Harvey Milk gets a stamp

What we should do is find the headstone where they buried Jack McKinley and cover it with the new Harvey Milk stamps. Jack McKinley was the 16 year old mentally ill homeless minor that Milk lured into his home to sodomize [and then later dump for younger boys]. Milk officiated as McKinley's father while he was also sodomizing him.

Agonized over Milk's rejection of him for younger meat as he aged, McKinley jumped to his death in NYNY at the age of 33.

And there were many many other teen boys Milk used in the same manner. He liked them homeless, vulnerable and young.

In the same spirit as the Harvey Milk stamp, I recommend a Jerry Sandusky stamp with the official youth sports insignia.

I'd really appreciate it if you would provide verifiable evidence of these claims. Just posting it doesn't make it fact.
Oh, OK.

[Extracted from Harvey Milk's biography by Randy Shilts, his friend and accredited journalist. The book is "The Mayor of Castro Street, The Life and Times of Harvey Milk".

"...sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure...At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him." (pages 30-31)

This was in New York at the time where the age of consent was and is 17. Milk took McKinley across state lines [in violation of the federal MANN Act] soon thereafter to California where he continued to sodomize him [see "lover" under the context of "gay"] until he turned 18 which is the age of consent there. So for YEARS he was sodomizing a minor. The crime was exacerbated by the fact that McKinley was mentally ill and addicted to drugs, making him thrice incapable of legal consent to sex. That's three felonies of sex with someone incapable of consent if you're keeping track. And that's precisely how Milk liked them, addled, confused, vulnerable...and very young...

"It would be to boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20's that Milk would be attracted for the rest of his life." (page 24)

"Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems." (page 180)

Milk dumped McKinley as he aged past his "use by" date. Despondant and shut out, McKinley killed himself eventually over his mental turmoil with Milk by jumping off a building in NYNY where they met.

Milk was consumed with empathy for the poor boy's suffering. Basically Milk found it annoying that McKinley was suicidal. Such a turn off. Here's how he handled his "son/sodomite's" angst after he cast him aside:

“…the phone rang. As soon as Harvey heard the voice, he rolled his eyes
impatiently at Jim. ‘It’s Jack McKinley,’ he said. He paused and listened
further. ‘He says he’s going to kill himself.’…‘Tell him not to make a mess,’
Harvey deadpanned. Jack hung up.” p. 126

Apparently McKinley was a rebellious "son"/child sex victim of Milk's because when he jumped to his death from that building in NY, it made quite a mess.

Kids in California are required to celebrate the serial child sex offender in school each May 22nd. The law is SB 572 SB 572 Senate Bill - ENROLLED :

"...perhaps more than any other modern figure, Harvey Milk's life and political career embody the rise of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil rights movement in California, across the nation, and throughout the world."...

Under SB 572, children will perform "suitable commemorative exercises," remembering the "life," "accomplishments," and "contributions" of Harvey Milk

You should read his biography. The LGBT groups that pushed for his postage stamp [some 60+ of them in the US, Canada and Mexico] have. It's available online or at many bookstores. If you need any further quotes or verification I'll be happy to oblige.
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Ted Williams doesn't have a stamp either
And Red Buttons never got a dinner.

LOL Sorry, but giving up a football career is not an honorable thing. All he is giving up is money and fame. So what? Why do you worship someone who is a money making machine? Doing something for society is always the right thing to do. Why do we reward people who give up something self serving and meaningless to do what is the right thing in the first place? Why do we worship people because they can play football or basketball, etc.? Those are kids' games.

Funny how people are listing entertainers. Being an entertainer is what you think deserves so much respect? An entertainer, a sports star? That is what you think deserves so much respect instead of someone who risked his life to serve the public? Crazy.

While fire fighters and cops have to fight for a livable wage.
Oh, OK.

[Extracted from Harvey Milk's biography by Randy Shilts, his friend and accredited journalist. The book is "The Mayor of Castro Street, The Life and Times of Harvey Milk".

"...sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure...At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him." (pages 30-31)

This was in New York at the time where the age of consent was and is 17. Milk took McKinley across state lines [in violation of the federal MANN Act] soon thereafter to California where he continued to sodomize him [see "lover" under the context of "gay"] until he turned 18 which is the age of consent there. So for YEARS he was sodomizing a minor. The crime was exacerbated by the fact that McKinley was mentally ill and addicted to drugs, making him thrice incapable of legal consent to sex. That's three felonies of sex with someone incapable of consent if you're keeping track. And that's precisely how Milk liked them, addled, confused, vulnerable...and very young...

