Harvard-Harris Survey: 71% Believe Antifa is a Domestic Terrorist Group

Democrats perpetuate the January 6th event as an insurrection that cost lives when in reality It was a riot where one of the protestors was shot and killed. Contrast that with the multitude of riots filed by ANTIFA and BLM that destroyed American livelihoods and innocent lives and no protestors were shot and killed by police. In fact, many of the protestors detained by police benefitted by getting bailed out from legal funds back by Vice President Harris and other Democrats. Somehow, these were all peaceful yet a punch of rednecks carrying flags and smashing windows at the Capitol was an insurrection?

The Left should really look to its own when the talk of terrorism and insurrection at the US Capitol.

If you still can`t differentiate between protests that turned into a riot and a planned scheduled attempt to overthrow our democracy and install a president that clearly and undeniably lost the election we really can`t help you. You`re just Stupid!

You are inventing reasons to ignore your side's 5 years of riots, and to instead focus on our side's 5 hours.

Bullshit reasons.
The BLM protests were about police murdering black citizens. Tell me why thousands were at the Capitol on January 6th. What were they protesting?

They didn't like the result of a free and fair election. ;-)
Democrats perpetuate the January 6th event as an insurrection that cost lives when in reality It was a riot where one of the protestors was shot and killed. Contrast that with the multitude of riots filed by ANTIFA and BLM that destroyed American livelihoods and innocent lives and no protestors were shot and killed by police. In fact, many of the protestors detained by police benefitted by getting bailed out from legal funds back by Vice President Harris and other Democrats. Somehow, these were all peaceful yet a punch of rednecks carrying flags and smashing windows at the Capitol was an insurrection?

The Left should really look to its own when the talk of terrorism and insurrection at the US Capitol.

If you still can`t differentiate between protests that turned into a riot and a planned scheduled attempt to overthrow our democracy and install a president that clearly and undeniably lost the election we really can`t help you. You`re just Stupid!

You are inventing reasons to ignore your side's 5 years of riots, and to instead focus on our side's 5 hours.

Bullshit reasons.
The BLM protests were about police murdering black citizens. Tell me why thousands were at the Capitol on January 6th. What were they protesting?

I mention the last 5 years of riots and libs say "wacism". Then they act shocked when we call them on defending mob violence.

The protestors on 1/6 were protesting the sketchy election.
There was nothing sketchy about the election and 62 judges said so along with Trump`s AG and his director of Homeland Security. Why were those idiots there? I never heard of a protest that involved zip ties and gallows.

No signatures? Voting MONTH? No custody chain documentation? The people with doubts have real reason to be suspicious.

My point stands. I mentioned the last 5 years of riots and you said "wacism".

That is you justifying their violence.

You have normalized political violence.
29% say they are not.

In addition, asked which was the more concerning, 55% said the antifa riots that lasted half a year. 45% said the Capitol riot which lasted two hours.

Do you think that the events at the U.S. Capitol are being used by politicians to suppress legitimate political movements or do you think there is no such suppression of legitimate movements?
Sixty-two Percent said yes. Thirty-six percent said no.

America is on the brink of Civil War II

Where was this poll taken?

Did you read the article quoted?
All brought to us by trump's divisiveness over the last 4 years which turned our country into a semi-dictatorship.

I see, Boboborobdob. Trump was the dictator who allowed 8,700 riots in 69 cities, but Biden is the Great Freedom Liberator while having the Capitol surrounded by barb wire, tanks, and 25,000 armed troops ordered to shoot to kill anyone trying to visit the Smithsonian?

If all our "problem criminals" turn out to be a couple hundred unarmed protestors wearing horns and face paint yelling into bullhorns as they drag their mothers and children along, WE ARE ONE LUCKY COUNTRY!

Unfortunately, I fear that the criminals didn't break into the Capitol that day but instead were the ones inside running and looking to hide.

The worst criminal I can think of on the street never has done SO MUCH WRONG to so many people so to provoke 200 strangers to want to break into their house.
You are out in left field, lambchop. Trump provoked those criminals. You got a problem with reality.

How did Trump provoke criminals who were burning, looting and murdering all summer?? You really are the idiot I think you are.
Yo fool, we are discussing the Capitol insurrection, yes? You want to discuss the summer stuff? Let's do.

Actually the article and the OP is discussing both. Have you read the OP or read the link?
Democrats perpetuate the January 6th event as an insurrection that cost lives when in reality It was a riot where one of the protestors was shot and killed. Contrast that with the multitude of riots filed by ANTIFA and BLM that destroyed American livelihoods and innocent lives and no protestors were shot and killed by police. In fact, many of the protestors detained by police benefitted by getting bailed out from legal funds back by Vice President Harris and other Democrats. Somehow, these were all peaceful yet a punch of rednecks carrying flags and smashing windows at the Capitol was an insurrection?

