‘Hard to watch’: 63-yr-old man gets brutal beating after asking younger couple to vacate his pre-paid movie theater seats

As soon as the attack began, I'd assume their intent was to kill or severely injure me and I'd put at least two rounds into him. I don't bother people. I mind my own business and stay out of others but there is no way I'll just allow someone to beat me down when I've done nothing to deserve it.
You might be arrested and tried like George Zimmerman was. I carry pepper spray. That is all this 63 year old man needed. Pepper spray does not cause permanent injuries, but it would put the heavy weight boxing champion of the world on the canvas for the ten count. I have used pepper spray to thwart three mugging efforts by Negroes. I think of pepper spray as my Negro Repellent.
See this is where white racist logic runs to shit, how many folks do you think go to that movie theater and have never had an incident like this.

You idiots kill me, now ONE black man commits a crime and you tag it to EVERY black man in the State of Florida as a criminal. As if there are NO white criminals committing crimes.
There's another level of bad behavior here. If that theatre assigned
all seating he and his girlfriend were assigned seats. He apparently wanted a better seat once he got into the theatre and chose the premium seats without regard to those seats possibly being assigned to someone else.
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There's another level of bad behavior here. If that theatre assigned
all seating he and his girlfriend were assigned seats. He apparently wanted a better seat once he got into the theatre and chose the premium seats without regard to those seats being assigned to someone else. White people don't do that.
Bullshit, I have been to basketball and football games and whites are asked to move because they are sitting in the wrong seats. So save that weak ass argument.
Yep, violence is new. Lol, we did not have these problems years ago. Hilarious
Correct… we didn’t have these problems…. we had MORE crime years ago. I think it’s media saturation and being dumb that confuses them.

You might be arrested and tried like George Zimmerman was. I carry pepper spray. That is all this 63 year old man needed. Pepper spray does not cause permanent injuries, but it would put the heavy weight boxing champion of the world on the canvas for the ten count. I have used pepper spray to thwart three mugging efforts by Negroes. I think of pepper spray as my Negro Repellent.
The advantage to his approach, though, it that it removes the subhuman from society so it can't victimize anybody else.
You might be arrested and tried like George Zimmerman was. I carry pepper spray. That is all this 63 year old man needed. Pepper spray does not cause permanent injuries, but it would put the heavy weight boxing champion of the world on the canvas for the ten count. I have used pepper spray to thwart three mugging efforts by Negroes. I think of pepper spray as my Negro Repellent.
Naah. The effect of pepper spray varies widely-some people are barely affected at all. Someone on drugs might not NOTICE.

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