Has Donald Trump Permanently Altered The Republican Party's DNA?

Then I'm sure you can answer Mac's question. How exactly is ridding the Republican party of Republicans good for the Republican party?

"No. We're ridding the Republican party of the GOPers."

The GOP is the Republican party. You people don't even know what you're talking about at this point.
Post #29......

Just say you have no answer. It will look better than saying nothing.
My answer was well above your education level....

So, someone of your vast intellect would know that the GOP you want to get of and the Republican party are the exact same thing, right?
Post # 29....yet again....:lol:

The depth of your answers would embarrass even Trump. :lol:
Post #29......

Just say you have no answer. It will look better than saying nothing.
My answer was well above your education level....

So, someone of your vast intellect would know that the GOP you want to get of and the Republican party are the exact same thing, right?
Post # 29....yet again....:lol:

The depth of your answers would embarrass even Trump. :lol:
I gave no answer as you asked nothing intelligent enough to answer....:lol:
Hitlery will lead you into the three rings....just relax....:lol:
Who knows what that means.

Perhaps you can provide some thoughtful commentary on how ridding the Republican party of Republicans is good for the Republican party.
It's about time that Conservatives in the Republican Party got a phukking wake-up call.

And a healthy bitch-slap.

This is it.


This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance.

This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again.

The more Corporate Whores that are flushed out of the GOP, the better.

Adapt or die.
"Has Donald Trump Permanently Altered The Republican Party's DNA?"


After Clinton’s win and once Trump is gone, the two factions currently at war with each other will continue to battle: the ‘angry,' 'anti-establishment’ faction (former Trump supporters) will struggle with ‘business as usual,’ ‘establishment’ Republicans (‘RINOs’) for control of the Party; the victor of this battle will redefine the GOP.

Interestingly, Trump’s loss will afford both Republican factions the perfect excuse to not conduct a postmortem and not change their errant, wrongheaded positions on the issues – the GOP lost because the voters rejected Trump, not the Party’s agenda.
Hitlery will lead you into the three rings....just relax....:lol:
Who knows what that means.

Perhaps you can provide some thoughtful commentary on how ridding the Republican party of Republicans is good for the Republican party.
It's about time that Conservatives in the Republican Party got a phukking wake-up call.

And a healthy bitch-slap.

This is it.


This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance.

This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again.

The more Corporate Whores that are flushed out of the GOP, the better.

Hi! We're standing right here laughing at you fucktard GOP'ers run to the democrat party where you came from.....:lol:
This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance. This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again..

That's a pretty interesting statement right there.

Wouldn't it have been better to start a new party?
This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance. This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again..

That's a pretty interesting statement right there.

Wouldn't it have been better to start a new party?

No. Listen to Owebo. Why start a new party when you can rid the party of... the party? Makes perfect sense in the mind of a Trump supporter anyways. :dunno:
This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance. This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again..

That's a pretty interesting statement right there.

Wouldn't it have been better to start a new party?

No. Listen to Owebo. Why start a new party when you can rid the party of... the party? Makes perfect sense in the mind of a Trump supporter anyways. :dunno:
Well, my guess is that they didn't want to have to start a party from scratch, that they needed the GOP's massive infrastructure.

So now they're just trying to rid the party of Republicans (yeah, I know) to be replaced with.... I'm assuming a similar number of nationalist populists.
The GOP is broken beyond repair and they do not have the introspective nature to fix it. Critical self-examination is necessary in the aftermath of a political loss but instead there will be a flurry of vendettas with blame flying thick. It's just how they are and they deserve it for welcoming their fringe into the discussion.
This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance. This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again..

That's a pretty interesting statement right there.

Wouldn't it have been better to start a new party?

No. Listen to Owebo. Why start a new party when you can rid the party of... the party? Makes perfect sense in the mind of a Trump supporter anyways. :dunno:
No one is ridding the party of the party however....see your ignorance of what's going on yet?
This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance. This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again..

That's a pretty interesting statement right there.

Wouldn't it have been better to start a new party?
It is, indeed, an interesting statement.

You need only look around you, to discern the truth in that observation.

Between the time of Lincoln, and the period revolving around World War One, the Republican Party was the Party of the Common Man.

Then, first-generation military-industrialists and resentful trust-busting survivors - Corporatists - bought the Republican Party for themselves; it hasn't been the same since.

It simply took America a century to figure that out, to the extent where it could no longer be effective refuted.