The Left should really look to its own when the talk of terrorism and insurrection at the US Capitol.

If you still can`t differentiate between protests that turned into a riot and a planned scheduled attempt to overthrow our democracy and install a president that clearly and undeniably lost the election we really can`t help you. You`re just Stupid!

You are inventing reasons to ignore your side's 5 years of riots, and to instead focus on our side's 5 hours.

Bullshit reasons.
The BLM protests were about police murdering black citizens. Tell me why thousands were at the Capitol on January 6th. What were they protesting?

I mention the last 5 years of riots and libs say "wacism". Then they act shocked when we call them on defending mob violence.

The protestors on 1/6 were protesting the sketchy election.
There was nothing sketchy about the election and 62 judges said so along with Trump`s AG and his director of Homeland Security. Why were those idiots there? I never heard of a protest that involved zip ties and gallows.

No signatures? Voting MONTH? No custody chain documentation? The people with doubts have real reason to be suspicious.

My point stands. I mentioned the last 5 years of riots and you said "wacism".

That is you justifying their violence.

You have normalized political violence.

They were there because they did not trust that the election was free and fair.

I agree with them, though I look at different cheats.
Democrats perpetuate the January 6th event as an insurrection that cost lives when in reality It was a riot where one of the protestors was shot and killed. Contrast that with the multitude of riots filed by ANTIFA and BLM that destroyed American livelihoods and innocent lives and no protestors were shot and killed by police. In fact, many of the protestors detained by police benefitted by getting bailed out from legal funds back by Vice President Harris and other Democrats. Somehow, these were all peaceful yet a punch of rednecks carrying flags and smashing windows at the Capitol was an insurrection?

The Left should really look to its own when the talk of terrorism and insurrection at the US Capitol.

If you still can`t differentiate between protests that turned into a riot and a planned scheduled attempt to overthrow our democracy and install a president that clearly and undeniably lost the election we really can`t help you. You`re just Stupid!

You are inventing reasons to ignore your side's 5 years of riots, and to instead focus on our side's 5 hours.

Bullshit reasons.
The BLM protests were about police murdering black citizens. Tell me why thousands were at the Capitol on January 6th. What were they protesting?

I mention the last 5 years of riots and libs say "wacism". Then they act shocked when we call them on defending mob violence.

The protestors on 1/6 were protesting the sketchy election.
There was nothing sketchy about the election and 62 judges said so along with Trump`s AG and his director of Homeland Security. Why were those idiots there? I never heard of a protest that involved zip ties and gallows.

No signatures? Voting MONTH? No custody chain documentation? The people with doubts have real reason to be suspicious.

My point stands. I mentioned the last 5 years of riots and you said "wacism".

That is you justifying their violence.

You have normalized political violence.

They were there because they did not trust that the election was free and fair.

I agree with them, though I look at different cheats.
62 judges including those appointed by Trump said you are full of shit and so were the Capitol Terrorists.
Democrats perpetuate the January 6th event as an insurrection that cost lives when in reality It was a riot where one of the protestors was shot and killed. Contrast that with the multitude of riots filed by ANTIFA and BLM that destroyed American livelihoods and innocent lives and no protestors were shot and killed by police. In fact, many of the protestors detained by police benefitted by getting bailed out from legal funds back by Vice President Harris and other Democrats. Somehow, these were all peaceful yet a punch of rednecks carrying flags and smashing windows at the Capitol was an insurrection?

The Left should really look to its own when the talk of terrorism and insurrection at the US Capitol.

If you still can`t differentiate between protests that turned into a riot and a planned scheduled attempt to overthrow our democracy and install a president that clearly and undeniably lost the election we really can`t help you. You`re just Stupid!

You are inventing reasons to ignore your side's 5 years of riots, and to instead focus on our side's 5 hours.

Bullshit reasons.
The BLM protests were about police murdering black citizens. Tell me why thousands were at the Capitol on January 6th. What were they protesting?

I mention the last 5 years of riots and libs say "wacism". Then they act shocked when we call them on defending mob violence.

The protestors on 1/6 were protesting the sketchy election.
There was nothing sketchy about the election and 62 judges said so along with Trump`s AG and his director of Homeland Security. Why were those idiots there? I never heard of a protest that involved zip ties and gallows.

No signatures? Voting MONTH? No custody chain documentation? The people with doubts have real reason to be suspicious.

