Has Obama Failed as Our President

Again = punishment for ANYONE who voted for OBarry:

Guano, I haven't toyed with you lately, I've been having so much fun with OCD Boy, and his ass kissing sidekick asslapse!

Now, I admit, to you subversive/democrats, he's just what you wanted. Someone to STEAL from the money earners and give it to the indigent, to BUY their votes. It's really hard to beat the FREE SHIT, that the Manchurian muslim spreads like it was OUR MONEY, and not his.

But for the REAL middle class, those that actually work, and work hard to keep above water, and even rise above the waves, the Obumanation is definitely the worst mother fucker we could have in there... well, perhaps Mao, or Stalin, or even Hitler would have been worse, but it's close.. Obuma still has 3+ years to go, and I'm sure he'll try his best to HEAD the list!


You'll never get these progressive Nazi's to cop to this....all the deaths that these monsters caused and the Left Nazi's will take the position of that picture at the bottom -


These progressive Nazi's are as much monsters as their "heroes" are.

Leftists and Nazis? LOL Another Low IQ uneducated pin head pipes up

National Socialism Nazisim negates the concept of class struggle of Marx (leftists), and believes in uniting across class lines to engage in a race struggle. Hitler most specifically claims that societal upheaval is based on racial and ethnic tension. Since Marxist socialism is a fundamentally economic philosophy, with social aspects more expanded upon by later theorists, we can see that economically they have nothing in common. In socialism the workers are meant to control the wealth of society and distribute it based upon one's work. In national socialism, the ownership of wealth and productive forces in society does not undergo a radical change from the old society where a wealthy ruling class pays you wages based on what's best for their own profits.

Now Que the song dueling banjo's
for the teahadists

Fuck you Nazi
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President Obama came into office on a huge wave of support. Our first black President and he seemed eager to assume the office. But after nearly six years where are we really? With a seventeen plus trillion dollar debt, failed policies across the board. President Obama has attempted to raise taxes no less than four hundred and twenty two times. He has enacted more regulation on small business and large corporations more so than any President ever has. His overall approval rating now hovers around forty percent. His landmark legislation, Obama Care is literally a train wreck, that is costing everyday working Americans huge sums for their health care insurance. Arguably, the world is a far more dangerous place than when Obama took office, primarily due to failed foreign policy and ineptitude on his own behalf.

When we take stock of Mr. Obama, and weigh the facts about his administration and his political agenda we come away with a sinking feeling that weighs heavily on our wallet. We watch disappointingly as we see a corrupt and dangerous Department of Justice. We see the IRS doing things to Americans that once were considered highly illegal. Between the many scandals and cover ups and the endless lies and deceptive remarks made by Mr. Obama how can anyone honestly come away with a warm fuzzy feeling? We watch as members of his own administration take the fifth to prevent incriminating themselves. Mr. Obama has spent and wasted more taxpayer money than all presidents combined. Truly this has nothing to do with his race but it has a hell of a lot to do with the facts.

Now, both Eric Holder and Mr. Obama are playing the race card yet again. To deflect the focus on so many failed issues. The continued stonewalling, the lies and corruption abound in his administration and to be absolutely honest we have no one to blame but ourselves as we the people elected this empty suit to lead the greatest nation on this planet. We are reaping exactly what we deserve.

(on title alone)

America will never know if Obama was a good president. The opposing party voted down everything he stood for. Everything that passed was an "agreement" and ended up not working.

America will always wonder what would have happened if the party of No didn't Filibuster EVERYTHING.

I say let the power do what they do and see the outcome. Never sabotage the outcome and make yourself the weak link. If his policies weren't good, they would have failed. Why vote them down before they failed? Why vote Obama's policies down and then say, "He can't get anything done"?

Basic ignorance and America will see it. They didn't while it was happening, but they do now.
If the so called party of no voted yes om everything obamaturd would be a dictator by now. Dimwits are the problem.
President Obama came into office on a huge wave of support. Our first black President and he seemed eager to assume the office. But after nearly six years where are we really? With a seventeen plus trillion dollar debt, failed policies across the board. President Obama has attempted to raise taxes no less than four hundred and twenty two times. He has enacted more regulation on small business and large corporations more so than any President ever has. His overall approval rating now hovers around forty percent. His landmark legislation, Obama Care is literally a train wreck, that is costing everyday working Americans huge sums for their health care insurance. Arguably, the world is a far more dangerous place than when Obama took office, primarily due to failed foreign policy and ineptitude on his own behalf.

