‘Hard to watch’: 63-yr-old man gets brutal beating after asking younger couple to vacate his pre-paid movie theater seats


No. Because it would not have been on your white nationalist fetish website you lofted it from, and you would never have heard about it.
If a young white man who had been sitting in a seat reserved for an old black man beat up the old black man when the black man asked him politely to leave, this would have generated a full scale black ghetto riot.
But just remember how many of the stupid White guilt pukes were in solidarity with the 2020 Negro insurrectionists with rioting, murdering, looting and destruction in 200 American cities.

Oh I do.

And I have nothing but sheer contempt for every last one of em.
Never, ever confront certain ladies and gentlemen.

They are full of rage.

And sadly our president abets their behavior by telling them that they are still being oppressed in this country.

So the next time one of them cuts in line, for example, keep your mouth shut -- or else!
Never confront anyone unless you are ready, willing, and able to KILL the person then and there.
There might be more to the story? The older guy may have asked the couple to move in an uppity way.
Wouldn't that be highly probable for a white man in America, addressing a black man?

So now justice will likely be served according to skin colour, regardless of any question of right or wrong.

Vigilante justice becoming preferable to the authorities being called to settle the question?

Should have shot the fucker dead.

It appears that is so! Rudeness to black men like that is having to suffer the consequences.

I'm only suggesting there's a high possibility, due to the die being cast in America. Did this take place in the American south?

You're stupid.

If I was the white guy I would have asked in a polite and respectful way, and then taken no for an answer.

The appearance of the black guy seemed to be sending a message to a white guy thinking he was tough. Come and take it!

This is an EXCELLENT case for concealed carry.

Ah, another Democrat - blaming the victim.

But the answer is no. One time I was in a completely empty movie theater when a tall black man came in and sat in the seat RIGHT in front of me. (Talk about passive-aggressive!) I wanted to say…..”excuuuuuuse me, a-hole, there are plenty of seats that don’t involve blocking my view” but instead I knew I was dealing with an asshole (with twice my strength) and just moved my seat.

BUT the blame still lies with the violent thug.

I suspect he'd have gotten VERY cooperative looking down the barrel of a pistol!
Example number 1,479 of Americans degrading into animals.

Another thing I noticed was there were barely any other people in the theater, despite the movie clearly already having started.

I guess even FL isn't exempt from Bidenomics.

Not going to watch. I'll take people's word for it.

It's just sad.
By appropriating (stealing) what doesn't belong to him, then beating the rightful occupant? Doesn't he realize that he gives the entire black community a black eye by this behavior?
I do not think he cares. I do not think "the entire black community" cares. I have not heard about any blacks condemning his behavior.
I'm betting this is a situation, where the black thug felt entitled to react as he chose, and we shouldn't be surprised when you consider that blacks are continually coddled 24/7 in the MSM, as always being the victim.
In this case, it's too bad the older gentleman wasn't carrying, and put this piece of shit down. The community would have had one less violent thug to deal with.
I carry pepper spray. I think of it as Negro Repellent.
And, oh look! The Leftist just introduced race into the conversation when no one had even mentioned that.

You people are obsessed with race, and you've got the soft bigotry of low expectations to prove it.
What your fellow conservatives are saying:

“Of course it's a fucking nword. I knew that just reading the headline.”

”Such incidents keep the "N" word alive and well.”

”The attackers are black so of course it's a culture of hatred. That's the culture.”

”Why am I not surprised that the criminal is a Negroe?”

You were saying something about which people are bigots and obsessed with race? Please continue. :icon_rolleyes:
The attackers are black so of course it's a culture of hatred. That's the culture.
Characteristics that enabled the ancestors of Negroes to thrive in the tribal environment of sub Saharan Africa continue to influence their behavior in civilized countries. Before the civil rights movement blacks were afraid to behave that way.
Example number 1,479 of Americans degrading into animals.

Another thing I noticed was there were barely any other people in the theater, despite the movie clearly already having started.

I guess even FL isn't exempt from Bidenomics.
I know several people that carry and he would likely be shot or dead pulling that stunt

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