Has Obama Failed as Our President

Oboza has succeeded in fundamentally transforming our beloved Country. I am saddened and heartsick over it. I wanted to live and die free. Now I am a slave to the government overlords.


He's turned the a whole segment of the once proud GOP into a bunch of sniveling, weasel like creatures, yammering and yattering at ever echo bounced their way.

Just kidding, the GOP were always a bunch of............

Nothings changed. As the circus of fighting between the parties continues, so does the status quo. The rich get richer and the poor, they get to work.

The wealthy got richer under Obama because he never HAD a plan to stimulate the economy and put people back to work! He propped up the stock markets with round after round of quantitative easing to make his economic numbers look less dismal, putting billions in the pockets of the wealthy. The middle class didn't participate in that stock market rebound nor did the poor. The truth of the matter is that 6 years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office has been an absolute DISASTER for the poor in this country! You've got millions of people on food stamps and mired in long term unemployment and it's because this President didn't have a clue about economics or job creation. If it wasn't for the good work of GOP Governors, Barry's unemployment numbers would be EPICALLY bad!

Yeah it was different under Bush. The rich got richer and the poor, they went to war. Anyone who has a 401K plan participates in the stock market. It wouldn't have mattered if he came up with the most fantastic jobs solution, with the GOP pledge to not let him have any victories and to oppose him at every turn, they would never even be tried. Did Congress ever pass a jobs bill?

He's turned the a whole segment of the once proud GOP into a bunch of sniveling, weasel like creatures, yammering and yattering at ever echo bounced their way.

Just kidding, the GOP were always a bunch of............

Nothings changed. As the circus of fighting between the parties continues, so does the status quo. The rich get richer and the poor, they get to work.

The wealthy got richer under Obama because he never HAD a plan to stimulate the economy and put people back to work! He propped up the stock markets with round after round of quantitative easing to make his economic numbers look less dismal, putting billions in the pockets of the wealthy. The middle class didn't participate in that stock market rebound nor did the poor. The truth of the matter is that 6 years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office has been an absolute DISASTER for the poor in this country! You've got millions of people on food stamps and mired in long term unemployment and it's because this President didn't have a clue about economics or job creation. If it wasn't for the good work of GOP Governors, Barry's unemployment numbers would be EPICALLY bad!

Yeah it was different under Bush. The rich got richer and the poor, they went to war. Anyone who has a 401K plan participates in the stock market. It wouldn't have mattered if he came up with the most fantastic jobs solution, with the GOP pledge to not let him have any victories and to oppose him at every turn, they would never even be tried. Did Congress ever pass a jobs bill?
So, the second admission of failure. It's like saying your team lost because they were outscored. Just wait till the mid-terms.

Obama has been a failure and I am glad some are owning up to it, excuses aside.

He's turned the a whole segment of the once proud GOP into a bunch of sniveling, weasel like creatures, yammering and yattering at ever echo bounced their way.

Just kidding, the GOP were always a bunch of............

Nothings changed. As the circus of fighting between the parties continues, so does the status quo. The rich get richer and the poor, they get to work.

The wealthy got richer under Obama because he never HAD a plan to stimulate the economy and put people back to work! He propped up the stock markets with round after round of quantitative easing to make his economic numbers look less dismal, putting billions in the pockets of the wealthy. The middle class didn't participate in that stock market rebound nor did the poor. The truth of the matter is that 6 years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office has been an absolute DISASTER for the poor in this country! You've got millions of people on food stamps and mired in long term unemployment and it's because this President didn't have a clue about economics or job creation. If it wasn't for the good work of GOP Governors, Barry's unemployment numbers would be EPICALLY bad!

Yeah it was different under Bush. The rich got richer and the poor, they went to war. Anyone who has a 401K plan participates in the stock market. It wouldn't have mattered if he came up with the most fantastic jobs solution, with the GOP pledge to not let him have any victories and to oppose him at every turn, they would never even be tried. Did Congress ever pass a jobs bill?

Do you think about this nonsense before you post it? Barack Obama had Democratic majorities for most of his first two years in office. He COULD have passed just about any "fantastic job solution" that he wanted to and the GOP wouldn't have been able to do anymore about it than they were able to do about the ACA! Instead of a solution to the unemployment situation, we got the Obama Stimulus...an economic recovery plan so bad that they had to invent a new economic statistic (jobs created or saved) to hide how few jobs it produced!

