Happy New Year!! *Trump edition*

Didn't Trump say that he wanted to unite the country? Wonder how he's gonna do that if he keeps tweeting snarky things to people?

Snarky things, like Happy New Year to all?

Oh of course, New Year is offensive and marginalizing, just like Christmas.

He could have just said Happy New Year to everyone, including those who voted against him and that he's looking forward to being the president for everyone.

Instead, he called them losers and enemies who didn't know what to do about the election. THAT is the snark he could have left out.
Obama has insulted and divided Americans from day one. Why has the left not complained about his actions, but now bitches about Trump?

Oh the hypocrisy!!!
Just curious, Boss. Who did you end up voting for? I'm not being sarcastic.

Well I wasn't going to reveal how I voted here because that's often used as a weapon against you in debate. But since you asked politely, I left the presidential selection blank on my ballot. I knew it wasn't crucial in my state, Trump was going to win easily and none of the candidates met my criteria for my vote.

I still disagree with Trump on numerous things but I wish him success and I was very happy Hillary didn't win.
Didn't Trump say that he wanted to unite the country? Wonder how he's gonna do that if he keeps tweeting snarky things to people?

Well, let's see... trying to appease you didn't work too well for George W. Bush...
Trying to go along to get along with you didn't work too well for John McCain....
Trying to be contrite and apologetic didn't work too well for Mitt Romney...

I think Trump's plan is to smack you around like his little bitches for a few years until you learn how to fucking play nice with people... THEN, MAYBE we can work on unity?
Didn't you start a thread a few months ago stating that you were voting for Hillary because you couldn't stand Trump?

Nope... another case of you not fucking paying attention as usual.
I'm not paying attention? Well the thing about the internet is there are links, and links can be a bitch... I guess we can add liar to your resume

Here's a link to YOUR thread:
I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Didn't you start a thread a few months ago stating that you were voting for Hillary...?

Yeah.... you're not paying attention. You need to find a link to where I said I was voting for Hillary or we can add liar to YOUR resume, jackass.
Honestly, I'd whether have a nuclear war then see infrastructure, science, r&d and education cut one cent.

I aint kidding.

Didn't Trump say that he wanted to unite the country? Wonder how he's gonna do that if he keeps tweeting snarky things to people?

Snarky things, like Happy New Year to all?

Oh of course, New Year is offensive and marginalizing, just like Christmas.

He could have just said Happy New Year to everyone, including those who voted against him and that he's looking forward to being the president for everyone.

Instead, he called them losers and enemies who didn't know what to do about the election. THAT is the snark he could have left out.

Honestly, I'd whether have a nuclear war then see infrastructure, science, r&d and education cut one cent.

I aint kidding.
That post might turn out to be the dumbest post of 2017 and we are only one day in.

Didn't Trump say that he wanted to unite the country? Wonder how he's gonna do that if he keeps tweeting snarky things to people?

He's already the most hated man in America.
The 10 Most Hated People of 2016

What policy has Trump passed leftists? What has he done inside government? What war did he start? What power inside government does he wield today?

Who was responsible for not catching whomever hacked the DNC, was it Trump, or rather....the DNC and Obama? Did Trump have massive amounts of MSM reporters collude with the RNC to get him elected? Didn't Hillary and Obama kiss Putins rearend? So why can they but Trump can't? Are you racist and sexist?

And then we have a poster who would rather have a nuclear war who is a leftist, a PROMINENT leftist on here along with quite a few others. This is what you want citizens to go through because you didn't get your way! These people are anti American, and I would save the post for every time that clown says anything, repost he thinks HIS ideas are so much more important than the rest of the United States, that he would rather them perish in nuclear war, than not see it his way.

The leftists are anti American. How much more evidence do you need!
The left doesn't want war with Russia. We're tired of being in a constant state of war.

Trump wants to sell America out to Russia.

that is all you guys have been doing the past eight years

starting conflict where ever you can
Didn't Trump say that he wanted to unite the country? Wonder how he's gonna do that if he keeps tweeting snarky things to people?

Snarky things, like Happy New Year to all?

Oh of course, New Year is offensive and marginalizing, just like Christmas.

He could have just said Happy New Year to everyone, including those who voted against him and that he's looking forward to being the president for everyone.

Instead, he called them losers and enemies who didn't know what to do about the election. THAT is the snark he could have left out.
Hillary also didn't need to call half of America deplorable either.
Didn't Trump say that he wanted to unite the country? Wonder how he's gonna do that if he keeps tweeting snarky things to people?

So, you get more upset about snarky remarks than about the left making up a story about Russia hacking the DNC and taking action against them? Seriously? You guys thought Hillary was wonderful for gifting them with a reset button. Obama just caused a major set back with Russia and America relations over some bogus accusations. Congress asked for a report on the supposed secret investigation and no one from the CIA or FBI responded. That's because there was no meaningful investigation and no one will come forth and admit to being a part of it. No names mentioned. No proof given, just unfounded theories that aren't backed by anyone in an official capacity. And Obama is retaliating because the crybabies need someone to blame other than the loser, Hillary. Nice going. This deserves more than snarky remarks. Someone should be in trouble over creating undue tensions with a known enemy.
You have to wonder what the hell the deal is with Obama on the Russia thing. He's got zero reason to shake that tree right now. My guess is (((someone))) has some serious dirt on him.
Russia is kicking isis ass in Syria.
I strongly disagree with what Trump said about Putin's 'good move' on Friday, and then on New Year's Eve, he said he wants information on hackers that needs to be taking care of.

