Harris, our Boarder Czar allowed Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants into the Country


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
"She was put in charge of the border and we saw the worst invasion of illegals in our history!!!" reads the Trump post on July 21st on Instagram. Similar posts and thousands of pollical ads and claims from the Trump campaign and Trump himself have convinced millions of people that Harris was responsible for the mass migration we have seen over the past 2 years.

However, Harris was never put in charge of the border or made "border czar," immigration experts said. President Joe Biden tasked Harris with leading the administration's diplomatic efforts addressing the "root causes" of migration in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Biden dispatched Harris on a diplomatic mission to work with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. The goal was to help those countries strengthen their economies and security situations so their citizens could build "successful lives at home rather than abroad." Since she was never tasks with the responsibility of boarder security, she never visited the southern boarder until she announced her run for the presidency.

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They aren't migrants, they are illegal criminal aliens. Biden fixed the rules so that we would have an estimated 50,000 illegal aliens roaming around who are charged with murder, convicted of murder or wanted in another country for murder. The media is so busy trying to get Harris elected that they ignored the threat to American citizens.
Some say near 20 million people have come in since Biden and Harris took office.... in 2018 we had 40,000 deaths from Fentanyl... this year 76,000 in one year and its not even over yet.... if you look at a graph you see the number explode in 2021....
If some AG in a red state is reading this... there is your case against Biden and Harris and Garland and Mayorkis....
So they still decided not to do anything about it. Awesome.
Harris simple had no responsivity for boarder security. As president, she will have that responsibility and many others.

A VP's responsibility is to act as president of the Senate and takeover the job of the president when the president is unable fulfill his duties. According to the constitution that's it. Over the years, VP's have been assigned various tasks by the president, one being a pipeline to the Senate, filling in for the president in admirative and ceremonial functions that the president can not attend.

Until fairly recently VP's didn't attend cabinet meetings. It was felt that attending cabinet meetings would allow the VP to better understand the job of the president and his policies.

Beginning with the Eisenhower administration, presidents began, assigning various special projects to the VP. Biden assigned Harris with tasks in Health and Human Services and also a diplomatic mission to work with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras to help those countries strengthen their economies and security situations so their citizens would not feel the need to migrate to the US.
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Harris simple had no responsivity for boarder security. As president, she will have that responsibility and many others.

A VP's responsibility is to act as president of the Senate and takeover the job of the president when the president is unable fulfill his duties. According to the constitution that's it. Over the years, VP's have been assigned various tasks by the president, one being a pipeline to the Senate, filling in for the president in admirative and ceremonial functions that the president can not attend.

Until fairly recently VP's didn't attend cabinet meetings. It was felt that attending cabinet meetings would allow the VP to better understand the job of the president and his policies.

Beginning with the Eisenhower administration, presidents began, assigning various special projects to the VP. Biden assigned Harris with tasks in Health and Human Services and also a diplomatic mission to work with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras to help those countries strengthen their economies and security situations so their citizens would not feel the need to migrate to the US.

Border not boarder

Although -
"She was put in charge of the border and we saw the worst invasion of illegals in our history!!!" reads the Trump post on July 21st on Instagram. Similar posts and thousands of pollical ads and claims from the Trump campaign and Trump himself have convinced millions of people that Harris was responsible for the mass migration we have seen over the past 2 years.

However, Harris was never put in charge of the border or made "border czar," immigration experts said. President Joe Biden tasked Harris with leading the administration's diplomatic efforts addressing the "root causes" of migration in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Biden dispatched Harris on a diplomatic mission to work with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. The goal was to help those countries strengthen their economies and security situations so their citizens could build "successful lives at home rather than abroad." Since she was never tasks with the responsibility of boarder security, she never visited the southern boarder until she announced her run for the presidency.

Did she stop the flood of illegal aliens with her brilliant diplomacy?
They aren't migrants, they are illegal criminal aliens. Biden fixed the rules so that we would have an estimated 50,000 illegal aliens roaming around who are charged with murder, convicted of murder or wanted in another country for murder. The media is so busy trying to get Harris elected that they ignored the threat to American citizens.
50,000 illegal aliens roaming around who are charged with murder :cuckoo:

That sound like the claim that Harris is the Border Czar.
Did she stop the flood of illegal aliens with her brilliant diplomacy?

