Happy Trails to me...

More of a private site for vetted candidates than a public discussion.

Welcome to the world of how winning is done. :26:

Winning in discussion or campaigns is meaningless if your competition sucks.. I'll take great joy in helping Independents take those seats that either party thinks is SO SAFE -- that no one is PREPARED to run against them.. Give some well qualified Indies some resources and teach them some moves to embarrass the HELL out of those incumbents by talking about the IMPORTANT stuff that NEVER GETS FIXED -- and I'll have all the joy and comedy I need for the rest of my life..

I'll tell you something, fct. Getting people elected is easy. We've got people elected in all fifty states at one political level or another, to include congressmen and senators, who, btw, have the highest freedom score cards in terms of voting records, as well as set all-time political records in a general election. All from a central hub organized by a few misfits.

You do not need a majority to accomplish something. It just takes time and organization and a common goal. Raising money is easy. Know your laws. Define your roles, from transportation, to things as simple as proof reading campaign material/literature, to event planning and security, to organizing your phone banking or whatever. Make sure you've got competent developers and a plan to accompany their roles. Filling buildings is easy. There's a lot more to it, but none of it is hard. Elected officials will always have a listener in any platform they participate in, for the record, but it's alright, it's not like they're strangers anyway if they're among you.

A NYT full page ad cost $25,000. We've done it just to troll the pricks and to let em know we could do it again any time we felt like it. lol.

Again. You do not need a majority.

Anyway. Being about it is always preferable to just talking about it. I'll likely hear about it at some point, if you're serious and intend to go the distance. Ha.

As I'd mentioned, there's a lot more to it, but it's easy if you're a competent group in all relevant areas of the game with a common goal. Small ball gets it done in the long-term.
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Actually, I remember some of our people did a lot of work getting Glenn Jacobs elected down there. He started hanging around some of our get togethers and eventually things worked out well for him. He'll make a fine senator in the future, if he decides on it.



Credit Gage Skidmore on those photos, btw. Just because, you know, it's the right thing to do and I know that he doesn't like it very much when his photos aren't credited. I mean, would you?

Oh, that reminds me. Make sure you have a profesional photographer who shares your goal to attend your rallies and speeches. You'll have to delegate funds from your chest to pay for all of that traveling, though. But that's easy. These photos were taken by one of our own who follows and attends the various campaigns, debates and rallies.

I suppose folks not in Tennessee likely wouldn't know who Glenn was without associating him with his previous career....

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The entire reason I've volunteered for USMB this past 9 years is because I was convinced that our unique little cul de sac on the Internet would be the last refuge of actual discussion.. Because of our unique rules which focus on topical content and making topics somewhat unique.. That's gotten harder and harder to do here lately.. Aint YOUR fault this country is circling the drain. Everywhere we look for leadership -- all ya find is dishonesty, lying, deflection and IMMENSE hypocrisy.. It's a complete abdication of journalism, political leadership, and the more TOXIC forms of social media that see THEMSELVES as the protectors of the "real truth" -- who are doing most of lying, dishonesty, deflection and coughing up fur balls of hypocrisy every time they speak or tweet or post..

At a time like this -- I gotta do what I can personally do to "not be part of the problem".. Will be working on embarrassing the heck out of ALL those tools I just mentioned above with a new venture. All I'll say is that I'm joining forces to build up an issues/policy analysis resource for folks that run Independent campaigns. More of a private site for vetted candidates than a public discussion.

So -- I'm gonna be mostly absent until the this war is over and things become less phony and people take an interest in honest conversation and disagreement again.. I've asked to keep my mod room access, but that's up to the current staff to decide when to change that.

But in the mean time -- if anything is URGENT or needs attention -- PM or alert another of the NOW NINE moderators on staff.

I will miss the social aspects of USMB -- not so much reading thru threads of folks poking at each other like 5th graders. For the 10 or 11 years I've been here -- USMB was my break room and water cooler.. Once I get this operation up and running - I'll still drop by occasionally to misbehave and razz some folks that deserve it.. LOL..,.
Oh, noes... but best wishes. :huddle:
Sorry to see you go and I hope you don't hold it against me that I recommended you for the post!

