Has the Left Terminally Brainwashed Americans?


By 2008 we had elected Barack Hussein Obama POTUS. We re-elected him in 2012. Has the liberal media, education system, and Democratic Party finally indoctrinated the public to the point that there is no return? Can America come back from the edge of the Marxist abyss? 47% of Americans now get a hand out from the central authority in Washington D.C. are we done when people adopt this type of mentality?
First, no one forces the voters to vote for the anti-America self-serving egotistical greedy power hungry professional politicians that occupy seats in government. Secondly, it's not the media, our education system, nor is it the Democratic party that's to blame for the obvious destruction of this once great nation. As a matter of fact, 110% of the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the voters themselves, no one else. In this country, no one is forced to vote, no one is forced to vote for a particular person or a particular party, and no one is obligated to swallow the obviously biased BS spewed by the various media. And, our education systems do NOT punish anyone for using their own intelligence, nor keep anyone from reading and doing their own research to find the answers to any questions they may have about the political arena in America.

It is really amazing to read so much each day where folks are blaming a person, a political party, a group, and/or an organization for our many social and economic woes. In my many years of following politics, writing about it, and reading about it, I can't recall one instance where a voter, or voters, accept responsibility for the sad shameful state that this once great nation has fallen to. Voters continually blame our problems on Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates, Republicans, Democrats, Right Wings, Left Wings, and anything else that one can think of. It's almost like they honestly believe that politicians just waltz into Washington and take a seat, all on their own. Voters never once consider the fact that politicians reach Washington via votes. And who votes? Yes, it's the voters that vote. So, who is to blame when things go wrong, when we amass astronomical debt, engage in senseless deadly costly wars, encourage dependency on government assistance programs, and allow our living wage self-supporting jobs to flow to cheap foreign labor markets?

The really sad part is the fact that so many professional politicians serve more than one term, get re-elected, and continue to do absolutely nothing for this nation as a whole. The American voters need to do a little self-examination before throwing blame at the low-life crooks that serve in Washington. After all, they wouldn't be there if they hadn't been elected.
But their perception is "The government owes me a social safety net."
Not so. The American public wants fair, equal, and just representation, a responsible government, and opportunities to be self-supporting productive members of society.
No they do not. They re-elected a man POTUS who claimed small business owners never built their business.

If you continue with that misdirected misrepresentation of what he actually said you are a liar. If you believe that is what he actually said, you are a mental defective. To a right winger, the truth means nothing.
Republicans won the most stunning victory in mid term election history barely six months ago so it seems that America is fine but the left continues to be brainwashed by the liberal media and left wing blogs. Democrats have a shot at nominating a reasonable experienced former senator and war hero candidate but the liberal media has brainwashed them into believing that the enabling wife of a perverted abuser of women is the best candidate. Democrats have have been brainwashed into thinking that republicans are at war with women when there is a ton of evidence showing that Hillary threatened women in general and specifically women who were abused by her husband, with ruin at the hands of government attack dogs and the so-called "bimbo eruption squad".

Can you remind us of all that Republicans have accomplished in the last six months?

Many of them are part of the problem. The problem is not all dems and obozo. Rinos are just as much to blame for the BS.

Kick them all out. Being in congress or the senate should not be a career. It was designed to be a short term sacrifice for your country, not a way to get filthy rich at taxpayer expense.

The people are fed up-------------things will change.
Are you prepared to boot your Congressman out then to lead the way?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

We booted a senator.
Republicans won the most stunning victory in mid term election history barely six months ago so it seems that America is fine but the left continues to be brainwashed by the liberal media and left wing blogs. Democrats have a shot at nominating a reasonable experienced former senator and war hero candidate but the liberal media has brainwashed them into believing that the enabling wife of a perverted abuser of women is the best candidate. Democrats have have been brainwashed into thinking that republicans are at war with women when there is a ton of evidence showing that Hillary threatened women in general and specifically women who were abused by her husband, with ruin at the hands of government attack dogs and the so-called "bimbo eruption squad".

Can you remind us of all that Republicans have accomplished in the last six months?

Many of them are part of the problem. The problem is not all dems and obozo. Rinos are just as much to blame for the BS.

