Has any hypocrite on the left voluntarily paid more taxes, since they claim they want to?

Has there been any public rich democrat like Pelosi or Feinstein or Kerry, or any moron that posts here done that?

They can.

Have they?
If Blue States could keek their own money and not have to finance failed Red States economic policies, I say good.

Unfortunately, Republicans aren't just ripping off Red States, but also Blue States, forcing them to finance failed Republican economies.
Has Obama voluntarily paid more taxes than he owes? Nope!
HE would not whine like a little girlyman if his taxes were raised

Obviously he would, just like the left did when the SALT caps increased their taxes they squealed like stuck pigs. Fact is the left lies through their teeth about supporting higher taxes and refuse to pay one cent more than they owe.
You go from speaking about wealthy people like Obama , to ... the left.

I was unaware the left were the wealthy ones. Have a link for that?

Lib please the tight fisted left are even too cheap to tip a waitress. They claim to support higher taxes just so long as they are not the ones paying them. :itsok:
To these idiots there’s nothing worse than letting people keep more of their own hard earned money. The horror
To imbeciles like you, there's nothing worse than to be told 'no more free rides'

Learn to make sense. Until then stop quoting me. Thanks
You're a free rider.'


If by fee rider you mean hard working, law abiding citizen, that smells liberal bullshiters from a mile away a then you are correct.

Has Obama voluntarily paid more taxes than he owes? Nope!
HE would not whine like a little girlyman if his taxes were raised

Obviously he would, just like the left did when the SALT caps increased their taxes they squealed like stuck pigs. Fact is the left lies through their teeth about supporting higher taxes and refuse to pay one cent more than they owe.
You go from speaking about wealthy people like Obama , to ... the left.

I was unaware the left were the wealthy ones. Have a link for that?

Lib please the tight fisted left are even too cheap to tip a waitress. They claim to support higher taxes just so long as they are not the ones paying them. :itsok:
yet they say 'raise my taxes' and have no complained when they were higher.
If by fee rider you mean hard working, law abiding citizen, that smells liberal bullshiters from a mile away a then you are correct.

you spend so much time online, I doubt you do anything else.

you're a phony - a poser - an angry little chump 4 trump
I don't know what Guber? I do know that there was a deficit before the tax cuts. You can't even agree on that. what a useless debater you are.

DEFICITS CREATE THE NATIONAL DEBT- there have been deficits under most presidents idiotboi ... youre not capable of a debate.
so you're conceding you can't debate the claim? spending is the issue not tax revenues. it has been problem by your own post for most presidents.

name the two presidents (modern day) that contributed the most to the NATIONAL DEBT

debate !
why didn't you just post your position on it? which two, tell me. go for it. I'll look up your answer


so you don't know the two presidents that contributed the most? Why did you ask me then? I'd have thunk you'd have known the answer and just asked me if I knew the two had. that isn't debating, that's entrapment. I don't fall for that. you give the two you believe and I'll agree or give you stats to disprove it. that isn't a debate.
Has Obama voluntarily paid more taxes than he owes? Nope!
HE would not whine like a little girlyman if his taxes were raised

Obviously he would, just like the left did when the SALT caps increased their taxes they squealed like stuck pigs. Fact is the left lies through their teeth about supporting higher taxes and refuse to pay one cent more than they owe.
You go from speaking about wealthy people like Obama , to ... the left.

I was unaware the left were the wealthy ones. Have a link for that?

Lib please the tight fisted left are even too cheap to tip a waitress. They claim to support higher taxes just so long as they are not the ones paying them. :itsok:
yet they say 'raise my taxes' and have no complained when they were higher.

That's because you are dumb.
If by fee rider you mean hard working, law abiding citizen, that smells liberal bullshiters from a mile away a then you are correct.

you spend so much time online, I doubt you do anything else.

you're a phony - a poser - an angry little chump 4 trump

How do you know how much time I spend online?

Interesting that you have fantasies about a message board poster you don’t know, but you may want to save the details for your shrink!
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Historically, the rich rarely do the right thing.

they always do the right thing .... FOR THEMSELVES.
Not in the long run.

an example of in the long run would be Trumps Trillion dollar deficit never paying for the interest much less the debt .. in fact over the next 20 years the tax cuts alone add trillions more to the debt picture.

Obama increased taxes and ran up ten trillion dollars in deficits.

Another one of his big failures, wasn't it?

Deficits are not caused by not taxing enough but by spending too much.

ANOTHER MORON ^^^^^^^^ wants to debate.

tell ya what sport, go home and figure out the difference between debt and deficit and call jc - I'm not going to bother with either damn one of you idgets.
/——-/ The two are used interchangeably by both sides. To reduce both cut spending
so you're conceding you can't debate the claim? spending is the issue not tax revenues. it has been problem by your own post for most presidents.

name the two presidents that contributed the most to the NATIONAL DEBT

debate !

