Has Obama F**kd Up America And The World Enough?

Thirty some posts about hating Obama but not one (1) of these freaks has sai
And then there is the six pages of broken election promises: The Obameter Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken PolitiFact

Just to put it into some much needed context, there are 12 pages of Promises Kept.

The Obameter Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept PolitiFact

Yes, it's those promises kept that pint to his high approval rating. What flavor of cool aid do you prefer, punch? Ha ha ha.
42%-48%, with lows of 38% last month is not a high approval rating for sure: Presidential Approval Ratings -- Barack Obama Gallup Historical Data Trends
It`s still more than double the approval of the GOP congress. Have some more ha ha ha`s. 16%!
Congress 8217 s Low Approval Rating Is Hurting Republicans FiveThirtyEight

I guess he hasn't fucked up Amrica and the world enough. The ha ha ha's will happen in November when Americans virtually neutralize his ability to continue :clap2:
And then there is the six pages of broken election promises: The Obameter Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken PolitiFact

Just to put it into some much needed context, there are 12 pages of Promises Kept.

The Obameter Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept PolitiFact

Yes, it's those promises kept that point to his high approval rating. What flavor of cool aid do you prefer, fruit punch? Ha ha ha.

Pointing out something factual to counter something else factual is now a kool-aid drinking exercise?

Ha ha ha. :321:
What is factual, that Obama's been a great president, and his high approval ratings are because of his amazing accomplishments both domestically and internationally since he took office? Fruit punch?

If you go back and read (or hire a translator), you'd see that the facts I'm referring to are the six pages of Obama's broken promises and the 12 pages of Obama's kept promises.

Does that clear things up, Fruit Punch?

Yeah, except what you call a "kept promise" is considered a fuckup to the rest of us objective people. Pulling troops out of Iraq, in the way he did, brought about ISIS and the mess we are in now. Get it? Kewel Aid.
Please all of you take note and save copies of your posts here, because I can guarantee you that in 2018 all the same statements will be made if a GOP candidate is elected.

Romney? Ever heard of Romneycare in Massachusetts? Try taking that away since it's become Obamacare. They've loved it since 2006. I live part-time on the South Shore, I know.

McCain? Nope, too old and a RINO.

Paul Ryan? A guy who has been a congressman all his life, since the age of 28. Before that he drove a WeinerSchnitzel mobile. Look it up.

Rand Paul? Maybe. He's your best... shot but guess what kids? He doesn't believe in ANY foreign intervention. And women won't vote for him since he's ANTI-choice.

Jeb Bush?...Mama doesn't want him to run.

Ted Cruz?.....(Bahahahahaa.....no words for that one)

So...give it your best shot. And I'm keeping the light on for you.
If we can take the senate in November, at least we can limit the amount of destruction the sock puppet can do.

roudy said:
Not that he hasn't already shown his true colors, but he's really going to come out of the closet once the republicans take the Senate. And I'm pretty sure they are and he knows it, that's why Holder exited left stage.

the shartshank redemption said:
I wonder if he'll pardon Charlie Manson. :badgrin:

hossfly said:
If he does then Major Hassan is a shoo-in.

one sharted over the cuckoo's nest said:
Prolly John Hinckley Jr., too.

lonelaugher said:
Oh.....SNAP!!!! You got it kid! You need to be writing for Gutfeld. Yer a fucking genius.

I've been published.

Can you say that, dipshit? :badgrin:

You've been published? Well........that changes everything. Suddenly, your lame jokes have become funnier. Amazing!

Would Shart care to share his titles with us?
If ever there was a President who needs to be impeached is Hussein Obama!

I simply can not understand how Americans can take all his s*** lying down.

If something is not done soon, to stop his madness .... well....America deserves all that is coming.

Then why isn't he? You all managed to impeach Clinton and apparently you think Obama's sins are much worse. Are right-wingers so impotent, lame and disenfranchised that all they can do is bitch on internet message boards?

Write your congressman/woman and complain. Call and visit their offices. Oh, they won't do anything? Surprised? Sit down and STFU.
This is why USMB right wingers suck. They start off with asshole and then blame Obama for their mess. Their states are fucked up. Their minds are fucked up. Their schools are fucked up. They policies are fucked up. They are just fucked up.
Everywhere we look we see evidence the asshole's handiwork in action. The Middle East, Russia, Africa, etc.are all a mess ready to explode. Not to mention all the domestic catastrophes such as health care, IRS, gun running, etc. Heck, he can't even run a competent NSA.

I'm just wondering if there is anything this goofball idiot has ever done right, ever since he took office. I sure can't think of ANYTHING but cause disasters.

But hey, it takes a total ideologue and radical moron like Obama for Bush to come out smelling like roses.
He's not finished with America yet. He still has 2 years. But Liberals worship him like he was Jesus.

