Has Obama Failed as Our President

I'll ask you the same question again...only this time in caps so you can't miss it! WHAT IS BARACK OBAMA'S PLAN TO JUMP START THE ECONOMY AND PUT THE LONG TERM UNEMPLOYED BACK TO WORK? I don't think he's had one since Larry Summers tucked tail and ran back to the safety of his Harvard tenured position.

See if you can answer that simple question with something OTHER than rambling nonsense about FDR...

Obama's plan is to improve the American economy to the state it was in during FDR's last term in office. It's difficult because the House Republicans keep voting to repeal Obama-care, they've voted about fifty times to repeal now. But there is some progress with the House Republicans as they have finally been told about Social Security being a law, so we can expect the House to now start voting to repeal Social Security. Gotta admit Republicans are on top of things, fifty times to repeal Obama-care.

So what IS Obama's plan to improve the American economy to the state it was in FDR's last term in office? Give me some specifics. I don't think you can...because to be quite blunt...this Administration hasn't HAD a viable plan to fix the economy or put people back to work since the trillion dollars we wasted on the Obama Stimulus failed so miserably five years ago. What Obama proposed was another stimulus that was essentially the same as the first one and he couldn't even get Democrats to vote for that!

I'm baffled by why you think the GOP voting to repeal ObamaCare fifty times...or a hundred...or a million times somehow prevents Barack Obama from putting forth a plan to put people back to work and get our economy growing at something more than the glacial rate it's been grinding along at now for years. It's like saying you can't mow your lawn because your washing machine isn't working.

It is difficult to for the executive branch to implement an economic plan without Congress, seems Congress makes the laws. But this Congress with a Republican House of Representatives refuses to pass any bill that might make Obama look good, no matter the country, so the House votes again and again to repeal Obama-care. The House has nothing else to do.
Obama's plan is to improve the American economy to the state it was in during FDR's last term in office. It's difficult because the House Republicans keep voting to repeal Obama-care, they've voted about fifty times to repeal now. But there is some progress with the House Republicans as they have finally been told about Social Security being a law, so we can expect the House to now start voting to repeal Social Security. Gotta admit Republicans are on top of things, fifty times to repeal Obama-care.

So what IS Obama's plan to improve the American economy to the state it was in FDR's last term in office? Give me some specifics. I don't think you can...because to be quite blunt...this Administration hasn't HAD a viable plan to fix the economy or put people back to work since the trillion dollars we wasted on the Obama Stimulus failed so miserably five years ago. What Obama proposed was another stimulus that was essentially the same as the first one and he couldn't even get Democrats to vote for that!

I'm baffled by why you think the GOP voting to repeal ObamaCare fifty times...or a hundred...or a million times somehow prevents Barack Obama from putting forth a plan to put people back to work and get our economy growing at something more than the glacial rate it's been grinding along at now for years. It's like saying you can't mow your lawn because your washing machine isn't working.

It is difficult to for the executive branch to implement an economic plan without Congress, seems Congress makes the laws. But this Congress with a Republican House of Representatives refuses to pass any bill that might make Obama look good, no matter the country, so the House votes again and again to repeal Obama-care. The House has nothing else to do.

Once again, Regent...you've ducked the question I asked. What is Barack Obama's plan to put people back to work and grow the economy? Yes, Congress DOES make the laws...but the President is the person who sets the country's agenda and proposes to Congress what legislation SHOULD be passed. So tell me what Barack Obama economic "plan" it is that the GOP has refused to pass! You keep trying to make the point that it's the GOP that's somehow preventing Barry from doing great things as President...yet you can't come up with what it is that Obama wants that the GOP won't agree to.

At this point in his second term, Ronald Reagan's economic vision was not only well defined but well on it's way to succeeding. The Stagflation he'd inherited from Jimmy Carter was gone and the economy was starting to take off. We felt good about the direction the country was headed. Now contrast that with Barack Obama. We're coming up on 6 years of him sitting in the Oval Office and he has no defined plan to address either economic growth or unemployment. It's why you're having such difficulty answering my question. You CAN'T answer it because Barack Obama doesn't have a plan to fix things and hasn't had a plan since the Obama Stimulus failed miserably.
As much as you all talk about how much Obama sucks, he still beat out the Republican candidates.


And all you can do is bitch about widespread non-existent voter fraud.

Hey, guess what else? You still have your guns. And your precious job creators have made 95% of the financial gains since Obama took office, so why is unemployment still so high? Oh, that's right. Because the EPA hates America, or whatever.