You ask if Congress ever passed a jobs bill? The GOP led House has passed quite a few! They now sit on Harry Reid's desk gathering dust. Perhaps you'd like to point out the jobs bill that the Nancy Pelosi led House passed?
The Barack Obama Presidency will go down in history as the perfect example of what happens when blind ideology runs headlong into stark reality.

oh, come on. We weathered the worst credit meltdown since the great depression. Granted, I give the Bernank most of the credit, but ..... we could have had rand paul and people starving in the steets.

We will have, in some form or another, universal healthcare. Unfortunately, the model we have does nothing to reward those who work with more benefit and more persona autonomy than those who don't work.

No, my family income is not back to where it was before the Bushii implosion, and yes I'd prefer a less elitist, top down, view of society, but .... the guy was neither Buchanan nor Pierce

It's six YEARS now since George Bush was President...just when do you start to hold Barack Obama responsible for the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression?

I'm curious...do you even know what Barack Obama's economic strategy IS at this point? What his plan is to help those people on long term unemployment find work? His plan to put all those people working part time jobs because they can't find full time back to work? What's his plan? Surely he has one AFTER SIX YEARS!!!
The Barack Obama Presidency will go down in history as the perfect example of what happens when blind ideology runs headlong into stark reality.

oh, come on. We weathered the worst credit meltdown since the great depression. Granted, I give the Bernank most of the credit, but ..... we could have had rand paul and people starving in the steets.

We will have, in some form or another, universal healthcare. Unfortunately, the model we have does nothing to reward those who work with more benefit and more persona autonomy than those who don't work.

No, my family income is not back to where it was before the Bushii implosion, and yes I'd prefer a less elitist, top down, view of society, but .... the guy was neither Buchanan nor Pierce

It's six YEARS now since George Bush was President...just when do you start to hold Barack Obama responsible for the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression?

I'm curious...do you even know what Barack Obama's economic strategy IS at this point? What his plan is to help those people on long term unemployment find work? His plan to put all those people working part time jobs because they can't find full time back to work? What's his plan? Surely he has one AFTER SIX YEARS!!!

Republicans still hold FDR responsible for such things as Social Security and winning WWII.
The wealthy got richer under Obama because he never HAD a plan to stimulate the economy and put people back to work! He propped up the stock markets with round after round of quantitative easing to make his economic numbers look less dismal, putting billions in the pockets of the wealthy. The middle class didn't participate in that stock market rebound nor did the poor. The truth of the matter is that 6 years of Barack Obama in the Oval Office has been an absolute DISASTER for the poor in this country! You've got millions of people on food stamps and mired in long term unemployment and it's because this President didn't have a clue about economics or job creation. If it wasn't for the good work of GOP Governors, Barry's unemployment numbers would be EPICALLY bad!

Yeah it was different under Bush. The rich got richer and the poor, they went to war. Anyone who has a 401K plan participates in the stock market. It wouldn't have mattered if he came up with the most fantastic jobs solution, with the GOP pledge to not let him have any victories and to oppose him at every turn, they would never even be tried. Did Congress ever pass a jobs bill?
So, the second admission of failure. It's like saying your team lost because they were outscored. Just wait till the mid-terms.

Obama has been a failure and I am glad some are owning up to it, excuses aside.

Well he's still got a little less that three years to go to match the Bush's fantastic finish. Bar him doing that, he will be considered a much greater success that his predecessor.
What "good programs" did the GOP refuse to support? The ACA? In case you hadn't noticed, the reasons why the GOP said ObamaCare was flawed...have indeed materialized, despite wholesale delays in implementation of the program to hide it's warts. When you write bad legislation (and the ACA is probably the worst piece of legislation ever cobbled together!) why would anyone agree to vote for it? Was Cap & Trade a "good program"? Was Card Check a "good program"? Was having the EPA regulate greenhouse gasses a "good program"? Was a second stimulus that was exactly like the first one that failed to create jobs a "good program"? Why would ANYONE vote for programs that didn't address the fundamental problems with our economy and in many cases make those problems far worse than they were? Who would do that?

After posing that question, I'll go ahead and answer it...

People who put ideology before common sense...people that say things like "We have to pass the bill before we can see what's in the bill"...are the ones that vote for legislation that simply doesn't make sense.

Was Social Security a good bill?
Were Congress to write a perfect health care bill it would probably not be Obama-care, but in a democracy bills are often compromised to get passed, and over time the program is changed. Social Security was opposed by some but it passed and over the years has been changed amended, added to, corrected numerous times, and so it may be with Obama-care. Many bills that become laws are not read by Congressmen, they go through a committee process that does the job and then a recommend passage might be attached to a bill by either party.

