Has "It's the Culture, Stupid" replaced "It's the Economy, Stupid"?

The democrat Party plan to flood the country with tens of million of Illegals -- then grant them citizenship is a game changer
Well it's hard to have that discussion when the Democratic leadership is in on the orgy. What Mac1958 gets wrong about identity and the politics of political correctness is that white people love that shit, on the left and the right and no one more so than the whites on the right. They eat that shit up. White replacement theory, Don't Say Gay, they love identity politics and political correctness. So do white liberals and that shit worked for the Democratic party when that was the vast majority of their base. Their base has changed though and fighting racism and well as economic inequality can't just be theater and show anymore. You actually have to accomplish some shit and that's where Democrats in politics are having trouble. They don't know how to fight.

Mac used to be a fairly sensible liberal, and then he started whining about Political correctness ten years ago.

I do think the biggest problem Democrats have is that with the exception of Bill Clinton, they really don't know how to fight dirty.
The democrat Party plan to flood the country with tens of million of Illegals -- then grant them citizenship is a game changer

Awesome. WHy is that a bad thing?

Hey, maybe if you Repukes hadn't spent the last 20 years demonizing immigrants and refusing to fix a system even you knew was broken, you'd have a reasonable chance with these folks. Most of them are more conservative than Americans in their social values.
So that's what you got from my post?

Mac1958 is neither “fer” degenerate lib sexual practices or “agin”

He just likes to sit on the sidelines and watch a good food fight
...and fighting racism as well as economic inequality can't just be theater and show anymore. You actually have to accomplish some shit and that's where Democrats in politics are having trouble. They don't know how to fight.

It's not like they lost the will to fight, but it's because republicans have chosen to obstruct instead of govern. Republicans helped to pass the civil rights act 1968. Now they oppose infrastructure, because it would be a win in the democratic column.
Most voters, except those comfortable enough to not be affected by economic swings, will vote with their pocket book.

Voters may have, and loudlyespouse, strongly held cultural opinions ... but economy will always win out and the candidate that convinces voters they will issue in a better economy than the other guy will be the winner.
If that is correct, how do you explain the general dissatisfaction with the country's direction despite the US economy being the strongest in the world with historically low unemployment and wage growth exceeding inflation?
really, I seem to remember shelves being stripped at the local store during the lockdown..that is if you could find a store that was open.
MAGA's have selective memory. It was like when for years Germany completely ignored what happened from 1933-1945. It was literally erased from the history books.
Mac used to be a fairly sensible liberal, and then he started whining about Political correctness ten years ago.

I do think the biggest problem Democrats have is that with the exception of Bill Clinton, they really don't know how to fight dirty.
Even Obama was so gentle with them as they were calling him a secret Kenyan born Muslim out to destroy America from within. I think a lot of people like Mac want to do that thing we all do with the asshole in our family by bending over backwards to appease their entitled demands just so they don't cause a scene in public but that's the wrong route. We should be happy to embarrass them in public until they learn to behave better or become to ashamed to show their faces in public.
It's not like they lost the will to fight, but it's because republicans have chosen to obstruct instead of govern. Republicans helped to pass the civil rights act 1968. Now they oppose infrastructure, because it would be a win in the democratic column.
So is the Democratic leadership just going to sit on their hands and cry about it?
Fareed Zakaria has a new book out that proposes a fundamental change in Americans' priorities, and (I don't know if he meant to do this) also goes a long way in explaining the rise and staying power of the MAGA movement.

In short, he believes that the cultural issues -- particularly (a) immigration/the border and (b) gender, are now more primary political movers than the economy used to be.

He also uses a very important term to describe this: "Backlash". I couldn't agree more, and I think it's key. I spent my first few years on this board concentrating on the tactics of the Left and how they'd create a -- wait for it -- backlash, and sure as hell, here we are.

I hadn't really thought about how the cultural issues have replaced the economy as #1, but I think he may be right.

I had come to believe one of Zakaria's central points a number of years ago. Namely, the reaction by the teabaggers to the post Bush recession was less about government spending than a black guy being in the WH. It was the tipping point at which the culture wars became the animating force behind what has become MAGAism.
I had come to believe one of Zakaria's central points a number of years ago. Namely, the reaction by the teabaggers to the post Bush recession was less about government spending than a black guy being in the WH. It was the tipping point at which the culture wars became the animating force behind what has become MAGAism.
That's the moment they realized they could get got and that a permanent white majority and ruling class was in jeopardy. A black president was unimaginable in the 90s and then suddenly it was here. It's been an existential crisis for them ever since.
I had come to believe one of Zakaria's central points a number of years ago. Namely, the reaction by the teabaggers to the post Bush recession was less about government spending than a black guy being in the WH. It was the tipping point at which the culture wars became the animating force behind what has become MAGAism.
I believe these people have legitimate grievances in some areas, as we all do. No one is 100% pleased with everything happening in America, to say the least.

The problem is that their media -- particularly the legacy of Limbaugh and the hundreds of copycats who came after him -- magnify and amplify every last goddamn thing by a factor of a thousand. So what might have started with a reasonable, intelligent, civil disagreement that could lead to a solution is now a full on screaming match in which no one is listening.

As long as these people can't see what these opportunistic voices are doing, this won't get fixed.
If that is correct, how do you explain the general dissatisfaction with the country's direction despite the US economy being the strongest in the world with historically low unemployment and wage growth exceeding inflation?
People at or near retirement age have theirs and will probably die before the collapse

Including libs and fence sitters like Mac1958 and his understudy Harpy Eagle

But only MAGAs care about what happens to the children and grandchildren after they are gone
If that is correct, how do you explain the general dissatisfaction with the country's direction despite the US economy being the strongest in the world with historically low unemployment and wage growth exceeding inflation?
In part, it's because of social media, and the war against Main-stream Media.
Back when people got their news from Edward R. Murrow, or Walter Cronkite they were shown the "big picture", and not isolated instances.
When an illegal alien commits a crime anywhere, it gets tik-tok'd, facebook'd, X'd etc. until it looks like a national crime wave.
I believe these people have legitimate grievances in some areas, as we all do. No one is 100% pleased with everything happening in America, to say the least.

The problem is that their media -- particularly the legacy of Limbaugh and the hundreds of copycats who came after him -- magnify and amplify every last goddamn thing by a factor of a thousand. So what might have started with a reasonable, intelligent, civil disagreement that could lead to a solution is now a full on screaming match in which no one is listening.

As long as these people can't see what these opportunistic voices are doing, this won't get fixed.
What about Obama is a secret Kenyan born Muslim is a legitimate or reasonable disagreement?
So is the Democratic leadership just going to sit on their hands and cry about it?
Until they can change the filibuster rules in the senate, you have the same situation as when there was a supreme court vacancy Mitch McConnell refused to fill, leaving it vacant for over a year.

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