Kick them all out. Being in congress or the senate should not be a career. It was designed to be a short term sacrifice for your country, not a way to get filthy rich at taxpayer expense.

The people are fed up-------------things will change.

What have Republcans accomplished since they took Congress

Obama s getting things done......why can't Republicans?

Getting things done?

Obamacare------the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation
the Iran deal---------they won we lost
doubled the national debt
helped make ISIS an international threat
did nothing to stop illegal entry into this country
maintained high unemployment
put more in poverty than ever before in our history
more on food stamps than ever before
increased the gap between rich and poor
screwed up every international relationship
made Putin look like a leader

I do agree that the republicans have not done what they were sent to DC to do. Many of them will be replaced next election with republicans with balls.
That's right, those businesses didn't build all the infrastructure, or, the interstate system...
Yes they did. Their company, their bid, their workers, their insurance, their payroll, their workers taxes that came out of those paychecks (welfare deadbeats don't contribute), their engineers...

They build all their roads and bridges, the power grid, communications infrastructure, they educated all their workers and are full self sufficient
The federal government sure as the fuck didn't. They wrote a check, and should not be allowed to do that. Federal government "built" nothing. They gave money back that they stole.

That's right, those businesses didn't build all the infrastructure, or, the interstate system...
Yes they did. Their company, their bid, their workers, their insurance, their payroll, their workers taxes that came out of those paychecks (welfare deadbeats don't contribute), their engineers...

They build all their roads and bridges, the power grid, communications infrastructure, they educated all their workers and are full self sufficient
The federal government sure as the fuck didn't. They wrote a check, and should not be allowed to do that. Federal government "built" nothing. They gave money back that they stole.

You have no idea how our Constitution works do you?
You have no idea. Trust me...I know Constitutional law.
I'm talking about stuff other than the second amendment
Republicans won the most stunning victory in mid term election history barely six months ago so it seems that America is fine but the left continues to be brainwashed by the liberal media and left wing blogs. Democrats have a shot at nominating a reasonable experienced former senator and war hero candidate but the liberal media has brainwashed them into believing that the enabling wife of a perverted abuser of women is the best candidate. Democrats have have been brainwashed into thinking that republicans are at war with women when there is a ton of evidence showing that Hillary threatened women in general and specifically women who were abused by her husband, with ruin at the hands of government attack dogs and the so-called "bimbo eruption squad".

Can you remind us of all that Republicans have accomplished in the last six months?

Many of them are part of the problem. The problem is not all dems and obozo. Rinos are just as much to blame for the BS.

Kick them all out. Being in congress or the senate should not be a career. It was designed to be a short term sacrifice for your country, not a way to get filthy rich at taxpayer expense.

The people are fed up-------------things will change.

What have Republcans accomplished since they took Congress

Obama s getting things done......why can't Republicans?

Getting things done?

Obamacare------the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation
the Iran deal---------they won we lost
doubled the national debt
helped make ISIS an international threat
did nothing to stop illegal entry into this country
maintained high unemployment
put more in poverty than ever before in our history
more on food stamps than ever before
increased the gap between rich and poor
screwed up every international relationship
made Putin look like a leader

I do agree that the republicans have not done what they were sent to DC to do. Many of them will be replaced next election with republicans with balls.
I get it....you hate all things liberal
That is why you voted Republican

Obama is a liberal and has delivered what he was elected to do
Why haven't Republicans?
First, no one forces the voters to vote for the anti-America self-serving egotistical greedy power hungry professional politicians that occupy seats in government. Secondly, it's not the media, our education system, nor is it the Democratic party that's to blame for the obvious destruction of this once great nation. As a matter of fact, 110% of the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the voters themselves, no one else. In this country, no one is forced to vote, no one is forced to vote for a particular person or a particular party, and no one is obligated to swallow the obviously biased BS spewed by the various media. And, our education systems do NOT punish anyone for using their own intelligence, nor keep anyone from reading and doing their own research to find the answers to any questions they may have about the political arena in America.

