Happy Mothers Day Hillary!!

Did Bush give a stand down order?

I must have missed it.

He ignored the 9/11 warnings.

I was unaware of the fact that the warnings provided dates and times of the attacks. He ignored this? That rat bastard! He had actionable intelligence and failed to act? Solid, hardcore actionable intelligence on the coming attacks and he did nothing, how is that possible?

Oh, that's right, it's not...

And the whole Iraq War was a mistake...,

Yes, it was.

...and every death from it is ultimately Bush's fault.

Sadly, yes. The buck stops at the desk of CinC. Every CinC.

Even the current one...
Shall all those mothers of all those killed in 9/11 and in Iraq wish the Bush women Happy Mothers Day too?

I find the dregs the RWrs are willing to dig up to be......well, expected of them.

Did Bush give a stand down order?

I must have missed it.

He ignored the 9/11 warnings. And the whole Iraq War was a mistake, and every death from it is ultimately Bush's fault.

And the Democrat's who voted for it as well...Right? Right?
Did Bush give a stand down order?

I must have missed it.

He ignored the 9/11 warnings.

I was unaware of the fact that the warnings provided dates and times of the attacks. He ignored this? That rat bastard! He had actionable intelligence and failed to act? Solid, hardcore actionable intelligence on the coming attacks and he did nothing, how is that possible?

Oh, that's right, it's not...

And the whole Iraq War was a mistake...,

Yes, it was.

...and every death from it is ultimately Bush's fault.

Sadly, yes. The buck stops at the desk of CinC. Every CinC.

Even the current one...

Bzzzt wrong. The deaths from Benghazi were from an act of aggression by Arab terrorists. The deaths from the Iraq War were from an act of aggression by the United States, ordered by the Bushtard.
The lady lost a son in the service of his country.
She has a reason to be a bit annoyed at the way this was handled.

For me she can say pretty much what she wants.
I'm sorry for her loss, but her son chose that career. It's not Hillary's fault that the embassy was attacked. Though, she may want to ask the House GOP why they cut funding for embassy security after Hillary asked them not to and warned them of the possible results.
Shall all those mothers of all those killed in 9/11 and in Iraq wish the Bush women Happy Mothers Day too?

I find the dregs the RWrs are willing to dig up to be......well, expected of them.

Did Bush give a stand down order?

I must have missed it.

No, but his national security team failed to heed the warnings.

Did Obama give a stand down order? I must have missed it.
The lady lost a son in the service of his country.
She has a reason to be a bit annoyed at the way this was handled.

For me she can say pretty much what she wants.

She has the right to say what she wants, but that doesn't mean that what she says is based on facts.
Shall all those mothers of all those killed in 9/11 and in Iraq wish the Bush women Happy Mothers Day too?

I find the dregs the RWrs are willing to dig up to be......well, expected of them.

Did Bush give a stand down order?

I must have missed it.

No, but his national security team failed to heed the warnings.

Did Obama give a stand down order? I must have missed it.

then who gave it? it had to come from the very top. if one of his underlings gave it and obama did not know about it thats worse than giving it himself. same applies to hillary.

dereliction of duty by the president and secstate, impeachable? probably not.
The lady lost a son in the service of his country.
She has a reason to be a bit annoyed at the way this was handled.

For me she can say pretty much what she wants.

She has the right to say what she wants, but that doesn't mean that what she says is based on facts.

until the facts are known, no one knows if her statements are factual. She and we have a right to know exactly what happened and who called the shots.
He ignored the 9/11 warnings.

I was unaware of the fact that the warnings provided dates and times of the attacks. He ignored this? That rat bastard! He had actionable intelligence and failed to act? Solid, hardcore actionable intelligence on the coming attacks and he did nothing, how is that possible?

Oh, that's right, it's not...

And the whole Iraq War was a mistake...

Yes, it was.

...and every death from it is ultimately Bush's fault.

Sadly, yes. The buck stops at the desk of CinC. Every CinC.

Even the current one...

Bzzzt wrong. The deaths from Benghazi were from an act of aggression by Arab terrorists. The deaths from the Iraq War were from an act of aggression by the United States, ordered by the Bushtard.

I see you have dropped the 9/11 portion of your argument in your rebuttal, probably for the best...

While I agree with you that ultimately, just like the original 9/11, the deaths were the result of an act of aggression by Arab terrorists, ney, al Qaeda linked terrorists, we must remember a few things...

