Happy Hanukkah


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
That was very nice of him.


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted "Happy Hanukkah" in Hebrew on Friday, in a message addressed to his "Jewish friends."

"May this Festival of Lights and the festive season ring in peace, hope and well-being for all," Modi wrote on Twitter.

The twitter greeting is preceded by a time of increasingly warm relations between the two countries. In September, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Modi in New York; It was the first meeting between an Israeli and Indian prime minister since late Israeli PM Ariel Sharon visited New Delhi in 2003.

The meeting was viewed as a push to strengthen ties between the countries. "We're very excited by the prospects of greater and greater ties with India," Netanyahu stressed in an official statement made at the beginning of the meeting.

"For Modi, the India-Israel partnership is certainly important," Aditi Bhaduri wrote fori24news shortly after the visit, "Apart from cooperation in defense and security at the national level, his home state Gujarat has emerged as a major trade and investment destination for Israel, with cooperation in agriculture, science and technology, water management, solar power, port development and the diamond trade."

In the meeting Prime Minister Netanyahu raised the issue of the danger of a nuclear-armed Iran as well as the global threat posed by Islamic terrorism. He also proposed that Israel and India cooperate in the technology sector, especially in developments in agriculture and water technology. Netanyahu updated his Indian counterpart on his decision to establish a national cyber defense authority and proposed bilateral contacts on the issue, saying that cyber would be a significant economic sector in the future.

Just last month, the joint Indian-Israeli Barak-8 missile system completed a successful test.

The Barak 8, an upgraded version of the Barak system both countries already use, is designed to defend naval vessels against incoming missiles, planes and drones.

Israeli specialists and Indian scientists attended the trial, as did officials from the Israeli Defense Ministry's Directorate of Defense Research and Development (MAFAT) and India's Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) - which are jointly developing the system - and military officials from both countries.

India s Modi sends out Hebrew Hanukkah greeting i24news - See beyond

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