Happy Festivus: Rand Paul gov't wasteful spending.


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Chairman Rand Paul's 2019 Festivus Report | National Science Foundation | Literacy


• In CBO’s projections, the federal budget deficit, relative to the size of the economy, grows substantially over the next several years, stabilizes for a few years, and then grows again over the rest of the 30-year period, leading to federal debt held by the public that would approach 100 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) by the end of the next decade and 152 percent by 2048. Moreover, if lawmakers changed current laws to maintain certain policies now in place—preventing a significant increase in individual income taxes in 2026, for example—the result would be even larger increases in debt. • The federal government’s net interest costs are projected to climb sharply as interest rates rise from their currently low levels and as debt accumulates. Such spending would about equal spending for Social Security, currently the largest federal program, by the end of the projection period. • Noninterest spending is projected to rise from 19 percent of GDP in 2018 to 23 percent in 2048, mainly because of increases in spending for Social Security and the major health care programs (primarily Medicare). Much of the spending growth for Social Security and Medicare results from the aging of the population. Growth in spending for Medicare and the other major health care programs is also driven by rising health care costs per person
Rescinding Glass Steagal went under radar via our last impeachment dog/pony show

This round it's what? 3 Trillion for bullsh*t no sane citizen would advocate

Rand Paul's 2020 Festivus Report

Over 1.3 million to study whether people will eat ground-up bugs was humorous, I thought. $1.5 million given to the National Science Institute for a study that included “walking lizards on a treadmill.” was a close second. But I guess these lizards need to stay fit while they lock us down and keep us weak by locking down our gyms, right? More than $36 million spent on studying why stress makes hair turn gray. lolol. More than $3 million spent interviewing San Franciscans about their edible cannabis use. Nearly $200,000 was spent studying how people cooperate while playing e-sport video games, and more than $2 million on developing a wearable headset to track eating behaviors. More than $4 million spent on spraying alcoholic rats with bobcat urine, more than $10 million spent on would-be coronavirus test tubes that turned up as used soda bottles, and nearly $6 million spent building three bicycle storage facilities at Washington, D.C. Metro stations.

There's a lot more there at the link. Lots of foreign nonsense, too.
More than $4 million spent on spraying alcoholic rats with bobcat urine,
oh good gawd i needed an LOL today Natural One, thx.....

in fact i went on an entire google search and>>>>

Yep, that’s right. Scientists bred these rats to consume what amounts to a bottle of vodka every day for a human, study co-author Yedy Israel told ResearchGate. The critters kept this drinking habit for up to 17 weeks, he said, opting to choose alcohol over water.

i might have to spend the night in the barn...hold my calls!!!

Rand Paul's 2020 Festivus Report

Over 1.3 million to study whether people will eat ground-up bugs was humorous, I thought. $1.5 million given to the National Science Institute for a study that included “walking lizards on a treadmill.” was a close second. But I guess these lizards need to stay fit while they lock us down and keep us weak by locking down our gyms, right? More than $36 million spent on studying why stress makes hair turn gray. lolol. More than $3 million spent interviewing San Franciscans about their edible cannabis use. Nearly $200,000 was spent studying how people cooperate while playing e-sport video games, and more than $2 million on developing a wearable headset to track eating behaviors. More than $4 million spent on spraying alcoholic rats with bobcat urine, more than $10 million spent on would-be coronavirus test tubes that turned up as used soda bottles, and nearly $6 million spent building three bicycle storage facilities at Washington, D.C. Metro stations.

There's a lot more there at the link. Lots of foreign nonsense, too.
And Republicans give out tax cuts so nobody cares about all the wasteful spending. Nobody will care till we actually start paying for the wasteful spending.
And Republicans give out tax cuts so nobody cares about all the wasteful spending. Nobody will care till we actually start paying for the wasteful spending.

Nothing will get resolved until the electorate is of the intellectual capacity and will to think beyond the letters D and R as a collective.

I'm not holding my breath.
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oh good gawd i needed an LOL today Natural One, thx.....

in fact i went on an entire google search and>>>>

Yep, that’s right. Scientists bred these rats to consume what amounts to a bottle of vodka every day for a human, study co-author Yedy Israel told ResearchGate. The critters kept this drinking habit for up to 17 weeks, he said, opting to choose alcohol over water.

i might have to spend the night in the barn...hold my calls!!!


Hey, sparky. How are you doing? Haven't shot the breeze in a while.

It's crazy, isn't it? Almost as crazy as it is typical. Sheesh.

I'm with Joker on this one.

oh good gawd i needed an LOL today Natural One, thx.....

in fact i went on an entire google search and>>>>

Yep, that’s right. Scientists bred these rats to consume what amounts to a bottle of vodka every day for a human, study co-author Yedy Israel told ResearchGate. The critters kept this drinking habit for up to 17 weeks, he said, opting to choose alcohol over water.

i might have to spend the night in the barn...hold my calls!!!


Hey, sparky. How are you doing? Haven't shot the breeze in a while.

It's crazy, isn't it? Almost as crazy as it is typical. Sheesh.

I'm with Joker on this one.

lol! i'm livin' the apocalyptic dream in Vermont Natural One .....it just gets better & better.....:) ~S~
Rand just released his annual Festivus Report for the current 2021 year.


I found that putting our tax dollars toward Pigeons playing slot machines was humorous.

Interesting that the American taxpayer is on the hook for $250,000,000 to construct border walls in the Middle East and North Africa while our border is purposefully being left wide open and our resources spent to bus and fly millions of illegals wherever that wanna go where they end up further impacting the system. I hear some cities are even letting them vote now, so long as they've been there for thirty days. I wonder if that's why the border is being purposefully left wide open and why our resources are being used to drive/fly them to strategic states. It's a valid question. Is it not? A thinking fellar might wonder if those in higher office are literally trying to overthrow the Republic from within.
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