Has Obama Failed as Our President

President Obama came into office on a huge wave of support. Our first black President and he seemed eager to assume the office. But after nearly six years where are we really? With a seventeen plus trillion dollar debt, failed policies across the board. President Obama has attempted to raise taxes no less than four hundred and twenty two times. He has enacted more regulation on small business and large corporations more so than any President ever has. His overall approval rating now hovers around forty percent. His landmark legislation, Obama Care is literally a train wreck, that is costing everyday working Americans huge sums for their health care insurance. Arguably, the world is a far more dangerous place than when Obama took office, primarily due to failed foreign policy and ineptitude on his own behalf.

When we take stock of Mr. Obama, and weigh the facts about his administration and his political agenda we come away with a sinking feeling that weighs heavily on our wallet. We watch disappointingly as we see a corrupt and dangerous Department of Justice. We see the IRS doing things to Americans that once were considered highly illegal. Between the many scandals and cover ups and the endless lies and deceptive remarks made by Mr. Obama how can anyone honestly come away with a warm fuzzy feeling? We watch as members of his own administration take the fifth to prevent incriminating themselves. Mr. Obama has spent and wasted more taxpayer money than all presidents combined. Truly this has nothing to do with his race but it has a hell of a lot to do with the facts.

Now, both Eric Holder and Mr. Obama are playing the race card yet again. To deflect the focus on so many failed issues. The continued stonewalling, the lies and corruption abound in his administration and to be absolutely honest we have no one to blame but ourselves as we the people elected this empty suit to lead the greatest nation on this planet. We are reaping exactly what we deserve.

With all due respect...your comment while accurate, is perhaps the understatement of the year.
As much as you all talk about how much Obama sucks, he still beat out the Republican candidates.


And all you can do is bitch about widespread non-existent voter fraud.

Hey, guess what else? You still have your guns. And your precious job creators have made 95% of the financial gains since Obama took office, so why is unemployment still so high? Oh, that's right. Because the EPA hates America, or whatever.

He had to lie, cheat, manipulate and play the race card to do it.


Which only shows he is adept at rigging otherwise fair elections.

EDIT: And you seem to be under the misassumption that he is supposed to be our boss.

Well, he ain't!

He is supposed to be our servant.

Keep that in mind.
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Give the man his due, Mojo...Barack Obama is a great campaigner...he just isn't a great President.

What's tragic is it was obvious that was the case two years into his first term and yet an adoring main stream media glossed over Obama's "warts" (like a total lack of vision when it came to economics and creating jobs) and concentrated on important things like a non-existent GOP "war on women".
Can ANYONE on the Left tell me what Barack Obama's "plan" is to get the economy growing again and put people back to work? I've asked that question repeatedly and for some reason none of you have an answer for me.

You may not have agreed with FDR's economic strategy...or Reagan's economic strategy...or Clinton's economic strategy...BUT AT LEAST ALL OF THEM HAD ONE!!! Barack Obama is on year 6 of his Presidency and he STILL doesn't have a coherent economic strategy! I know it's embarrassing for you diehard Obama supporters to admit to this but it's so blatantly obvious that your only other choice is to deflect the discussion to something else.

Obama's only job experience was selling drugs and running slums. He's doing pretty good with pot and slums.
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President Obama came into office on a huge wave of support. Our first black President and he seemed eager to assume the office.
I stopped reading right there, because I remember very distinctly the look on his face on the day he was making speech when he won in 2008 and there was NO EXCITEMENT or EAGERNES on his part, because he KNEW the country is screwed up beyond repair, he KNEW he is just an actor and a puppet who can not do anything.
Can ANYONE on the Left tell me what Barack Obama's "plan" is to get the economy growing again and put people back to work? I've asked that question repeatedly and for some reason none of you have an answer for me.

