‘Hard to watch’: 63-yr-old man gets brutal beating after asking younger couple to vacate his pre-paid movie theater seats

There might be more to the story? The older guy may have asked the couple to move in an uppity way.
Wouldn't that be highly probable for a white man in America, addressing a black man?

So now justice will likely be served according to skin colour, regardless of any question of right or wrong.

Vigilante justice becoming preferable to the authorities being called to settle the question?


A guy beat another dude into the ground for simply asking him if he could sit in the seat he lawfully purchased to see the movie.

That's it. It's actually quite simple.

But noooooo - Lefties gotta somehow bring "BUT MUH OPPRESSIONS!" into the picture to try and make it more complicated than it really is.

It's what you do with everything, in fact.

Hhhmmm. Now why is that?

It's an attempt to defend the indefensible.

And it virtually always, as in this ignominious example - falls flat on its face.
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Yes, and the black man looked to be a person who a white man shouldn't offend. Will we ever learn the real story?
Will it turn out that the white guy is one of Trump's faithful extremists?

This forum has started to develop an air about it that indicates pent up hate and frustration over no legal outlet.

It could be representative of the white guys attitude going into the incident?

You really should take this act on the road.

Only trouble is, they would be laughing at you, not with you.

Seriously, seek help.
Example number 1,479 of Americans degrading into animals.

Another thing I noticed was there were barely any other people in the theater, despite the movie clearly already having started.

I guess even FL isn't exempt from Bidenomics.
Naturally the criminal is black and the victim is white

So what else is new?
Is a reserved movie seat worth getting the shit beat out of you?

You're right.

I mean, everyone in the United States should have the expectation that if they ask to sit in a seat they rightfully purchased, the most proper/common response is to have the ever loving shit beaten out of them.

More lefty moonbat "logic" for everyone to marvel at.
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Yes, it's very likely that this incident is closely linked to attitudes throughout America.

Black people will most likely pay a heavy price.

This one got his licks in early.

So you're a violent son of a bitch.

I hope your neighbors know this about you and are wise enough to keep an eye on their children.

You're right.

I mean, everyone in the United States should have the expectation that if they ask to sit in a seat they rightfully purchased, the most proper/common response is to have the ever loving shit beaten out of you.

More lefty moonbat "logic" for everyone to marvel at.

Last week, when I went to see "Sound Of Freedom", there was a situation in the row right in front of me where it was obviously very important that the couple got exactly the seats they purchased -- an elderly man and his wife with her walker and a brace on her leg needed the front row of their section, so no seats in front of them. I'd guess that if someone had been sitting in those seats, it could have been a big deal.

PS -- The theater was PACKED!

Remind me never to go to a movie theater in Canada. You can assume it will be full of rude, violent mofos.

The leftists are effectively telling blacks that they can attacks whites because.…there was slavery in the 19th century.

Not a joke, man. There’s a proposal in CA that judges should consider the race of a thug before sentencing him because..…oppression.

What we need is to stop all the coddling of criminals, which is happening because they are disproportionately black, with this ridiculous no-cash bail crap, and throw violent offenders in the hoosegow. They can sit there for a year, awaiting trial, like the Dems did to non-violent 1/6 rioters.
The leftists are effectively telling blacks that they can attacks whites because.…there was slavery in the 19th century.

Not a joke, man. There’s a proposal in CA that judges should consider the race of a thug before sentencing him because..…oppression.

What we need is to stop all the coddling of criminals, which is happening because they are disproportionately black, with this ridiculous no-cash bail crap, and throw violent offenders in the hoosegow. They can sit there for a year, awaiting trial, like the Dems did to non-violent 1/6 rioters.

Girl, I still have two big bedrooms sitting empty in my lovely home here in flyover country where, if that scene had happened in one of our theaters, the violent thug might have survived until EMS got there.

Because you're a racist pile of shit.

But you're in the right place.
A racist is one who tells the truth about black social pathology. An anti racist is one who responds to legitimate criticism of the Negro race with obscene words, insults, name calling, and efforts at censorship and thought control.
They have a perfect video of the savage - hope he’s thrown in jail without bail.
Before the civil rights movement Negroes were afraid to behave this way. The least they could expect was forty lashes with a whip. Back then they behaved better.

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