Harvard writer: Free speech threatens liberalism and must be destroyed

The Doctrine of Academic Freedom | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson

^^^^^^^^^^The big nose, bushy curly hair, and Ivy league scum bag liberal...oh and the typical large dark rimmed studious glasses, with that obnoxious know it all, arrogant face.

Harvard writer: Free speech threatens liberalism and must be destroyed | The Daily Caller

If this Harvard University student got her way, free speech on campus would be abolished and professors with dissenting views fired, because radical leftism is the only permissible political philosophy and the First Amendment is a barrier preventing modern colleges from fulfilling their proper role as indoctrination camps.

Her name is Sandra Korn. She is a senior at Harvard and columnist for the Harvard Crimson.

In a recent column, Korn unambiguously insisted that the university should stop guaranteeing professors and students the right to hold controversial views and pursue research that challenges liberalism.

“If our university community opposes racism, sexism, and heterosexism, why should we put up with research that counters our goals?” asked Korn in her column.

The column’s subtitle was even more direct: “Let’s give up on academic freedom in favor of justice.”

Korn cited several instances of perspectives that clashed with her own being banned from campus as triumphant examples of the way Harvard should be run. The firing of Subramanian Swamy, a Harvard summer school instructor who was dismissed for his anti-Islamic views, was one such triumph.

She also invoked the academic boycott of Israel — something condemned by Harvard President Drew Faust and numerous other university presidents — as an example of the kind of tactics leftists should defend and use in order to get their way on campus.

Korn did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


The cesspool of shit these universities are producing is truly frightening. Basically, all liberal scumbags.

from the article she actually wrote, not the spin you cheer and spread: "Yet the liberal obsession with “academic freedom” seems a bit misplaced to me."

She is a leftist Progressive

No liberal could believe what she does, though progressives could and do distort and sling shit like you do

It's a "liberal obsession with “academic freedom” she criticizes, not the faux freedoms and liberties of the con men

The Doctrine of Academic Freedom | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson

She is arguing for the suppression of ideas she doesn't like.

Yes and she is saying that liberals will judge what is right and wrong and will claim any other opinions are harmful and should be silenced. That is what she wants. Just like Gore, who is likely one of her idols, she wants no more debates on anything.

What we are seeing here is the perfect example of a fully indoctrinated student, the pride of the liberal educators. The left "educates" students by pushing opinions as facts. Educated does not always mean intelligent and this girl proves it.
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Yes and she is saying that liberals will judge what is right and wrong and will claim any other opinions are harmful and should be silenced. That is what she wants. Just like Gore, who is likely one of her idols, she wants no more debates on anything.

What we are seeing here is the perfect example of a fully indoctrinated student, the pride of the liberal educators. The left "educates" students by pushing opinions as facts. Educated does not always mean intelligent and this girl proves it.
She will learn. Go to the South and tell the Christian parents that you're going to teach Comprehensive Sex Ed and Comparative Religion in the schools. You will find that censorship becomes all the rage as they try to keep anything like that away from their kiddos.
Yes and she is saying that liberals will judge what is right and wrong and will claim any other opinions are harmful and should be silenced. That is what she wants. Just like Gore, who is likely one of her idols, she wants no more debates on anything.

What we are seeing here is the perfect example of a fully indoctrinated student, the pride of the liberal educators. The left "educates" students by pushing opinions as facts. Educated does not always mean intelligent and this girl proves it.
She will learn. Go to the South and tell the Christian parents that you're going to teach Comprehensive Sex Ed and Comparative Religion in the schools. You will find that censorship becomes all the rage as they try to keep anything like that away from their kiddos.

There is an element of age-appropriate that can be applied.
Yes and she is saying that liberals will judge what is right and wrong and will claim any other opinions are harmful and should be silenced. That is what she wants. Just like Gore, who is likely one of her idols, she wants no more debates on anything.

