Harry Reid not a worthy Mormon? LDS Church, Dems cry foul

It's just an example of the hypocrisy going on here.

Harry Reid is a Mormon like Mitt Romney
Nancy Pelosi is a Catholic

Both religions come under constant attack from the media and from liberals and yet there leadership all claims to be the very thing they're attacking, but that's okay.

I never knew that Reid is a Mormon. It is funny considering that is all I heard about Romney for a while. The media treated it like a huge negative. They really don't like to pick on Dems.

Very, very little was negative from the media, though some of of the far right in 2008 and 2012 were bonkers about it in the primaries. As Mitt said, " those fruit loops on the social con right are simply crazy." He's right.

Could you please name the far righties that went "bonkers?" Any main liners in the imaginary list? Could you provide the source of the quote, I can't seem to locate it.

Freewill, you know that is true so you don't get "just once more" to push your stupid post. That's it. It's over.

I know what is true, that is for sure and it ain't what you say.

I asked nicely and you couldn't do it so once again, jakethefake fails.
I was just wondering why the left wing never brings up Harry's "magic" underwear. It is about time those of faith speak out against those like Harry.

In the aftermath of this week’s elections, an LDS bishop in Los Angeles set off political fireworks by asserting in a blog that Mormon Sen. Harry Reid was not worthy to enter one of the faith’s temples for his support of Democratic Party stances.

The response to the piece, "Good Riddance to Harry Reid, the Mormon Senate leader," from many Latter-day Saints on social media — and even the Utah-based faith’s public-affairs arm — was immediate and critical.

"Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are, of course, entitled to express their own political opinions," spokesman Dale Jones said in a statement. "However, publishing such views while using a title of a church officer, even if only as a leader of a local congregation as in this case, is entirely inappropriate."

Harry Reid not a worthy Mormon LDS Church Dems cry foul The Salt Lake Tribune

that is interesting

one would think that he wears the same magical underwear

that beck and mitt and others wear

however with libs what is good for the goose

in not good for the gander

Did Searchlight wear the magic underwear when he covered for corrupt Democrats? Was he wearing it when facilitating legislation for abortion? Did it chaff on his geriatric skin when he prevented a budget from being passed 5 years in a row? Did that underwear stain when he passed Obamacare using dishonest tactics?

Harry Reid is a bad Mormon, but he's an excellent servant for his father, the devil.
Joe did not go off on Mormonism and a few of the lefties also.

The social con far right had no use for MR until they had no choice.

Like now. McConnell and Boehner are in charge. The social cons have no choice.

I said this day would come.

Yes he did, he hates Mormons he took every chance to tell us what a bad choice Romney was because he was a Mormon. Again, Snake, you are a lying left wing nut.

You agree with me, young troll, then you say I am lying.

You are the personification of a troll of either the left or the right.
It's just an example of the hypocrisy going on here.

Harry Reid is a Mormon like Mitt Romney
Nancy Pelosi is a Catholic

Both religions come under constant attack from the media and from liberals and yet there leadership all claims to be the very thing they're attacking, but that's okay.

I never knew that Reid is a Mormon. It is funny considering that is all I heard about Romney for a while. The media treated it like a huge negative. They really don't like to pick on Dems.

Very, very little was negative from the media, though some of of the far right in 2008 and 2012 were bonkers about it in the primaries. As Mitt said, " those fruit loops on the social con right are simply crazy." He's right.

Could you please name the far righties that went "bonkers?" Any main liners in the imaginary list? Could you provide the source of the quote, I can't seem to locate it.

Freewill, you know that is true so you don't get "just once more" to push your stupid post. That's it. It's over.

I know what is true, that is for sure and it ain't what you say.

I asked nicely and you couldn't do it so once again, jakethefake fails.

Nope, we are not playing your "I am denying the truth." That's over.
The posts of several of the far right above clearly reveal not only that McConnell will stay in power but also the social con far right must continue to marginalized.
The posts of several of the far right above clearly reveal not only that McConnell will stay in power but also the social con far right must continue to marginalized.
Is that what happened last Tuesday?

BTW, Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo said there's a brown smudge on your face where he tea bagged you last night.

Joe did not go off on Mormonism and a few of the lefties also.