My point stands. I mentioned the last 5 years of riots and you said "wacism".

That is you justifying their violence.

You have normalized political violence.

They were there because they did not trust that the election was free and fair.

I agree with them, though I look at different cheats.
62 judges including those appointed by Trump said you are full of shit and so were the Capitol Terrorists.

This is all about your side's desire to gin up the 1/6 riot to distract from the 5 years of your side's riots.

So that you can justify using the power of the government to go after your enemies, while ignoring your own violent thugs as they continue to riot.
Democrats perpetuate the January 6th event as an insurrection that cost lives when in reality It was a riot where one of the protestors was shot and killed. Contrast that with the multitude of riots filed by ANTIFA and BLM that destroyed American livelihoods and innocent lives and no protestors were shot and killed by police. In fact, many of the protestors detained by police benefitted by getting bailed out from legal funds back by Vice President Harris and other Democrats. Somehow, these were all peaceful yet a punch of rednecks carrying flags and smashing windows at the Capitol was an insurrection?

The Left should really look to its own when the talk of terrorism and insurrection at the US Capitol.

If you still can`t differentiate between protests that turned into a riot and a planned scheduled attempt to overthrow our democracy and install a president that clearly and undeniably lost the election we really can`t help you. You`re just Stupid!

You are inventing reasons to ignore your side's 5 years of riots, and to instead focus on our side's 5 hours.

Bullshit reasons.
The BLM protests were about police murdering black citizens. Tell me why thousands were at the Capitol on January 6th. What were they protesting?

I mention the last 5 years of riots and libs say "wacism". Then they act shocked when we call them on defending mob violence.

The protestors on 1/6 were protesting the sketchy election.
There was nothing sketchy about the election and 62 judges said so along with Trump`s AG and his director of Homeland Security. Why were those idiots there? I never heard of a protest that involved zip ties and gallows.

No signatures? Voting MONTH? No custody chain documentation? The people with doubts have real reason to be suspicious.

My point stands. I mentioned the last 5 years of riots and you said "wacism".

That is you justifying their violence.

You have normalized political violence.

They were there because they did not trust that the election was free and fair.

I agree with them, though I look at different cheats.
62 judges including those appointed by Trump said you are full of shit and so were the Capitol Terrorists.

This is all about your side's desire to gin up the 1/6 riot to distract from the 5 years of your side's riots.

So that you can justify using the power of the government to go after your enemies, while ignoring your own violent thugs as they continue to riot.
Was BLM trying to install their own president like the 1/6 terrorists were doing?
Democrats perpetuate the January 6th event as an insurrection that cost lives when in reality It was a riot where one of the protestors was shot and killed. Contrast that with the multitude of riots filed by ANTIFA and BLM that destroyed American livelihoods and innocent lives and no protestors were shot and killed by police. In fact, many of the protestors detained by police benefitted by getting bailed out from legal funds back by Vice President Harris and other Democrats. Somehow, these were all peaceful yet a punch of rednecks carrying flags and smashing windows at the Capitol was an insurrection?

The Left should really look to its own when the talk of terrorism and insurrection at the US Capitol.

If you still can`t differentiate between protests that turned into a riot and a planned scheduled attempt to overthrow our democracy and install a president that clearly and undeniably lost the election we really can`t help you. You`re just Stupid!

If you think that was a serious attempt to overthrow Democracy, you are mistaken. If anyone planned that, they were few and far between. I think planning to bomb the Capitol was more of a threat to our Democracy; the leader of which is lauded today as champion for rights.
Democrats perpetuate the January 6th event as an insurrection that cost lives when in reality It was a riot where one of the protestors was shot and killed. Contrast that with the multitude of riots filed by ANTIFA and BLM that destroyed American livelihoods and innocent lives and no protestors were shot and killed by police. In fact, many of the protestors detained by police benefitted by getting bailed out from legal funds back by Vice President Harris and other Democrats. Somehow, these were all peaceful yet a punch of rednecks carrying flags and smashing windows at the Capitol was an insurrection?

The Left should really look to its own when the talk of terrorism and insurrection at the US Capitol.

If you still can`t differentiate between protests that turned into a riot and a planned scheduled attempt to overthrow our democracy and install a president that clearly and undeniably lost the election we really can`t help you. You`re just Stupid!

You are inventing reasons to ignore your side's 5 years of riots, and to instead focus on our side's 5 hours.

Bullshit reasons.
The BLM protests were about police murdering black citizens. Tell me why thousands were at the Capitol on January 6th. What were they protesting?