You may not have agreed with FDR's economic strategy...or Reagan's economic strategy...or Clinton's economic strategy...BUT AT LEAST ALL OF THEM HAD ONE!!! Barack Obama is on year 6 of his Presidency and he STILL doesn't have a coherent economic strategy! I know it's embarrassing for you diehard Obama supporters to admit to this but it's so blatantly obvious that your only other choice is to deflect the discussion to something else.

Does it matter? Whatever it is, does it have a snowball's chance in hell of passing the House? Did it ever?

But for what it's worth.

Economy | The White House

You're welcome.
Can ANYONE on the Left tell me what Barack Obama's "plan" is to get the economy growing again and put people back to work? I've asked that question repeatedly and for some reason none of you have an answer for me.

You may not have agreed with FDR's economic strategy...or Reagan's economic strategy...or Clinton's economic strategy...BUT AT LEAST ALL OF THEM HAD ONE!!! Barack Obama is on year 6 of his Presidency and he STILL doesn't have a coherent economic strategy! I know it's embarrassing for you diehard Obama supporters to admit to this but it's so blatantly obvious that your only other choice is to deflect the discussion to something else.

Does it matter? Whatever it is, does it have a snowball's chance in hell of passing the House? Did it ever?

But for what it's worth.

Economy | The White House

You're welcome.

Did you even read that, Boo? It's nothing more than White House spin designed to put a brave face on the fact that they've done little to nothing with the economy since taking office. I was especially amused to see that it appears they've figured out that the American people are wise to what a sham "jobs saved" is so they've decided to change that talking point to "jobs supported" instead. Why actually FIX something that's wrong...when you can just fix your "message" instead!
Kindly explain why Barry didn't pass something to help the economy when Democrats controlled the House. I know that's an "inconvenient" point for those of you who constantly excuse Barack Obama's incompetence on GOP obstructionism but since the Democrats didn't lose control of the House until the 2010 mid-terms it's a rather pathetic excuse...
Can ANYONE on the Left tell me what Barack Obama's "plan" is to get the economy growing again and put people back to work? I've asked that question repeatedly and for some reason none of you have an answer for me.

You may not have agreed with FDR's economic strategy...or Reagan's economic strategy...or Clinton's economic strategy...BUT AT LEAST ALL OF THEM HAD ONE!!! Barack Obama is on year 6 of his Presidency and he STILL doesn't have a coherent economic strategy! I know it's embarrassing for you diehard Obama supporters to admit to this but it's so blatantly obvious that your only other choice is to deflect the discussion to something else.

Does it matter? Whatever it is, does it have a snowball's chance in hell of passing the House? Did it ever?

But for what it's worth.

Economy | The White House

You're welcome.

Did you even read that, Boo? It's nothing more than White House spin designed to put a brave face on the fact that they've done little to nothing with the economy since taking office. I was especially amused to see that it appears they've figured out that the American people are wise to what a sham "jobs saved" is so they've decided to change that talking point to "jobs supported" instead. Why actually FIX something that's wrong...when you can just fix your "message" instead!

The biggest downsizing of state and local government in modern history has proved to be a big drag on the U.S. economy since 2009 and a primary reason the four-year-long recovery is more sluggish than other recoveries since World War II, economists say.

While the private sector has generated 7.4 million jobs since the recession and is approaching its pre-recession levels of overall employment, government at the federal, state and local levels continues to shed jobs, diminishing the performance of the job market. Overall, federal, state and local governments have eliminated more than 750,000 jobs since the recession ended in June 2009, with no end in sight to the trend, according to figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Read more: Government job cuts create a historically slow recession recovery - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter
Does it matter? Whatever it is, does it have a snowball's chance in hell of passing the House? Did it ever?

But for what it's worth.

Economy | The White House

You're welcome.

Did you even read that, Boo? It's nothing more than White House spin designed to put a brave face on the fact that they've done little to nothing with the economy since taking office. I was especially amused to see that it appears they've figured out that the American people are wise to what a sham "jobs saved" is so they've decided to change that talking point to "jobs supported" instead. Why actually FIX something that's wrong...when you can just fix your "message" instead!