There were people still playing music on the deck, while the Titanic was sinking. The results of the midterm elections will be this administration's iceberg.

The band played on in disbelief. At least they recognized their demise was coming and bravely played.

We are witnessing a ghoulish glee of progressives witnessing the death of America as we know her. They will dance in the streets when she dies.
Please all of you take note and save copies of your posts here, because I can guarantee you that in 2018 all the same statements will be made if a GOP candidate is elected.

Romney? Ever heard of Romneycare in Massachusetts? Try taking that away since it's become Obamacare. They've loved it since 2006. I live part-time on the South Shore, I know.

McCain? Nope, too old and a RINO.

Paul Ryan? A guy who has been a congressman all his life, since the age of 28. Before that he drove a WeinerSchnitzel mobile. Look it up.

Rand Paul? Maybe. He's your best... shot but guess what kids? He doesn't believe in ANY foreign intervention. And women won't vote for him since he's ANTI-choice.

Jeb Bush?...Mama doesn't want him to run.

Ted Cruz?.....(Bahahahahaa.....no words for that one)

So...give it your best shot. And I'm keeping the light on for you.

Fool. You don't know the game at all. The Bushes are running Hillary. The Bush family will throw in Jeb to drain away from any other R in the pack.
If ever there was a President who needs to be impeached is Hussein Obama!

I simply can not understand how Americans can take all his s*** lying down.

If something is not done soon, to stop his madness .... well....America deserves all that is coming.

Then why isn't he? You all managed to impeach Clinton and apparently you think Obama's sins are much worse. Are right-wingers so impotent, lame and disenfranchised that all they can do is bitch on internet message boards?

Write your congressman/woman and complain. Call and visit their offices. Oh, they won't do anything? Surprised? Sit down and STFU.
Typical leftist.. Sit down and shut up. Why do you hate liberty?
Yeah, except what you call a "kept promise" is considered a fuckup to the rest of us objective people. Pulling troops out of Iraq, in the way he did, brought about ISIS and the mess we are in now. Get it? Kewel Aid.

It's not what I call a "kept promise." It is what politifact has called a "kept promise."

Just keep paddling in that pool of fail.....
Please all of you take note and save copies of your posts here, because I can guarantee you that in 2018 all the same statements will be made if a GOP candidate is elected.

Romney? Ever heard of Romneycare in Massachusetts? Try taking that away since it's become Obamacare. They've loved it since 2006. I live part-time on the South Shore, I know.

McCain? Nope, too old and a RINO.

Paul Ryan? A guy who has been a congressman all his life, since the age of 28. Before that he drove a WeinerSchnitzel mobile. Look it up.

Rand Paul? Maybe. He's your best... shot but guess what kids? He doesn't believe in ANY foreign intervention. And women won't vote for him since he's ANTI-choice.

Jeb Bush?...Mama doesn't want him to run.

Ted Cruz?.....(Bahahahahaa.....no words for that one)

So...give it your best shot. And I'm keeping the light on for you.

Fool. You don't know the game at all. The Bushes are running Hillary. The Bush family will throw in Jeb to drain away from any other R in the pack.

So Hillary is the next POTUS? Bahahahahaaa......I'll keep your post for future reference.
If ever there was a President who needs to be impeached is Hussein Obama!

I simply can not understand how Americans can take all his s*** lying down.

If something is not done soon, to stop his madness .... well....America deserves all that is coming.

Then why isn't he? You all managed to impeach Clinton and apparently you think Obama's sins are much worse. Are right-wingers so impotent, lame and disenfranchised that all they can do is bitch on internet message boards?

Write your congressman/woman and complain. Call and visit their offices. Oh, they won't do anything? Surprised? Sit down and STFU.
Typical leftist.. Sit down and shut up. Why do you hate liberty?

Well, answer the question: Why don't you silly people get him impeached if he's all that bad? Aren't your congressmen listening to you? The ones you keep reelecting even though they are acting in their own interests and not yours?
If ever there was a President who needs to be impeached is Hussein Obama!

I simply can not understand how Americans can take all his s*** lying down.

If something is not done soon, to stop his madness .... well....America deserves all that is coming.

Then why isn't he? You all managed to impeach Clinton and apparently you think Obama's sins are much worse. Are right-wingers so impotent, lame and disenfranchised that all they can do is bitch on internet message boards?

Write your congressman/woman and complain. Call and visit their offices. Oh, they won't do anything? Surprised? Sit down and STFU.
Typical leftist.. Sit down and shut up. Why do you hate liberty?