The social con far right had no use for MR until they had no choice.

Like now. McConnell and Boehner are in charge. The social cons have no choice.

I said this day would come.

Yes he did, he hates Mormons he took every chance to tell us what a bad choice Romney was because he was a Mormon. Again, Snake, you are a lying left wing nut.

You agree with me, young troll, then you say I am lying.

You are the personification of a troll of either the left or the right.

You said Joe did not go off on Mormonism,

I say he went off them and Romney, but not Reid.

You are lying because Joe went off on Romney all through the election.
Yup, the new voters were primarily females, Hispanic, and blacks for the GOP, enough to turn a close victory into a smashing one.

McConnell that the far right social cons are the path to defeat, the new voters the path to bigger and better victories.

Guess who he would be kow towing to any more.
Joe did not go off on Mormonism and a few of the lefties also.

The social con far right had no use for MR until they had no choice.

Like now. McConnell and Boehner are in charge. The social cons have no choice.

I said this day would come.

Yes he did, he hates Mormons he took every chance to tell us what a bad choice Romney was because he was a Mormon. Again, Snake, you are a lying left wing nut.

You agree with me, young troll, then you say I am lying.

You are the personification of a troll of either the left or the right.

You said Joe did not go off on Mormonism,

I say he went off them and Romney, but not Reid.

You are lying because Joe went off on Romney all through the election.

You are lying if you say I did not say Joe did not pick on Mormonism, which means he did not pick on Romney. You are incredibly dense. Of course he picked on Romney. Joe began right from the beginning in the primaries picking on Romney.
Yup, the new voters were primarily females, Hispanic, and blacks for the GOP, enough to turn a close victory into a smashing one.

McConnell that the far right social cons are the path to defeat, the new voters the path to bigger and better victories.

Guess who he would be kow towing to any more.

did you recognize that 3 of the newly elected gop

are tea party folks

Down from the 30 or so in the last election. Most of them were primaried out.
Yup, the new voters were primarily females, Hispanic, and blacks for the GOP, enough to turn a close victory into a smashing one.

McConnell that the far right social cons are the path to defeat, the new voters the path to bigger and better victories.

Guess who he would be kow towing to any more.
Not sure what this has to do with Romney, Reid or Mormonism.
Couple that to your above sentence and you are either high, or you have a mental issue.
Joe did not go off on Mormonism and a few of the lefties also.

The social con far right had no use for MR until they had no choice.

Like now. McConnell and Boehner are in charge. The social cons have no choice.

I said this day would come.

Yes he did, he hates Mormons he took every chance to tell us what a bad choice Romney was because he was a Mormon. Again, Snake, you are a lying left wing nut.

You agree with me, young troll, then you say I am lying.

You are the personification of a troll of either the left or the right.

You said Joe did not go off on Mormonism,

I say he went off them and Romney, but not Reid.

You are lying because Joe went off on Romney all through the election.

You are lying if you say I did not say Joe did not pick on Mormonism, which means he did not pick on Romney. You are incredibly dense. Of course he picked on Romney. Joe began right from the beginning in the primaries picking on Romney.

read what you said in bold, right at the beginning, can't be more black and white for you. What does "joe DID NOT" mean?

Get sober then comeback to the board,
Harry Reid is like any catholic or jew.....free to run for office as per his convictions as anyone else.

The fact that he is a liberal lying asshole has nothing to do with his religion.

Most mormons I know won't claim him.

The Bishop was way out of line if he hinted at all that this was an official church position.

He IS entitled to his opinion. However, a person is walking on thin ice when they make statements about people's worthiness that go public.

anyone who believes in a god living on the planer kolob and wears magical underwear is

Harry Reid is corrupt:eusa_shhh:

Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV):

A July 30, 2012, headline in the Las Vegas Review-Journal alerted Nevadans to Sen. Harry Reid’s latest influence-peddling scandal – this one involving ENN Energy Group, a Chinese “green energy” client of the Nevada law firm of which Reid’s son, Rory, is a principal.