What we see today is the Common Man taking back the GOP, and resurrecting its original look and feel and mission.

Given the fate of Third Parties in this country, it made much more sense to make a grab for the GOP, which has a built-in infrastructure and legacy-legitimacy to build upon.

Besides... for every Conservative-Corporatist Ruling Elite in the GOP, there are a thousand Rank-and-File who want a sea change - a massive shift in direction.

The Conservatives and Corporatists have been out-gunned a thousand-to-one, and all their money didn't do 'em one damned bit of good, this time.

It's a bummer that the Populist Movement on the GOP side served-up a creature like Trump... largely a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger.

The Populists will retain control of the GOP until 2020, even during a 3rd Obama term, and do a better job of vetting, next time; now that they know their power, and now that they know that the Ruling Elites can no longer stop them.

In sandlot basebal, there's a term for being obliged to take-the-field first, after losing a bat-grip toss... "Sucker's Walk"...

That's what's in store for the Corporate Whores at the top of the Republican Party, post-Trump... time for them to take the Sucker's Walk, and form their OWN party.

Although I doubt that the new National Rich Mutherphukker's Ruling Elites and Corporate Whores Party will gather very many Common Men under its pathetic banner.

Hope that helps.
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The GOP is broken beyond repair and they do not have the introspective nature to fix it. Critical self-examination is necessary in the aftermath of a political loss but instead there will be a flurry of vendettas with blame flying thick. It's just how they are and they deserve it for welcoming their fringe into the discussion.
The DNC is over.....
This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance. This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again..

That's a pretty interesting statement right there.

Wouldn't it have been better to start a new party?

No. Listen to Owebo. Why start a new party when you can rid the party of... the party? Makes perfect sense in the mind of a Trump supporter anyways. :dunno:
No one is ridding the party of the party however....see your ignorance of what's going on yet?

You said you want to rid the party of the GOPers. Tell me. What is the GOP?
This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance. This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again..

That's a pretty interesting statement right there.

Wouldn't it have been better to start a new party?

No. Listen to Owebo. Why start a new party when you can rid the party of... the party? Makes perfect sense in the mind of a Trump supporter anyways. :dunno:
No one is ridding the party of the party however....see your ignorance of what's going on yet?

You said you want to rid the party of the GOPers. Tell me. What is the GOP?
You mean a GOP'er?
This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance. This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again..

That's a pretty interesting statement right there.

Wouldn't it have been better to start a new party?
It is, indeed, an interesting statement.

You need only look around you, to discern the truth in that observation.

Between the time of Lincoln, and the period revolving around World War One, the Republican Party was the Party of the Common Man.

Then, first-generation military-industrialists and resentful trust-busting survivors - Corporatists - bought the Republican Party for themselves; it hasn't been the same since.

What we see today is the Common Man taking back the GOP, and resurrecting its original look and feel and mission.

Given the fate of Third Parties in this country, it made much more sense to make a grab for the GOP, which has a built-in infrastructure and legacy-legitimacy to build upon.

Besdies... for every Conservative-Corporatist Ruling Elite in the GOP, there are a thousand Rank-and-File who want a sea change - a massive shift in direction.

The Conservatives and Corporatists have been out-gunned a thousand-to-one, and all their money didn't do 'em one damned bit of good, this time.

It's a bummer that the Populist Movement on the GOP side served-up a creature like Trump... largely a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger.

The Populists will retain control until 2020, even during a 3rd Obama term, and do a better job of vetting, next time, now that they know their power and know they can't be stopped.

In sandlot basebal, there's a term for being obliged to take-the-field first, after losing a bat-grip toss... "Sucker's Walk"...

That's what's in store for the Corporate Whores at the top of the Republican Party, post-Trump... time for them to take the Sucker's Walk, and form their OWN party.

Although I doubt that that new National Rich Mutherphukker's Ruling Elitist and Corporate Whores Party will gather very many Common Men under its pathetic banner.

Hope that helps.
Holy crap, that's the best explanation I've seen of this, seriously.


Do you think that Trump creates a danger of damaging this message and direction?
This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance. This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again..

That's a pretty interesting statement right there.

Wouldn't it have been better to start a new party?

No. Listen to Owebo. Why start a new party when you can rid the party of... the party? Makes perfect sense in the mind of a Trump supporter anyways. :dunno:
No one is ridding the party of the party however....see your ignorance of what's going on yet?

