Has any WH Admin ever been more obsessed/infuriated with 2 private citizens?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
With each passing month, I can't help but notice how obsessed and infuriated the Obama Admin and left wing in general are with two PRIVATE citizens, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin.

One would think their biggest enemies would be Iran, China, N Korea, the corrupt Mexican druglords..........and to a lesser extent, sitting Republicans as political opponents.

But no, it seems the left cannot get over it's fascination and obsession with private, conservative citizens:

Glenn Beck
Sarah Palin
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Mark Levine
Michael Savage
Bill O'Reilly
etc, etc, etc

I for one look at their left wing counterparts like Olberdork and the She-Man Rachael Maddow as sort of whiny teeny-boppers to not take that seriously. I know Bush looked at them that way, because thats basically what they are.

But I'm very suprised at just how much influence and fear ONE private citizen, Glenn Beck, and not even his words, but the POTENTIAL for his words caused the United States Federal Government in one simple morning with one simple online video.

Why is Obama letting the fear of what Beck MIGHT say bully him around on a Monday morning when so much more important stuff is going on in the world???????
With each passing month, I can't help but notice how obsessed and infuriated the Obama Admin and left wing in general are with two PRIVATE citizens, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin.

One would think their biggest enemies would be Iran, China, N Korea, the corrupt Mexican druglords..........and to a lesser extent, sitting Republicans as political opponents.

But no, it seems the left cannot get over it's fascination and obsession with private, conservative citizens:

Glenn Beck
Sarah Palin
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Mark Levine
Michael Savage
Bill O'Reilly
etc, etc, etc

I for one look at their left wing counterparts like Olberdork and the She-Man Rachael Maddow as sort of whiny teeny-boppers to not take that seriously. I know Bush looked at them that way, because thats basically what they are.

But I'm very suprised at just how much influence and fear ONE private citizen, Glenn Beck, and not even his words, but the POTENTIAL for his words caused the United States Federal Government in one simple morning with one simple online video.

Why is Obama letting the fear of what Beck MIGHT say bully him around on a Monday morning when so much more important stuff is going on in the world???????

Venal insecurity
With each passing month, I can't help but notice how obsessed and infuriated the Obama Admin and left wing in general are with two PRIVATE citizens, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin.

One would think their biggest enemies would be Iran, China, N Korea, the corrupt Mexican druglords..........and to a lesser extent, sitting Republicans as political opponents.

But no, it seems the left cannot get over it's fascination and obsession with private, conservative citizens:

Glenn Beck
Sarah Palin
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Mark Levine
Michael Savage
Bill O'Reilly
etc, etc, etc

I for one look at their left wing counterparts like Olberdork and the She-Man Rachael Maddow as sort of whiny teeny-boppers to not take that seriously. I know Bush looked at them that way, because thats basically what they are.

But I'm very suprised at just how much influence and fear ONE private citizen, Glenn Beck, and not even his words, but the POTENTIAL for his words caused the United States Federal Government in one simple morning with one simple online video.

Why is Obama letting the fear of what Beck MIGHT say bully him around on a Monday morning when so much more important stuff is going on in the world???????

Though I don't think that it's politically wise for the Obama administration to have acknowledged these people (accept for Sarah Palin who is a politicain), the fact is that all of these people are defacto political figures in this country - and they sure as hell aren't journalists!
Private citizens?

Not quite

Citizens who provide nonstop anti-Obama lies and half truths. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

They are also both batshit crazy and deserve whatever they receive
Dumb ass right wing lynch mob thinks they should be able to preach their hate and half truths and not be challenged on it
The Obama Administration has the thinnest skin of any in history.

Anything less than obsessive worship is viewed as an insult, and must be punished or destroyed.

That's quite a claim. Tell me how Glenn, Rush, Hannity, Palin, and all the others have been "punished" or "destroyed".

