Harvard writer: Free speech threatens liberalism and must be destroyed

Read her article and the OP , misses her overall point. She is basically saying not all opinions should be seen as a legit opinion.
Example. Obama not beimg a natural born citizen should not be respected with a dignified answer which would give said question an air of legitimacy.

Her point is correct, but she may be pushing it a little to far. Id need to read more opinions from her to get a good overall perspective.

Naturally the OP didnt understand her point and the dailycaller failed again.

a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge
Based on that definition, all opinions are "legit". Her main problem appears to be with opinions with which she disagrees. If she doesn't agree and views another's opinion as unworthy of response, then she should not respond. Her opinion certainly does not warrant the wholesale ban on opinions expressing an opposing view.
WMD in Iraq?

The Clinton Administration believed there were, as did Hillary Clinton Reid Pelosi and a slew of Democratic Congresspersons and Senators. As did Britain, Germany, France, China and Russia. Further there is now evidence that as noted the stockpile was moved from Iraq to Syria. Further we have the records of the Fallen Government which proves that Saddam Hussein maintained the Nuclear team to return to Nuclear research as soon as the sanctions were lifted, that he maintained dual use facilities to return to production of chemical and biological agents as soon as the sanctions were lifted and that he maintained samples of said things for rapid production when sanctions were lifted.
Blah blah blah blah fucking blah.

No WMD in Iraq. Fuck you and your war.

Reasoned response and rational debate...always welcome.
Read her article and the OP , misses her overall point. She is basically saying not all opinions should be seen as a legit opinion.
Example. Obama not beimg a natural born citizen should not be respected with a dignified answer which would give said question an air of legitimacy.

Her point is correct, but she may be pushing it a little to far. Id need to read more opinions from her to get a good overall perspective.

Naturally the OP didnt understand her point and the dailycaller failed again.

Another asshole that can't read, and reflexively defends anyone that attacks conservatives.

Here is what she actually said, idiot.

Instead, I would like to propose a more rigorous standard: one of “academic justice.” When an academic community observes research promoting or justifying oppression, it should ensure that this research does not continue.

Tell me something, O Arbiter of all things Progressive, why the fuck should a bunch of idiots that cannot wipe their asses get to say what is, and is not, real science based solely on their idea of justice? If research starts to indicate, for example, that sexual preference is a choice, should it be suppressed simply because it doesn't fit the current academic agenda? How is that any fucking different that the Catholic Church forcing Galileo to recant his scientific theories simply because they didn't agree with the "current academic consensus?"

By the way, what was it that Subramanian Swamy said that was so terrible that he had to be shut up anyway? Do you have any idea? Would it help if I provided a link so you can point to exactly what he said that deserved censorship?

How to wipe out Islamic terror: Dr. Subramanian Swamy | Janamejayan's Weblog

I won't hold my breath, even by Obama standards the only thing I can see is that he insisted on calling fanatical Muslims fanatical Muslims instead of whatever the current PC term is.

Maybe the part of this that totally clouded your judgement was where she lied about Israel, or did you miss that part?

Come one, defend this piece of shit pro censorship fascist again, I dare you.
The Doctrine of Academic Freedom | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson

^^^^^^^^^^The big nose, bushy curly hair, and Ivy league scum bag liberal...oh and the typical large dark rimmed studious glasses, with that obnoxious know it all, arrogant face.

Harvard writer: Free speech threatens liberalism and must be destroyed | The Daily Caller

If this Harvard University student got her way, free speech on campus would be abolished and professors with dissenting views fired, because radical leftism is the only permissible political philosophy and the First Amendment is a barrier preventing modern colleges from fulfilling their proper role as indoctrination camps.

Her name is Sandra Korn. She is a senior at Harvard and columnist for the Harvard Crimson.

In a recent column, Korn unambiguously insisted that the university should stop guaranteeing professors and students the right to hold controversial views and pursue research that challenges liberalism.

