Happy Mothers Day Hillary!!

If I were the woman I would file a wrongful death lawsuit. It is one thing being a soldier and going into war, quite another to be sent into a Hell hole with very little protection and no back.

Indeed. I heard Hillary just made a boat load of money from some idiotic book. Maybe she can entitle it, "It takes a villiage to raise a child......so they can be left to die in the Streets of Bengazi."

Of course, if I were Hillary I might check into whether Pat owns any guns. And if she does, are they they legal to own and does she have the proper paper work to own them etc etc.

Just say'in.
Of the four that were murdered, not a single one was enlisted in the military.

Yes, but if you work for Obama in any way you must just assume you may die at any second of the day.

If it were me, I would.
I would like to be the first to offer condolences to Hillary AND Bill.

They did the best they could raising this one daughter. They sent her to the best schools, pulled strings to get her a job on one of NBC's premier news programs. And, after all that, the best Chelsea could get is to interview the Geico Gecko, after which Rock Center was so destroyed and demoralized the show was cancelled.

The Clintons at least tried.
She's a better mother than conservative icon Sarah Palin, that's for sure. Sarah raised a girl in a conservative, christian household, and Bristol's panties dropped to the floor with Levi faster than you can say 'you betcha'. Will Bristol's little boy bastard ask her why mommy & daddy aren't "biblically married" today?:razz:

almost as fast as Monica's panties dropped to the floor of the oval office so bubba could stick a cigar up her twat.

have you ever wondered what a "fish flavored" cigar would taste like, tobacco and fish......., YEEEECH !!
Shall all those mothers of all those killed in 9/11 and in Iraq wish the Bush women Happy Mothers Day too?

I find the dregs the RWrs are willing to dig up to be......well, expected of them.
Shall all those mothers of all those killed in 9/11 and in Iraq wish the Bush women Happy Mothers Day too?

I find the dregs the RWrs are willing to dig up to be......well, expected of them.

Did Bush give a stand down order?

I must have missed it.
that's really unnecessary.

It's totally necessary to rub their failures into their faces. If you are in the Party of Family Values, your whole life is fair game for in depth review of how well the family values are adhered to. The left is winning the culture war going away, and social conservatives have no one to blame for it but themselves.

you are trying to make a case that its hypocritical to preach family values and then have a kid that makes a mistake. Would you prefer the muslim method, should her father have beheaded her?

you are a sick person, what happened to you to make you so full of hate?

Yes, it's hypocritical to preach family values then have a boy bastard grandson. It's hypocritical to preach family values then vote for Mark Sanford. It's hypocritical to support Noot Gingrich who marriage history is more Koranic than Biblical, what with all these wives he collects.

I'm not full of hate. I'm full of contempt. Contempt for conservatives. You bring this contempt on yourselves with your failed policies and poor behavior.
Of the four that were murdered, not a single one was enlisted in the military.

I don't know whether the Ambassador ever had any military history, but I do believe the other three who were killed were Navy Seals, which would make them military personnel.
I would like to be the first to offer condolences to Hillary AND Bill.

They did the best they could raising this one daughter. They sent her to the best schools, pulled strings to get her a job on one of NBC's premier news programs. And, after all that, the best Chelsea could get is to interview the Geico Gecko, after which Rock Center was so destroyed and demoralized the show was cancelled.

The Clintons at least tried.

It takes more than sending a child to "the best schools" to be a good parent, and "pulling strings" is not necessarily doing a child any favors.

I always had the impression that if Chelsea had a parent at all, it was Bill. Hillary never gave me the impression that she was very much into parenting.
It's totally necessary to rub their failures into their faces. If you are in the Party of Family Values, your whole life is fair game for in depth review of how well the family values are adhered to. The left is winning the culture war going away, and social conservatives have no one to blame for it but themselves.

you are trying to make a case that its hypocritical to preach family values and then have a kid that makes a mistake. Would you prefer the muslim method, should her father have beheaded her?

you are a sick person, what happened to you to make you so full of hate?

Yes, it's hypocritical to preach family values then have a boy bastard grandson. It's hypocritical to preach family values then vote for Mark Sanford. It's hypocritical to support Noot Gingrich who marriage history is more Koranic than Biblical, what with all these wives he collects.

I'm not full of hate. I'm full of contempt. Contempt for conservatives. You bring this contempt on yourselves with your failed policies and poor behavior.