It is really amazing to read so much each day where folks are blaming a person, a political party, a group, and/or an organization for our many social and economic woes. In my many years of following politics, writing about it, and reading about it, I can't recall one instance where a voter, or voters, accept responsibility for the sad shameful state that this once great nation has fallen to. Voters continually blame our problems on Liberals, Conservatives, Moderates, Republicans, Democrats, Right Wings, Left Wings, and anything else that one can think of. It's almost like they honestly believe that politicians just waltz into Washington and take a seat, all on their own. Voters never once consider the fact that politicians reach Washington via votes. And who votes? Yes, it's the voters that vote. So, who is to blame when things go wrong, when we amass astronomical debt, engage in senseless deadly costly wars, encourage dependency on government assistance programs, and allow our living wage self-supporting jobs to flow to cheap foreign labor markets?

The really sad part is the fact that so many professional politicians serve more than one term, get re-elected, and continue to do absolutely nothing for this nation as a whole. The American voters need to do a little self-examination before throwing blame at the low-life crooks that serve in Washington. After all, they wouldn't be there if they hadn't been elected.
But their perception is "The government owes me a social safety net."
Not so. The American public wants fair, equal, and just representation, a responsible government, and opportunities to be self-supporting productive members of society.
No they do not. They re-elected a man POTUS who claimed small business owners never built their business.

If you continue with that misdirected misrepresentation of what he actually said you are a liar. If you believe that is what he actually said, you are a mental defective. To a right winger, the truth means nothing.

he said that business people did not build roads and bridges---------he's right and he's wrong, because their tax payments built those roads and bridges. Without business profits there would be no taxes collected from businesses.
Republicans won the most stunning victory in mid term election history barely six months ago so it seems that America is fine but the left continues to be brainwashed by the liberal media and left wing blogs. Democrats have a shot at nominating a reasonable experienced former senator and war hero candidate but the liberal media has brainwashed them into believing that the enabling wife of a perverted abuser of women is the best candidate. Democrats have have been brainwashed into thinking that republicans are at war with women when there is a ton of evidence showing that Hillary threatened women in general and specifically women who were abused by her husband, with ruin at the hands of government attack dogs and the so-called "bimbo eruption squad".

Can you remind us of all that Republicans have accomplished in the last six months?

Many of them are part of the problem. The problem is not all dems and obozo. Rinos are just as much to blame for the BS.

Kick them all out. Being in congress or the senate should not be a career. It was designed to be a short term sacrifice for your country, not a way to get filthy rich at taxpayer expense.

The people are fed up-------------things will change.

What have Republcans accomplished since they took Congress

Obama s getting things done......why can't Republicans?

Getting things done?

Obamacare------the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation
the Iran deal---------they won we lost
doubled the national debt
helped make ISIS an international threat
did nothing to stop illegal entry into this country
maintained high unemployment
put more in poverty than ever before in our history
more on food stamps than ever before
increased the gap between rich and poor
screwed up every international relationship
made Putin look like a leader

I do agree that the republicans have not done what they were sent to DC to do. Many of them will be replaced next election with republicans with balls.
I get it....you hate all things liberal
That is why you voted Republican

Obama is a liberal and has delivered what he was elected to do
Why haven't Republicans?

Obama was elected to double the debt? to put more people in poverty? to build up ISIS? Wow, I guess I missed those things in his campaign speeches.
Republicans won the most stunning victory in mid term election history barely six months ago so it seems that America is fine but the left continues to be brainwashed by the liberal media and left wing blogs. Democrats have a shot at nominating a reasonable experienced former senator and war hero candidate but the liberal media has brainwashed them into believing that the enabling wife of a perverted abuser of women is the best candidate. Democrats have have been brainwashed into thinking that republicans are at war with women when there is a ton of evidence showing that Hillary threatened women in general and specifically women who were abused by her husband, with ruin at the hands of government attack dogs and the so-called "bimbo eruption squad".

Can you remind us of all that Republicans have accomplished in the last six months?

Many of them are part of the problem. The problem is not all dems and obozo. Rinos are just as much to blame for the BS.

Kick them all out. Being in congress or the senate should not be a career. It was designed to be a short term sacrifice for your country, not a way to get filthy rich at taxpayer expense.