You guys are sooooooooo.....funny.

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Obama's plan is to improve the American economy to the state it was in during FDR's last term in office. It's difficult because the House Republicans keep voting to repeal Obama-care, they've voted about fifty times to repeal now. But there is some progress with the House Republicans as they have finally been told about Social Security being a law, so we can expect the House to now start voting to repeal Social Security. Gotta admit Republicans are on top of things, fifty times to repeal Obama-care.

So what IS Obama's plan to improve the American economy to the state it was in FDR's last term in office? Give me some specifics. I don't think you can...because to be quite blunt...this Administration hasn't HAD a viable plan to fix the economy or put people back to work since the trillion dollars we wasted on the Obama Stimulus failed so miserably five years ago. What Obama proposed was another stimulus that was essentially the same as the first one and he couldn't even get Democrats to vote for that!

I'm baffled by why you think the GOP voting to repeal ObamaCare fifty times...or a hundred...or a million times somehow prevents Barack Obama from putting forth a plan to put people back to work and get our economy growing at something more than the glacial rate it's been grinding along at now for years. It's like saying you can't mow your lawn because your washing machine isn't working.

It is difficult to for the executive branch to implement an economic plan without Congress, seems Congress makes the laws. But this Congress with a Republican House of Representatives refuses to pass any bill that might make Obama look good, no matter the country, so the House votes again and again to repeal Obama-care. The House has nothing else to do.

It seems Obama has used executive orders to go around congress, yet he doesn't desire to do this with the economy, it is because he has no ideas.

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He has enacted more regulation on small business and large corporations more so than any President ever has.
Non partisan Link? Nixon created the fucking EPA and had far more regulations than Obama. You are insane.

This is the same shit your side said about Carter, but a careful analysis revealed he spent far less than Reagan, along with deregulating trucking and communications. And it's the same thing your side said about Clinton, whose chief economic advisor was a Milton Friedman devotee and a major advocate of Reaganomics (free trade/deregulation). Clinton made the largest cuts to Welfare in the program's history and handed Bush a surplus. Turn off talk radio and give us the actual research that proves your tired propaganda, and don't link some rightwing blog.

Do you know how much of the current debt is to pay for policies Bush put in place? Have you ever seen or tried to itemize the break down of where the debt came from or are you just repeating stuff you heard from Limbaugh, FOX, Hannity, O'reilly, Savage, Levine, Coulter, Beck et al. ????

And don't tell us that Obama came into office on a wave of support. You were determined to destroy him on day one. Hannity blamed Obama for our faltering economy before he took office. The goal was to hand him a shit sandwich, and then obstruct everything he did so he couldn't get out of it.
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The economy headed for the crapper as soon as the exit polling suggested a new socialist era. Nobody wanted to hang around until the last minute.
One thing I will say, that as America's first African American President,
Obama did inspire many people of many ages to pay attention and get
involved in the political process like NEVER BEFORE.

Young kids who never thought in this way before
could suddenly see they could be President someday.

Old people who never voted before in their lives
went through the process to vote for the first time and CARED
that they felt they had something to vote for that represented them.

People who sharply disagreed, and saw the gaps in values
and education, and recognized the cost of complacency
pushed to organize and educate fellow Americans to work harder
to revive and restore the traditions and foundations of our country.

People from all sides on all issues have come out to discuss these OPENLY,
some finally learning the political process and the differences between
state and federal laws; others getting involved in the political parties,
legislative process, and running for office who never considered it before.

Never before has there been such a public push for involvement and awareness
among citizens from all parties and class levels of education and economic status.

For good or for bad, more people have become aware and concerned that
government and politicians do represent the solutions and directions we believe in.

We cannot solve problems without addressing them openly as we are now,
both in public and private. Some people have a lot farther to go to catch up
where others have been more experienced in govt, in business and education
on the laws and political process. The good news is that more people have
become involved and aware, rather than stay neutral and accept the status quo.

We may not be in the same place and stage on the learning curve.
But as long as we are actively in the process, we can find out where we
stand, organize our representation and resources, and work out the rest.
Sadly, though, many of the young who thumped the tubs for and voted for Obama have been disappointed in a way that has turned them off from the American political system entirely.

Many will never vote again.
The economy headed for the crapper as soon as the exit polling suggested a new socialist era. Nobody wanted to hang around until the last minute.

Nice try. Wall Street tells a different story. The middle class is dead because the economy is run on behalf of wealthy investors who make more money when their corporations get illegally cheap sweatshop labor from Taiwan.

