Has anyone else noticed this strange political phenomenon?

No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
We’ve noticed this strange political phenomenon where Trump voters refuse to accept the fact Trump lost, continue to propagate ridiculous, baseless lies and conspiracy theories, and exhibit a fundamental contempt for the will of the majority of the American people.

I wasn't aware the results have been certified yet.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
We’ve noticed this strange political phenomenon where Trump voters refuse to accept the fact Trump lost, continue to propagate ridiculous, baseless lies and conspiracy theories, and exhibit a fundamental contempt for the will of the majority of the American people.

I wasn't aware the results have been certified yet.
Well, you idiot, the results are never certified when every other President has started the transition. Another example of the stupidity of Trump supporters.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
We’ve noticed this strange political phenomenon where Trump voters refuse to accept the fact Trump lost, continue to propagate ridiculous, baseless lies and conspiracy theories, and exhibit a fundamental contempt for the will of the majority of the American people.

I wasn't aware the results have been certified yet.
Well, you idiot, the results are never certified when every other President has started the transition. Another example of the stupidity of Trump supporters.

Why begin a transition to a filthy CHICOM and Russian collaborator like Joe Biden? Are you in that much of a hurry to fork over your own country to the communist Russians and Chines, Mr. Quisling?
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
We’ve noticed this strange political phenomenon where Trump voters refuse to accept the fact Trump lost, continue to propagate ridiculous, baseless lies and conspiracy theories, and exhibit a fundamental contempt for the will of the majority of the American people.

I wasn't aware the results have been certified yet.
Well, you idiot, the results are never certified when every other President has started the transition. Another example of the stupidity of Trump supporters.

Why begin a transition to a filthy CHICOM and Russian collaborator like Joe Biden? Are you in that much of a hurry to fork over your own country to the communist Russians and Chines, Mr. Quisling?
What world do you live in. I never realized how many delusional idiots are in our country.
The Biden signs were all put up by the same outfits, BLM, SEIU, Antifa, so they were all taken down at the same time.

Trump signs however, were acquired and put up individually. There is no overriding authority over the signs.

There were a LOT of Biden signs that were acquired and put up by Biden supporters. I think they did so to promote him for the election. After the election was done, they took them down.

I guess I would wonder why the Trump/Pence signs are still up, rather than wonder why the Biden signs were taken down. The election was 15 days ago. There still may be arguments about the results, but there will not be another election. Why leave them up?
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
We’ve noticed this strange political phenomenon where Trump voters refuse to accept the fact Trump lost, continue to propagate ridiculous, baseless lies and conspiracy theories, and exhibit a fundamental contempt for the will of the majority of the American people.

I wasn't aware the results have been certified yet.
Well, you idiot, the results are never certified when every other President has started the transition. Another example of the stupidity of Trump supporters.

Why begin a transition to a filthy CHICOM and Russian collaborator like Joe Biden? Are you in that much of a hurry to fork over your own country to the communist Russians and Chines, Mr. Quisling?
What world do you live in. I never realized how many delusional idiots are in our country.

So in other words, you're disputing that Joe Biden used his political influence as Vice President, to obtain for his son Hunter lucrative multi-million possibly billion dollar deals with Russia, Ukraine, and China, and that none of that money ever made its way into his hands?

Seriously, what kind of a delusional world do you live in? The facts are known, the evidence is public, and yet you still refuse to accept what's staring you right in the face.

Maybe you think Hunter spent those millions or billions on crack cocaine and whores?
I reside in a "blue" state, which as all this democrat voter fraud comes to light, may have had systemic democrat biased voter fraud for quite a few elections, but this election season I recall seeing only one Sleepy Joe bumper sticker, yet numerous President Trump bumper stickers, with the occasional pickup truck with a Trump 2020 flag and American flag.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? ...

My hypothese: Democrats are proper people doing their job - Trumpists are lazy people waiting for Trump to solve no problems.

Election campaign is over. No comes the daily work for normal life. It is a little harder now in times of Corona - and because the shadow of Trumps madness is still here - but all problems will fade away - and the quite normal beautiful life will win again.

