Happening Now: Oral Arguments OSHA Mandate

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According to Worldmeters and then Becker's Hospital Review, Pennsylvania is 19th in vaccination rates by US states with 8,221,488 of its 12,801,989 citizens fully vaccinated, or 64%. It seems a stretch to believe, then, that 86% of its 37,522 deaths would be of an unvaccinated nature. Actually, Pennsylvania is 5th in US Covid deaths and 6th in cases, yet 19th in vaccination rate. Could the vaccine be spreading infections???? Hmmmmmmmm

Which was exactly why 2016 was such a big deal. Do they remember how the DNC treated them in hearings?
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No problem.

According to Worldmeters and then Becker's Hospital Review, Pennsylvania is 19th in vaccination rates by US states with 8,221,488 of its 12,801,989 citizens fully vaccinated, or 64%. It seems a stretch to believe, then, that 86% of its 37,522 deaths would be of an unvaccinated nature. Actually, Pennsylvania is 5th in US Covid deaths and 6th in cases, yet 19th in vaccination rate. Could the vaccine be spreading infections???? Hmmmmmmmm
No professor, they are not spreading infections.
No problem.

That 90% unvaccinated is almost certainly cherry-picked data. Here is a large hospital network in MI. Nearly half of all admitted patients with covid are vaccinated.

No problem.
Penn State Health as of Monday was caring for 165 adults and five children with COVID-19. Of 149 COVID-19 patients whose vaccination status was known, 120 were less than fully vaccinated. Further, 32 of 35 patients in intensive care, and 23 of 25 on breathing ventilators were less than fully vaccinated.

Other 2 didn't clarify it. LESS THAN FULLY VACCINATED.........With instead of from........Is this the same manipulation they have been using for a while now? And NO DATA on those who had Natural immunity as usual. Imagine that.

Ad blocker on the second hit piece.........3rd article was the same article as the first..........Just published by another rag......lmao
That 90% unvaccinated is almost certainly cherry-picked data. Here is a large hospital network in MI. Nearly half of all admitted patients with covid are vaccinated.


And again..............FULLY VACCINATED versus Unvaccinated...............MORE MANIPULATION............

How many had 1 jab..............2 jabs................HOW MANY HAD NATURAL IMMUNITY.

Right now, predictably, Justice Thomas is asking why this is even necessary.

Right, sir. Very good question.

You can listen live here:

What we've seen from leftist side of court is that they're making policy arguments (which were btw. based on lies). That's not their job.

What their job is to determine whether or not the president has the power to impose mandates, and under what authority.
Would be nice if they did some research before ruling on something duuhhh.
Their job is not research, but to determine constitutionality of the mandates.

JUSTICE SOTOMAYOR: "So what’s the difference between this and telling employers, where sparks are flying in the workplace, your workers have to be — wear a mask?"

Yes, she actually said this. You might not like it, but this is what peak legal analysis looks like.

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