Border Patrol agents recorded the fewest monthly migrant apprehensions since 2021 on southern border.​

Change in Biden policies, Mexico finally moving on US request to limit crossing from Guatemala, and 5 billion dollars Harris raised from private sources to create jobs in Central America. Most likely they all had some impact.

Border Patrol agents recorded the fewest monthly migrant apprehensions since 2021 on southern border.​

Change in Biden policies, Mexico finally moving on US request to limit crossing from Guatemala, and 5 billion dollars Harris raised from private sources to create jobs in Central America. Most likely they all had some impact.

How many total entries have happened each month since Biden finally did something?

Illegal and "legal"?
Desperate CBS tries to protect Harris with freaking spin when Americans know how much they have been suffering under Harris open borders. Harris should be charged with conspiracy every time an American citizen is killed by an illegal alien.
You forgot to tell us how you have been suffering.
"She was put in charge of the border and we saw the worst invasion of illegals in our history!!!" reads the Trump post on July 21st on Instagram. Similar posts and thousands of pollical ads and claims from the Trump campaign and Trump himself have convinced millions of people that Harris was responsible for the mass migration we have seen over the past 2 years.

However, Harris was never put in charge of the border or made "border czar," immigration experts said. President Joe Biden tasked Harris with leading the administration's diplomatic efforts addressing the "root causes" of migration in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Biden dispatched Harris on a diplomatic mission to work with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. The goal was to help those countries strengthen their economies and security situations so their citizens could build "successful lives at home rather than abroad." Since she was never tasks with the responsibility of boarder security, she never visited the southern boarder until she announced her run for the presidency.

USA took land from the Indians and the Mexicans. Now the Mexicans are taking it back via Reconquista. It is human nature to take others' land and things. If we didn't take the land from the Indians...Russia or China or Mehico would have. The AR-15 Forum, which gave me a lifetime ban, had a discussion on the subject of who really owns land. The distillation of that discussion was...'whomever is strong enough to take and keep the land...owns the land.'

Americans are not strong enough to keep America any longer...bub.

Look Bub...America is gone! Your only hope is secession of a union of conservative states. Not the perfect answer by any means. But a much more perfect answer than living under perpetual dem control and being disarmed by the filthy dems. The '22 midterms should have proved that to you people. Even under the most beneficial circumstances the reps can't win.

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They aren't migrants, they are illegal criminal aliens. Biden fixed the rules so that we would have an estimated 50,000 illegal aliens roaming around who are charged with murder, convicted of murder or wanted in another country for murder. The media is so busy trying to get Harris elected that they ignored the threat to American citizens.

No. Over half of the migrants we have seen crossing our southern border over the last 3 years are claiming asylum. And most of those that do not claim asylum immediately and are detained will do so before being deported. Crossing an international border to claim asylum is not illegal and the asylum seeker's case must be heard, according to both U.S. and international law.

Here is the problem. Up to about 2020, asylum seekers were few in numbers compare to others crossing our border. So border officials could easily handle asylum cases in 90 days as required by law and immigration regulations.

Several things happen in Central and South America. Gang violence grew exponential, unemployment rose signicantly, and human rights groups educated people about asylum in the US and other countries. As a result In 2023, we had nearly 800,000 unprocessed applications for asylum that have not been heard or fully investigated and the number continues to rise. There are now over 2 million people who are waiting to see if their asylum application will be accepted and they are all legally in US. With the number of asylum immigration officials and judges, it takes about 3 years for a case to be heard. By law we can not turn them away until they have their day in court and we have no place to put them.

Biden's emergency executive order limiting the number of asylum seeker applications per month and Mexico's willingness to slow the migration across their southern border will not last. Mexico is under a lot of political pressure to allow more migrants in and the US federal court have made it clear that the court considers Biden's elective order only a temporary measure.

The only solution is legislation.

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