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No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
Yet meany of these same moonbats kept the Kerry stickers on their cars for four years.

Really strange.

The car may have changed hands in between time. When I bought my 1995 Fleetwood Brougham ( a tremendous car BTW) in 1999, it had a "Mafia Staff Car" bumper sticker on it, advising people to "Keepa your hands off".

I kept it on the vehicle the whole time I owned it, even though I am not a member of the La Cosa Nostra .

Are there even token Polish members in the Italian Mafia?


In the Mafia government of Poland are no Italians. But what do all the criminals there with the unbelievable amount of money from the EU, which they don't give to their own people?
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zaanglisimo, you sound retarded. What is your native language and what is your educational background?
zaanglisimo, you sound retarded. What is your native language and what is your educational background?
Since decades - even centuries meanwhile - it makes not any sense to use a wrong phone number. My phone number here in this forum is @+"zaangalewa". And this is also a part of my answer to your "question": My language is hand, heart and logos and my educational background is god and the world.

Counterquestion: Why are you not ready to learn any longer? Up to a moment of your life you learned - and then you stopped to do so. When was this and why? Has this to do with alcohol or drugs?

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Zaanglio, generally speaking I have no interest in giving you a telephone call! But post an audio clip of yourself speaking English and maybe we can talk if you sound intelligent meh neegah.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided

You are right! I have not seen anymore Biden signs also. Who knows? Maybe these people were paid to put them out.
I hate political signage. Some seem to always be there. I don't know who that "Frost Heaves" is but he never takes his signs down. :gives:

No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? ...

My hypothese: Democrats are proper people doing their job - Trumpists are lazy people waiting for Trump to solve no problems.

Election campaign is over. No comes the daily work for normal life. It is a little harder now in times of Corona - and because the shadow of Trumps madness is still here - but all problems will fade away - and the quite normal beautiful life will win again.

Do you realize what you just said?

"Democrats are proper people doing their job - Trumpists are lazy people waiting for Trump to solve no problems."


Ask me how I know that you're not from around here. Are you even eligible to vote in my country? Wait, I got it: Your that guy who keeps sending me emails that say I have been awarded $100 million USD by the president of Mugumbo, and all I have to do is wire you $100 to collect it, right?

Zaangalewa is African, right?

Zaanglio, generally speaking I have no interest in giving you a telephone call! But post an audio clip of yourself speaking English and maybe we can talk if you sound intelligent meh neegah.

Learn something about a database as for example Microsoft Access then you will understand what I called here "phone number". And I am really a totally strange foreigner. I do not think in your structures. That's why your senseseless attacks make me not angry but tired. I don't have any idea what to do with.
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No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? ...

My hypothese: Democrats are proper people doing their job - Trumpists are lazy people waiting for Trump to solve no problems.

Election campaign is over. No comes the daily work for normal life. It is a little harder now in times of Corona - and because the shadow of Trumps madness is still here - but all problems will fade away - and the quite normal beautiful life will win again.

Do you realize what you just said?

"Democrats are proper people doing their job - Trumpists are lazy people waiting for Trump to solve no problems."


Ask me how I know that you're not from around here. Are you even eligible to vote in my country? Wait, I got it: Your that guy who keeps sending me emails that say I have been awarded $100 million USD by the president of Mugumbo, and all I have to do is wire you $100 to collect it, right?

Zaangalewa is African, right?

Exactly. The word "zangalewa" comes from Africa. And the most of your ancestors also came from Africa.

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The Biden signs were all put up by the same outfits, BLM, SEIU, Antifa, so they were all taken down at the same time.

Trump signs however, were acquired and put up individually. There is no overriding authority over the signs.

There were a LOT of Biden signs that were acquired and put up by Biden supporters. I think they did so to promote him for the election. After the election was done, they took them down.

I guess I would wonder why the Trump/Pence signs are still up, rather than wonder why the Biden signs were taken down. The election was 15 days ago. There still may be arguments about the results, but there will not be another election. Why leave them up?

The Biden Signs are on the scoreboard next to the number 306.

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