What we are seeing here is the perfect example of a fully indoctrinated student, the pride of the liberal educators. The left "educates" students by pushing opinions as facts. Educated does not always mean intelligent and this girl proves it.
She will learn. Go to the South and tell the Christian parents that you're going to teach Comprehensive Sex Ed and Comparative Religion in the schools. You will find that censorship becomes all the rage as they try to keep anything like that away from their kiddos.

There is an element of age-appropriate that can be applied.
Of course but it won't matter. They'd sooner burn down the school. Knowledge destroys faith, it's well-known.
"Kids. This is why we send them to school. Liberalism can stand up to anything, it usually has to."

What part of this are you having trouble understanding? I'll help.

I guess you really do want me to believe you are that dumb, I should introduce you to @Pogo, you have so much in common.
You're the one who can't seem to understand written English, and I can't help you if you can't.

What, exactly, do you think I am missing here, oh he of the infinite idiocy?
Yes and she is saying that liberals will judge what is right and wrong and will claim any other opinions are harmful and should be silenced. That is what she wants. Just like Gore, who is likely one of her idols, she wants no more debates on anything.

What we are seeing here is the perfect example of a fully indoctrinated student, the pride of the liberal educators. The left "educates" students by pushing opinions as facts. Educated does not always mean intelligent and this girl proves it.
She will learn. Go to the South and tell the Christian parents that you're going to teach Comprehensive Sex Ed and Comparative Religion in the schools. You will find that censorship becomes all the rage as they try to keep anything like that away from their kiddos.

How, exactly, is a sophomore at Harvard going to learn about censorship in the South, and how is that going to make you right?
She will learn. Go to the South and tell the Christian parents that you're going to teach Comprehensive Sex Ed and Comparative Religion in the schools. You will find that censorship becomes all the rage as they try to keep anything like that away from their kiddos.

There is an element of age-appropriate that can be applied.
Of course but it won't matter. They'd sooner burn down the school. Knowledge destroys faith, it's well-known.

The only people I ever met that knew that didn't have wouldn't know faith if it bought them lunch because they think they already have the answers. Only idiots have all the answers.
Yes and she is saying that liberals will judge what is right and wrong and will claim any other opinions are harmful and should be silenced. That is what she wants. Just like Gore, who is likely one of her idols, she wants no more debates on anything.

What we are seeing here is the perfect example of a fully indoctrinated student, the pride of the liberal educators. The left "educates" students by pushing opinions as facts. Educated does not always mean intelligent and this girl proves it.
She will learn. Go to the South and tell the Christian parents that you're going to teach Comprehensive Sex Ed and Comparative Religion in the schools. You will find that censorship becomes all the rage as they try to keep anything like that away from their kiddos.

That isn't censorship, moron.
Don't think so, I spent my time in pre-med, Economics and Psychology focus....gave up pre-med when I realized that meant about 10 more years of school.

I graduated undergrad in 1994....should've been earlier but partied too much. :eusa_shhh:

Ever take a class in the Classics Dept? That was my dept.
I gave it up when I started to realize how screwed up I was....

A lot of attention for a student's column in her school newspaper....

A lot of kids say dumb things that they regret later - I suspect this will be one of those
A lot of attention for a student's column in her school newspaper....

A lot of kids say dumb things that they regret later - I suspect this will be one of those

Yeah, cause no one at Harvard or any of those types of places think like her.....

Read her article and the OP , misses her overall point. She is basically saying not all opinions should be seen as a legit opinion.
Example. Obama not beimg a natural born citizen should not be respected with a dignified answer which would give said question an air of legitimacy.

Her point is correct, but she may be pushing it a little to far. Id need to read more opinions from her to get a good overall perspective.

Naturally the OP didnt understand her point and the dailycaller failed again.

Who decides what is a "legit opinion?" According to her, its the mob.

She is pushing it ALOT too far, because you know her concept of a non respected opinion isn't at the fringe like birther arguments, but anything that rails against progressive dogma.

progressives should LOVE the opprotunity to debate birthers, because their position is so easy to counter, but what they want is to silence opinions on things such as our response to climate change, the debate on religous freedom and homosexuality, and the concept of "wealth redistribution." Its these areas that they want to silence people.

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