The biggest downsizing of state and local government in modern history has proved to be a big drag on the U.S. economy since 2009 and a primary reason the four-year-long recovery is more sluggish than other recoveries since World War II, economists say.

While the private sector has generated 7.4 million jobs since the recession and is approaching its pre-recession levels of overall employment, government at the federal, state and local levels continues to shed jobs, diminishing the performance of the job market. Overall, federal, state and local governments have eliminated more than 750,000 jobs since the recession ended in June 2009, with no end in sight to the trend, according to figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Read more: Government job cuts create a historically slow recession recovery - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

The fact that liberals are surprised that State and local governments were forced to lay off workers when the Obama Stimulus money ran out simply shows how clueless you all were to how economics works in the first place. We should have been pumping money into the private sector instead of the public sector because it's the private sector that creates the revenues to support the public sector. Now you'd like to think that someone as intelligent as this President was supposed to be would have learned from that mistake but you'd be wrong...he looked at what happened and called for more of the same! Another stimulus just like the first one. Stupid like that is hard to fathom.
welcome to the world of socialism for corporations that are to big to fail because of the money they give to politicians...
Did you even read that, Boo? It's nothing more than White House spin designed to put a brave face on the fact that they've done little to nothing with the economy since taking office. I was especially amused to see that it appears they've figured out that the American people are wise to what a sham "jobs saved" is so they've decided to change that talking point to "jobs supported" instead. Why actually FIX something that's wrong...when you can just fix your "message" instead!

The biggest downsizing of state and local government in modern history has proved to be a big drag on the U.S. economy since 2009 and a primary reason the four-year-long recovery is more sluggish than other recoveries since World War II, economists say.

While the private sector has generated 7.4 million jobs since the recession and is approaching its pre-recession levels of overall employment, government at the federal, state and local levels continues to shed jobs, diminishing the performance of the job market. Overall, federal, state and local governments have eliminated more than 750,000 jobs since the recession ended in June 2009, with no end in sight to the trend, according to figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Read more: Government job cuts create a historically slow recession recovery - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

The fact that liberals are surprised that State and local governments were forced to lay off workers when the Obama Stimulus money ran out simply shows how clueless you all were to how economics works in the first place. We should have been pumping money into the private sector instead of the public sector because it's the private sector that creates the revenues to support the public sector. Now you'd like to think that someone as intelligent as this President was supposed to be would have learned from that mistake but you'd be wrong...he looked at what happened and called for more of the same! Another stimulus just like the first one. Stupid like that is hard to fathom.

Well the debate is over, no second round of stimulus spending. So we'll never know the results if we have. Just like we'll never know if JFK did get assassinated.

Second Stimulus Needed to Avoid Lost Decade: Krugman

However, the risk of a second round of the crisis in the medium run is high as a real revamp of the financial system has not happened, according to Krugman.

"At this point the prospects for major overhaul seem to be receding…because of the opposition in congress, because the industry - banks are profitable again, they want everybody to just go away," he said.

"The political will may not be there to do this. And that means that we may well be prepared for another round, another crisis some years down the pipe before we're actually prepared to change things," Krugman warned.
Japan had several stimulus packages in the 90's and it was still sluggish. How is stimulus that didn't work for Japan, going to work now?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
"Right now I think the world as a whole kind of looks like Japan in the early 90s. Not a catastrophe, but we really don't know how we get serious growth going," he said. "Actually the slump globally has been much worse than anything Japan had during that lost decade."

That was in 2009 he said that.
How badly has obama failed?

This badly

How Obama lost friends and influence in the Brics - FT.com

High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights. How Obama lost friends and influence in the Brics - FT.com

Mr Obama’s latest defence budget would preclude another Iraq-style invasion. That, of course, is a good thing. But other observers, including those who are beginning to resist American power around the world, are adjusting their behaviour. They see a US that is increasingly unwilling to project global force – except using remote control. Meanwhile, the Brics’ economic growth rates are slowing. But they are still growing faster than the US, and are likely to continue to do so. The economic centre of gravity will continue to shift their way.