When we take stock of Mr. Obama, and weigh the facts about his administration and his political agenda we come away with a sinking feeling that weighs heavily on our wallet. We watch disappointingly as we see a corrupt and dangerous Department of Justice. We see the IRS doing things to Americans that once were considered highly illegal. Between the many scandals and cover ups and the endless lies and deceptive remarks made by Mr. Obama how can anyone honestly come away with a warm fuzzy feeling? We watch as members of his own administration take the fifth to prevent incriminating themselves. Mr. Obama has spent and wasted more taxpayer money than all presidents combined. Truly this has nothing to do with his race but it has a hell of a lot to do with the facts.

Now, both Eric Holder and Mr. Obama are playing the race card yet again. To deflect the focus on so many failed issues. The continued stonewalling, the lies and corruption abound in his administration and to be absolutely honest we have no one to blame but ourselves as we the people elected this empty suit to lead the greatest nation on this planet. We are reaping exactly what we deserve.

(on title alone)

America will never know if Obama was a good president. The opposing party voted down everything he stood for. Everything that passed was an "agreement" and ended up not working.

America will always wonder what would have happened if the party of No didn't Filibuster EVERYTHING.

I say let the power do what they do and see the outcome. Never sabotage the outcome and make yourself the weak link. If his policies weren't good, they would have failed. Why vote them down before they failed? Why vote Obama's policies down and then say, "He can't get anything done"?

Basic ignorance and America will see it. They didn't while it was happening, but they do now.
If the so called party of no voted yes om everything obamaturd would be a dictator by now. Dimwits are the problem.

So that's the reason Republicans vote no on good programs, to prevent a dictatorship.
So why did the Republicans claim they were bad programs, and would make America into a communist country?
(on title alone)

America will never know if Obama was a good president. The opposing party voted down everything he stood for. Everything that passed was an "agreement" and ended up not working.

America will always wonder what would have happened if the party of No didn't Filibuster EVERYTHING.

I say let the power do what they do and see the outcome. Never sabotage the outcome and make yourself the weak link. If his policies weren't good, they would have failed. Why vote them down before they failed? Why vote Obama's policies down and then say, "He can't get anything done"?

Basic ignorance and America will see it. They didn't while it was happening, but they do now.
If the so called party of no voted yes om everything obamaturd would be a dictator by now. Dimwits are the problem.

So that's the reason Republicans vote no on good programs, to prevent a dictatorship.
So why did the Republicans claim they were bad programs, and would make America into a communist country?
Why did the idiot reid block all the budget bills from the house for no other then political reasons? Dimwits are the problem.
If the so called party of no voted yes om everything obamaturd would be a dictator by now. Dimwits are the problem.

So that's the reason Republicans vote no on good programs, to prevent a dictatorship.
So why did the Republicans claim they were bad programs, and would make America into a communist country?
Why did the idiot reid block all the budget bills from the house for no other then political reasons? Dimwits are the problem.

Prevent a dictatorship?
So that's the reason Republicans vote no on good programs, to prevent a dictatorship.
So why did the Republicans claim they were bad programs, and would make America into a communist country?
Why did the idiot reid block all the budget bills from the house for no other then political reasons? Dimwits are the problem.

Prevent a dictatorship?

Your right. As long as the low life scum party exists there is no way to prevent America from continuing it's fall into a communist like dictatorship. Well other than shooting them that is. Clearly there are just to many people ready willing and able to prove how worthy they are of being on welfare.
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Has Obama Failed as Our President He has been pretty mediocre.

Has RKMBrown Failed as Our Far Right Reactionary Propagandist You betcha wink
(on title alone)

America will never know if Obama was a good president. The opposing party voted down everything he stood for. Everything that passed was an "agreement" and ended up not working.

America will always wonder what would have happened if the party of No didn't Filibuster EVERYTHING.

I say let the power do what they do and see the outcome. Never sabotage the outcome and make yourself the weak link. If his policies weren't good, they would have failed. Why vote them down before they failed? Why vote Obama's policies down and then say, "He can't get anything done"?

Basic ignorance and America will see it. They didn't while it was happening, but they do now.
If the so called party of no voted yes om everything obamaturd would be a dictator by now. Dimwits are the problem.

So that's the reason Republicans vote no on good programs, to prevent a dictatorship.
So why did the Republicans claim they were bad programs, and would make America into a communist country?

