Harry Reid: More Gun Control Laws Needed to Prevent Bombings Like NY NJ

The left are totally psycho and deranged. But they are not after your guns, nope!

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Monday a gun control bill authored by Democrats would prevent another terrorist attacks like the ones carried out in New Jersey and New York this weekend.

“We can argue from now on about whether this bill would have prevented this weekend’s attacks,” Reid, D-Nev., said. “But one thing is for sure, it would prevent the next attack.”

Democrats have authored a bill that would ban people on a federal terror watch list from purchasing guns or explosives.

House and Senate Republicans have authored their own legislation, which would put in place a three-day waiting period for those on the terror-watch list who try to purchase guns or explosives. Democrats blocked the GOP bill in the Senate, and the House GOP majority has refused to take up the bill authored by Democrats.

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Reid is a washed up useless lame duck politician.
He is seeing his own relevance on the wane and he is incensed over this reality.
The left are totally psycho and deranged. But they are not after your guns, nope!

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid said Monday a gun control bill authored by Democrats would prevent another terrorist attacks like the ones carried out in New Jersey and New York this weekend.

“We can argue from now on about whether this bill would have prevented this weekend’s attacks,” Reid, D-Nev., said. “But one thing is for sure, it would prevent the next attack.”

Democrats have authored a bill that would ban people on a federal terror watch list from purchasing guns or explosives.

House and Senate Republicans have authored their own legislation, which would put in place a three-day waiting period for those on the terror-watch list who try to purchase guns or explosives. Democrats blocked the GOP bill in the Senate, and the House GOP majority has refused to take up the bill authored by Democrats.

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Reid is a washed up useless lame duck politician.
He is seeing his own relevance on the wane and he is incensed over this reality.
Reid is the best the Dems have too. Pathetic, I think he has Alzheimer's
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Guess I gotta remind folks that this is Zone2 and EVERY post is supposed to address
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