The people are fed up-------------things will change.
Are you prepared to boot your Congressman out then to lead the way?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

We booted a senator.
Was YOUR vote consistent with the outcome?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Republicans won the most stunning victory in mid term election history barely six months ago so it seems that America is fine but the left continues to be brainwashed by the liberal media and left wing blogs. Democrats have a shot at nominating a reasonable experienced former senator and war hero candidate but the liberal media has brainwashed them into believing that the enabling wife of a perverted abuser of women is the best candidate. Democrats have have been brainwashed into thinking that republicans are at war with women when there is a ton of evidence showing that Hillary threatened women in general and specifically women who were abused by her husband, with ruin at the hands of government attack dogs and the so-called "bimbo eruption squad".

Can you remind us of all that Republicans have accomplished in the last six months?

Many of them are part of the problem. The problem is not all dems and obozo. Rinos are just as much to blame for the BS.

Kick them all out. Being in congress or the senate should not be a career. It was designed to be a short term sacrifice for your country, not a way to get filthy rich at taxpayer expense.

The people are fed up-------------things will change.
Are you prepared to boot your Congressman out then to lead the way?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

We booted a senator.
Was YOUR vote consistent with the outcome?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Yes, we replaced a liberal democrat with a conservative republican. That was a good outcome and the desired outcome. In 2016 we will replace the worst president in history with a conservative republican, that too will be a good outcome.
Can you remind us of all that Republicans have accomplished in the last six months?

Many of them are part of the problem. The problem is not all dems and obozo. Rinos are just as much to blame for the BS.

Kick them all out. Being in congress or the senate should not be a career. It was designed to be a short term sacrifice for your country, not a way to get filthy rich at taxpayer expense.

The people are fed up-------------things will change.
Are you prepared to boot your Congressman out then to lead the way?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

We booted a senator.
Was YOUR vote consistent with the outcome?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Yes, we replaced a liberal democrat with a conservative republican. That was a good outcome and the desired outcome. In 2016 we will replace the worst president in history with a conservative republican, that too will be a good outcome.
Care to bet on it? If Hillary wins, you leave the board for good, never to return again. If not, I do.

How about it?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Can you remind us of all that Republicans have accomplished in the last six months?

Many of them are part of the problem. The problem is not all dems and obozo. Rinos are just as much to blame for the BS.

Kick them all out. Being in congress or the senate should not be a career. It was designed to be a short term sacrifice for your country, not a way to get filthy rich at taxpayer expense.

The people are fed up-------------things will change.

What have Republcans accomplished since they took Congress

Obama s getting things done......why can't Republicans?

Getting things done?

Obamacare------the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation
the Iran deal---------they won we lost
doubled the national debt
helped make ISIS an international threat
did nothing to stop illegal entry into this country
maintained high unemployment
put more in poverty than ever before in our history
more on food stamps than ever before
increased the gap between rich and poor
screwed up every international relationship
made Putin look like a leader

I do agree that the republicans have not done what they were sent to DC to do. Many of them will be replaced next election with republicans with balls.
I get it....you hate all things liberal
That is why you voted Republican

Obama is a liberal and has delivered what he was elected to do
Why haven't Republicans?

Obama was elected to double the debt? to put more people in poverty? to build up ISIS? Wow, I guess I missed those things in his campaign speeches.

Hagel: ISIS 'beyond anything that we've seen,' US must 'get ready'

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel issued a dire warning Thursday about the threat posed by the Islamic State terrorist group, saying the organization is "beyond anything that we've seen."

Speaking alongside Hagel at a Pentagon news conference, Army Gen. Martin Dempsey said that although the Islamic State group can be contained it cannot be defeated without attacking it in Syria.

Hagel ISIS beyond anything that we ve seen US must get ready Fox News
Many of them are part of the problem. The problem is not all dems and obozo. Rinos are just as much to blame for the BS.

Kick them all out. Being in congress or the senate should not be a career. It was designed to be a short term sacrifice for your country, not a way to get filthy rich at taxpayer expense.

The people are fed up-------------things will change.
Are you prepared to boot your Congressman out then to lead the way?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

We booted a senator.
Was YOUR vote consistent with the outcome?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Yes, we replaced a liberal democrat with a conservative republican. That was a good outcome and the desired outcome. In 2016 we will replace the worst president in history with a conservative republican, that too will be a good outcome.
Care to bet on it? If Hillary wins, you leave the board for good, never to return again. If not, I do.