They didn't like the result of a free and fair election. ;-)

Not to justify violence but more to look at the catalyst behind the events of 1/6, there were way too many anomalies surrounding the Election to cause a high level of uncertainty and doubt.
Democrats perpetuate the January 6th event as an insurrection that cost lives when in reality It was a riot where one of the protestors was shot and killed. Contrast that with the multitude of riots filed by ANTIFA and BLM that destroyed American livelihoods and innocent lives and no protestors were shot and killed by police. In fact, many of the protestors detained by police benefitted by getting bailed out from legal funds back by Vice President Harris and other Democrats. Somehow, these were all peaceful yet a punch of rednecks carrying flags and smashing windows at the Capitol was an insurrection?

The Left should really look to its own when the talk of terrorism and insurrection at the US Capitol.

If you still can`t differentiate between protests that turned into a riot and a planned scheduled attempt to overthrow our democracy and install a president that clearly and undeniably lost the election we really can`t help you. You`re just Stupid!

You are inventing reasons to ignore your side's 5 years of riots, and to instead focus on our side's 5 hours.

Bullshit reasons.
The BLM protests were about police murdering black citizens. Tell me why thousands were at the Capitol on January 6th. What were they protesting?

I mention the last 5 years of riots and libs say "wacism". Then they act shocked when we call them on defending mob violence.

The protestors on 1/6 were protesting the sketchy election.
There was nothing sketchy about the election and 62 judges said so along with Trump`s AG and his director of Homeland Security. Why were those idiots there? I never heard of a protest that involved zip ties and gallows.

No signatures? Voting MONTH? No custody chain documentation? The people with doubts have real reason to be suspicious.

My point stands. I mentioned the last 5 years of riots and you said "wacism".

That is you justifying their violence.

You have normalized political violence.

They were there because they did not trust that the election was free and fair.

I agree with them, though I look at different cheats.
62 judges including those appointed by Trump said you are full of shit and so were the Capitol Terrorists.
A lot more judges have upheld blacks have no human rights. So what’s your point again?
Democrats perpetuate the January 6th event as an insurrection that cost lives when in reality It was a riot where one of the protestors was shot and killed. Contrast that with the multitude of riots filed by ANTIFA and BLM that destroyed American livelihoods and innocent lives and no protestors were shot and killed by police. In fact, many of the protestors detained by police benefitted by getting bailed out from legal funds back by Vice President Harris and other Democrats. Somehow, these were all peaceful yet a punch of rednecks carrying flags and smashing windows at the Capitol was an insurrection?

The Left should really look to its own when the talk of terrorism and insurrection at the US Capitol.

If you still can`t differentiate between protests that turned into a riot and a planned scheduled attempt to overthrow our democracy and install a president that clearly and undeniably lost the election we really can`t help you. You`re just Stupid!

You are inventing reasons to ignore your side's 5 years of riots, and to instead focus on our side's 5 hours.

Bullshit reasons.
The BLM protests were about police murdering black citizens. Tell me why thousands were at the Capitol on January 6th. What were they protesting?

I mention the last 5 years of riots and libs say "wacism". Then they act shocked when we call them on defending mob violence.

The protestors on 1/6 were protesting the sketchy election.
There was nothing sketchy about the election and 62 judges said so along with Trump`s AG and his director of Homeland Security. Why were those idiots there? I never heard of a protest that involved zip ties and gallows.

No signatures? Voting MONTH? No custody chain documentation? The people with doubts have real reason to be suspicious.

My point stands. I mentioned the last 5 years of riots and you said "wacism".

That is you justifying their violence.

You have normalized political violence.

They were there because they did not trust that the election was free and fair.

I agree with them, though I look at different cheats.
62 judges including those appointed by Trump said you are full of shit and so were the Capitol Terrorists.
What Leftards did to the US Senate with a bomb:
Not to justify violence but more to look at the catalyst behind the events of 1/6, there were way too many anomalies surrounding the Election to cause a high level of uncertainty and doubt.

Only in the squirming brains of idiots. :lol:
Democrats perpetuate the January 6th event as an insurrection that cost lives when in reality It was a riot where one of the protestors was shot and killed. Contrast that with the multitude of riots filed by ANTIFA and BLM that destroyed American livelihoods and innocent lives and no protestors were shot and killed by police. In fact, many of the protestors detained by police benefitted by getting bailed out from legal funds back by Vice President Harris and other Democrats. Somehow, these were all peaceful yet a punch of rednecks carrying flags and smashing windows at the Capitol was an insurrection?

The Left should really look to its own when the talk of terrorism and insurrection at the US Capitol.

