Has Obama F**kd Up America And The World Enough?

For anyone i
Everywhere we look we see evidence the asshole's handiwork in action. The Middle East, Russia, Africa, etc.are all a mess ready to explode. Not to mention all the domestic catastrophes such as health care, IRS, gun running, etc. Heck, he can't even run a competent NSA.

I'm just wondering if there is anything this goofball idiot has ever done right, ever since he took office. I sure can't think of ANYTHING but cause disasters.

But hey, it takes a total ideologue and radical moron like Obama for Bush to come out smelling like roses.
What did he do right before he took office? Obama's never done anything right his entire life.

He's a really good bullshitter and con artist. Besides he gives amazing speeches with the help of a teleprompter. And he's really good at apologizing for America and appeasing our enemies. Those are the things he's mastered.
In real life Obama would not make manager of a burger joint... But in the democrat party he gets to be President. Democrats really don't have a high bar do they.

My husband was talking to his dad. Joe T. He's finally screaming. A Dem. Oh you have no idea.
Ayup... during the Bush torture,... I mean administration... many republicans left the republican party to vote for anything but 4more years of Bush. The same is going to happen this time around... anything but 4more years of Obama. Hillary won't be able to distance herself. Only chance the dems have is if they find an RFK like democrat, if such a thing even exists anymore. Or maybe if a republican switches party and runs as a democrat. Well someone that was a respected republican, independent, or libertarian anyway. But I don't see the dems making any move away from Hillary.
"Has Obama F**kd Up America And The World Enough?"

Obviously you're unaware of how ridiculous, inane, and partisan this is.

It's just as moronic as the Bush bashers, if not more so.
It's partisan to state a fact? No matter how much the media spins it, Americans are definitely not better off, nor are they safer than when the asshole took over.
America is not better off than when we were losing 745,000 jobs a month under the war criminal`s regime? We`re not better off with the DOW at 17,000 as opposed to 7,000 when Gomer left office. Create your own reality much? Bottom line...80 posts in and no one has yet said what horrible things Obama has done to eff up America. If he lied 4,500 soldiers to their deaths would you like him then?
"Has Obama F**kd Up America And The World Enough?"

Obviously you're unaware of how ridiculous, inane, and partisan this is.

It's just as moronic as the Bush bashers, if not more so.
It's partisan to state a fact? No matter how much the media spins it, Americans are definitely not better off, nor are they safer than when the asshole took over.
America is not better off than when we were losing 745,000 jobs a month under the war criminal`s regime? We`re not better off with the DOW at 17,000 as opposed to 7,000 when Gomer left office. Create your own reality much? Bottom line...80 posts in and no one has yet said what horrible things Obama has done to eff up America. If he lied 4,500 soldiers to their deaths would you like him then?

You want us to repeat it?

His foreign policy has been a disaster and recipe for a World War III, Al Queda is not on the run, in fact it is on the rebound and stronger copycat affiliates like ISIS and Al Shabab are now on the rise, Detroit went bankrupt, the Middle Class has shrunk, more people are out of work and stopped looking than ever in history, unemployment level for youth and minorities are at record highs for things are much worse for blacks and minorities than when Obama took over. His administration has overseen the some of the most egregious impeachable violations of public trust and corruption such as IRS, Ben Ghazi, and govt. privacy invasions, etc. so bad that he makes Richard Nixon look like a choir boy. He is an ideologically radical incompetent president unqualified for the job he bamboozled America into.

I ask again, what has he done right? He has neither brought about the "recovery" he promised nor has he made the world and America a safer place to live.
Has Obama F**kd Up America And The World Enough?

Not to the global elites who have been pulling his strings, he hasn't.

Everywhere we look we see evidence the asshole's handiwork in action. The Middle East, Russia, Africa, etc.are all a mess ready to explode. Not to mention all the domestic catastrophes such as health care, IRS, gun running, etc. Heck, he can't even run a competent NSA.

I'm just wondering if there is anything this goofball idiot has ever done right, ever since he took office. I sure can't think of ANYTHING but cause disasters.

But hey, it takes a total ideologue and radical moron like Obama for Bush to come out smelling like roses.
What did he do right before he took office? Obama's never done anything right his entire life.

He's a really good bullshitter and con artist. Besides he gives amazing speeches with the help of a teleprompter. And he's really good at apologizing for America and appeasing our enemies. Those are the things he's mastered.


At some point he should get really good at apologizing to America. I know, I know...when hell freezes over.

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