‘Hard to watch’: 63-yr-old man gets brutal beating after asking younger couple to vacate his pre-paid movie theater seats

Its a culture of hatred. Some people are just looking for an excuse to go off on someone.
As soon as the attack began, I'd assume their intent was to kill or severely injure me and I'd put at least two rounds into him. I don't bother people. I mind my own business and stay out of others but there is no way I'll just allow someone to beat me down when I've done nothing to deserve it.
I know several people that carry and he would likely be shot or dead pulling that stunt
In Florida, that would be fine.

But in NY, the leftists would put the white guy in prison for 15 years for defending himself against a violent black.

The lesson is: if you are white and want to go to the movies, do so in a red state.
Example number 1,479 of Americans degrading into animals.

Another thing I noticed was there were barely any other people in the theater, despite the movie clearly already having started.

I guess even FL isn't exempt from Bidenomics.
so what, crime happens every day. I don't need a book to tell me about crime.
Unless the thug is sent to prison for assault, this will be the lesson to blacks and whites alike:

Blacks can sit wherever they want, even if they are in your reserved seats, and whites must defer to them if they don’t want the shit beat out of them. The underlying message is that violent racism against whites is acceptable.
Never, ever confront certain ladies and gentlemen.

They are full of rage.

And sadly our president abets their behavior by telling them that they are still being oppressed in this country.

So the next time one of them cuts in line, for example, keep your mouth shut -- or else!

This is what is so good about small Midwestern towns. Easy-peasy.

Apparently violent assault on the elderly in Florida has a minimum sentence of 30 years and life, no parole as a maximum.

The thug's face is viral at this point....
He threw his life away over a theater seat and losing his temper.
Couple felt entitled to sit anywhere they wanted to and did not respect the fact that the seats were already reserved. They certainly did not like being held accountable to change seats so they turned violent.
Couple felt entitled to sit anywhere they wanted to and did not respect the fact that the seats were already reserved. They certainly did not like being held accountable to change seats so they turned violent.

Maybe they did not know how to read and thus could not simply look at the seat numbers on their tickets and navigate to the right seats.

Why isn't the Race of the parties here mentioned in the headline here? Looks like a Hate Crime IMHO.

If the races had been reversed, a white thug beating on a black old timer, would the editors have included this?

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