Happy Insurrection Day!

Do you believe the 'validity' of all the NEW documented information recently collected. Text messages documenting events leading up to the day.

You think this is FAKE?
They're not told about this stuff in their world. They don't know about the hard facts the committee is finding. If they DO hear about anything, they are conditioned to impulsively dismiss it as fake news. It doesn't linger in their minds for more than two or three seconds.

Poor Lakhota is the quintessential partisan hack. He's the perfect example of the kind of goofball the media works to manipulate. Good natured, a little slow and easily controlled with fear tactics. Every position he has is in line with the party. His loyalty to the Democrats is unshakable. The ideal partisan soldier. Nancy would be proud.
Poor Lakhota is the quintessential partisan hack. He's the perfect example of the kind of goofball the media works to manipulate. Good natured, a little slow and easily controlled with fear tactics. Every position he has is in line with the party. His loyalty to the Democrats is unshakable. The ideal partisan soldier. Nancy would be proud.

A Pez dispenser of talking points.

That's it
They're not told about this stuff in their world. They don't know about the hard facts the committee is finding. If they DO hear about anything, they are conditioned to impulsively dismiss it as fake news. It doesn't linger in their minds for more than two or three seconds.


Your arrogance way, WAY overshoots your intelligence Mac.

You THINK you understand others and have no idea how wrong you are. It's just....it's really embarrassing.
Poor little Lakhota snowflake..........

Still got the DementiacRat TDS Tantrums going on............

January 6th won’t be forgotten nor will it be swept under the rug. It was defining event for our country.

For me personally, it was right up with the OKC bombing, Space Shuttle Challenger and 911 in terms of events I’ll never forget. I was too young to remember the Kennedy assassination.

January 6 began when I was at work, walking out to our vans to start them so the batteries wouldn’t run down, and my friend messaged me and said they are attacking the Capitol. I couldn’t believe it, like those other events, it didn’t seem possible, and it unfolded in image after image on my phone.

This thread is for those images. For me, these are the ones that stuck.


“When you see something you love that’s broken you want to fix it. I love the Capitol. I‘m honored to be there,” he said. “This building is extraordinary and the rotunda in particular is just awe-inspiring. How many countless generations have been inspired in that room?”


Source: 'What else could I do?' NJ Rep. Kim helps clean up Capitol | AP News

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