Has Obama F**kd Up America And The World Enough?

"Has Obama F**kd Up America And The World Enough?"

Obviously you're unaware of how ridiculous, inane, and partisan this is.

It's just as moronic as the Bush bashers, if not more so.
It's partisan to state a fact? No matter how much the media spins it, Americans are definitely not better off, nor are they safer than when the asshole took over.
Everywhere we look we see evidence the asshole's handiwork in action. The Middle East, Russia, Africa, etc.are all a mess ready to explode. Not to mention all the domestic catastrophes such as health care, IRS, gun running, etc. Heck, he can't even run a competent NSA.

I'm just wondering if there is anything this goofball idiot has ever done right, ever since he took office. I sure can't think of ANYTHING but cause disasters.

But hey, it takes a total ideologue and radical moron like Obama for Bush to come out smelling like roses.
What did he do right before he took office? Obama's never done anything right his entire life.
Oh the impatience. Don't rush Him. He still has two years left to just His second term. Plenty of time to do lots and lots more.
Obama's trying to engineer a communist/socialist takeover of our political system. He sees himself as god emperor.
Everywhere we look we see evidence the asshole's handiwork in action. The Middle East, Russia, Africa, etc.are all a mess ready to explode. Not to mention all the domestic catastrophes such as health care, IRS, gun running, etc. Heck, he can't even run a competent NSA.

I'm just wondering if there is anything this goofball idiot has ever done right, ever since he took office. I sure can't think of ANYTHING but cause disasters.

But hey, it takes a total ideologue and radical moron like Obama for Bush to come out smelling like roses.
What did he do right before he took office? Obama's never done anything right his entire life.

He's a really good bullshitter and con artist. Besides he gives amazing speeches with the help of a teleprompter. And he's really good at apologizing for America and appeasing our enemies. Those are the things he's mastered.
This is why USMB right wingers suck. They start off with asshole and then blame Obama for their mess. Their states are fucked up. Their minds are fucked up. Their schools are fucked up. They policies are fucked up. They are just fucked up.

How does one explain this post?
What if it is NOT incompetence or ignorance?

What if all of the disastrous actions by Obama are ineptitude and error?

Could you tell the difference between clever TREASON and Incompetence?

This is why USMB right wingers suck. They start off with asshole and then blame Obama for their mess. Their states are fucked up. Their minds are fucked up. Their schools are fucked up. They policies are fucked up. They are just fucked up.
First of all, I'm no right winger. I voted for Bill Clinton with no regrets. He was a great president who brought unprecedented peace and prosperity because like all great presidents he was able to contain the radicals in his party to the benefit of the American people. That costed Hillary the 2008 Democratic nomination, we all know that. Ted Keneddy dealt the nail in Hillary's coffin when as the Godfather of the Democratic mafia, he chose Obama.

Obama unfortunately, is probably even more radical than the radicals in his party. You add to that his lack of experience and his radical ideology and you have a perfect mix for the candidate for the worst president in US history. Even Bill Clinton came out during the 2008 campaign and said essentially the same thing. Now, everything John Mc Cain and Romney have warned and predicted about Obama have come to fruition.

Yes, I blame Obama for improperly and prematurely pulling out of Iraq, despite warming's by military leaders. All the cities captured which are now in ISIS hands, that cost thousands of American lives, for nothing, thanks to Obama. I blame Obama for making America look like a paper tiger when he drew a red line in Syria and then backing out. And now because of this we have ISIS, and even worse, Russia's invasions.

Obama = Jimmy Carter on steroids

You're an interesting one to me. You are correct on many but not on others. But debates could be so I could make you understand your failures. Russia did not invade. I dance very well when it comes to the the Ukraine. I am after all Ukraine. And when it comes to ISIS I am a champ.

You are wrong on both. But you are intelligent so I will engage you.
Now on Russia Roudy. I've only backed off my guy who by the way I dearly love Stephen Harper. I'm going to bring down the hammer baby.

I have to go thru a couple of local elections and then I can start to kick ass.

Wait till you see what I can do. I just want to get Konrad in.
Everywhere we look we see evidence the asshole's handiwork in action. The Middle East, Russia, Africa, etc.are all a mess ready to explode. Not to mention all the domestic catastrophes such as health care, IRS, gun running, etc. Heck, he can't even run a competent NSA.

I'm just wondering if there is anything this goofball idiot has ever done right, ever since he took office. I sure can't think of ANYTHING but cause disasters.

But hey, it takes a total ideologue and radical moron like Obama for Bush to come out smelling like roses.
What did he do right before he took office? Obama's never done anything right his entire life.

