Has anyone else noticed this strange political phenomenon?

No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
My neighbor took down their Biden sign and I took down my Trump signs the day after.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
I noticed how many Trump Pence signs are in trailer parks and rural neighborhoods known for Meth production. Crappy neighborhoods where a political sign is an improvement.
Most of the ignorant, knuckle-dragging RWNJs have yet to scratch the trump/Pence 2016 bumper stickers off the junk they nurse down the roads.

Sadly, for many of these underachievers, those bumper stickers help the duct tape hold the bumpers in place.

The only Joe Biden campaign sign in my area was taped to the back of a PortaPotty at a job site where a bunch of young men who didn't speak English were working,
It was taken down before the election though.

I mean I was thinking about taking a picture, but then reminded myself that would just be tacky.

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No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
I noticed how many Trump Pence signs are in trailer parks and rural neighborhoods known for Meth production. Crappy neighborhoods where a political sign is an improvement.

But those pesky facts prove that you should see more Dem signs in the disgusting shitholes you speak of...See graph below.
Further, I thought you twisted filth love all things filth?
Suddenly you detest the poor? I thought they ranked right there with illegal wetbacks, ghetto blacks, drug addicts, pole puffers, rug munchers and criminals for you dirty bastards?

Those figures prove nothing. A lot of those earning under $50K who voted would be college students. Dumbarse.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
I noticed how many Trump Pence signs are in trailer parks and rural neighborhoods known for Meth production. Crappy neighborhoods where a political sign is an improvement.

You'd be surprised how many trailer park dwellers and meth heads are actually Democrats. There a family of them up the highway from me: Trash all over the yards, broken down cars, goats, chickens, and a run-down house with sheds falling apart. They too had Bidet signs out, as well as a big gay rainbow flag tied to the barbed wire fence, and two huge grotesque paper mache devil's heads or something on top of the fence posts.

I shit you not. I call them the "Manson Family" every time I drive by there. Was gonna drive by slow with a camera and upload on here, but they also took their signs down, right after the election.
I agree with you. But they are Democrats who voted for Trump.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
I noticed how many Trump Pence signs are in trailer parks and rural neighborhoods known for Meth production. Crappy neighborhoods where a political sign is an improvement.
Most of the ignorant, knuckle-dragging RWNJs have yet to scratch the trump/Pence 2016 bumper stickers off the junk they nurse down the roads.

Sadly, for many of these underachievers, those bumper stickers help the duct tape hold the bumpers in place.


That shows me that you don't get out very much. Actually, it's always the moonbat liberals who are driving beat up pieces of shit cars with their stupid left-wing bumpers stickers covering the entire back.

I drove around the Walmart parking lot one day a couple years ago and took some pictures of a few of them. Too bad I erased them. Their cars always seem to have dents all over them and look like they've never been washed. They have stickers plastered all over the back that read "Obama 2012", "Endless Wars" "Driftless", "Coexist" with all those stupid characters, "Hillary 2016", "I'm With Her", "Resist", "Buy Locally", and other moonbat stupidity.

And they leave them on for years and years after an election is over. I shudder to think of what the inside of their cars smell like. Probably a rancid mixture of piss, feces, vomit, soured milk, pot, sweat, bad sex, and patchouli oil.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
Yet meany of these same moonbats kept the Kerry stickers on their cars for four years.

Really strange.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
Yet meany of these same moonbats kept the Kerry stickers on their cars for four years.

Really strange.

I've seen several of those too, the last couple years.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
Yet meany of these same moonbats kept the Kerry stickers on their cars for four years.

Really strange.

I've seen several of those too, the last couple years.
Haven seen a Minnesnowta car with a Wellstone! sticker on it in quite awhile....Though there's no doubt there're a few running around out there.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
Yet meany of these same moonbats kept the Kerry stickers on their cars for four years.

Really strange.

The car may have changed hands in between time. When I bought my 1995 Fleetwood Brougham ( a tremendous car BTW) in 1999, it had a "Mafia Staff Car" bumper sticker on it, advising people to "Keepa your hands off".

