Has anyone noticed there are no pro-Biden threads?

I'm starting to think nobody likes that guy...and that's gotta be hard on his ego.

Say something nice about Joe.

I'll start.

Joe has nice teeth. :lol:

My turn:

The Democrats aren't as embarrassed by Joe Biden as they were embarrassed by Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton ran and lost. Joe Biden hasn't lost.

Better still JG-- -- they EXPECTED Hillary to win, EASILY! They consider Joe a long shot and a miracle.
The moment Trump has to explain a policy position or his absolute fucking up of the virus response, he's toast.
Sure, JacksOff, we all know your "money" is worthless. When it comes time to pay up, you'd be nowhere to be found. ITMT, I can't wait for Trump to explain his policy positions! That's when you find out that CNN has been feeding you total lies for years! The GOOD part begins when Biden has to explain his Obama policy and Ukraine policy positions, you know, the ones that cost the Democrats the White House, the Supreme Court, the Senate and the House!
The moment Trump has to explain a policy position or his absolute fucking up of the virus response, he's toast.
Sure, JacksOff, we all know your "money" is worthless. When it comes time to pay up, you'd be nowhere to be found. ITMT, I can't wait for Trump to explain his policy positions! That's when you find out that CNN has been feeding you total lies for years! The GOOD part begins when Biden has to explain his Obama policy and Ukraine policy positions, you know, the ones that cost the Democrats the White House, the Supreme Court, the Senate and the House!
"JacksOff"...I'm literally crying!
Would have worked out good for her if she just would have
  • 1) Campaigned hard in the swing states until the end. THE SWING STATES DON'T HAVE ENOUGH SWING FOR THAT! Hillary couldn't even stand or walk!
  • 2) If the Sanders crowd would have come out and voted. THEY DID. FOR TRUMP.
  • 3) If James Comey hadn't given Trump a last minute assist with the whole emails non-story, thereby affecting all the early voting. IF IT WAS A NON-STORY, THEN WHY DID IT AFFECT ANYTHING? You mean the voters would not have been affected if they hadn't heard the facts that Hillary and the DNC were trying to hide?
  • 3 states, 77,000 votes. 46 swing electoral votes. About a 1% margin of victory. Which all of the polls called. Try TEN STATES, 306 to 240 EC votes. It was a slobber-knocker. Hillary was creamed. The Democrats were crushed, the Left got schooled. The MSM got shamed.
Would have worked out good for her if she just would have
  • 1) Campaigned hard in the swing states until the end. THE SWING STATES DON'T HAVE ENOUGH SWING FOR THAT! Hillary couldn't even stand or walk!
  • 2) If the Sanders crowd would have come out and voted. THEY DID. FOR TRUMP.
  • 3) If James Comey hadn't given Trump a last minute assist with the whole emails non-story, thereby affecting all the early voting. IF IT WAS A NON-STORY, THEN WHY DID IT AFFECT ANYTHING? You mean the voters would not have been affected if they hadn't heard the facts that Hillary and the DNC were trying to hide?
  • 3 states, 77,000 votes. 46 swing electoral votes. About a 1% margin of victory. Which all of the polls called. Try TEN STATES, 306 to 240 EC votes. It was a slobber-knocker. Hillary was creamed. The Democrats were crushed, the Left got schooled. The MSM got shamed.
Now, now!
Attempting to use logic when engaging with a Liberal is pointless.
Liberal is now trying in vain to stop shaking upper body uncontrollably.
Would have worked out good for her if she just would have
  • 1) Campaigned hard in the swing states until the end. THE SWING STATES DON'T HAVE ENOUGH SWING FOR THAT! Hillary couldn't even stand or walk!
  • 2) If the Sanders crowd would have come out and voted. THEY DID. FOR TRUMP.
  • 3) If James Comey hadn't given Trump a last minute assist with the whole emails non-story, thereby affecting all the early voting. IF IT WAS A NON-STORY, THEN WHY DID IT AFFECT ANYTHING? You mean the voters would not have been affected if they hadn't heard the facts that Hillary and the DNC were trying to hide?
  • 3 states, 77,000 votes. 46 swing electoral votes. About a 1% margin of victory. Which all of the polls called. Try TEN STATES, 306 to 240 EC votes. It was a slobber-knocker. Hillary was creamed. The Democrats were crushed, the Left got schooled. The MSM got shamed.
Now, now!
Attempting to use logic when engaging with a Liberal is pointless.
Liberal is now trying in vain to stop shaking upper body uncontrollably.
Liberal think-speak hasn't changed one bit in four years. They never learn. They had nothing good to say about Hillary. They have far less to say about Biden. It's a long-foregone conclusion that not one supporter is leaving Trump, and all their talk now is all just false blather now just to pump up their morale now in the hopes that half the Progressives don't just hang themselves between now and November with the thoughts of America's first comatose candidate!

Screen Shot 2020-04-14 at 1.09.11 AM.png
In truth, there aren't a lot of threads that are specifically "pro-trump" either unless you count the countless number of threads that defend the blob's policies when a liberal/centrist attack them; even though in the next breath, you guys trash the policies.

For example, the bail-outs of the airlines and other industries. You're against it until someone points out it is what they do in socialist countries....then you guys defend it.


Now...after the blob comes out for it...