“If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and heterosexism, why should we put up with research that counters our goals?” asked Korn in her column.

The column’s subtitle was even more direct: “Let’s give up on academic freedom in favor of justice.”

Korn cited several instances of perspectives that clashed with her own being banned from campus as triumphant examples of the way Harvard should be run. The firing of Subramanian Swamy, a Harvard summer school instructor who was dismissed for his anti-Islamic views, was one such triumph.

She also invoked the academic boycott of Israel — something condemned by Harvard President Drew Faust and numerous other university presidents — as an example of the kind of tactics leftists should defend and use in order to get their way on campus.

Korn did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


The cesspool of shit these universities are producing is truly frightening. Basically, all liberal scumbags.

from the article she actually wrote, not the spin you cheer and spread: "Yet the liberal obsession with “academic freedom” seems a bit misplaced to me."

She is a leftist Progressive

No liberal could believe what she does, though progressives could and do distort and sling shit like you do

It's a "liberal obsession with “academic freedom” she criticizes, not the faux freedoms and liberties of the con men

The Doctrine of Academic Freedom | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson

She is arguing for the suppression of ideas she doesn't like.
So anyone that wants some regulations directed towards preserving our environment, making sure businesses can't price gauge or a safety net is the same as communism to you. As far as I am concern these things are all elements of being a civilized first world society.

Even child labor laws to you people are communism.

At least we vote for the government.

Price gauge?

Do you mean price gouge, as in charging based on the actual laws of supply and demand?

That’s because so-called price gouging during an emergency serves two very useful purposes: It keeps people from getting too greedy, and it makes strangers rush to help the stricken.
Take one of the price-gouging cases to arise from Hurricane Ike. Bill Stone, the owner of Bucko’s Pantry in Radford, Virginia, was accused of gouging customers because he briefly jacked up gasoline prices to as much as $5.99 a gallon. He did that because the supply he got from refueling trucks had dropped 70 percent, and demand was going through the roof.
“Area and state consumers were in what can only be described as panic buying,” ran a typical news report at the time. “The crunch at the Wal-Mart and some other local stations began Thursday night as motorists began topping off their tanks and filled cans of gasoline for their personal reserves.”
In fact, so many people in the region bought so much gasoline ahead of the storm that many stations ran dry. But Bucko’s didn’t run out, because during the short time its prices went way up, people bought much less gas there. Bucko’s high prices rationed gasoline in a highly efficient manner. If everyone had done the same thing, then consumers wouldn’t have hoarded fuel, and there would have been enough to go around for everyone.
Let?s Hear It for Price Gouging - Reason.com

Please, keep pretending you are pro science.
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Shirley, Obama has a place in his Cabinet for her.
She's an up and coming star! :thup:
Kids. This is why we send them to school. Liberalism can stand up to anything, it usually has to.

Tell you what, if you are half as smart as you think you are, and I am as stupid as you actually are, feel free to defend censorship in a debate with me.
Censorship is unnecessary. The light of day kills off crazy crap just fine, given time.

No liberal could believe what she does, though progressives could and do distort and sling shit like you do

Ok then. How about you define the difference between a liberal and a progressive for us all. While you're at it define the difference between those two, a communist, a humanitarian, a socialist and a fascist.

This should prove interesting if you're up for it.
Sandra Y.L. Korn ’14, a Crimson editorial writer, is a joint history of science and studies of women, gender and sexuality concentrator in Eliot House. Her column usually appears on alternate Mondays.

The Doctrine of Academic Freedom | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson

She criticizes liberals (not conservatives) for making academic freedom a sacred horse.

nuf said

She is an idiot.

And it is "'Nuff said."

'Nuff said.
She is ugly, therefore hates males and is a liberal.

She may be "ugly" to superficial types of people, she has pretty qualities about her. Though I may disagree with what she asserts, she does have intellect and that in itself is a part of "beauty".