I am full of contempt for those who are destroying our economy and our culture, no matter which party they belong to.

you want to make it all partisan, but its not. there are just as many slimeballs and hypocrites with a D behind their name as with an R.

I hold contempt for people like you who fail to see the reality and try to turn everything into a partisan witch hunt.

for the record I do not like Palin, I do not like Christie, I do not like McCain, I do not like Obama, Clinton, Reid, Pelosi, Boehner, Schumer, Frank, franken, or Bachman.

When you mature you may begin to realize that the problem is not either party, its both of them.

This is just more evidence that the deaths are no more than an excuse for the Clinton/Obama bashers. The more I hear the less I believe the they even care about the deaths. Who remembers the jeers when Cindy Sheehan put out the same kind of message? HYPOCRITES!!!

I received a Facebook link from the Tea Party suggesting that Chelsea Clinton be appointed the next Ambassador to Libya.

Give the RWrs their due....they are always in the gutter.

This is just more evidence that the deaths are no more than an excuse for the Clinton/Obama bashers. The more I hear the less I believe the they even care about the deaths. Who remembers the jeers when Cindy Sheehan put out the same kind of message? HYPOCRITES!!!

I received a Facebook link from the Tea Party suggesting that Chelsea Clinton be appointed the next Ambassador to Libya.

Give the RWrs their due....they are always in the gutter.

which part of the sewer do all the left wing blogs about palin, bush, romney, and the GOP come from?

come on, grow up. political mud slinging is done by both parties, and frankly, the dems are better at it.
Of the four that were murdered, not a single one was enlisted in the military.

Yes, but if you work for Obama in any way you must just assume you may die at any second of the day.

If it were me, I would.

You don't have to work for obama to assume you may die (at his action or inaction) at any second of the day. Andrew Breitbart didn't work for obama. The people who were maimed or died in Boston didn't work for obama. The thousands of people who are dead because of obama's fast and furious program didn't work for obama either.
Shall all those mothers of all those killed in 9/11 and in Iraq wish the Bush women Happy Mothers Day too?

I find the dregs the RWrs are willing to dig up to be......well, expected of them.

Did Bush give a stand down order?

I must have missed it.

He ignored the 9/11 warnings. And the whole Iraq War was a mistake, and every death from it is ultimately Bush's fault.
This is just more evidence that the deaths are no more than an excuse for the Clinton/Obama bashers. The more I hear the less I believe the they even care about the deaths. Who remembers the jeers when Cindy Sheehan put out the same kind of message? HYPOCRITES!!!

I received a Facebook link from the Tea Party suggesting that Chelsea Clinton be appointed the next Ambassador to Libya.

Give the RWrs their due....they are always in the gutter.

which part of the sewer do all the left wing blogs about palin, bush, romney, and the GOP come from?

come on, grow up. political mud slinging is done by both parties, and frankly, the dems are better at it.

As in the Iran/Contra scandal, you will see no convictions, no punishments, no justice.

For you see, if there were then the opposing side should expect the same. Therefore, all the GOP is interested in is mud slinging. They have no interest in being held accountable for their wrongdoings.

I guess the biggest difference that I can see is that there is no 24/7 coverage of the proceedings on the major networks like there was for the Iran/Contra scandal. In fact, it made Oliver North a celebrity.
She's a better mother than conservative icon Sarah Palin, that's for sure. Sarah raised a girl in a conservative, christian household, and Bristol's panties dropped to the floor with Levi faster than you can say 'you betcha'. Will Bristol's little boy bastard ask her why mommy & daddy aren't "biblically married" today?:razz:

You're a scummy little fucker, aren't you...
Shall all those mothers of all those killed in 9/11 and in Iraq wish the Bush women Happy Mothers Day too?

I find the dregs the RWrs are willing to dig up to be......well, expected of them.

Did Bush give a stand down order?

I must have missed it.

I believe it was in that book "My Pet Goat".

Reading My Pet Goat as President of the US to a group of 5-6 year olds and remaining calm so as to not cause panic or fear among the children and citizens while it is being whispered into his ear that the US is under attack. Contrast that 11 years later to the day......The US is being attacked and The President rolls over and goes to sleep so he can get beauty rest for a Las Vegas party with Jay Z and Beyoncé.

Which scenario shows more leadership?

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