Would have worked out good for her if she just would have
  • 1) Campaigned hard in the swing states until the end. THE SWING STATES DON'T HAVE ENOUGH SWING FOR THAT! Hillary couldn't even stand or walk!
  • 2) If the Sanders crowd would have come out and voted. THEY DID. FOR TRUMP.
  • 3) If James Comey hadn't given Trump a last minute assist with the whole emails non-story, thereby affecting all the early voting. IF IT WAS A NON-STORY, THEN WHY DID IT AFFECT ANYTHING? You mean the voters would not have been affected if they hadn't heard the facts that Hillary and the DNC were trying to hide?
  • 3 states, 77,000 votes. 46 swing electoral votes. About a 1% margin of victory. Which all of the polls called. Try TEN STATES, 306 to 240 EC votes. It was a slobber-knocker. Hillary was creamed. The Democrats were crushed, the Left got schooled. The MSM got shamed.
Now, now!
Attempting to use logic when engaging with a Liberal is pointless.
Liberal is now trying in vain to stop shaking upper body uncontrollably.
Liberal think-speak hasn't changed one bit in four years. They never learn. They had nothing good to say about Hillary. They have far less to say about Biden. It's a long-foregone conclusion that not one supporter is leaving Trump, and all their talk now is all just false blather now just to pump up their morale now in the hopes that half the Progressives don't just hang themselves between now and November with the thoughts of America's first comatose candidate!

View attachment 323221
They can't control themselves in any situation.
I know a few Liberals attorneys who got fired during the last campaign because they couldn't refrain from posting their rantings on Facebook.
It's been almost 4 years and they're still unemployed...and blaming it on Trump.
You can't cure mental disturbance.
In truth, there aren't a lot of threads that are specifically "pro-trump" either unless you count the countless number of threads that defend the blob's policies when a liberal/centrist attack them; even though in the next breath, you guys trash the policies.

For example, the bail-outs of the airlines and other industries. You're against it until someone points out it is what they do in socialist countries....then you guys defend it.


Now...after the blob comes out for it...

We don't need pro-Trump Threads...the economy was doing it for him and will again by July.
In truth, there aren't a lot of threads that are specifically "pro-trump" either unless you count the countless number of threads that defend the blob's policies when a liberal/centrist attack them; even though in the next breath, you guys trash the policies.

For example, the bail-outs of the airlines and other industries. You're against it until someone points out it is what they do in socialist countries....then you guys defend it.


Now...after the blob comes out for it...

Prey tell...what's so funny?
I'm starting to think nobody likes that guy...and that's gotta be hard on his ego.

Say something nice about Joe.

I'll start.

Joe has nice teeth. :lol:
Democrat have no platforms to run on, and certainly Jow has no policy he can point to as supporting; Democrats never pass any of their alleged 'policies' they claim to support when they have the White House and Congress and the Senate majorities; all they can point to is the massive welfare program they passed for insurance companies called 'Obamacare', and the organized criminal felony corruption surrounding inventing false premises for FISA warrants in order to sabotage a rival Presidential candidate, using info Hillary got from the Russians.
I'm starting to think nobody likes that guy...and that's gotta be hard on his ego.

Say something nice about Joe.

I'll start.

Joe has nice teeth. :lol:
Democrat have no platforms to run on, and certainly Jow has no policy he can point to as supporting; Democrats never pass any of their alleged 'policies' they claim to support when they have the White House and Congress and the Senate majorities; all they can point to is the massive welfare program they passed for insurance companies called 'Obamacare', and the organized criminal felony corruption surrounding inventing false premises for FISA warrants in order to sabotage a rival Presidential candidate, using info Hillary got from the Russians.
Yep...Dems never lower taxes or bring jobs back or get rid of the Business Visas.
I'm starting to think nobody likes that guy...and that's gotta be hard on his ego.

Say something nice about Joe.

I'll start.

Joe has nice teeth. :lol:

Democrats have no platforms to run on, and certainly Jow has no policy he can point to as supporting; Democrats never pass any of their alleged 'policies' they claim to support when they have the White House and Congress and the Senate majorities; all they can point to is the massive welfare program they passed for insurance companies called 'Obamacare', and the organized criminal felony corruption surrounding inventing false premises for FISA warrants in order to sabotage a rival Presidential candidate, using info Hillary got from the Russians.

I guess he could brag about his family values; his extortion of a foreign country to pay his kid a huge 'salary' for nothing certainly impresses the Democratic Party base, no doubt, as does his feeling up children every chance he gets.
I'm starting to think nobody likes that guy...and that's gotta be hard on his ego.

Say something nice about Joe.

I'll start.

Joe has nice teeth. :lol:

He’s not the blob...so he’s got my vote. Beyond that...zero expectations or love for Biden.
Who were you supporting in the primary, if you don't mind saying.
Was supporting Harris
Smart. Harris could have won.
He's a nice guy whos time has passed in my opinion. I have said this before Biden is to the Democrats this year what Romney was to the Republicans in 2012 someone who checks all the Presidential candidate boxes but doesn't thrill the party.
It’s more like what Bob Dole was to Republicans in ‘96 IMO.

They weren’t going to beat the Junkyard Dog and they knew it but had to run someone and Dole fit the bill as a loyal party guy for decades who would catch all the election spears for them and then moved on into retirement.

The big difference of course being Joe won’t know that he lost in November, assuming he remembers running.

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