Be well my friend!

I'm over that personal betrayal.. But the next time a friend offers me a great side job, I'm gonna ask a lot more questions first.. :coffee: I'll send ya PM once Biden brings the snow back to Sierras and I can go out there and see if I can make it down the intermediates at Northstar or Sierra Ski Ranch...
:crybaby: FLC, one of the reasons I have remained here since my beloved cereal killer left is because you took charge. CK was so sharp and fun and well-rounded, that only you could be considered in his league as you both had commanding leadership abilities as well as intelligence and class and without pushing a political ideology. I loved being around here when you were. It brought me a feeling of safety.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for performing with a stellar presence your volunteer position here for so very long. You are a tenacious fellow and I will dearly miss you. I have held you in high esteem for a long while and I will never forget you and your many diligent efforts to bring civility to a board that will never be as inviting as were your many years of stewardship. I'm proud of your service to USMB and to the kind of man you are. Steady! Forthright! Honest and forgiving, trying in earnest to make people happy while complying with simple rules.

“Goodbyes are not forever,
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean I’ll miss you,

Until we meet again.”


You know this zoo pretty well yourself from your service to USMB. And how much it takes to keep the roof on this place. It is a community. Even with all the recent anger and insane bickering. You also know that in general, the Mod room was a pleasant and fun place. It's that ability to know the folks in the community that kept me here so long. And the dedication of the Staff..

Best to you AA.. And I'll come by occasionally to chat.. :11_2_1043:
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Reactions: Ava
More of a private site for vetted candidates than a public discussion.

Welcome to the world of how winning is done. :26:

Winning in discussion or campaigns is meaningless if your competition sucks.. I'll take great joy in helping Independents take those seats that either party thinks is SO SAFE -- that no one is PREPARED to run against them.. Give some well qualified Indies some resources and teach them some moves to embarrass the HELL out of those incumbents by talking about the IMPORTANT stuff that NEVER GETS FIXED -- and I'll have all the joy and comedy I need for the rest of my life..

I'll tell you something, fct. Getting people elected is easy. We've got people elected in all fifty states at one political level or another, to include congressmen and senators, who, btw, have the highest freedom score cards in terms of voting records, as well as set all-time political records in a general election. All from a central hub organized by a few misfits.

You do not need a majority to accomplish something. It just takes time and organization and a common goal. Raising money is easy. Know your laws. Define your roles, from transportation, to things as simple as proof reading campaign material/literature, to event planning and security, to organizing your phone banking or whatever. Make sure you've got competent developers and a plan to accompany their roles. Filling buildings is easy. There's a lot more to it, but none of it is hard. Elected officials will always have a listener in any platform they participate in, for the record, but it's alright, it's not like they're strangers anyway if they're among you.

A NYT full page ad cost $25,000. We've done it just to troll the pricks and to let em know we could do it again any time we felt like it. lol.

Again. You do not need a majority.

Anyway. Being about it is always preferable to just talking about it. I'll likely hear about it at some point, if you're serious and intend to go the distance. Ha.

As I'd mentioned, there's a lot more to it, but it's easy if you're a competent group in all relevant areas of the game with a common goal. Small ball gets it done in the long-term.

Our goal will be simply to offer a guerrilla training camp and resource center for Indie candidates to learn how to make themselves an "interesting interview" and dominate the debates with fresh issue/policy ideas and background that is now almost completely gone from campaigns.. If you succeed in giving interviews and debates -- you'll get more FREE media and attention with little to no money.. If you dont SOUND like a Dem or Repub, you'll appear a lot smarter also.

Not trying to dominate the political market, just injecting a 1/2 dozen Indies into ANY governing body will result in more honest, smarter campaigns and give the 2 old inept, corrupt parties a NEW problem to worry about.. Because it's harder to spin and stick to the party talking points (which now are ridiculously juvenile and hypocritical) when the "other guy" is focused on actual priorities and what people care about..