She needs to learn to think before I will agree that she has any actual intellectual attraction. The fact that she majored in history of science and women's studies is evidence she doesn't actually use whatever brain she was.
Read her article and the OP , misses her overall point. She is basically saying not all opinions should be seen as a legit opinion.
Example. Obama not beimg a natural born citizen should not be respected with a dignified answer which would give said question an air of legitimacy.

Her point is correct, but she may be pushing it a little to far. Id need to read more opinions from her to get a good overall perspective.

Naturally the OP didnt understand her point and the dailycaller failed again.

Who decides which opinions are good and which are not?

He doesn't care, he gets his opinions from them anyway.
Another excuse for Republicans to mock education. They are one group of people who want their kids to be just as successful as they aren't.

I am pretty sure she isn't a Republican.

Did you notice that she is the one that doesn't like freedom in education, and that all the right wingnuts are mocking her?
Kids. This is why we send them to school. Liberalism can stand up to anything, it usually has to.

Tell you what, if you are half as smart as you think you are, and I am as stupid as you actually are, feel free to defend censorship in a debate with me.
Censorship is unnecessary. The light of day kills off crazy crap just fine, given time.

Tell me something, if you actually believe that, why the fuck are you defending a woman who is arguing for it? Did you simply assume that you are so smart that I wouldn't notice how stupid you are?
Tell you what, if you are half as smart as you think you are, and I am as stupid as you actually are, feel free to defend censorship in a debate with me.
Censorship is unnecessary. The light of day kills off crazy crap just fine, given time.

Tell me something, if you actually believe that, why the fuck are you defending a woman who is arguing for it? Did you simply assume that you are so smart that I wouldn't notice how stupid you are?
If you were smart you'd have noticed that I didn't defend her. Everyone else managed to.
Censorship is unnecessary. The light of day kills off crazy crap just fine, given time.

Tell me something, if you actually believe that, why the fuck are you defending a woman who is arguing for it? Did you simply assume that you are so smart that I wouldn't notice how stupid you are?
If you were smart you'd have noticed that I didn't defend her. Everyone else managed to.

You should tell the mods that someone hacked your account.

Shirley, Obama has a place in his Cabinet for her.
She's an up and coming star! :thup:
Kids. This is why we send them to school. Liberalism can stand up to anything, it usually has to.

Or are you one of those idiots that is going to say you didn't actually say what you said?
Tell me something, if you actually believe that, why the fuck are you defending a woman who is arguing for it? Did you simply assume that you are so smart that I wouldn't notice how stupid you are?
If you were smart you'd have noticed that I didn't defend her. Everyone else managed to.

You should tell the mods that someone hacked your account.

Shirley, Obama has a place in his Cabinet for her.
She's an up and coming star! :thup:
Kids. This is why we send them to school. Liberalism can stand up to anything, it usually has to.

Or are you one of those idiots that is going to say you didn't actually say what you said?
"Kids. This is why we send them to school. Liberalism can stand up to anything, it usually has to."

What part of this are you having trouble understanding? I'll help.
If you were smart you'd have noticed that I didn't defend her. Everyone else managed to.

You should tell the mods that someone hacked your account.

Kids. This is why we send them to school. Liberalism can stand up to anything, it usually has to.

Or are you one of those idiots that is going to say you didn't actually say what you said?
"Kids. This is why we send them to school. Liberalism can stand up to anything, it usually has to."

What part of this are you having trouble understanding? I'll help.

I guess you really do want me to believe you are that dumb, I should introduce you to [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION], you have so much in common.
You should tell the mods that someone hacked your account.

Or are you one of those idiots that is going to say you didn't actually say what you said?
"Kids. This is why we send them to school. Liberalism can stand up to anything, it usually has to."

What part of this are you having trouble understanding? I'll help.

I guess you really do want me to believe you are that dumb, I should introduce you to [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION], you have so much in common.
You're the one who can't seem to understand written English, and I can't help you if you can't.

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