Has science proved there is no God?


Quran buster
Jul 8, 2012
The discovery of the Higgs Boson particle has led physicists to claim there can be no undiscovered particles, and there are no unknowns. So there can be no after life.
Watch the video and tell me why they are wrong.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vrs-Azp0i3k]Higgs Boson and the Fundamental Nature of Reality - Sean Carroll - Skepticon 5 - YouTube[/ame]
I think what's been discovered is that physicists carry around a lot of hubris within them.
So there can be no after life.

Mmm... Not sure the Higgs Boson is relevant here. Sorry, Higgs Boson! :(

I was listening to professor Kaku the other day, and he says the Higgs Boson is just an important missing piece to a much more complex model. It is believed there is a completely different level of particles yet to be discovered, with it's own version of a Higgs Boson... then there may also be levels beyond that. It could be there are as many as 11 dimensions, where we know of only four. Each can have their own unique sets of particles and properties... science has no idea. That's why theoretical physics is so fascinating.

So to summarize... we can see by the science, there are unlimited possibilities with regard to what we call "Afterlife" because the cosmos is timeless. In fact, what we perceive as "time" is actually only the universe expanding. The discoveries humans make throughout the entirety of their existence as a species, will pale in any comparison to the secrets of the cosmos. Not to make you feel 'insignificant' or anything... but. :eusa_whistle:
Those scientists are assuming that afterlife bodies will be made of particles, which is not what the Bible teaches. It teaches that God is a spirit and that we will have spiritual bodies, not physical ones. They cannot prove there is no God and we cannot prove there is one. It's a personal choice to believe or not believe.
The discovery of the Higgs Boson particle has led physicists to claim there can be no undiscovered particles, and there are no unknowns. So there can be no after life.
Watch the video and tell me why they are wrong.

Higgs Boson and the Fundamental Nature of Reality - Sean Carroll - Skepticon 5 - YouTube

No. Actually, scientific discoveries are actually pointing towards intelligent design.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Dlsw9wsN60]Creation is a Scientific Fact (MUST SEE!) - YouTube[/ame]
The discovery of the Higgs Boson particle has led physicists to claim there can be no undiscovered particles, and there are no unknowns. So there can be no after life.
Watch the video and tell me why they are wrong.

Higgs Boson and the Fundamental Nature of Reality - Sean Carroll - Skepticon 5 - YouTube

No. Actually, scientific discoveries are actually pointing towards intelligent design.

Actually, no. ID is more discredited now than ever before. The recent Kitzmiller v. Dover case was a thorough trashing of ID as just the latest, fraudulent incarnation of Christian fundamentalists attempting to circumvent constitutional law with respect to separation of church and state.
Here's a good site for learning more about Science & Evangelism: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qcV9vVeS5w]Using Science for Evangelism - YouTube[/ame]
Here's an interesting site called "Reasons To Believe": Reasons To Believe : Where Modern Science & Faith Converge

I don't personally prescribe to "old earth" creationism. I tend to believe that biblical miracles happen just as they're reported in the Bible so I might be called a "young earth" creationist but I prefer to consider myself a Bible believing Christian.

If a Christian can believe that Mary was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus;
and if they can believe that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead;
and if they can believe that Christ ascended into Heaven;
and if they can believe that the Red Sea parted for Moses and the Israelites;
then they should have no problem believing that God is able to create the earth in 6 literal days.
Long but very interesting (and truthful): [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbh7S6WWdMc]The Laws of Science Support Young Earth Creation - Dr. Don Patton - YouTube[/ame]
Big Bang Cosmology is not a friend to Young earth Creationism.

Maybe Old Earth Creationism(since it actually accept an Earth that is billions of years old), but definitely not Young Earthers!!

I think that 4 minute video is highly questionable in its content.

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