Hard to find Fault with Trump

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
He is doing exactly what he said he would do if elected.

He hit the ground running and hasn't looked back.

No wonder the vapid "Hope & Change" crowd are soo jealous of a true leader. .... :thup: .. :cool:
Trump is a "take no prisoners" kind of leader.

After suffering under 8 years of milquetoast "leading from behind" nonsense.

The difference between Trump and Ears is like night and day. ...... :thup: ... :cool:
The best part is the delirious left is showing the country who they really are. All my formerly "left leaning" friends are avid supports of Trump now and can't stand the feminazis and pro-Islamists.
They were thunderstruck on Nov 8th and have been shellshocked, butthurt, whining and bawling since.

It's getting tiresome
For me it's a wet dream. I'm not going to tire of it. I'm waiting for more rioting and face plants by big cops. I love that stuff.
I really, really want these leftists to just let everyone see exactly who they are......there are too many Americans who are not interested in the culture and political war who vote without really knowing who they are voting for. They need to see the left in all their mayhem.......they need to have their sports events, and awards shows dragged into the political field by the left.....so that they realize these people are bat shit crazy who are more than willing to deny people their basic freedoms...
From what I understand the President carries a .357 factory made Colt Python 'snubby' with Ivory stocks and Gold Medallions .
It looks like President Trump is going to keep all his promises.

HE IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:2up::2up::2up:
I love it. I know you people are embarrassed that you were duped into voting for such an immature crybaby in Trump. Bannin Muslims from countries that has not sent us any terrorist that killed an American on US soil while sparing others from counties that actually did. Because he has business interests there.

He wants financial advisors to rip off their clients. Really people. You are for that?

Then there is the Bowling Green Massacre, the terrible mess of his travel ban, his constant lying ( My Inauguration crowd was the largest ever),3 million illegals voted for Clinton, he knows more about ISIS than the generals.

You know you people are embarrassed of the loud mouth buffoon you put in the White House.

H picked a fight with Australia. He insulted Mexico. He's trying to gin up a war with Iran while giving Putin a pass in his new aggression in the Ukraine.

Steve Bannon.
I love it. I know you people are embarrassed that you were duped into voting for such an immature crybaby in Trump. Bannin Muslims from countries that has not sent us any terrorist that killed an American on US soil while sparing others from counties that actually did. Because he has business interests there.

He wants financial advisors to rip off their clients. Really people. You are for that?

Then there is the Bowling Green Massacre, the terrible mess of his travel ban, his constant lying ( My Inauguration crowd was the largest ever),3 million illegals voted for Clinton, he knows more about ISIS than the generals.

You know you people are embarrassed of the loud mouth buffoon you put in the White House.

H picked a fight with Australia. He insulted Mexico. He's trying to gin up a war with Iran while giving Putin a pass in his new aggression in the Ukraine.

Steve Bannon.
Wait until he starts wiping out moslems at a wholesale rate and you'll be singing a different tune
I love it. I know you people are embarrassed that you were duped into voting for such an immature crybaby in Trump. Bannin Muslims from countries that has not sent us any terrorist that killed an American on US soil while sparing others from counties that actually did. Because he has business interests there.

He wants financial advisors to rip off their clients. Really people. You are for that?

Then there is the Bowling Green Massacre, the terrible mess of his travel ban, his constant lying ( My Inauguration crowd was the largest ever),3 million illegals voted for Clinton, he knows more about ISIS than the generals.

You know you people are embarrassed of the loud mouth buffoon you put in the White House.

H picked a fight with Australia. He insulted Mexico. He's trying to gin up a war with Iran while giving Putin a pass in his new aggression in the Ukraine.

Steve Bannon.

Yup, we're all just so wishing Hillary was in office. :laugh2:

As for your other lame ass "points":

The seven country ban isn't based off of attacks on "US soil". It's based off the fact that they are war zones and belligerent countries, and a hot bed for breeding terrorists. There have been many successful terror attacks carried in Europe and elsewhere by terrorists from those countries.

Nobody does business with any of the war zone terror countries. Everyone does do business with the countries that have no war in them and have lots of money. Of course you are welcome to go on a vacation or start a business in Libya or Somalia. If not, then you've got no arguement.

The "Bowling Green" was a spoken error that happened one time, she corrected it as soon as she heard it later on. They did have terrorists that got arrested, so her point was right on. Which is why you can only focus on one misspoken error.

He didn't pick a fight with Australia. Two men had a talk and spoke candidly. I know snowflakes can't handle stuff like that, but real men can. The Australian PM already debunked the fake news lie you morons bought into.

He "insulted Mexico" is pretty vague. He has been upfront with them, and they are speaking to each other. Mexico has already said it's ready to renegotiate NAFTA. Again, you have no arguement.

He's not trying to start a war with Iran. He put them on notice, which means if they pull shit at sea with our Navy, they will get blown out of the water. So calm down and let the adults handle it.

He is likely not going to intervene in the Ukraine, it is not our war. The Ukraine is run by Nazi thugs, and the ethnic Russians don't want to be oppressed under the new illegal regime. Unless of course you're not going to acknowledge that the last rightfully elected President fled to Russia and asked for help. It's a civil war and we should stay the hell out of it. Trump isn't going to war like Soros wants us to.
The problem with die hard Trump supporters, who overwhelmingly are whites, especially middle aged white men......is that you're cherry picking all the shit Trump promised and delivered on. He planned an attack, without asking anyone, with no details whatsoever, that caused lives. He still hasn't released his taxes, he lies like a 2 year old, acts like a retard, the wall is still a pipe dream, deporting 10 million illegals, another pipe dream, still haven't delivered ONE GOOD PAYING JOB, just temporarily scared business's waiting for the nut to sleep so they can sneak out the country to cheap labor and and and his biggest promise, make Merica great again...thus far, America is the laughing stock in the world and the only great thing about it, thus far, white men are happy..who have their retirements set in motion and nothing to worry about.
Do I wish Hillary was in Office? NO fuckin way...I'm loving this chaos and the inevitable of Trump and his supporters....although we've all seen this movie before...in HD is gonna be even better, eh?

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