Happy Insurrection Day!

Most people have already forgotten 1/6 since the stuttering fuck has fucked the border and allowed another million illegals into the country. Empty store shelves and the price of gas are what people are concerned about. Not 1/6

The Dems keep harping on it like they believe the more they talk about it the more people will want to keep remembering it.

You can't fix stupid.
Real attacks on Democracy were Pearl Harbor and 9/11. MANY THOUSANDS DIED.

1/6 COUP was defeated with one bullet and one dead unarmed woman.


Such liars.
I suspect a lot of dem pants will be on fire given all the lies that will be told today. It's a damn wonder Tater did not spontaneously combust this morning......But hope springs eternal. ;)
Most people have already forgotten 1/6 since the stuttering fuck has fucked the border and allowed another million illegals into the country. Empty store shelves and the price of gas are what people are concerned about. Not 1/6

The Dems keep harping on it like they believe the more they talk about it the more people will want to keep remembering it.

You can't fix stupid.
No you cannot....
January 6th won’t be forgotten nor will it be swept under the rug. It was defining event for our country.

For me personally, it was right up with the OKC bombing, Space Shuttle Challenger and 911 in terms of events I’ll never forget. I was too young to remember the Kennedy assassination.

January 6 began when I was at work, walking out to our vans to start them so the batteries wouldn’t run down, and my friend messaged me and said they are attacking the Capitol. I couldn’t believe it, like those other events, it didn’t seem possible, and it unfolded in image after image on my phone.

This thread is for those images. For me, these are the ones that stuck.

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“When you see something you love that’s broken you want to fix it. I love the Capitol. I‘m honored to be there,” he said. “This building is extraordinary and the rotunda in particular is just awe-inspiring. How many countless generations have been inspired in that room?”

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Source: 'What else could I do?' NJ Rep. Kim helps clean up Capitol | AP News
You mean ALL the video evidence and ALL the testimony and ALL the texting.

Yes. trump no longer has Senate Protection.
Over playing their hand..... LOOLLOOLLOL

This time they have a hand they can actually Play and Show.

Wait for it, showdown is coming. No Senate Protection.
You understand that, right?
What exactly do you think Trump did? You do understand that Trump didn't do anything and even told people to be peaceful right? And do understand that November election is going to be a bloodbath for your fellow dems?
The desperation and obsession is ABSURD.

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The only person to give her life for trump and trump didn't even bother to show up at her funeral.

If you watch her video above, you can see how much she was into the trump cause.
Biden's speech has apparently triggered the usual circle jerk of Trump supporters. Good!
Xiden was just on TV rubbing Trump's nose in the J6 defecation.
Wonder why he still can't do a real press conference?
Maybe because all he can do is read a teleprompter.
If we all just ignore the MSM's J6 celebration, and vote dems out in November, will J6 matter at all? Hint: nope
January 6th won’t be forgotten nor will it be swept under the rug. It was defining event for our country.

For me personally, it was right up with the OKC bombing, Space Shuttle Challenger and 911 in terms of events I’ll never forget. I was too young to remember the Kennedy assassination.

January 6 began when I was at work, walking out to our vans to start them so the batteries wouldn’t run down, and my friend messaged me and said they are attacking the Capitol. I couldn’t believe it, like those other events, it didn’t seem possible, and it unfolded in image after image on my phone.

This thread is for those images. For me, these are the ones that stuck.

View attachment 584203

“When you see something you love that’s broken you want to fix it. I love the Capitol. I‘m honored to be there,” he said. “This building is extraordinary and the rotunda in particular is just awe-inspiring. How many countless generations have been inspired in that room?”

View attachment 584206

Source: 'What else could I do?' NJ Rep. Kim helps clean up Capitol | AP News
No one even lit a fucking cigarette. If it was a horde of leftist bed wetters protesting, they would still be sifting through the ashes.

The 2020 vote count was a fraud, and every honest, cognizant individual knows it. There is no way a jabbering retarded potato puppet that couldn't draw more than a few flies to his shit show rallies, where a few dozen lunatics sat in parked cars with masks on honking their horns in a desperate attempt to drown out the jeers from the counter rally Trump supporters outside that massively outnumbered them won that election.


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