Stop with that statist nonsense you know full well he was compromising with Tippy to get star wars and destroy the Soviet Union.


stats dont count because the Right loses on all counts ...

my bad

No they don't because statist take it out of historical context.


about the time I start to believe RW's cant get any damn dumber DABA BING ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
did you mean BADA Bing? :auiqs.jpg:
The idea is they don't mind someone else being required to pay more. They do not willingly pay more themselves.

Why do you think they yell and scream that the amount of salt tax is such a big deal to those living in liberal paradise?

D'oh!! They ask that people with more pay more, and that includes themselves. They are asking to change the tax code to reflect that

stop lying and misrepresenting things. You're not the president

They don't need the tax code to pay more.

it's voluntary, they can donate all they want. It's an open basket waiting for money to fall in.
to raise enough revenue, any meaningful revenue, getting the wealthy to pay a fair share .. the tax code would need to be adjusted. stop lying
/——/ Define fair share then post the percentage the rich already pay. Go ahead and gather your notes.
oh fking please. I don't want to hear what anyone other than you has to say about this. So what is fair? why can't you answer? you know what's fair in my book? someone paying the same percentage of the money they make. period end of fking story. why is it you believe they should pay more? for what exactly?
You didn't like my answer, because it doesn't fit in the limited space available in your mind.

Your mind is too narrow, and it's no surprise
If you fell on a pin, well, you'd be blind in both eyes

it wasn't your answer. not sure how you figure a link is your answer. I asked you why you thought paying the same percentage isn't fair? I even gave you the math and you ignored it. hmmmmm. why? why are you afraid to answer your own question? what is fair?
Has Obama voluntarily paid more taxes than he owes? Nope!
HE would not whine like a little girlyman if his taxes were raised

Obviously he would, just like the left did when the SALT caps increased their taxes they squealed like stuck pigs. Fact is the left lies through their teeth about supporting higher taxes and refuse to pay one cent more than they owe.
You go from speaking about wealthy people like Obama , to ... the left.

I was unaware the left were the wealthy ones. Have a link for that?
well they are. look it up.

The 10 Richest People in America
oh fking please. I don't want to hear what anyone other than you has to say about this. So what is fair? why can't you answer? you know what's fair in my book? someone paying the same percentage of the money they make. period end of fking story. why is it you believe they should pay more? for what exactly?
You didn't like my answer, because it doesn't fit in the limited space available in your mind.

Your mind is too narrow, and it's no surprise
If you fell on a pin, well, you'd be blind in both eyes

it wasn't your answer. not sure how you figure a link is your answer. I asked you why you thought paying the same percentage isn't fair? I even gave you the math and you ignored it. hmmmmm. why? why are you afraid to answer your own question? what is fair?


again, define fair share. I've been asking you all that question for five years and still no one answers it, but uses the phrase all the time.

All the rich libs can pay all they want anytime they want. why don't they?
No one claims to have the magic number, but we all know the wealthy do not pay as much of a share of wealth as regular citizens do

Real Scrooges like that Dunce Child of Forbes, wanted a flat tax, as if that is fair. Fair to whom?
oh fking please. I don't want to hear what anyone other than you has to say about this. So what is fair? why can't you answer? you know what's fair in my book? someone paying the same percentage of the money they make. period end of fking story. why is it you believe they should pay more? for what exactly?
You didn't like my answer, because it doesn't fit in the limited space available in your mind.

Your mind is too narrow, and it's no surprise
If you fell on a pin, well, you'd be blind in both eyes

it wasn't your answer. not sure how you figure a link is your answer. I asked you why you thought paying the same percentage isn't fair? I even gave you the math and you ignored it. hmmmmm. why? why are you afraid to answer your own question? what is fair?


again, define fair share. I've been asking you all that question for five years and still no one answers it, but uses the phrase all the time.

All the rich libs can pay all they want anytime they want. why don't they?
No one claims to have the magic number, but we all know the wealthy do not pay as much of a share of wealth as regular citizens do

Real Scrooges like that Dunce Child of Forbes, wanted a flat tax, as if that is fair. Fair to whom?

so you just ignored my entire post. thanks. wow. way to go. guess doing discussions with you is useless.
so you just ignored my entire post. thanks. wow. way to go. guess doing discussions with you is useless.

again, you don't get to dictate answers. you don't even get to play prosecutor

Your mind is too narrow, and it's no surprise
If you fell on a pin, well, you'd be blind in both eyes

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