"It would be to boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20's that Milk would be attracted for the rest of his life." (page 24)

"Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems." (page 180)

Milk dumped McKinley as he aged past his "use by" date. Despondant and shut out, McKinley killed himself eventually over his mental turmoil with Milk by jumping off a building in NYNY where they met.

Milk was consumed with empathy for the poor boy's suffering. Basically Milk found it annoying that McKinley was suicidal. Such a turn off. Here's how he handled his "son/sodomite's" angst after he cast him aside:

“…the phone rang. As soon as Harvey heard the voice, he rolled his eyes
impatiently at Jim. ‘It’s Jack McKinley,’ he said. He paused and listened
further. ‘He says he’s going to kill himself.’…‘Tell him not to make a mess,’
Harvey deadpanned. Jack hung up.” p. 126

Apparently McKinley was a rebellious "son"/child sex victim of Milk's because when he jumped to his death from that building in NY, it made quite a mess.

Kids in California are required to celebrate the serial child sex offender in school each May 22nd. The law is SB 572 SB 572 Senate Bill - ENROLLED :

"...perhaps more than any other modern figure, Harvey Milk's life and political career embody the rise of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil rights movement in California, across the nation, and throughout the world."...

Under SB 572, children will perform "suitable commemorative exercises," remembering the "life," "accomplishments," and "contributions" of Harvey Milk

You should read his biography. The LGBT groups that pushed for his postage stamp [some 60+ of them in the US, Canada and Mexico] have. It's available online or at many bookstores. If you need any further quotes or verification I'll be happy to oblige.

... some rw's here actually defend the Duck Dynasty child predator for preaching to church groups that 15 year old girls should "marry" adult men.

... some rw's here actually defend Ted (Poopy Pants) Nugent and blame the child he raped.

... some people actually allow their little boys to be alter boys in the catholic church and be alone with priests.

... some here have said no child should alone with any BSA leader.

The list goes on and on ...
He should be the poster boy for the LGBT movement.

He is enshrined as such as a matter of law in California and by virtue of the fact that over 60 LGBT groups in the US, Mexico and Canada, in full awareness of his biography, petitioned to have this stamp commermorated of him as "representative" of their movement.
Oh, OK.

[Extracted from Harvey Milk's biography by Randy Shilts, his friend and accredited journalist. The book is "The Mayor of Castro Street, The Life and Times of Harvey Milk".

"...sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure...At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him." (pages 30-31)

This was in New York at the time where the age of consent was and is 17. Milk took McKinley across state lines [in violation of the federal MANN Act] soon thereafter to California where he continued to sodomize him [see "lover" under the context of "gay"] until he turned 18 which is the age of consent there. So for YEARS he was sodomizing a minor. The crime was exacerbated by the fact that McKinley was mentally ill and addicted to drugs, making him thrice incapable of legal consent to sex. That's three felonies of sex with someone incapable of consent if you're keeping track. And that's precisely how Milk liked them, addled, confused, vulnerable...and very young...

Milk dumped McKinley as he aged past his "use by" date. Despondant and shut out, McKinley killed himself eventually over his mental turmoil with Milk by jumping off a building in NYNY where they met.

Milk was consumed with empathy for the poor boy's suffering. Basically Milk found it annoying that McKinley was suicidal. Such a turn off. Here's how he handled his "son/sodomite's" angst after he cast him aside:

Apparently McKinley was a rebellious "son"/child sex victim of Milk's because when he jumped to his death from that building in NY, it made quite a mess.

Kids in California are required to celebrate the serial child sex offender in school each May 22nd. The law is SB 572 SB 572 Senate Bill - ENROLLED :

"...perhaps more than any other modern figure, Harvey Milk's life and political career embody the rise of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil rights movement in California, across the nation, and throughout the world."...

Under SB 572, children will perform "suitable commemorative exercises," remembering the "life," "accomplishments," and "contributions" of Harvey Milk

You should read his biography. The LGBT groups that pushed for his postage stamp [some 60+ of them in the US, Canada and Mexico] have. It's available online or at many bookstores. If you need any further quotes or verification I'll be happy to oblige.