Major advantages to running Indie.. You don't wear yourself, your volunteers out and exhaust limited funds on "primaries".. You get easier ballot access than 3rd parties. And you don't need to serve the will of the party and muzzle yourself on issues that THEY don't want discussed. Gonna cause a ruckus.. Recruit from retired Repubs/Dems politicians that didn't like being "just a vote" or a party tool.. It will DRASTICALLY change the direction we're headed if we can dismantle a bit of "safe place" that the 2 brand name parties have constructed for themselves..

Found a group in Australia that went down this path about 6 years ago with great results. Be back occasionally to brag a bit.. :hyper:
Last edited:
Actually, I remember some of our people did a lot of work getting Glenn Jacobs elected down there. He started hanging around some of our get togethers and eventually things worked out well for him. He'll make a fine senator in the future, if he decides on it.



Credit Gage Skidmore on those photos, btw. Just because, you know, it's the right thing to do and I know that he doesn't like it very much when his photos aren't credited. I mean, would you?

Oh, that reminds me. Make sure you have a profesional photographer who shares your goal to attend your rallies and speeches. You'll have to delegate funds from your chest to pay for all of that traveling, though. But that's easy. These photos were taken by one of our own who follows and attends the various campaigns, debates and rallies.

I suppose folks not in Tennessee likely wouldn't know who Glenn was without associating him with his previous career....

Aw heck no.,. Too many orgs and consultants already offering to run campaigns. I'm NOT gonna be on anyone's "trail". We want Indies of ALL persuasions to come and practice what they believe and learn to weave that with a lot of facts, history, background and analysis to make them into "public figures".. Highlight all of the failures that Repubs and Dems have left to others to actually fix. It's all mental work-out and STUDY and practice. We'll let the "extroverts" run the actual show. We're more like Yoda than Luke Skywalker.. LOL...


I HATE living on junk food and riding around aimlessly..
The entire reason I've volunteered for USMB this past 9 years is because I was convinced that our unique little cul de sac on the Internet would be the last refuge of actual discussion.. Because of our unique rules which focus on topical content and making topics somewhat unique.. That's gotten harder and harder to do here lately.. Aint YOUR fault this country is circling the drain. Everywhere we look for leadership -- all ya find is dishonesty, lying, deflection and IMMENSE hypocrisy.. It's a complete abdication of journalism, political leadership, and the more TOXIC forms of social media that see THEMSELVES as the protectors of the "real truth" -- who are doing most of lying, dishonesty, deflection and coughing up fur balls of hypocrisy every time they speak or tweet or post..

At a time like this -- I gotta do what I can personally do to "not be part of the problem".. Will be working on embarrassing the heck out of ALL those tools I just mentioned above with a new venture. All I'll say is that I'm joining forces to build up an issues/policy analysis resource for folks that run Independent campaigns. More of a private site for vetted candidates than a public discussion.

So -- I'm gonna be mostly absent until the this war is over and things become less phony and people take an interest in honest conversation and disagreement again.. I've asked to keep my mod room access, but that's up to the current staff to decide when to change that.

But in the mean time -- if anything is URGENT or needs attention -- PM or alert another of the NOW NINE moderators on staff.

I will miss the social aspects of USMB -- not so much reading thru threads of folks poking at each other like 5th graders. For the 10 or 11 years I've been here -- USMB was my break room and water cooler.. Once I get this operation up and running - I'll still drop by occasionally to misbehave and razz some folks that deserve it.. LOL..,.
Take care
More of a private site for vetted candidates than a public discussion.

Welcome to the world of how winning is done. :26:

Winning in discussion or campaigns is meaningless if your competition sucks.. I'll take great joy in helping Independents take those seats that either party thinks is SO SAFE -- that no one is PREPARED to run against them.. Give some well qualified Indies some resources and teach them some moves to embarrass the HELL out of those incumbents by talking about the IMPORTANT stuff that NEVER GETS FIXED -- and I'll have all the joy and comedy I need for the rest of my life..