As Reuter’s reported on August 31, 2012, “Reid has been one of the project’s most prominent advocates, helping recruit the company during a 2011 trip to China and applying his political muscle on behalf of the project in Nevada. His son, a lawyer with a prominent Las Vegas firm that is representing ENN, helped it locate a 9,000-acre (3,600-hectare) desert site that it is buying well below appraised value from Clark County, where Rory Reid formerly chaired the county commission.”

“Well below appraised value” is a considerable understatement. The deal Rory Reid put together for the firm his dad brought to town saw ENN purchase the site for just $4.5 million – a mere fraction of separate appraisals that valued the property at $29.6 million and $38.6 million. Even with all of that, however, the project has failed to move forward as rapidly as Harry and Rory Reid would like – for the simple reason that there is currently no market in Nevada for the green energy ENN claims it could produce.

But, of course, funneling money to the Reid family is nothing new for the Senate Majority Leader. As the Washington Post reported in a February 7, 2012, story titled “Public projects, private interests:”

In 2004 and 2005, the Senate majority leader secured $21.5 million to build a bridge over the Colorado River, linking the gambling resort town of Laughlin, Nev., with Bullhead City, Ariz. Reid owns 160 acres of undeveloped land in Bullhead City.

And according to Peter Schweizer, writing for Fox News on December 12, 2012, “Sen. Reid has sponsored at least $47 million in earmarks that directly benefitted organizations that one of his sons, Key Reid, [RW1] either lobbies for or is affiliated with.

Needless to say, the well-entrenched Sen. Reid has been a repeat Top Ten offender.
Joe did not go off on Mormonism and a few of the lefties also.

The social con far right had no use for MR until they had no choice.

Like now. McConnell and Boehner are in charge. The social cons have no choice.

I said this day would come.

Yes he did, he hates Mormons he took every chance to tell us what a bad choice Romney was because he was a Mormon. Again, Snake, you are a lying left wing nut.

You agree with me, young troll, then you say I am lying.

You are the personification of a troll of either the left or the right.

You said Joe did not go off on Mormonism,

I say he went off them and Romney, but not Reid.

You are lying because Joe went off on Romney all through the election.

You are lying if you say I did not say Joe did not pick on Mormonism, which means he did not pick on Romney. You are incredibly dense. Of course he picked on Romney. Joe began right from the beginning in the primaries picking on Romney.

read what you said in bold, right at the beginning, can't be more black and white for you. What does "joe DID NOT" mean?

Get sober then comeback to the board,

papa is part of the grammar police :lol:

Quit lying about what I said. Joe went off on Mormonism and Mitt but not Reid.

You need to grow up and accept responsibility for what you say.
I'm certain this was posted elsewhere but here goes my effort to get this thread back on topic.

The Mormon church said nothing about Harry Reid!

Their complain was that the individual made a statement about a political figure in his capacity of being a bishop of the church.

It's like the military. You have the right to support candidates and proposals - but not in your military capacity.

As a bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, it is bishops who determine who are or are not members who are living the doctrine of the church. This one clearly feels that Reid, by supporting a Democrat agenda, is not meeting that standard.

Was the Pope being inappropriate in admonishing Nancy Pelosi, an alleged Catholic, for supporting abortion on demand? Why does the demonic Left always want to silence people?
Yes he did, he hates Mormons he took every chance to tell us what a bad choice Romney was because he was a Mormon. Again, Snake, you are a lying left wing nut.

You agree with me, young troll, then you say I am lying.

You are the personification of a troll of either the left or the right.

You said Joe did not go off on Mormonism,

I say he went off them and Romney, but not Reid.

You are lying because Joe went off on Romney all through the election.

You are lying if you say I did not say Joe did not pick on Mormonism, which means he did not pick on Romney. You are incredibly dense. Of course he picked on Romney. Joe began right from the beginning in the primaries picking on Romney.

read what you said in bold, right at the beginning, can't be more black and white for you. What does "joe DID NOT" mean?

Get sober then comeback to the board,

papa is part of the grammar police :lol:

Quit lying about what I said. Joe went off on Mormonism and Mitt but not Reid.

You need to grow up and accept responsibility for what you say.

I posted in bold what you said, if you are saying i misquoted you, then report me to the moderators, but you can't because you said what you said, so report me or don't report me but you posted what you posted, now if you misspoke in your post then fine but you stated Joe did not.

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