What "good programs" did the GOP refuse to support? The ACA? In case you hadn't noticed, the reasons why the GOP said ObamaCare was flawed...have indeed materialized, despite wholesale delays in implementation of the program to hide it's warts. When you write bad legislation (and the ACA is probably the worst piece of legislation ever cobbled together!) why would anyone agree to vote for it? Was Cap & Trade a "good program"? Was Card Check a "good program"? Was having the EPA regulate greenhouse gasses a "good program"? Was a second stimulus that was exactly like the first one that failed to create jobs a "good program"? Why would ANYONE vote for programs that didn't address the fundamental problems with our economy and in many cases make those problems far worse than they were? Who would do that?

After posing that question, I'll go ahead and answer it...

People who put ideology before common sense...people that say things like "We have to pass the bill before we can see what's in the bill"...are the ones that vote for legislation that simply doesn't make sense.
I'd say he's succeeded considering his goal has obviously been to run the country into the ground.
Oboza has succeeded in fundamentally transforming our beloved Country. I am saddened and heartsick over it. I wanted to live and die free. Now I am a slave to the government overlords.
Funny, I am just as free as I was 10 years ago..Hitler was not a lefty, sorry...
If the so called party of no voted yes om everything obamaturd would be a dictator by now. Dimwits are the problem.

So that's the reason Republicans vote no on good programs, to prevent a dictatorship.
So why did the Republicans claim they were bad programs, and would make America into a communist country?

What "good programs" did the GOP refuse to support? The ACA? In case you hadn't noticed, the reasons why the GOP said ObamaCare was flawed...have indeed materialized, despite wholesale delays in implementation of the program to hide it's warts. When you write bad legislation (and the ACA is probably the worst piece of legislation ever cobbled together!) why would anyone agree to vote for it? Was Cap & Trade a "good program"? Was Card Check a "good program"? Was having the EPA regulate greenhouse gasses a "good program"? Was a second stimulus that was exactly like the first one that failed to create jobs a "good program"? Why would ANYONE vote for programs that didn't address the fundamental problems with our economy and in many cases make those problems far worse than they were? Who would do that?

After posing that question, I'll go ahead and answer it...

People who put ideology before common sense...people that say things like "We have to pass the bill before we can see what's in the bill"...are the ones that vote for legislation that simply doesn't make sense.

Be adult. Our far right reactionaries and the libertarians also put ideology before common sense. Getting elected to and holding the offices, for both parties, is the goal, not working for the voters.
If the so called party of no voted yes om everything obamaturd would be a dictator by now. Dimwits are the problem.

So that's the reason Republicans vote no on good programs, to prevent a dictatorship.
So why did the Republicans claim they were bad programs, and would make America into a communist country?

What "good programs" did the GOP refuse to support? The ACA? In case you hadn't noticed, the reasons why the GOP said ObamaCare was flawed...have indeed materialized, despite wholesale delays in implementation of the program to hide it's warts. When you write bad legislation (and the ACA is probably the worst piece of legislation ever cobbled together!) why would anyone agree to vote for it? Was Cap & Trade a "good program"? Was Card Check a "good program"? Was having the EPA regulate greenhouse gasses a "good program"? Was a second stimulus that was exactly like the first one that failed to create jobs a "good program"? Why would ANYONE vote for programs that didn't address the fundamental problems with our economy and in many cases make those problems far worse than they were? Who would do that?

After posing that question, I'll go ahead and answer it...

People who put ideology before common sense...people that say things like "We have to pass the bill before we can see what's in the bill"...are the ones that vote for legislation that simply doesn't make sense.

Was Social Security a good bill?
Were Congress to write a perfect health care bill it would probably not be Obama-care, but in a democracy bills are often compromised to get passed, and over time the program is changed. Social Security was opposed by some but it passed and over the years has been changed amended, added to, corrected numerous times, and so it may be with Obama-care. Many bills that become laws are not read by Congressmen, they go through a committee process that does the job and then a recommend passage might be attached to a bill by either party.
I'd say he's succeeded considering his goal has obviously been to run the country into the ground.
Oboza has succeeded in fundamentally transforming our beloved Country. I am saddened and heartsick over it. I wanted to live and die free. Now I am a slave to the government overlords.


He's turned the a whole segment of the once proud GOP into a bunch of sniveling, weasel like creatures, yammering and yattering at ever echo bounced their way.

Just kidding, the GOP were always a bunch of............

Nothings changed. As the circus of fighting between the parties continues, so does the status quo. The rich get richer and the poor, they get to work.
So that's the reason Republicans vote no on good programs, to prevent a dictatorship.
So why did the Republicans claim they were bad programs, and would make America into a communist country?