He's a really good bullshitter and con artist. Besides he gives amazing speeches with the help of a teleprompter. And he's really good at apologizing for America and appeasing our enemies. Those are the things he's mastered.
In real life Obama would not make manager of a burger joint... But in the democrat party he gets to be President. Democrats really don't have a high bar do they.
For anyone i
Everywhere we look we see evidence the asshole's handiwork in action. The Middle East, Russia, Africa, etc.are all a mess ready to explode. Not to mention all the domestic catastrophes such as health care, IRS, gun running, etc. Heck, he can't even run a competent NSA.

I'm just wondering if there is anything this goofball idiot has ever done right, ever since he took office. I sure can't think of ANYTHING but cause disasters.

But hey, it takes a total ideologue and radical moron like Obama for Bush to come out smelling like roses.
What did he do right before he took office? Obama's never done anything right his entire life.

He's a really good bullshitter and con artist. Besides he gives amazing speeches with the help of a teleprompter. And he's really good at apologizing for America and appeasing our enemies. Those are the things he's mastered.
In real life Obama would not make manager of a burger joint... But in the democrat party he gets to be President. Democrats really don't have a high bar do they.

My husband was talking to his dad. Joe T. He's finally screaming. A Dem. Oh you have no idea.
Everywhere we look we see evidence the asshole's handiwork in action. The Middle East, Russia, Africa, etc.are all a mess ready to explode. Not to mention all the domestic catastrophes such as health care, IRS, gun running, etc. Heck, he can't even run a competent NSA.

I'm just wondering if there is anything this goofball idiot has ever done right, ever since he took office. I sure can't think of ANYTHING but cause disasters.

But hey, it takes a total ideologue and radical moron like Obama for Bush to come out smelling like roses.
What did he do right before he took office? Obama's never done anything right his entire life.

He's a really good bullshitter and con artist. Besides he gives amazing speeches with the help of a teleprompter. And he's really good at apologizing for America and appeasing our enemies. Those are the things he's mastered.
In real life Obama would not make manager of a burger joint... But in the democrat party he gets to be President. Democrats really don't have a high bar do they.
What a dolt.

he's a complete joke
Everywhere we look we see evidence the asshole's handiwork in action. The Middle East, Russia, Africa, etc.are all a mess ready to explode. Not to mention all the domestic catastrophes such as health care, IRS, gun running, etc. Heck, he can't even run a competent NSA.

I'm just wondering if there is anything this goofball idiot has ever done right, ever since he took office. I sure can't think of ANYTHING but cause disasters.

But hey, it takes a total ideologue and radical moron like Obama for Bush to come out smelling like roses.
If you had any brains at all, you would realize that this:
Everywhere we look we see evidence the asshole's handiwork in action. The Middle East, Russia, Africa, etc.are all a mess ready to explode. Not to mention all the domestic catastrophes such as health care, IRS, gun running, etc. Heck, he can't even run a competent NSA.
is completely a matter of perception, and right wing partisan perception at that. It does not reflect reality, no matter how often you chant it. Therefore, your thread is ludicrous. Why don't you post an honest question for honest, real debate? Oh, I know: because you don't have the brains or ethics to do so.
Please all of you take note and save copies of your posts here, because I can guarantee you that in 2018 all the same statements will be made if a GOP candidate is elected.

Romney? Ever heard of Romneycare in Massachusetts? Try taking that away since it's become Obamacare. They've loved it since 2006. I live part-time on the South Shore, I know.

McCain? Nope, too old and a RINO.

Paul Ryan? A guy who has been a congressman all his life, since the age of 28. Before that he drove a WeinerSchnitzel mobile. Look it up.

Rand Paul? Maybe. He's your best... shot but guess what kids? He doesn't believe in ANY foreign intervention. And women won't vote for him since he's ANTI-choice.

Jeb Bush?...Mama doesn't want him to run.

Ted Cruz?.....(Bahahahahaa.....no words for that one)

So...give it your best shot. And I'm keeping the light on for you.

Fool. You don't know the game at all. The Bushes are running Hillary. The Bush family will throw in Jeb to drain away from any other R in the pack.
"Has Obama F**kd Up America And The World Enough?"

Obviously you're unaware of how ridiculous, inane, and partisan this is.

It's just as moronic as the Bush bashers, if not more so.
It's partisan to state a fact? No matter how much the media spins it, Americans are definitely not better off, nor are they safer than when the asshole took over.
Let`s check the scorecard. Americans killed on our soil by terrorists when Bush was president...3,000
How many killed on Obama`s watch? 2
Do you want to talk about the DOW or the 3.5 million jobs lost during the last 5 months of Gomer`s presidency? I didn`t think so.
Everywhere we look we see evidence the asshole's handiwork in action. The Middle East, Russia, Africa, etc.are all a mess ready to explode. Not to mention all the domestic catastrophes such as health care, IRS, gun running, etc. Heck, he can't even run a competent NSA.