Well, answer the question: Why don't you silly people get him impeached if he's all that bad? Aren't your congressmen listening to you? The ones you keep reelecting even though they are acting in their own interests and not yours?
I'm not a fan of the Republican party. I vote Tea Party. The first mongrel president can't be impeached. Affirmative Action employees are not responsible for anything. It's politically incorrect to treat a democrat mongrel President like the white presidents.
I'm laughing......Rush Limbaugh said waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in February of 2009 that this guy would end up being a total failure!!!

Sure as shit......he's more unpopular than Bush or Clinton!!!

Gallup Voter opposition to Obama at 16-year high worse than Bush Clinton WashingtonExaminer.com

This is what you get when you elect a community organizer with the backbone of a Hershey bar to the highest office of the land.:boobies::boobies::eusa_dance:

I have to say.....even I didn't think he'd end up being this much of a fuck up.

No way he gets impeached.....but at least we wont see another far left racist guy in the White House for a long, long time!! That shit is done at least for my lifetime.
I'm laughing......Rush Limbaugh said waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in February of 2009 that this guy would end up being a total failure!!!

Sure as shit......he's more unpopular than Bush or Clinton!!!

Gallup Voter opposition to Obama at 16-year high worse than Bush Clinton WashingtonExaminer.com

This is what you get when you elect a community organizer with the backbone of a Hershey bar to the highest office of the land.:boobies::boobies::eusa_dance:

I have to say.....even I didn't think he'd end up being this much of a fuck up.

No way he gets impeached.....but at least we wont see another far left racist guy in the White House for a long, long time!! That shit is done at least for my lifetime.
Obungo is going to have a long two years. Thank God for our wise founding fathers.
This is why USMB right wingers suck. They start off with asshole and then blame Obama for their mess. Their states are fucked up. Their minds are fucked up. Their schools are fucked up. They policies are fucked up. They are just fucked up.
First of all, I'm no right winger. I voted for Bill Clinton with no regrets. He was a great president who brought unprecedented peace and prosperity because like all great presidents he was able to contain the radicals in his party to the benefit of the American people. That costed Hillary the 2008 Democratic nomination, we all know that. Ted Keneddy dealt the nail in Hillary's coffin when as the Godfather of the Democratic mafia, he chose Obama.

Obama unfortunately, is probably even more radical than the radicals in his party. You add to that his lack of experience and his radical ideology and you have a perfect mix for the candidate for the worst president in US history. Even Bill Clinton came out during the 2008 campaign and said essentially the same thing. Now, everything John Mc Cain and Romney have warned and predicted about Obama have come to fruition.

Yes, I blame Obama for improperly and prematurely pulling out of Iraq, despite warming's by military leaders. All the cities captured which are now in ISIS hands, that cost thousands of American lives, for nothing, thanks to Obama. I blame Obama for making America look like a paper tiger when he drew a red line in Syria and then backing out. And now because of this we have ISIS, and even worse, Russia's invasions.

Obama = Jimmy Carter on steroids
I'm laughing......Rush Limbaugh said waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in February of 2009 that this guy would end up being a total failure!!!

Sure as shit......he's more unpopular than Bush or Clinton!!!

Gallup Voter opposition to Obama at 16-year high worse than Bush Clinton WashingtonExaminer.com

This is what you get when you elect a community organizer with the backbone of a Hershey bar to the highest office of the land.:boobies::boobies::eusa_dance:

I have to say.....even I didn't think he'd end up being this much of a fuck up.

No way he gets impeached.....but at least we wont see another far left racist guy in the White House for a long, long time!! That shit is done at least for my lifetime.
Obungo is going to have a long two years. Thank God for our wise founding fathers.
Let us hope this country and the world survive this disaster we have in the White House.
If ever there was a President who needs to be impeached is Hussein Obama!

I simply can not understand how Americans can take all his s*** lying down.

If something is not done soon, to stop his madness .... well....America deserves all that is coming.

Then why isn't he? You all managed to impeach Clinton and apparently you think Obama's sins are much worse. Are right-wingers so impotent, lame and disenfranchised that all they can do is bitch on internet message boards?

Write your congressman/woman and complain. Call and visit their offices. Oh, they won't do anything? Surprised? Sit down and STFU.
Typical leftist.. Sit down and shut up. Why do you hate liberty?

Well, answer the question: Why don't you silly people get him impeached if he's all that bad? Aren't your congressmen listening to you? The ones you keep reelecting even though they are acting in their own interests and not yours?

His lying to the face of the American people over Ben Ghazi and then taking off to a campaign fund raiser was definitely an Impeachable offense.

But of course the leftist media which is as radical as he is, continue to cover up for him.
"Has Obama F**kd Up America And The World Enough?"

Obviously you're unaware of how ridiculous, inane, and partisan this is.

It's just as moronic as the Bush bashers, if not more so.

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