Harry Potter Camp Information/Supply List

Sorry.....too much Butterbeer. *belch*

You know I've made butterbeer before. This year we're taking a virtual trip to Disneyland but some year we should go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Oh man I want to go there for real someday!
Umm,.. we're not supposed to go on the train ride yet lol
Hogwarts express is for students.
They can't Apparate legally yet.

I know but this is a bit different. We're taking the flying car to Hogwarts and then getting on the train once we're there. :) (Anyways, I'm probably going to be working on my HP fanfiction soon just so you know.)
I'm going to work on my fanfiction now but I'll see all of you witches and wizards tomorrow!! :D (I do hope we'll get more staff by the time classes start.)

Here's some HP ASMR for the night. :)

This is the most creative post I've ever accidentally found here. Most are boring...

Well, I think the only reason that it was moved to the debate forum is that it was bringing in these guys. (Oh crap, I called Umbridge a bad word and now I've been caught laughing at Hermione's boobies fine way to end my second day on here. :rolleyes:)

Btw I should really be in bed right now. mudwhistle I never did work on my fanfic because I'm sort of stuck on it at the moment. :/
This is the most creative post I've ever accidentally found here. Most are boring...

Well, I think the only reason that it was moved to the debate forum is that it was bringing in these guys. (Oh crap, I called Umbridge a bad word and now I've been caught laughing at Hermione's boobies fine way to end my second day on here. :rolleyes:)

So the Mods moved it to CDZ?
Maybe it is to let you have creative control over the posts? Read the rules for CDZ. I think you as the OP author can keep the posts that stay on topic.
When's the bonfire? I want to try out my new wand.
Does your wand have a sleet feature button? :muahaha:
If you mean a sleep feature.....

There are sleeping spells....

But I learned that not eating 2 hours before bed and not doing any kind of work during that time will help you get to sleep. And if all else fails....try reading a Army Tech Manual.....that usually does the trick.
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We could ask the same about the religious....

Yeah,.. and we could also ask the same about the people who believe that everything came from nothing and a chimpanzee finally got enough brain power to have a job, drive a car, and fight in the military,.. but we're (Christians) not the kind of people who act better than everyone else and that we know everything. I'm just saying,.. that we could if we wanted to. (I so badly want to do a sassy snap right now but I'm fighting it. XD)

You must be writing something.....writers block?

Yeah, maybe you can help me with it too. It's a parody of Honey, I Shrunk The Kids but with Harry Potter. Obviously it's going to be with magic, but I'm not sure how they're going to get that way at the moment. :/

So the Mods moved it to CDZ?
Maybe it is to let you have creative control over the posts? Read the rules for CDZ. I think you as the OP author can keep the posts that stay on topic.

You know I feel like an idiot, I thought you were a mod and that's why I was joking like that,.. but I really don't know what you mean and do you know if cussing is allowed on here if it's not towards each other?

We could ask the same about the religious....

Yeah,.. and we could also ask the same about the people who believe that everything came from nothing and a chimpanzee finally got enough brain power to have a job, drive a car, and fight in the military,.. but we're (Christians) not the kind of people who act better than everyone else and that we know everything. I'm just saying,.. that we could if we wanted to. (I so badly want to do a sassy snap right now but I'm fighting it. XD)

You must be writing something.....writers block?

Yeah, maybe you can help me with it too. It's a parody of Honey, I Shrunk The Kids but with Harry Potter. Obviously it's going to be with magic, but I'm not sure how they're going to get that way at the moment. :/

So the Mods moved it to CDZ?
Maybe it is to let you have creative control over the posts? Read the rules for CDZ. I think you as the OP author can keep the posts that stay on topic.

You know I feel like an idiot, I thought you were a mod and that's why I was joking like that,.. but I really don't know what you mean and do you know if cussing is allowed on here if it's not towards each other?

Mods have it indicated under their avi.
Mods have it indicated under their avi.

Yeah, I just realized that lol well anyways,.. any story ideas? Also, don't forget that the flying Ford Anglia takes off at four pm et today. I think I have it down to a T of how to deal with trolls though. I never want to be mean or to let them think that they're getting attention, but I also want them to know that they can't walk all over me either. It just amazes me that we never try to shove our religion down their throats (at least I don't because Jesus never wanted to force Himself on anybody either) but they try to shove their beliefs down ours. :rolleyes:
Mods have it indicated under their avi.

Yeah, I just realized that lol well anyways,.. any story ideas? Also, don't forget that the flying Ford Anglia takes off at four pm et today. I think I have it down to a T of how to deal with trolls though. I never want to be mean or to let them think that they're getting attention, but I also want them to know that they can't walk all over me either. It just amazes me that we never try to shove our religion down their throats (at least I don't because Jesus never wanted to force Himself on anybody either) but they try to shove their beliefs down ours. :rolleyes:
Jesus didn't fear temptation like the rest of us do, so we have to be understanding to Christians who feel that way.

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