Harvard Prof Apologizes After Suggesting Biden Should Pick VP Based on Accomplishments

Did you expect anything else from the Left and spineless academia?

Mr. Tribe really crossed the line of decency here, suggesting that Sleepy Joe pick someone based on their accomplishments for the 2nd fiddle job.

This is about Virtue Signaling, not about actually ruling the country
Did you expect anything else from the Left and spineless academia?

Isn't it odd and in no small part ironic how the average liberal arts bachelor will excoriate Inquisition era Catholicism all the live long day but then flip the script and apologize to a much more fanatical cult for being born white? Marie Antionette said, "Let them eat cake." I say, "Let them eat each other."
He already cornered himself when he promised to choose a woman. Than the Obama/Oprah global socialist cabal probably pushed for a Black VP. Who would then become president when Biden moves on.

I always thought, "how could voters just go out and pull the lever for him when he is telling you that he is choosing a female, he just doesn't know who yet". I don't know how that invokes confidence in his supporters. You can blame the alt-left for all they do, but blame just as much the blind sheep who see it happening and not only don't speak up, they obediently fall in line. Good Little Germans.
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It used to be that calling someone a "token" was an insult.

Now we have a whole crowd of people, all campaigning to be the chosen token.

And, statistically we know that whomever Biden chooses will be the most likely VP in history to ascend to the Presidency through the death or incompetence of the sitting President.

Isn't it ironic - almost funny - that Biden and his followers have peremptorily rejected the most qualified group of people in the world: old white men.
And here goes the racism from the white scrubs who support a president whose only accomplishment was to be born into a rich family.
He already cornered himself when he promised to choose a woman. Than the Obama/Oprah global socialist cabal probably pushed for a Black VP. Who would then become president when Biden moves on.

I always thought, "how could voters just go out and pull the lever for him when he is telling you that he is choosing a female, he just doesn't know who yet". I don't know how that invokes confidence in his supporters. You can blame the alt-left for all they do, but blame just as much the blind sheep who see it happening and not only don't speak up, they obediently fall in line. Good Little Germans.

You said "when Biden moves on."

What a gentle and kind way to say it.
And here goes the racism from the white scrubs who support a president whose only accomplishment was to be born into a rich family.

I'm not a scrub nor a racist, though I get your point.

My support of Trump is simple, "he isn't a politician". Thus, he makes promises and keeps them. Getting things done in spite of the screaming, whining MSM, the efforts to impeach him. The insane reaction shows those who want China First are angry that Trump is fighting back. I know where this all ends if China gets their way, too many Americans haven't read history. I already see the writing on the wall for Canada and the U.S hasn't even failed yet.

So, my support from Trump is primarily his stance on China. It's such a vital issue that it dwarfs all others in my opinion. Followed by his position on defending your southern border and driving the global socialists to capitalism. All the rest is just a bonus.

I don't care much about all he says, the WWE antics. That's all fine, that's his entertainment career. You had better know that the global socialists have a plan for you, and they just need the right leader to enact it. You will not like this outcome. I know Trump is the guy they do NOT want. That's good enough for me.
He already cornered himself when he promised to choose a woman. Than the Obama/Oprah global socialist cabal probably pushed for a Black VP. Who would then become president when Biden moves on.

I always thought, "how could voters just go out and pull the lever for him when he is telling you that he is choosing a female, he just doesn't know who yet". I don't know how that invokes confidence in his supporters. You can blame the alt-left for all they do, but blame just as much the blind sheep who see it happening and not only don't speak up, they obediently fall in line. Good Little Germans.

You said "when Biden moves on."

What a gentle and kind way to say it.

Honestly I didn't intend it that way. He himself said he wouldn't stay a second term, so he's acknowledged he is a one term president.

As it were, I don't like the far left in his party and I know that Cali and NY will get a loud, strong voice if he wins. America cannot embrace the communist government of China. We need 4 more years of Trump to reverse Chinas influence. I have no doubt Trump will go balls to the wall against the Commies if he wins a second term.
And here goes the racism from the white scrubs who support a president whose only accomplishment was to be born into a rich family.
He actually backed up agendas that both parties have supported or mostly supported over the last decade or two and never did anything about.
And here goes the racism from the white scrubs who support a president whose only accomplishment was to be born into a rich family.

Actually, President Trump's accomplishments are pretty tremendous.

Indeed, long before he entered the world of politics, his name was synonymous with Success.


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