Based on what I've read, because of U.S. participation in Libya, Obama, Clinton and State were in a hurry to make the Benghazi post permanent. Seeing it as an act of good faith with Libyans. They seem to have paid no heed to the fact that it was surrounded by enemies.

They knew that the diplomats and their protectors were going into a country that was no longer really a country. It was, and still is, an area filled with fighters associated with Al Qaeda.

Despite all of this, the State Department’s minimum security requirements were not met, requests for more security were denied, and no contingency plans were drawn up. Seemingly, no consideration was givien to the upcoming 9/11 anniversary. Growing warnings from the C.I.A., who had more people in Benghazi than State did, fell on deaf ears. The Libyan guards were more than useless.

All of this contributed to what happened in Benghazi. All of this helped make it possible.

As for the response, as for sending help, it feels like they decided to cut their losses rather than risk any more casulaties.

According to Gregory Hicks who was in Tripoli, 600 miles away, trying to get help to Benghazi, his pleas were denied by military brass, who said they could not scramble planes and who gave a “stand-down” order to four Special Forces officers in Tripoli who were ready to "race to Benghazi."

From his testimony at the hearings on Wednesday:

“My reaction was that, O.K., we’re on our own,” Hicks said quietly. He said the commander of that Special Forces team told him, “This is the first time in my career that a diplomat has more” chutzpah “than someone in the military.”

So, knowing all of this, tell me how some of the responsibility for the deaths in Benghazi does not fall at the feet of the administration?
I'm sorry for her loss, but her son chose that career. It's not Hillary's fault that the embassy was attacked. Though, she may want to ask the House GOP why they cut funding for embassy security after Hillary asked them not to and warned them of the possible results.

Blatant lie.

But would more money have prevented the attacks?

Apparently not, at least according to one senior State Department official who would certainly seem to know.

In testimony Wednesday before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Charlene Lamb, a deputy assistant secretary of state for diplomatic security, was asked, “Was there any budget consideration and lack of budget which led you not to increase the number of people in the security force there?”

Lamb responded, “No, sir.”

Recall that Lamb is the person who denied requests from the top diplomatic security officer in Libya to retain a 16-man team of military personnel who had been protecting diplomats.

Are Budget Cuts to Blame for Benghazi Attack, as Biden Suggested? - The Daily Beast

And Hillary provided Stevens with a bit of security, a Libyan militia that actually warned the State Department in an email that they would not provide Ambassador Stevens with a security detail on this trip to Benghazi.

They had enough money to hire a Libyan militia. What a swell idea that was.
It's totally necessary to rub their failures into their faces. If you are in the Party of Family Values, your whole life is fair game for in depth review of how well the family values are adhered to. The left is winning the culture war going away, and social conservatives have no one to blame for it but themselves.

you are trying to make a case that its hypocritical to preach family values and then have a kid that makes a mistake. Would you prefer the muslim method, should her father have beheaded her?

you are a sick person, what happened to you to make you so full of hate?

Yes, it's hypocritical to preach family values then have a boy bastard grandson. It's hypocritical to preach family values then vote for Mark Sanford. It's hypocritical to support Noot Gingrich who marriage history is more Koranic than Biblical, what with all these wives he collects.

I'm not full of hate. I'm full of contempt. Contempt for conservatives. You bring this contempt on yourselves with your failed policies and poor behavior.
:razz:Barney Frank is a faggot.
What's a couple of dead patriots when it comes to the political careers of Hillary Clinton? And Obama

Yup, to use Hillary's own words... "what difference does it make?"
I would like to be the first to offer condolences to Hillary AND Bill.

They did the best they could raising this one daughter. They sent her to the best schools, pulled strings to get her a job on one of NBC's premier news programs. And, after all that, the best Chelsea could get is to interview the Geico Gecko, after which Rock Center was so destroyed and demoralized the show was cancelled.

The Clintons at least tried.

It takes more than sending a child to "the best schools" to be a good parent, and "pulling strings" is not necessarily doing a child any favors.

I always had the impression that if Chelsea had a parent at all, it was Bill. Hillary never gave me the impression that she was very much into parenting.

And where did you get THAT impression?
By the time the next election comes around obama will have so destroyed Hillary, she'll have tire tracks all over her back.
Yeah, tire tracks that go all the way around. It'll be a great fashion-boost for the Prison Press corps:

I just wish that Pat Smith would stop being such a right winged hater.

Yea, you son was killed after the military was told to "Stand down". Blah, blah, blah.

When will these extremists get a grip?

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