What "good programs" did the GOP refuse to support? The ACA? In case you hadn't noticed, the reasons why the GOP said ObamaCare was flawed...have indeed materialized, despite wholesale delays in implementation of the program to hide it's warts. When you write bad legislation (and the ACA is probably the worst piece of legislation ever cobbled together!) why would anyone agree to vote for it? Was Cap & Trade a "good program"? Was Card Check a "good program"? Was having the EPA regulate greenhouse gasses a "good program"? Was a second stimulus that was exactly like the first one that failed to create jobs a "good program"? Why would ANYONE vote for programs that didn't address the fundamental problems with our economy and in many cases make those problems far worse than they were? Who would do that?

After posing that question, I'll go ahead and answer it...

People who put ideology before common sense...people that say things like "We have to pass the bill before we can see what's in the bill"...are the ones that vote for legislation that simply doesn't make sense.

Was Social Security a good bill?
Were Congress to write a perfect health care bill it would probably not be Obama-care, but in a democracy bills are often compromised to get passed, and over time the program is changed. Social Security was opposed by some but it passed and over the years has been changed amended, added to, corrected numerous times, and so it may be with Obama-care. Many bills that become laws are not read by Congressmen, they go through a committee process that does the job and then a recommend passage might be attached to a bill by either party.

Perfect? You think I'm holding the ACA to a standard of perfection? With all due respect, Regent the ACA is so FAR from perfect that it's laughable for you to even make that argument. It has fundamental flaws in it's very concept that have doomed it to failure right from the start but then again this was never about passing a bill to lower healthcare costs or make our healthcare system better...this was always about taking a giant step towards government run healthcare. It's why Obama, Pelosi and Reid lied to the American people about it in order to get it passed. They KNOW it sucks...they knew it while they were signing their names to it...but they didn't CARE because it's simply a step.

As for many bills not being read by Congressman? The statement I offered wasn't just "some" Congressman...it was made by Nancy Pelosi...the person who wrote much of the ACA! For HER to make that statement shows exactly what a bait and switch scam this law has ALWAYS been!
I'd say he's succeeded considering his goal has obviously been to run the country into the ground.
Oboza has succeeded in fundamentally transforming our beloved Country. I am saddened and heartsick over it. I wanted to live and die free. Now I am a slave to the government overlords.


He's turned the a whole segment of the once proud GOP into a bunch of sniveling, weasel like creatures, yammering and yattering at ever echo bounced their way.

Just kidding, the GOP were always a bunch of............

Nothings changed. As the circus of fighting between the parties continues, so does the status quo. The rich get richer and the poor, they get to work.

The wealthy got richer under Obama because he never HAD a plan to stimulate the economy and put people back to work! He propped up the stock markets with round after round of quantitative easing to make his economic numbers look less dismal, putting billions in the pockets of the wealthy. The middle class didn't participate in that stock market rebound nor did the poor. The truth of the matter is that 6 years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office has been an absolute DISASTER for the poor in this country! You've got millions of people on food stamps and mired in long term unemployment and it's because this President didn't have a clue about economics or job creation. If it wasn't for the good work of GOP Governors, Barry's unemployment numbers would be EPICALLY bad!
Muslim extremists and wanna be commies emboldened and better armed. Check

American more divided. Check.

People more dependent on govt handouts and less on their own labor. Check.

Dollar weaker. Check.

and you have the audacity to call the man a FAILURE? My God, the Ayotallah Kohmenia's hand picked sleeper agent couldn't have done better ....... Oh MY God!
The Barack Obama Presidency will go down in history as the perfect example of what happens when blind ideology runs headlong into stark reality.
The Barack Obama Presidency will go down in history as the perfect example of what happens when blind ideology runs headlong into stark reality.

oh, come on. We weathered the worst credit meltdown since the great depression. Granted, I give the Bernank most of the credit, but ..... we could have had rand paul and people starving in the steets.

We will have, in some form or another, universal healthcare. Unfortunately, the model we have does nothing to reward those who work with more benefit and more persona autonomy than those who don't work.

No, my family income is not back to where it was before the Bushii implosion, and yes I'd prefer a less elitist, top down, view of society, but .... the guy was neither Buchanan nor Pierce
Now, now.....The Big Zero does NOT fail at everything.

Look how much his golf game has improved since you started picking up his travel costs! Your investment has paid off.

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