Second, the US public is tiring of its country’s global responsibilities. Mr Obama’s real pivot is not to Asia but to America. In this he is only taking his cue from domestic sentiment. Yet his pivot to home is not going too well either. As Lawrence Summers, the former US Treasury secretary, recently observed, the US has two parties, one of which, the Democrats, refuses to endorse any kind of trade deal; the other of which, the Republicans, appears to detest all international institutions. Neither of the two parties listens to what Mr Obama wants. If you believe the television ratings, the US public long ago tuned out from what he says.

obama has failed in Asia, failed in Europe, failed in Latin America and lastly, failed in America.
Kindly explain why Barry didn't pass something to help the economy when Democrats controlled the House. I know that's an "inconvenient" point for those of you who constantly excuse Barack Obama's incompetence on GOP obstructionism but since the Democrats didn't lose control of the House until the 2010 mid-terms it's a rather pathetic excuse...

Cause he was convinced that the shovel ready stimulus plan & government pissing away of our money would work as well as it did when he was a community organizer in Chicago? At least he considered some great new infrastructure plans to expand markets before he changed his mind and decided to piss on the future.

But hey, now we have a NASA that has learned to focus on muslim culture and distributing high tech military secrets to our enemies and an EPA that protects the environment by moving production to same enemy.
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Did you even read that, Boo? It's nothing more than White House spin designed to put a brave face on the fact that they've done little to nothing with the economy since taking office. I was especially amused to see that it appears they've figured out that the American people are wise to what a sham "jobs saved" is so they've decided to change that talking point to "jobs supported" instead. Why actually FIX something that's wrong...when you can just fix your "message" instead!

The biggest downsizing of state and local government in modern history has proved to be a big drag on the U.S. economy since 2009 and a primary reason the four-year-long recovery is more sluggish than other recoveries since World War II, economists say.

While the private sector has generated 7.4 million jobs since the recession and is approaching its pre-recession levels of overall employment, government at the federal, state and local levels continues to shed jobs, diminishing the performance of the job market. Overall, federal, state and local governments have eliminated more than 750,000 jobs since the recession ended in June 2009, with no end in sight to the trend, according to figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Read more: Government job cuts create a historically slow recession recovery - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter

The fact that liberals are surprised that State and local governments were forced to lay off workers when the Obama Stimulus money ran out simply shows how clueless you all were to how economics works in the first place. We should have been pumping money into the private sector instead of the public sector because it's the private sector that creates the revenues to support the public sector. Now you'd like to think that someone as intelligent as this President was supposed to be would have learned from that mistake but you'd be wrong...he looked at what happened and called for more of the same! Another stimulus just like the first one. Stupid like that is hard to fathom.
The worse off the country is the happier the libtards get. I would not assume Obama is unhappy with the results of the first stimulus. More to the point I'm betting he got exactly what he wanted.
Obama has been failing as prez miserably and will continue to do so.

He continually lies and deceives the American people, and that's just fine for the shit-for-brains liberal Obama supporters. Because they will continue to make excuses and blame everyone else of why things are not working out as expected or why things are fucked up, because in their small minds it's never the democraps fault nor is it Obama fault. :cuckoo:
lets be succinct and tell it like it is! :mad:

only in rightwingnuthackworld

in the real world... he's not great, not horrific.

it's not like he lied us into war and crashed our economy... so let me know when he does.


Badgering the witness!

For being a lawyer you really do a lot of name calling.

it's not like he lied us into war and crashed our economy... so let me know when he does.

He lied about healthcare instead. He used phony reasons to attack Libya, wanted to invade Syria but chickened out. Newsflash honey! Obama's just as much a liar as like Bush was.

She's a lawyer ? As in Liar ?

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