They all seem to be doing pretty good from where I sit.
Dumb ass right wing lynch mob thinks they should be able to preach their hate and half truths and not be challenged on it

Keith Olbermann
Chris Matthews
Ed Schultz
etc etc

I didn't know they were RIGHT WINGERS.
maybe we should ask the Obama to SHUT THEM DOWN.
Dumb ass right wing lynch mob thinks they should be able to preach their hate and half truths and not be challenged on it

Keith Olbermann
Chris Matthews
Ed Schultz
etc etc

I didn't know they were RIGHT WINGERS.
maybe we should ask the Obama to SHUT THEM DOWN.

Who's calling for anyone to be shut down?

you'll have to ask rightwinger that question. he suggested it be done with Fox news at the Obama press meetings.
Dumb ass right wing lynch mob thinks they should be able to preach their hate and half truths and not be challenged on it

Keith Olbermann
Chris Matthews
Ed Schultz
etc etc

I didn't know they were RIGHT WINGERS.
maybe we should ask the Obama to SHUT THEM DOWN.

You are welcome to challenge them all you like...this is America

Only rightwingers whine when you attack their media idols
Keith Olbermann
Chris Matthews
Ed Schultz
etc etc

I didn't know they were RIGHT WINGERS.
maybe we should ask the Obama to SHUT THEM DOWN.

Who's calling for anyone to be shut down?

you'll have to ask rightwinger that question. he suggested it be done with Fox news at the Obama press meetings.

Show where I said they should be shut down

I only said Fox News should not be treated like a legitimate news agency.
Who's calling for anyone to be shut down?

you'll have to ask rightwinger that question. he suggested it be done with Fox news at the Obama press meetings.

Show where I said they should be shut down

I only said Fox News should not be treated like a legitimate news agency.

yeah right, and you suggested they shouldn't be ALLOWED at the Press meeting with the boyking Obama. so what else do you call that, but shutting them down.
Dumb ass right wing lynch mob thinks they should be able to preach their hate and half truths and not be challenged on it

Keith Olbermann
Chris Matthews
Ed Schultz
etc etc

I didn't know they were RIGHT WINGERS.
maybe we should ask the Obama to SHUT THEM DOWN.

You are welcome to challenge them all you like...this is America

Only rightwingers whine when you attack their media idols

lol, it's you lefties who are OBSESSED with news stations, talk radio host, etc.

and the WHINING coming from the left about them has reached fever pitch. just look if there is a wiff of anything "bad" being said about the BOYKING.

You don't see righties posting DAILY about all the left wing talking head, journalist, bloggers etc etc, that's because they could pretty much give a shit less. it's you lefties who have a problem with FREE SPEEECH. But that is ONLY when it is a DEMOCRAT president.
With each passing month, I can't help but notice how obsessed and infuriated the Obama Admin and left wing in general are with two PRIVATE citizens, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin.

One would think their biggest enemies would be Iran, China, N Korea, the corrupt Mexican druglords..........and to a lesser extent, sitting Republicans as political opponents.

But no, it seems the left cannot get over it's fascination and obsession with private, conservative citizens:

Glenn Beck
Sarah Palin
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Mark Levine
Michael Savage
Bill O'Reilly
etc, etc, etc

I for one look at their left wing counterparts like Olberdork and the She-Man Rachael Maddow as sort of whiny teeny-boppers to not take that seriously. I know Bush looked at them that way, because thats basically what they are.

But I'm very suprised at just how much influence and fear ONE private citizen, Glenn Beck, and not even his words, but the POTENTIAL for his words caused the United States Federal Government in one simple morning with one simple online video.

Why is Obama letting the fear of what Beck MIGHT say bully him around on a Monday morning when so much more important stuff is going on in the world???????

Though I don't think that it's politically wise for the Obama administration to have acknowledged these people (accept for Sarah Palin who is a politicain), the fact is that all of these people are defacto political figures in this country - and they sure as hell aren't journalists!