You said you want to rid the party of the GOPers. Tell me. What is the GOP?
You mean a GOP'er?

You really are a hopeless stooge.
This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance. This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again..

That's a pretty interesting statement right there.

Wouldn't it have been better to start a new party?
It is, indeed, an interesting statement.

You need only look around you, to discern the truth in that observation.

Between the time of Lincoln, and the period revolving around World War One, the Republican Party was the Party of the Common Man.

Then, first-generation military-industrialists and resentful trust-busting survivors - Corporatists - bought the Republican Party for themselves; it hasn't been the same since.

What we see today is the Common Man taking back the GOP, and resurrecting its original look and feel and mission.

Given the fate of Third Parties in this country, it made much more sense to make a grab for the GOP, which has a built-in infrastructure and legacy-legitimacy to build upon.

Besdies... for every Conservative-Corporatist Ruling Elite in the GOP, there are a thousand Rank-and-File who want a sea change - a massive shift in direction.

The Conservatives and Corporatists have been out-gunned a thousand-to-one, and all their money didn't do 'em one damned bit of good, this time.

It's a bummer that the Populist Movement on the GOP side served-up a creature like Trump... largely a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger.

The Populists will retain control until 2020, even during a 3rd Obama term, and do a better job of vetting, next time, now that they know their power and know they can't be stopped.

In sandlot basebal, there's a term for being obliged to take-the-field first, after losing a bat-grip toss... "Sucker's Walk"...

That's what's in store for the Corporate Whores at the top of the Republican Party, post-Trump... time for them to take the Sucker's Walk, and form their OWN party.

Although I doubt that that new National Rich Mutherphukker's Ruling Elitist and Corporate Whores Party will gather very many Common Men under its pathetic banner.

Hope that helps.
Holy crap, that's the best explanation I've seen of this, seriously.


Do you think that Trump creates a danger of damaging this message and direction?
Thank you.

And... yes.
This isn't about Conservatism, which is largely a failed and increasingly unpopular approach to governance. This is about forcing the Grand Old Party to start paying attention to the needs and wants of the Common Man again..

That's a pretty interesting statement right there.

Wouldn't it have been better to start a new party?
It is, indeed, an interesting statement.

You need only look around you, to discern the truth in that observation.

Between the time of Lincoln, and the period revolving around World War One, the Republican Party was the Party of the Common Man.

Then, first-generation military-industrialists and resentful trust-busting survivors - Corporatists - bought the Republican Party for themselves; it hasn't been the same since.

What we see today is the Common Man taking back the GOP, and resurrecting its original look and feel and mission.

Given the fate of Third Parties in this country, it made much more sense to make a grab for the GOP, which has a built-in infrastructure and legacy-legitimacy to build upon.

Besdies... for every Conservative-Corporatist Ruling Elite in the GOP, there are a thousand Rank-and-File who want a sea change - a massive shift in direction.

The Conservatives and Corporatists have been out-gunned a thousand-to-one, and all their money didn't do 'em one damned bit of good, this time.

It's a bummer that the Populist Movement on the GOP side served-up a creature like Trump... largely a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger.

The Populists will retain control until 2020, even during a 3rd Obama term, and do a better job of vetting, next time, now that they know their power and know they can't be stopped.

In sandlot basebal, there's a term for being obliged to take-the-field first, after losing a bat-grip toss... "Sucker's Walk"...

That's what's in store for the Corporate Whores at the top of the Republican Party, post-Trump... time for them to take the Sucker's Walk, and form their OWN party.

Although I doubt that that new National Rich Mutherphukker's Ruling Elitist and Corporate Whores Party will gather very many Common Men under its pathetic banner.

Hope that helps.
Holy crap, that's the best explanation I've seen of this, seriously.


Do you think that Trump creates a danger of damaging this message and direction?
Unfortunately for them their vision of the "common man" is exclusively Caucasian. We desperately need some genuine populism here but the message needs to be that "we are all in this together" rather than "It's those other poor people's fault."
...Unfortunately for them their vision of the "common man" is exclusively Caucasian. We desperately need some genuine populism here but the message needs to be that "we are all in this together" rather than "It's those other poor people's fault."
Awwww... another oppressed minority, on the outside, looking in... isn't that just too precious?

But keep tellin' yourself that... within 20 years, the New Republican Party will be out-Democrating the Democrats... and you-and-yours will be on the ropes.

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