Perfect? You think I'm holding the ACA to a standard of perfection? With all due respect, Regent the ACA is so FAR from perfect that it's laughable for you to even make that argument. It has fundamental flaws in it's very concept that have doomed it to failure right from the start but then again this was never about passing a bill to lower healthcare costs or make our healthcare system better...this was always about taking a giant step towards government run healthcare. It's why Obama, Pelosi and Reid lied to the American people about it in order to get it passed. They KNOW it sucks...they knew it while they were signing their names to it...but they didn't CARE because it's simply a step.

As for many bills not being read by Congressman? The statement I offered wasn't just "some" Congressman...it was made by Nancy Pelosi...the person who wrote much of the ACA! For HER to make that statement shows exactly what a bait and switch scam this law has ALWAYS been!

Perhaps the real problem with Obama-care was that insurance companies had to be cut in on the deal. In 1935 the nation was still in the Great Depression fear-mode and FDR was pretty much free to start a new program from scratch. The people wanted any program that promised some security.
Yeah it was different under Bush. The rich got richer and the poor, they went to war. Anyone who has a 401K plan participates in the stock market. It wouldn't have mattered if he came up with the most fantastic jobs solution, with the GOP pledge to not let him have any victories and to oppose him at every turn, they would never even be tried. Did Congress ever pass a jobs bill?
So, the second admission of failure. It's like saying your team lost because they were outscored. Just wait till the mid-terms.

Obama has been a failure and I am glad some are owning up to it, excuses aside.

Well he's still got a little less that three years to go to match the Bush's fantastic finish. Bar him doing that, he will be considered a much greater success that his predecessor.
Fantasy is great with libtards. Bush was hands down better then the idiot obamaturdinmouth.
Yeah it was different under Bush. The rich got richer and the poor, they went to war. Anyone who has a 401K plan participates in the stock market. It wouldn't have mattered if he came up with the most fantastic jobs solution, with the GOP pledge to not let him have any victories and to oppose him at every turn, they would never even be tried. Did Congress ever pass a jobs bill?
So, the second admission of failure. It's like saying your team lost because they were outscored. Just wait till the mid-terms.

Obama has been a failure and I am glad some are owning up to it, excuses aside.

Well he's still got a little less that three years to go to match the Bush's fantastic finish. Bar him doing that, he will be considered a much greater success that his predecessor.
Sorry, I gave you credit for being the second to admit to Obama's failure. You can't be third too.
lets be succinct and tell it like it is! :mad:


I strongly disagree that Obama is the worst President ever. George W. Bush was. In fact, Bush was so bad he deserves to be in prison.

That being said, in my opinion Obama is nothing but a deceitful bullshit artist who managed to be elected because he is the diametric opposite of George W. Bush, who was the epitome of whiteness in the politically negative sense of the word. A substantial percentage of Caucasian Americans had become so weary of and offended by Bush's obnoxiously white political posture their subconscious rejection of that posture, combined with the purely ethnic Negro vote, carried Obama to the Presidency.

I voted for Obama because the alternative was McCain who is a clubhouse Republican war-monger. Obama was not my first choice. Kucinich was. But there are not enough voters with the intelligence, good sense and social decency to understand why he was the best hope for America. He is a little guy with big ears, which means he didn't stand a chance.

My current political pipe-dream is voters are somehow endowed with enough good sense to draft Senator Bernie Sanders and elect him President in 2016. That would be like the second coming of FDR.
So, the second admission of failure. It's like saying your team lost because they were outscored. Just wait till the mid-terms.

Obama has been a failure and I am glad some are owning up to it, excuses aside.

Well he's still got a little less that three years to go to match the Bush's fantastic finish. Bar him doing that, he will be considered a much greater success that his predecessor.
Sorry, I gave you credit for being the second to admit to Obama's failure. You can't be third too.

In the last rating of presidents by 238 noted historians and presidential experts Bush was rated as America's fifth or sixth worst president. The ratings do change as we add more presidents and new sources come to light, but it looks like Bush will be in the bottom ten for some time to come. The historians rated the presidents on twenty factors they believe are important to presidents. People often disagree with the historians because of their politics.
oh, come on. We weathered the worst credit meltdown since the great depression. Granted, I give the Bernank most of the credit, but ..... we could have had rand paul and people starving in the steets.

We will have, in some form or another, universal healthcare. Unfortunately, the model we have does nothing to reward those who work with more benefit and more persona autonomy than those who don't work.

No, my family income is not back to where it was before the Bushii implosion, and yes I'd prefer a less elitist, top down, view of society, but .... the guy was neither Buchanan nor Pierce

It's six YEARS now since George Bush was President...just when do you start to hold Barack Obama responsible for the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression?