I'm just wondering if there is anything this goofball idiot has ever done right, ever since he took office. I sure can't think of ANYTHING but cause disasters.

But hey, it takes a total ideologue and radical moron like Obama for Bush to come out smelling like roses.
What did he do right before he took office? Obama's never done anything right his entire life.

He's a really good bullshitter and con artist. Besides he gives amazing speeches with the help of a teleprompter. And he's really good at apologizing for America and appeasing our enemies. Those are the things he's mastered.
In real life Obama would not make manager of a burger joint... But in the democrat party he gets to be President. Democrats really don't have a high bar do they.
What a dolt.

he's a complete joke
Correction,TD. "...sick joke..."
"Has Obama F**kd Up America And The World Enough?"

Obviously you're unaware of how ridiculous, inane, and partisan this is.

It's just as moronic as the Bush bashers, if not more so.
It's partisan to state a fact? No matter how much the media spins it, Americans are definitely not better off, nor are they safer than when the asshole took over.
Let`s check the scorecard. Americans killed on our soil by terrorists when Bush was president...3,000
How many killed on Obama`s watch? 2
Do you want to talk about the DOW or the 3.5 million jobs lost during the last 5 months of Gomer`s presidency? I didn`t think so.
This is why USMB right wingers suck. They start off with asshole and then blame Obama for their mess. Their states are fucked up. Their minds are fucked up. Their schools are fucked up. They policies are fucked up. They are just fucked up.
First of all, I'm no right winger. I voted for Bill Clinton with no regrets. He was a great president who brought unprecedented peace and prosperity because like all great presidents he was able to contain the radicals in his party to the benefit of the American people. That costed Hillary the 2008 Democratic nomination, we all know that. Ted Keneddy dealt the nail in Hillary's coffin when as the Godfather of the Democratic mafia, he chose Obama.

Obama unfortunately, is probably even more radical than the radicals in his party. You add to that his lack of experience and his radical ideology and you have a perfect mix for the candidate for the worst president in US history. Even Bill Clinton came out during the 2008 campaign and said essentially the same thing. Now, everything John Mc Cain and Romney have warned and predicted about Obama have come to fruition.

Yes, I blame Obama for improperly and prematurely pulling out of Iraq, despite warming's by military leaders. All the cities captured which are now in ISIS hands, that cost thousands of American lives, for nothing, thanks to Obama. I blame Obama for making America look like a paper tiger when he drew a red line in Syria and then backing out. And now because of this we have ISIS, and even worse, Russia's invasions.

Obama = Jimmy Carter on steroids

You're an interesting one to me. You are correct on many but not on others. But debates could be so I could make you understand your failures. Russia did not invade. I dance very well when it comes to the the Ukraine. I am after all Ukraine. And when it comes to ISIS I am a champ.

You are wrong on both. But you are intelligent so I will engage you.
So you don't think ISIS was created because Obama hastily and stupidly removed all US troops from Iraq and did nothing to stop Assad's genocidal campaign against his people, therefore enabling the rise of a radical Islamist terrorist group to fill the vacuum.

And you also don't think that Russia's invasion of Ukraine was because of Putin's perceived weaknesses in Obama as a leader who means what he says, and Obama's "won't go to war no matter what" policy?

That is the same exact reason Russia invaded Afghanistan in 1979 when Jimmy Carter was in charge. Another president who fucked up America and the world royally.
Obviously you're unaware of how ridiculous, inane, and partisan this is.

It's just as moronic as the Bush bashers, if not more so.
It's partisan to state a fact? No matter how much the media spins it, Americans are definitely not better off, nor are they safer than when the asshole took over.
Let`s check the scorecard. Americans killed on our soil by terrorists when Bush was president...3,000
How many killed on Obama`s watch? 2
Do you want to talk about the DOW or the 3.5 million jobs lost during the last 5 months of Gomer`s presidency? I didn`t think so.

Your scorecard is about as good as your "economic recovery". Not only have more troops died under Obama, but he essentially flushed away all the American lives lost to gain the territory now under ISIS' control.

U.S. Deaths in Afghanistan Obama vs Bush Just Foreign Policy

Last Update: June 12, 2014

575 US troops died in Afghanistan during the Bush presidency. By August 18, 2010, following two troop surges initiated by President Obama, that number had doubled. Today, over 1500 US troops have died in Afghanistan since President Obama took office—and yet, little in that war-torn country has changed.

These numbers should give us pause. While the Administration has publicly conceded that there is no military solution in Afghanistan, and claimed that it supports 'Afghan-led reconciliation', its policy on the ground is marked by a refusal to establish a timetable for full military withdrawal even after misleading Americans into thinking that all US troops would be out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

We must ask ourselves how many more lives will be sacrificed before the Obama administration sets a clear end date for America's longest war.
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