I kept it on the vehicle the whole time I owned it, even though I am not a member of the La Cosa Nostra .
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
Yet meany of these same moonbats kept the Kerry stickers on their cars for four years.

Really strange.

I've seen several of those too, the last couple years.
Haven seen a Minnesnowta car with a Wellstone! sticker on it in quite awhile....Though there's no doubt there're a few running around out there.

Cash for Clunkers took alot of those off the road. They probably ended up buying new Obamamobile Chevy Volts and Sonics that broke down after 120,000 miles.
No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
Yet meany of these same moonbats kept the Kerry stickers on their cars for four years.

Really strange.

The car may have changed hands in between time. When I bought my 1995 Fleetwood Brougham ( a tremendous car BTW) in 1999, it had a "Mafia Staff Car" bumper sticker on it, advising people to "Keepa your hands off".

I kept it on the vehicle the whole time I owned it, even though I am not a member of the La Cosa Nostra .

Are there even token Polish members in the Italian Mafia?

No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
Yet meany of these same moonbats kept the Kerry stickers on their cars for four years.

Really strange.

The car may have changed hands in between time. When I bought my 1995 Fleetwood Brougham ( a tremendous car BTW) in 1999, it had a "Mafia Staff Car" bumper sticker on it, advising people to "Keepa your hands off".

I kept it on the vehicle the whole time I owned it, even though I am not a member of the La Cosa Nostra .

Are there even token Polish members in the Italian Mafia?


Meyer Lansky was Polish, but he was more of an associate of the Mafia and not a full member from my understanding. Jack Ruby was Polish and mobbed as well.
Why do some people take down Christmas decorations right after Christmas??Hmmmmm...

No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
Yet meany of these same moonbats kept the Kerry stickers on their cars for four years.

Really strange.

The car may have changed hands in between time. When I bought my 1995 Fleetwood Brougham ( a tremendous car BTW) in 1999, it had a "Mafia Staff Car" bumper sticker on it, advising people to "Keepa your hands off".

I kept it on the vehicle the whole time I owned it, even though I am not a member of the La Cosa Nostra .

Are there even token Polish members in the Italian Mafia?


Meyer Lansky was Polish, but he was more of an associate of the Mafia and not a full member from my understanding. Jack Ruby was Polish and mobbed as well.

I didn't know Ruby was Polish. He's sort of a cult-hero in Dallas, when I lived there. I actually have one of the same model pistol he shot Oswald in the gut with: A 1960's Colt Cobra .38 Spl. with a 2" barrel. Except I put a larger set of Pachmayr grips on it. Unfortunately, it has an alloy frame and top strap, so it can't handle +P ammo.

It's over.

Biden won

The Trumper signs still out there are dead enders...like the Saddam supporters after the Iraq invasion
It's over.

Biden won

The Trumper signs still out there are dead enders...like the Saddam supporters after the Iraq invasion

Those dang supporters of President Trump, still looking for those WMD's.
Let's just hope they don't find them, huh?

No links or pictures, but I'd like to share something I couldn't help from noticing. Immediately after the election, just about every Biden/Harris campaign sign disappeared. it's like they were all collectively taken down overnight.

And yet, there are still the same Trump/Pence signs where they were all through the election. What would be the reason for that? I can understand how loyal Trump-supporters are leaving their signs out because, well, they love him.

But why did most all of the Biden-voters remove their signs already? Are they ashamed of voting for him? Do they fear retribution?

I don't get that. Take a drive around your neighborhood if you don't believe me.

Obligatory link:

"On Wednesday morning, about four days after the presidential election was called in Joseph R. Biden’s favor, “Trump 2020” flags and signs still dotted the region, proudly hoisted up flag poles, waving in the wind and rain."

One week after election called for Biden, north country voters still divided
We’ve noticed this strange political phenomenon where Trump voters refuse to accept the fact Trump lost, continue to propagate ridiculous, baseless lies and conspiracy theories, and exhibit a fundamental contempt for the will of the majority of the American people.

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