishonorable douche bag.

sorry, i don't speak stupid. could you get someone to translate this into english, dumasovitch?
Here's the skinny on the Vietnam war..it was betrayal on many levels.

It was the betrayal of the Vietnamese people, who during world war II helped in the allied efforts against the Japanese.

It was a betrayal against the troops, who had to fight and die in what amounted to one of the worst war crimes in history.

It was a betrayal against humanity, because America was responsible for the deaths of millions.

There was absolutely no reason to attack Vietnam. None.

And Jane Fonda saw this..in fact..she should be proud that she pointed out what a disgusting thing this country was doing.

I find it absolutely reprehensible that conservatives keep braying on and on about this..yet not a peep about Lt. Calley..who massacred over 300 innocent and unarmed people..and who's men ganged raped children.

Disgusting...and you guys should be ashamed.

oh what friggin ever. :lol:

I think you need to take a condescension:chillpill: and drop the sanctimonious horsehockey, for someone who thinks cons love to see old people die with no medical care, or are wantonly callous scum and haters who sppt. slaughter etc. as you ascribe to in the drooling nonsense posted above, don't you dare try to come off as the reasonable or sane person in the asylum.....have you asked anyone here for instance what they thought of Calleys pardon btw?I don't recall a thread on that, if I missed it please direct me... ...

Conservatives barely remember Calley. You don't. He wasn't pardoned.
Here's the skinny on the Vietnam war..it was betrayal on many levels.

It was the betrayal of the Vietnamese people, who during world war II helped in the allied efforts against the Japanese.

It was a betrayal against the troops, who had to fight and die in what amounted to one of the worst war crimes in history.

It was a betrayal against humanity, because America was responsible for the deaths of millions.

There was absolutely no reason to attack Vietnam. None.

And Jane Fonda saw this..in fact..she should be proud that she pointed out what a disgusting thing this country was doing.

I find it absolutely reprehensible that conservatives keep braying on and on about this..yet not a peep about Lt. Calley..who massacred over 300 innocent and unarmed people..and who's men ganged raped children.

Disgusting...and you guys should be ashamed.

oh what friggin ever. :lol:

I think you need to take a condescension:chillpill: and drop the sanctimonious horsehockey, for someone who thinks cons love to see old people die with no medical care, or are wantonly callous scum and haters who sppt. slaughter etc. as you ascribe to in the drooling nonsense posted above, don't you dare try to come off as the reasonable or sane person in the asylum.....have you asked anyone here for instance what they thought of Calleys pardon btw?I don't recall a thread on that, if I missed it please direct me... ...

Conservatives barely remember Calley. You don't. He wasn't pardoned.

Calley served.
You didn't.

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