How about it?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Since I know that you would not comply with the bet its a meaningless question.

But if you are serious about betting, how about $5K?

here's how it would work. You PM me and I will send you my address, you send me a check for 5K. I will hold it until the day after the election. If Hillary wins I send your check back to you along with one from me for 5K, If she loses, I cash your check. Deal?
Are you prepared to boot your Congressman out then to lead the way?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

We booted a senator.
Was YOUR vote consistent with the outcome?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Yes, we replaced a liberal democrat with a conservative republican. That was a good outcome and the desired outcome. In 2016 we will replace the worst president in history with a conservative republican, that too will be a good outcome.
Care to bet on it? If Hillary wins, you leave the board for good, never to return again. If not, I do.

How about it?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Since I know that you would not comply with the bet its a meaningless question.

But if you are serious about betting, how about $5K?

here's how it would work. You PM me and I will send you my address, you send me a check for 5K. I will hold it until the day after the election. If Hillary wins I send your check back to you along with one from me for 5K, If she loses, I cash your check. Deal?
I never bet for money. However, you're a fraud if you start by saying that I won't honor the bet to leave, but expect me to somehow honor a bet for $5K?!!??


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
We booted a senator.
Was YOUR vote consistent with the outcome?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Yes, we replaced a liberal democrat with a conservative republican. That was a good outcome and the desired outcome. In 2016 we will replace the worst president in history with a conservative republican, that too will be a good outcome.
Care to bet on it? If Hillary wins, you leave the board for good, never to return again. If not, I do.

How about it?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Since I know that you would not comply with the bet its a meaningless question.

But if you are serious about betting, how about $5K?

here's how it would work. You PM me and I will send you my address, you send me a check for 5K. I will hold it until the day after the election. If Hillary wins I send your check back to you along with one from me for 5K, If she loses, I cash your check. Deal?
I never bet for money. However, you're a fraud if you start by saying that I won't honor the bet to leave, but expect me to somehow honor a bet for $5K?!!??


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I actually got a liberal on another forum to do that, not for 5K but a much smaller amount.

Liberals are easy to trick because their minds don't operate normally.

Now here's a bet we both can agree to. If Hillary wins I will post that you were right and I was wrong, If she loses you post that I was right and you were wrong.
Can you remind us of all that Republicans have accomplished in the last six months?

Many of them are part of the problem. The problem is not all dems and obozo. Rinos are just as much to blame for the BS.

Kick them all out. Being in congress or the senate should not be a career. It was designed to be a short term sacrifice for your country, not a way to get filthy rich at taxpayer expense.

The people are fed up-------------things will change.

What have Republcans accomplished since they took Congress

Obama s getting things done......why can't Republicans?

Getting things done?

Obamacare------the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation
the Iran deal---------they won we lost
doubled the national debt
helped make ISIS an international threat
did nothing to stop illegal entry into this country
maintained high unemployment
put more in poverty than ever before in our history
more on food stamps than ever before
increased the gap between rich and poor
screwed up every international relationship
made Putin look like a leader

I do agree that the republicans have not done what they were sent to DC to do. Many of them will be replaced next election with republicans with balls.
I get it....you hate all things liberal
That is why you voted Republican

Obama is a liberal and has delivered what he was elected to do
Why haven't Republicans?

Obama was elected to double the debt? to put more people in poverty? to build up ISIS? Wow, I guess I missed those things in his campaign speeches.
Obama was elected primarily to stop an economic collapse. To do that he had to push money into the economy. Balancing the budget while trying to reverse a recession is foolish
ISIS filled a power void. Something you could have predicted after we toppled the government
Many of them are part of the problem. The problem is not all dems and obozo. Rinos are just as much to blame for the BS.

Kick them all out. Being in congress or the senate should not be a career. It was designed to be a short term sacrifice for your country, not a way to get filthy rich at taxpayer expense.

The people are fed up-------------things will change.

What have Republcans accomplished since they took Congress

Obama s getting things done......why can't Republicans?

Getting things done?

