Has PETA Absolutely Lost its Collective Mind?


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2007
Charleston, SC
I am no fan of PETA. Bunch of hypocrites, extremists, and supporters of domestic terrorism.

All that aside, I think they may have finally lost their fucking minds...

PETA: Eating Chicken Wings During Pregnancy Could Affect Baby’s Penis Size

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Eating chicken parts – or, more specifically, chicken wings – could shrink your baby’s man parts.

At least, that’s what PETA is alleging in advance of the National Buffalo Wing Festival.

According to a letter from PETA to Drew Cerza, the founder of the festival, “The latest scientific evidence shows that the sons of pregnant women who consume chicken are more likely to have smaller penises because of a chemical found in the birds’ flesh.”

“Findings published by the Study for Future Families showed that eating poultry during pregnancy may lead to smaller penis size in male infants,” the letter, from PETA’s Lindsay Rajt, alleges.

PETA: Eating Chicken Wings During Pregnancy Could Affect Baby?s Penis Size « CBS Philly

Needless to say, they are way off base, again.

As I like to say...

I am no fan of PETA. Bunch of hypocrites, extremists, and supporters of domestic terrorism.

All that aside, I think they may have finally lost their fucking minds...

PETA: Eating Chicken Wings During Pregnancy Could Affect Baby’s Penis Size

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Eating chicken parts – or, more specifically, chicken wings – could shrink your baby’s man parts.

At least, that’s what PETA is alleging in advance of the National Buffalo Wing Festival.

According to a letter from PETA to Drew Cerza, the founder of the festival, “The latest scientific evidence shows that the sons of pregnant women who consume chicken are more likely to have smaller penises because of a chemical found in the birds’ flesh.”

“Findings published by the Study for Future Families showed that eating poultry during pregnancy may lead to smaller penis size in male infants,” the letter, from PETA’s Lindsay Rajt, alleges.

PETA: Eating Chicken Wings During Pregnancy Could Affect Baby?s Penis Size « CBS Philly

Needless to say, they are way off base, again.

As I like to say...


They have no rational argument, so they have to resort to fear and emotion.

Trusting PETA when it comes to anything involving eating meat is like getting shooting tips from the Brady Campaign.

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