... some rw's here actually defend the Duck Dynasty child predator for preaching to church groups that 15 year old girls should "marry" adult men.

... some rw's here actually defend Ted (Poopy Pants) Nugent and blame the child he raped.

... some people actually allow their little boys to be alter boys in the catholic church and be alone with priests.

... some here have said no child should alone with any BSA leader.

The list goes on and on ...

We are in agreement that two wrongs do not make a right. So, back to Harvey Milk, do you think it's a good idea for LGBT groups to have commissioned this stamp of him as representative of their subCULTure and to have made children admire him in California public schools as a matter of law? Or is this wrong also as unacceptable as the others you mentioned?
Diversity is surely the key to the US Postal service's success.... Parasites

its a testament to the people who actually move the mail that they get the job done as well as they do in spite of the road blocks Congress and Postal Management throws in front of them....believe me i know.....
The correlations to Jerry Sandusky are undeniable. Yet the American public is asked to deny them.

And the really true sick part is that THEY ARE! The bottom line is that if you wouldn't leave your son with Harvey Milk to babysit, he doesn't belong on a postage stamp, much less the sexual icon of your CULTural movement..
What we should do is find the headstone where they buried Jack McKinley and cover it with the new Harvey Milk stamps. Jack McKinley was the 16 year old mentally ill homeless minor that Milk lured into his home to sodomize [and then later dump for younger boys]. Milk officiated as McKinley's father while he was also sodomizing him.

Agonized over Milk's rejection of him for younger meat as he aged, McKinley jumped to his death in NYNY at the age of 33.

And there were many many other teen boys Milk used in the same manner. He liked them homeless, vulnerable and young.

In the same spirit as the Harvey Milk stamp, I recommend a Jerry Sandusky stamp with the official youth sports insignia.

I'd really appreciate it if you would provide verifiable evidence of these claims. Just posting it doesn't make it fact.
Read the biography of Harvey Milk called "The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life and Times of Harvey Milk", by Randy Shilts. Randy Shilts was a hugely credible journalist, gay and friend of Harvey Milk's. He was a front line eyewitness. You couldn't find a better or more accurate biographer of Harvey Milk if you searched the 7 seas.
In the past people were honored with their picture on a stamp for being a notable in their field; be it science, music, politics, business, cured diseases, war hero, etc.

Now we are honoring a pervert with a stamp because liked to get his fudge packed. ... :cuckoo:

I'm sure that's what a few KKK folks still complain about anything honoring Rosa Parks as "an uppity negress who didn't like her seat"

It's just opinion at the end of the day.

Rosa wasn't a pervert and couldn't help being a negro....Harvey is famous for sucking dicks and getting his ass shot dead.....I ask you, how do the two compare? :eusa_eh:
In the past people were honored with their picture on a stamp for being a notable in their field; be it science, music, politics, business, cured diseases, war hero, etc.

Now we are honoring a pervert with a stamp because liked to get his fudge packed. ... :cuckoo:

I'm sure that's what a few KKK folks still complain about anything honoring Rosa Parks as "an uppity negress who didn't like her seat"

It's just opinion at the end of the day.
What was Harvey's accomplishment again?

Parallel parking....

That's an awesome video stream. I guess being drunk and not wearing your seatbelt isn't always fatal. Looks like he was nice and limber.

Harvey Milk and the Mayor of SF were both "shot dead" by a fellow democrat for nothing to do with Milk's being a gay pedophile/politician [the reason LGBTs identify with him so strongly]. The guy that shot them that day had some beef with them...a political score he was trying to settle. I think he was a fellow city councilman. But it makes the gay pedophile/LGBT icon look more "courageous" and martyr. IMHO he was arrogant, flaunting his boy-diddling while holding an office.
In the past people were honored with their picture on a stamp for being a notable in their field; be it science, music, politics, business, cured diseases, war hero, etc.

Now we are honoring a pervert with a stamp because liked to get his fudge packed. ... :cuckoo:

I'm sure that's what a few KKK folks still complain about anything honoring Rosa Parks as "an uppity negress who didn't like her seat"

It's just opinion at the end of the day.
What was Harvey's accomplishment again?

He dun gotz kild

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