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Honestly, I'd whether have a nuclear war then see infrastructure, science, r&d and education cut one cent.

I aint kidding.

Didn't Trump say that he wanted to unite the country? Wonder how he's gonna do that if he keeps tweeting snarky things to people?

Snarky things, like Happy New Year to all?

Oh of course, New Year is offensive and marginalizing, just like Christmas.

He could have just said Happy New Year to everyone, including those who voted against him and that he's looking forward to being the president for everyone.

Instead, he called them losers and enemies who didn't know what to do about the election. THAT is the snark he could have left out.

Honestly, I'd whether have a nuclear war then see infrastructure, science, r&d and education cut one cent.

I aint kidding.
That post might turn out to be the dumbest post of 2017 and we are only one day in.

Didn't Trump say that he wanted to unite the country? Wonder how he's gonna do that if he keeps tweeting snarky things to people?

He's already the most hated man in America.
The 10 Most Hated People of 2016

What policy has Trump passed leftists? What has he done inside government? What war did he start? What power inside government does he wield today?

Who was responsible for not catching whomever hacked the DNC, was it Trump, or rather....the DNC and Obama? Did Trump have massive amounts of MSM reporters collude with the RNC to get him elected? Didn't Hillary and Obama kiss Putins rearend? So why can they but Trump can't? Are you racist and sexist?

And then we have a poster who would rather have a nuclear war who is a leftist, a PROMINENT leftist on here along with quite a few others. This is what you want citizens to go through because you didn't get your way! These people are anti American, and I would save the post for every time that clown says anything, repost he thinks HIS ideas are so much more important than the rest of the United States, that he would rather them perish in nuclear war, than not see it his way.

The leftists are anti American. How much more evidence do you need!

Yep. You're still nuts.
Didn't Trump say that he wanted to unite the country? Wonder how he's gonna do that if he keeps tweeting snarky things to people?

Well, let's see... trying to appease you didn't work too well for George W. Bush...
Trying to go along to get along with you didn't work too well for John McCain....
Trying to be contrite and apologetic didn't work too well for Mitt Romney...

I think Trump's plan is to smack you around like his little bitches for a few years until you learn how to fucking play nice with people... THEN, MAYBE we can work on unity?
Didn't you start a thread a few months ago stating that you were voting for Hillary because you couldn't stand Trump?

Nope... another case of you not fucking paying attention as usual.
I'm not paying attention? Well the thing about the internet is there are links, and links can be a bitch... I guess we can add liar to your resume

Here's a link to YOUR thread:
I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Didn't you start a thread a few months ago stating that you were voting for Hillary...?

Yeah.... you're not paying attention. You need to find a link to where I said I was voting for Hillary or we can add liar to YOUR resume, jackass.
Haha, ok word games, you said you MIGHT vote for Hillary and you said you would actively campaign agaist trump because of how he and his supporters treated Cruz.

So it was disgusting and wrong when he did it to Cruz but it's righteous when he does it to other enemies as long as they are liberals. I think your true colors have been shown
Honestly, I'd whether have a nuclear war then see infrastructure, science, r&d and education cut one cent.

I aint kidding.

Didn't Trump say that he wanted to unite the country? Wonder how he's gonna do that if he keeps tweeting snarky things to people?

Snarky things, like Happy New Year to all?

Oh of course, New Year is offensive and marginalizing, just like Christmas.

He could have just said Happy New Year to everyone, including those who voted against him and that he's looking forward to being the president for everyone.

Instead, he called them losers and enemies who didn't know what to do about the election. THAT is the snark he could have left out.

Honestly, I'd whether have a nuclear war then see infrastructure, science, r&d and education cut one cent.

I aint kidding.
That post might turn out to be the dumbest post of 2017 and we are only one day in.

Didn't Trump say that he wanted to unite the country? Wonder how he's gonna do that if he keeps tweeting snarky things to people?

He's already the most hated man in America.
The 10 Most Hated People of 2016

What policy has Trump passed leftists? What has he done inside government? What war did he start? What power inside government does he wield today?

Who was responsible for not catching whomever hacked the DNC, was it Trump, or rather....the DNC and Obama? Did Trump have massive amounts of MSM reporters collude with the RNC to get him elected? Didn't Hillary and Obama kiss Putins rearend? So why can they but Trump can't? Are you racist and sexist?

And then we have a poster who would rather have a nuclear war who is a leftist, a PROMINENT leftist on here along with quite a few others. This is what you want citizens to go through because you didn't get your way! These people are anti American, and I would save the post for every time that clown says anything, repost he thinks HIS ideas are so much more important than the rest of the United States, that he would rather them perish in nuclear war, than not see it his way.

The leftists are anti American. How much more evidence do you need!

Yep. You're still nuts.

And yes I have nuts, and you have no balls! So what is the point you are trying to make there, oh Marxist of USMB? Oh incompetent one? Oh let me interject and run like a snowflake, lololol. You are pathetic, but that is ok, we are going to hose you anyhow. You deserve it!

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