Obamacare------the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation
the Iran deal---------they won we lost
doubled the national debt
helped make ISIS an international threat
did nothing to stop illegal entry into this country
maintained high unemployment
put more in poverty than ever before in our history
more on food stamps than ever before
increased the gap between rich and poor
screwed up every international relationship
made Putin look like a leader

I do agree that the republicans have not done what they were sent to DC to do. Many of them will be replaced next election with republicans with balls.
I get it....you hate all things liberal
That is why you voted Republican

Obama is a liberal and has delivered what he was elected to do
Why haven't Republicans?

Obama was elected to double the debt? to put more people in poverty? to build up ISIS? Wow, I guess I missed those things in his campaign speeches.
Obama was elected primarily to stop an economic collapse. To do that he had to push money into the economy. Balancing the budget while trying to reverse a recession is foolish
ISIS filled a power void. Something you could have predicted after we toppled the government

there was no recession in 08. the market took a dump, but there was no recession.

As to why obama was elected--------------he was elected because of his skin color. he was elected by black pride and white guilt accompanied by a biased media that was afraid to truly vet him lest they be accused of racism. he has proven to be the worst president in history and has done damage to this nation that will take many years to repair.
What have Republcans accomplished since they took Congress

Obama s getting things done......why can't Republicans?

Getting things done?

Obamacare------the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation
the Iran deal---------they won we lost
doubled the national debt
helped make ISIS an international threat
did nothing to stop illegal entry into this country
maintained high unemployment
put more in poverty than ever before in our history
more on food stamps than ever before
increased the gap between rich and poor
screwed up every international relationship
made Putin look like a leader

I do agree that the republicans have not done what they were sent to DC to do. Many of them will be replaced next election with republicans with balls.
I get it....you hate all things liberal
That is why you voted Republican

Obama is a liberal and has delivered what he was elected to do
Why haven't Republicans?

Obama was elected to double the debt? to put more people in poverty? to build up ISIS? Wow, I guess I missed those things in his campaign speeches.
Obama was elected primarily to stop an economic collapse. To do that he had to push money into the economy. Balancing the budget while trying to reverse a recession is foolish
ISIS filled a power void. Something you could have predicted after we toppled the government

there was no recession in 08. the market took a dump, but there was no recession.

As to why obama was elected--------------he was elected because of his skin color. he was elected by black pride and white guilt accompanied by a biased media that was afraid to truly vet him lest they be accused of racism. he has proven to be the worst president in history and has done damage to this nation that will take many years to repair.
Sorry......stopped reading after the first sentence
Many of them are part of the problem. The problem is not all dems and obozo. Rinos are just as much to blame for the BS.

Kick them all out. Being in congress or the senate should not be a career. It was designed to be a short term sacrifice for your country, not a way to get filthy rich at taxpayer expense.

The people are fed up-------------things will change.

What have Republcans accomplished since they took Congress

Obama s getting things done......why can't Republicans?

Getting things done?

Obamacare------the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation
the Iran deal---------they won we lost
doubled the national debt
helped make ISIS an international threat
did nothing to stop illegal entry into this country
maintained high unemployment
put more in poverty than ever before in our history
more on food stamps than ever before
increased the gap between rich and poor
screwed up every international relationship
made Putin look like a leader

I do agree that the republicans have not done what they were sent to DC to do. Many of them will be replaced next election with republicans with balls.
I get it....you hate all things liberal
That is why you voted Republican

Obama is a liberal and has delivered what he was elected to do
Why haven't Republicans?

Obama was elected to double the debt? to put more people in poverty? to build up ISIS? Wow, I guess I missed those things in his campaign speeches.
Obama was elected primarily to stop an economic collapse. To do that he had to push money into the economy. Balancing the budget while trying to reverse a recession is foolish
ISIS filled a power void. Something you could have predicted after we toppled the government

you seem to relish being wrong about virtually evrything

obama didnt stop an economic collapse leftard; because our economoy wasnt collapsing you idiotic drama queen. if it didnt collapse in the Carter years of DOUBLE DIGIT INFLATION AND HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT than it isnt going to collapse

obama was elected by Black pride and White guilt; to "change' things, though he had NO record of changing ANYTHING, for ANYBODY, ANYWHERE, EVER

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