They do not claim to be Journalist. They are commentators. You do know there is a difference right. Their Political Affiliations, and Biases are not hidden. They do not deny who they are. Unlike the Left wing Media. Which is loaded with Reporters who are suppose to be Objective Journalists and instead cheer lead for one party. And News Papers that Editorialize on the Front page.

I think that is the fundamental misunderstanding many on the left just can not get their minds around. Commentators are allowed to inject their opinions and agenda into their shows which are only about the News. They are not the news. Reporters are suppose to objectively report the news, and that is why we call them the Left wing media. I do not care about the Lefts Commentators. They have every right to do what they do just like the ones on the right do. I care about the god damn reporters and newspaper editors, slanting the NEWS with their Biases.

Fox has a hard news side, which IMO is rather fair and balanced, and then at night it has a series of Commentary shows, which DO NOT seek to hide their Biases, and engage in partisan Discussion of the News.
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With each passing month, I can't help but notice how obsessed and infuriated the Obama Admin and left wing in general are with two PRIVATE citizens, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin.

One would think their biggest enemies would be Iran, China, N Korea, the corrupt Mexican druglords..........and to a lesser extent, sitting Republicans as political opponents.

But no, it seems the left cannot get over it's fascination and obsession with private, conservative citizens:

Glenn Beck
Sarah Palin
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Mark Levine
Michael Savage
Bill O'Reilly
etc, etc, etc

I for one look at their left wing counterparts like Olberdork and the She-Man Rachael Maddow as sort of whiny teeny-boppers to not take that seriously. I know Bush looked at them that way, because thats basically what they are.

But I'm very suprised at just how much influence and fear ONE private citizen, Glenn Beck, and not even his words, but the POTENTIAL for his words caused the United States Federal Government in one simple morning with one simple online video.

Why is Obama letting the fear of what Beck MIGHT say bully him around on a Monday morning when so much more important stuff is going on in the world???????

Did anyone in the admin even mention Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin in this instance?
In what Instance?

The Obama has singled out Beck and Palin before.
he even told a graduating class to not only listen to Beck, but to read the friggen FAR LEFT FRING HUFFINTON post. I about feel out my chair on that one.

the guy is real joke. and the joke was played on us.
In what Instance?

The Obama has singled out Beck and Palin before.
he even told a graduating class to not only listen to Beck, but to read the friggen FAR LEFT FRING HUFFINTON post. I about feel out my chair on that one.

the guy is real joke. and the joke was played on us.

The OP appears to be talking about this Shirley Sherrod incident, though...

But I'm very suprised at just how much influence and fear ONE private citizen, Glenn Beck, and not even his words, but the POTENTIAL for his words caused the United States Federal Government in one simple morning with one simple online video.

I don't recall anyone from the admin saying anything about Beck or Palin in all this.
With each passing month, I can't help but notice how obsessed and infuriated the Obama Admin and left wing in general are with two PRIVATE citizens, Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin.

One would think their biggest enemies would be Iran, China, N Korea, the corrupt Mexican druglords..........and to a lesser extent, sitting Republicans as political opponents.

But no, it seems the left cannot get over it's fascination and obsession with private, conservative citizens:

Glenn Beck
Sarah Palin
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Mark Levine
Michael Savage
Bill O'Reilly
etc, etc, etc

I for one look at their left wing counterparts like Olberdork and the She-Man Rachael Maddow as sort of whiny teeny-boppers to not take that seriously. I know Bush looked at them that way, because thats basically what they are.

But I'm very suprised at just how much influence and fear ONE private citizen, Glenn Beck, and not even his words, but the POTENTIAL for his words caused the United States Federal Government in one simple morning with one simple online video.

Why is Obama letting the fear of what Beck MIGHT say bully him around on a Monday morning when so much more important stuff is going on in the world???????

i've no idea why or even if the obama admin is obsessed with a couple of asshats like palin and beck, but this kind of stupid shit's been going on forever. BFD. i remember when people bragged about being on nixon's list. :lol:

Master list of Nixon's political opponents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


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