Has anyone heard of this new political party?

The two major parties are only interested in the wealthy but they call you socialist or communist if you call them out on this fact. They have difficulty thinking for themselves. But they have independents to help them.

Someone's tough to please. Try this link, it suggests the Treasury issue a trillion dollar denomination platinum coin to help pay off our national debt: Platinum Coin Would Create a Trillion-Dollar in Funds - NYTimes.com

if you are just going to create monopoly money to "pay it off" why bother...just say it does not exist any more and tell everyone they are SOL

You don't get it. These foreign international bankers that own the Fed aren't loaning their own money to the American people, they are creating money out of thin air and charging us interest, which is something our government can do as well, only without charging any interest. Federal Reserve dollars are the monopoly money.


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The two major parties are only interested in the wealthy but they call you socialist or communist if you call them out on this fact. They have difficulty thinking for themselves. But they have independents to help them.

The incumbent beltway party as I call the Republicans and Democrats are no more than errand boys for the multinational corporations and the international bankers.

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