I'll tell you something, fct. Getting people elected is easy. We've got people elected in all fifty states at one political level or another, to include congressmen and senators, who, btw, have the highest freedom score cards in terms of voting records, as well as set all-time political records in a general election. All from a central hub organized by a few misfits.

You do not need a majority to accomplish something. It just takes time and organization and a common goal. Raising money is easy. Know your laws. Define your roles, from transportation, to things as simple as proof reading campaign material/literature, to event planning and security, to organizing your phone banking or whatever. Make sure you've got competent developers and a plan to accompany their roles. Filling buildings is easy. There's a lot more to it, but none of it is hard. Elected officials will always have a listener in any platform they participate in, for the record, but it's alright, it's not like they're strangers anyway if they're among you.

A NYT full page ad cost $25,000. We've done it just to troll the pricks and to let em know we could do it again any time we felt like it. lol.

Again. You do not need a majority.

Anyway. Being about it is always preferable to just talking about it. I'll likely hear about it at some point, if you're serious and intend to go the distance. Ha.

As I'd mentioned, there's a lot more to it, but it's easy if you're a competent group in all relevant areas of the game with a common goal. Small ball gets it done in the long-term.

Our goal will be simply to offer a guerrilla training camp and resource center for Indie candidates to learn how to make themselves an "interesting interview" and dominate the debates with fresh issue/policy ideas and background that is now almost completely gone from campaigns.. If you succeed in giving interviews and debates -- you'll get more FREE media and attention with little to no money.. If you dont SOUND like a Dem or Repub, you'll appear a lot smarter also.

Not trying to dominate the political market, just injecting a 1/2 dozen Indies into ANY governing body will result in more honest, smarter campaigns and give the 2 old inept, corrupt parties a NEW problem to worry about.. Because it's harder to spin and stick to the party talking points (which now are ridiculously juvenile and hypocritical) when the "other guy" is focused on actual priorities and what people care about..

Major advantages to running Indie.. You don't wear yourself, your volunteers out and exhaust limited funds on "primaries".. You get easier ballot access than 3rd parties. And you don't need to serve the will of the party and muzzle yourself on issues that THEY don't want discussed. Gonna cause a ruckus.. Recruit from retired Repubs/Dems politicians that didn't like being "just a vote" or a party tool.. It will DRASTICALLY change the direction we're headed if we can dismantle a bit of "safe place" that the 2 brand name parties have constructed for themselves..

Found a group in Australia that went down this path about 6 years ago with great results. Be back occasionally to brag a bit.. :hyper:
Sounds like an interesting journey you will be embarking on. I wish you success in your endeavors. I like your concept and what you are doing.
Sorry to see you go and I hope you don't hold it against me that I recommended you for the post!

Be well my friend!

I'm over that personal betrayal.. But the next time a friend offers me a great side job, I'm gonna ask a lot more questions first.. :coffee: I'll send ya PM once Biden brings the snow back to Sierras and I can go out there and see if I can make it down the intermediates at Northstar or Sierra Ski Ranch...

I'll happily supply the lift tickets! Diamond Peak is my local ski joint, it's just down the road from me, but I am happy to snowboard anywhere!
Sorry to see you go and I hope you don't hold it against me that I recommended you for the post!

Be well my friend!

I'm over that personal betrayal.. But the next time a friend offers me a great side job, I'm gonna ask a lot more questions first.. :coffee: I'll send ya PM once Biden brings the snow back to Sierras and I can go out there and see if I can make it down the intermediates at Northstar or Sierra Ski Ranch...

I'll happily supply the lift tickets! Diamond Peak is my local ski joint, it's just down the road from me, but I am happy to snowboard anywhere!

I left Cali just as you snow surfers were taking over. :dev3: It would probably be more natural for me as a Florida boy, but I'm getting to the "cant teach an old dog" phase... I've done Mt Rose and Incline a lot, but dont know why I never found Diamond Peak,..
Woah it finally happened, you briefly mentioned about some projects you were working on over 1 1/2 years ago.