If you still can`t differentiate between protests that turned into a riot and a planned scheduled attempt to overthrow our democracy and install a president that clearly and undeniably lost the election we really can`t help you. You`re just Stupid!

You are inventing reasons to ignore your side's 5 years of riots, and to instead focus on our side's 5 hours.

Bullshit reasons.
The BLM protests were about police murdering black citizens. Tell me why thousands were at the Capitol on January 6th. What were they protesting?

I mention the last 5 years of riots and libs say "wacism". Then they act shocked when we call them on defending mob violence.

The protestors on 1/6 were protesting the sketchy election.
There was nothing sketchy about the election and 62 judges said so along with Trump`s AG and his director of Homeland Security. Why were those idiots there? I never heard of a protest that involved zip ties and gallows.

No signatures? Voting MONTH? No custody chain documentation? The people with doubts have real reason to be suspicious.

My point stands. I mentioned the last 5 years of riots and you said "wacism".

That is you justifying their violence.

You have normalized political violence.

They were there because they did not trust that the election was free and fair.

I agree with them, though I look at different cheats.
62 judges including those appointed by Trump said you are full of shit and so were the Capitol Terrorists.

Most of those judges never even looked at the evidence and there was loads of evidence. None of them wanted to be involved in overturning a Presidential election.

Oh as for those "Capital terrorists." None of them were armed and if they had been real terrorists they would have all been armed. They would have shot the shit out of the Capital buildings. None of them were armed.
Not to justify violence but more to look at the catalyst behind the events of 1/6, there were way too many anomalies surrounding the Election to cause a high level of uncertainty and doubt.

Only in the squirming brains of idiots. :lol:
Is that why Democrats fight to keep anyone from reviewing election data? March and Georgia is still not complying in turning over their records.
Not to justify violence but more to look at the catalyst behind the events of 1/6, there were way too many anomalies surrounding the Election to cause a high level of uncertainty and doubt.

Only in the squirming brains of idiots. :lol:
Is that why Democrats fight to keep anyone from reviewing election data? March and Georgia is still not complying in turning over their records.

And another squirming brain weighs in! ^ :lmao:
Democrats perpetuate the January 6th event as an insurrection that cost lives when in reality It was a riot where one of the protestors was shot and killed. Contrast that with the multitude of riots filed by ANTIFA and BLM that destroyed American livelihoods and innocent lives and no protestors were shot and killed by police. In fact, many of the protestors detained by police benefitted by getting bailed out from legal funds back by Vice President Harris and other Democrats. Somehow, these were all peaceful yet a punch of rednecks carrying flags and smashing windows at the Capitol was an insurrection?

The Left should really look to its own when the talk of terrorism and insurrection at the US Capitol.

If you still can`t differentiate between protests that turned into a riot and a planned scheduled attempt to overthrow our democracy and install a president that clearly and undeniably lost the election we really can`t help you. You`re just Stupid!

You are inventing reasons to ignore your side's 5 years of riots, and to instead focus on our side's 5 hours.

Bullshit reasons.
The BLM protests were about police murdering black citizens. Tell me why thousands were at the Capitol on January 6th. What were they protesting?

I mention the last 5 years of riots and libs say "wacism". Then they act shocked when we call them on defending mob violence.

The protestors on 1/6 were protesting the sketchy election.
There was nothing sketchy about the election and 62 judges said so along with Trump`s AG and his director of Homeland Security. Why were those idiots there? I never heard of a protest that involved zip ties and gallows.

No signatures? Voting MONTH? No custody chain documentation? The people with doubts have real reason to be suspicious.

My point stands. I mentioned the last 5 years of riots and you said "wacism".

That is you justifying their violence.

You have normalized political violence.

They were there because they did not trust that the election was free and fair.

I agree with them, though I look at different cheats.
62 judges including those appointed by Trump said you are full of shit and so were the Capitol Terrorists.

This is all about your side's desire to gin up the 1/6 riot to distract from the 5 years of your side's riots.

So that you can justify using the power of the government to go after your enemies, while ignoring your own violent thugs as they continue to riot.
Was BLM trying to install their own president like the 1/6 terrorists were doing?

Nope. THey have their own agenda that they were wiling to riot in pursuit of for five years, killing dozens and wounding thousands, and causing hundreds of millions in damages. Do you want to disccuss the BLM, or Antifa agendas? I don't personally care about the details of their goals so much as their methods, and their violence. But...

This is all about your side's desire to gin up the 1/6 riot to distract from the 5 years of your side's riots.

So that you can justify using the power of the government to go after your enemies, while ignoring your own violent thugs as they continue to riot.

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