I'm curious...do you even know what Barack Obama's economic strategy IS at this point? What his plan is to help those people on long term unemployment find work? His plan to put all those people working part time jobs because they can't find full time back to work? What's his plan? Surely he has one AFTER SIX YEARS!!!

Republicans still hold FDR responsible for such things as Social Security and winning WWII.

I'll ask you the same question again...only this time in caps so you can't miss it! WHAT IS BARACK OBAMA'S PLAN TO JUMP START THE ECONOMY AND PUT THE LONG TERM UNEMPLOYED BACK TO WORK? I don't think he's had one since Larry Summers tucked tail and ran back to the safety of his Harvard tenured position.

See if you can answer that simple question with something OTHER than rambling nonsense about FDR...
Well he's still got a little less that three years to go to match the Bush's fantastic finish. Bar him doing that, he will be considered a much greater success that his predecessor.
Sorry, I gave you credit for being the second to admit to Obama's failure. You can't be third too.

In the last rating of presidents by 238 noted historians and presidential experts Bush was rated as America's fifth or sixth worst president. The ratings do change as we add more presidents and new sources come to light, but it looks like Bush will be in the bottom ten for some time to come. The historians rated the presidents on twenty factors they believe are important to presidents. People often disagree with the historians because of their politics.

No shit?
It's six YEARS now since George Bush was President...just when do you start to hold Barack Obama responsible for the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression?

I'm curious...do you even know what Barack Obama's economic strategy IS at this point? What his plan is to help those people on long term unemployment find work? His plan to put all those people working part time jobs because they can't find full time back to work? What's his plan? Surely he has one AFTER SIX YEARS!!!

Republicans still hold FDR responsible for such things as Social Security and winning WWII.

I'll ask you the same question again...only this time in caps so you can't miss it! WHAT IS BARACK OBAMA'S PLAN TO JUMP START THE ECONOMY AND PUT THE LONG TERM UNEMPLOYED BACK TO WORK? I don't think he's had one since Larry Summers tucked tail and ran back to the safety of his Harvard tenured position.

See if you can answer that simple question with something OTHER than rambling nonsense about FDR...

Obama's plan is to improve the American economy to the state it was in during FDR's last term in office. It's difficult because the House Republicans keep voting to repeal Obama-care, they've voted about fifty times to repeal now. But there is some progress with the House Republicans as they have finally been told about Social Security being a law, so we can expect the House to now start voting to repeal Social Security. Gotta admit Republicans are on top of things, fifty times to repeal Obama-care.
Republicans still hold FDR responsible for such things as Social Security and winning WWII.

I'll ask you the same question again...only this time in caps so you can't miss it! WHAT IS BARACK OBAMA'S PLAN TO JUMP START THE ECONOMY AND PUT THE LONG TERM UNEMPLOYED BACK TO WORK? I don't think he's had one since Larry Summers tucked tail and ran back to the safety of his Harvard tenured position.

See if you can answer that simple question with something OTHER than rambling nonsense about FDR...

Obama's plan is to improve the American economy to the state it was in during FDR's last term in office. It's difficult because the House Republicans keep voting to repeal Obama-care, they've voted about fifty times to repeal now. But there is some progress with the House Republicans as they have finally been told about Social Security being a law, so we can expect the House to now start voting to repeal Social Security. Gotta admit Republicans are on top of things, fifty times to repeal Obama-care.

So what IS Obama's plan to improve the American economy to the state it was in FDR's last term in office? Give me some specifics. I don't think you can...because to be quite blunt...this Administration hasn't HAD a viable plan to fix the economy or put people back to work since the trillion dollars we wasted on the Obama Stimulus failed so miserably five years ago. What Obama proposed was another stimulus that was essentially the same as the first one and he couldn't even get Democrats to vote for that!

I'm baffled by why you think the GOP voting to repeal ObamaCare fifty times...or a hundred...or a million times somehow prevents Barack Obama from putting forth a plan to put people back to work and get our economy growing at something more than the glacial rate it's been grinding along at now for years. It's like saying you can't mow your lawn because your washing machine isn't working.
Its unfortunate republicans have tried to block real hopa and change.. unobstructed totalitarian communism is what the people really needed...
The sad part is the young people who voted for Obama and are not just disappointed but heartbroken aren't blaming him. They're blaming America and have given up on doing anything other than taking all they can get in the way of handouts. They see no point in working at anything as the fruits of their labor increasingly being stripped away and redistributed to others.

Can you see where that's taking us?

More importantly, do you care?

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