Wish you well, and while I have irritated you rather recently, you were always a fine fellow to me, which is why I know you will do well in your new direction.

My warm regards for your sterling effort in your volunteer Moderation, it is a lot of work!
Sorry to see you go and I hope you don't hold it against me that I recommended you for the post!

Be well my friend!

I'm over that personal betrayal.. But the next time a friend offers me a great side job, I'm gonna ask a lot more questions first.. :coffee: I'll send ya PM once Biden brings the snow back to Sierras and I can go out there and see if I can make it down the intermediates at Northstar or Sierra Ski Ranch...

I'll happily supply the lift tickets! Diamond Peak is my local ski joint, it's just down the road from me, but I am happy to snowboard anywhere!

I left Cali just as you snow surfers were taking over. :dev3: It would probably be more natural for me as a Florida boy, but I'm getting to the "cant teach an old dog" phase... I've done Mt Rose and Incline a lot, but dont know why I never found Diamond Peak,..

I had to switch to snowboarding because my knees are shot. Now I just have to protect my wrists, elbows and shoulders :auiqs.jpg:
Now this surprised me!

What is next Taz leaving?

Good luck and just remember this is still the best place on the internet...

( Who will be the ones holding the gun to my head so I behave now? )
The entire reason I've volunteered for USMB this past 9 years is because I was convinced that our unique little cul de sac on the Internet would be the last refuge of actual discussion.. Because of our unique rules which focus on topical content and making topics somewhat unique.. That's gotten harder and harder to do here lately.. Aint YOUR fault this country is circling the drain. Everywhere we look for leadership -- all ya find is dishonesty, lying, deflection and IMMENSE hypocrisy.. It's a complete abdication of journalism, political leadership, and the more TOXIC forms of social media that see THEMSELVES as the protectors of the "real truth" -- who are doing most of lying, dishonesty, deflection and coughing up fur balls of hypocrisy every time they speak or tweet or post..

At a time like this -- I gotta do what I can personally do to "not be part of the problem".. Will be working on embarrassing the heck out of ALL those tools I just mentioned above with a new venture. All I'll say is that I'm joining forces to build up an issues/policy analysis resource for folks that run Independent campaigns. More of a private site for vetted candidates than a public discussion.

So -- I'm gonna be mostly absent until the this war is over and things become less phony and people take an interest in honest conversation and disagreement again.. I've asked to keep my mod room access, but that's up to the current staff to decide when to change that.

But in the mean time -- if anything is URGENT or needs attention -- PM or alert another of the NOW NINE moderators on staff.

I will miss the social aspects of USMB -- not so much reading thru threads of folks poking at each other like 5th graders. For the 10 or 11 years I've been here -- USMB was my break room and water cooler.. Once I get this operation up and running - I'll still drop by occasionally to misbehave and razz some folks that deserve it.. LOL..,.
Nice knowing you. See you next week.
Sorry to see you go and I hope you don't hold it against me that I recommended you for the post!

Be well my friend!

I'm over that personal betrayal.. But the next time a friend offers me a great side job, I'm gonna ask a lot more questions first.. :coffee: I'll send ya PM once Biden brings the snow back to Sierras and I can go out there and see if I can make it down the intermediates at Northstar or Sierra Ski Ranch...

I'll happily supply the lift tickets! Diamond Peak is my local ski joint, it's just down the road from me, but I am happy to snowboard anywhere!

I left Cali just as you snow surfers were taking over. :dev3: It would probably be more natural for me as a Florida boy, but I'm getting to the "cant teach an old dog" phase... I've done Mt Rose and Incline a lot, but dont know why I never found Diamond Peak,..

I had to switch to snowboarding because my knees are shot. Now I just have to protect my wrists, elbows and shoulders :auiqs.jpg:

So we're not gonna do the most gnarly mogully ones right? I'm kinda relieved... LOL....

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