We no longer live in the era of Ayn Rand when Stalin steals the family pharmacy. Today, the pharmaceutical owns the congressman and has lobbied government into submission.

We have the wealthiest private sector on planet earth, fully subsidized, with a side of TARP for our corrupt capitalists who turned mortgages into securatized casino chips.

The only socialism goes to big business and the wealthy in the form of bailouts, whereas the poor consumer gets foreclosed upon and crushed.

You would have us believe that our nation is owned by the poor family living under a bridge, eating cat food bought with food stamps ... as crooked derivative traders fly overhead in jets, having bankrupted the global economy ... made possible by the deregulated utopia launched by saint Gipper.

Turn off Fox New son. They've melted your brain.

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Turn off Fox New son. They've melted your brain.


Guess again Old Chap!

The turned-off young voter issue was discussed in The Wall Street Journal. Which, of course, a socialist tool would never deign to look at - much less read.
The economy headed for the crapper as soon as the exit polling suggested a new socialist era. Nobody wanted to hang around until the last minute.

Nice try. Wall Street tells a different story. The middle class is dead because the economy is run on behalf of wealthy investors who make more money when their corporations get illegally cheap sweatshop labor from Taiwan.

We no longer live in the era of Ayn Rand when Stalin steals the family pharmacy. Today, the pharmaceutical owns the congressman and has lobbied government into submission.

We have the wealthiest private sector on planet earth, fully subsidized, with a side of TARP for our corrupt capitalists who turned mortgages into securatized casino chips.

The only socialism goes to big business and the wealthy in the form of bailouts, whereas the poor consumer gets foreclosed upon and crushed.

You would have us believe that our nation is owned by the poor family living under a bridge, eating cat food bought with food stamps ... as crooked derivative traders fly overhead in jets, having bankrupted the global economy ... made possible by the deregulated utopia launched by saint Gipper.

Turn off Fox New son. They've melted your brain.


How do you know what is on FOXNews? You must watch it. Interesting, you tell others not to watch what you what.

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Can ANYONE on the Left tell me what Barack Obama's "plan" is to get the economy growing again and put people back to work? I've asked that question repeatedly and for some reason none of you have an answer for me.

You may not have agreed with FDR's economic strategy...or Reagan's economic strategy...or Clinton's economic strategy...BUT AT LEAST ALL OF THEM HAD ONE!!! Barack Obama is on year 6 of his Presidency and he STILL doesn't have a coherent economic strategy! I know it's embarrassing for you diehard Obama supporters to admit to this but it's so blatantly obvious that your only other choice is to deflect the discussion to something else.
Of course that's really no different when you examine his foreign policy. Does anyone out there think this President has a coherent foreign policy? What does "leading from behind" mean...other than "we don't have a clue what we're doing...so we're making it up as we go!"
Obama must have put forth a few plans. As each plan is blocked by the Republican House that seem to spend their days voting to repeal Obama-care, a new approach must be considered. If one really wanted to know of Obama's plans they should do a little research, in the meantime we know the Republican's plan: repeal Obama-care.
Obama must have put forth a few plans. As each plan is blocked by the Republican House that seem to spend their days voting to repeal Obama-care, a new approach must be considered. If one really wanted to know of Obama's plans they should do a little research, in the meantime we know the Republican's plan: repeal Obama-care.

Republican's summary of ONE OF MANY health care bills "DIRTY HARRY" Reid REFUSES to introduce to the Senate, and even TALK about it! :cuckoo:

No...but U and ur ilk have failed as citizens worthy of our great nation.

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Obama must have put forth a few plans. As each plan is blocked by the Republican House that seem to spend their days voting to repeal Obama-care, a new approach must be considered. If one really wanted to know of Obama's plans they should do a little research, in the meantime we know the Republican's plan: repeal Obama-care.

Obama "must have put forth a few plans"? Really, Regent? Then it should be easy for you to tell us all what those plans WERE and what his current plan IS...Right? Yet you can't...

Amazing how the GOP House managed to block Barry's economic plans the first two years he was in office...you know...when he had Democratic majorities in the House AND the Senate? Even more amazing is that none of you Progressives seem to be able to conjure up what Obama's plan were THEN or NOW. How can that be? Could it be that his "plans" have always been vague notions rather than concrete solutions? Could it be that you've been so entranced by his "orations" that you failed to notice that they were just hot air and that Barack Obama doesn't have any solutions?

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