Has the Left Terminally Brainwashed Americans?

Getting things done?

Obamacare------the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation
the Iran deal---------they won we lost
doubled the national debt
helped make ISIS an international threat
did nothing to stop illegal entry into this country
maintained high unemployment
put more in poverty than ever before in our history
more on food stamps than ever before
increased the gap between rich and poor
screwed up every international relationship
made Putin look like a leader

I do agree that the republicans have not done what they were sent to DC to do. Many of them will be replaced next election with republicans with balls.
I get it....you hate all things liberal
That is why you voted Republican

Obama is a liberal and has delivered what he was elected to do
Why haven't Republicans?

Obama was elected to double the debt? to put more people in poverty? to build up ISIS? Wow, I guess I missed those things in his campaign speeches.
Obama was elected primarily to stop an economic collapse. To do that he had to push money into the economy. Balancing the budget while trying to reverse a recession is foolish
ISIS filled a power void. Something you could have predicted after we toppled the government

there was no recession in 08. the market took a dump, but there was no recession.

As to why obama was elected--------------he was elected because of his skin color. he was elected by black pride and white guilt accompanied by a biased media that was afraid to truly vet him lest they be accused of racism. he has proven to be the worst president in history and has done damage to this nation that will take many years to repair.
Sorry......stopped reading after the first sentence

I told you not to mix paxil and vodka. maybe you can try again. read slowly try to focus.

Was YOUR vote consistent with the outcome?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Yes, we replaced a liberal democrat with a conservative republican. That was a good outcome and the desired outcome. In 2016 we will replace the worst president in history with a conservative republican, that too will be a good outcome.
Care to bet on it? If Hillary wins, you leave the board for good, never to return again. If not, I do.

How about it?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Since I know that you would not comply with the bet its a meaningless question.

But if you are serious about betting, how about $5K?

here's how it would work. You PM me and I will send you my address, you send me a check for 5K. I will hold it until the day after the election. If Hillary wins I send your check back to you along with one from me for 5K, If she loses, I cash your check. Deal?
I never bet for money. However, you're a fraud if you start by saying that I won't honor the bet to leave, but expect me to somehow honor a bet for $5K?!!??


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I actually got a liberal on another forum to do that, not for 5K but a much smaller amount.

Liberals are easy to trick because their minds don't operate normally.

Now here's a bet we both can agree to. If Hillary wins I will post that you were right and I was wrong, If she loses you post that I was right and you were wrong.

OK, that was funn6.

Maybe you're not so bad after all.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
What have Republcans accomplished since they took Congress

Obama s getting things done......why can't Republicans?

Getting things done?

Obamacare------the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation
the Iran deal---------they won we lost
doubled the national debt
helped make ISIS an international threat
did nothing to stop illegal entry into this country
maintained high unemployment
put more in poverty than ever before in our history
more on food stamps than ever before
increased the gap between rich and poor
screwed up every international relationship
made Putin look like a leader

I do agree that the republicans have not done what they were sent to DC to do. Many of them will be replaced next election with republicans with balls.
I get it....you hate all things liberal
That is why you voted Republican

Obama is a liberal and has delivered what he was elected to do
Why haven't Republicans?

Obama was elected to double the debt? to put more people in poverty? to build up ISIS? Wow, I guess I missed those things in his campaign speeches.
Obama was elected primarily to stop an economic collapse. To do that he had to push money into the economy. Balancing the budget while trying to reverse a recession is foolish
ISIS filled a power void. Something you could have predicted after we toppled the government

you seem to relish being wrong about virtually evrything

obama didnt stop an economic collapse leftard; because our economoy wasnt collapsing you idiotic drama queen. if it didnt collapse in the Carter years of DOUBLE DIGIT INFLATION AND HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT than it isnt going to collapse
Not going to engage in revisionist history fantasies
I get it....you hate all things liberal
That is why you voted Republican

Obama is a liberal and has delivered what he was elected to do
Why haven't Republicans?

Obama was elected to double the debt? to put more people in poverty? to build up ISIS? Wow, I guess I missed those things in his campaign speeches.
Obama was elected primarily to stop an economic collapse. To do that he had to push money into the economy. Balancing the budget while trying to reverse a recession is foolish
ISIS filled a power void. Something you could have predicted after we toppled the government

there was no recession in 08. the market took a dump, but there was no recession.

As to why obama was elected--------------he was elected because of his skin color. he was elected by black pride and white guilt accompanied by a biased media that was afraid to truly vet him lest they be accused of racism. he has proven to be the worst president in history and has done damage to this nation that will take many years to repair.
Sorry......stopped reading after the first sentence

I told you not to mix paxil and vodka. maybe you can try again. read slowly try to focus.

If you want to classify it as a depression, you are welcome
Getting things done?

Obamacare------the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation
the Iran deal---------they won we lost
doubled the national debt
helped make ISIS an international threat
did nothing to stop illegal entry into this country
maintained high unemployment
put more in poverty than ever before in our history
more on food stamps than ever before
increased the gap between rich and poor
screwed up every international relationship
made Putin look like a leader

I do agree that the republicans have not done what they were sent to DC to do. Many of them will be replaced next election with republicans with balls.
I get it....you hate all things liberal
That is why you voted Republican

Obama is a liberal and has delivered what he was elected to do
Why haven't Republicans?

Obama was elected to double the debt? to put more people in poverty? to build up ISIS? Wow, I guess I missed those things in his campaign speeches.
Obama was elected primarily to stop an economic collapse. To do that he had to push money into the economy. Balancing the budget while trying to reverse a recession is foolish
ISIS filled a power void. Something you could have predicted after we toppled the government

you seem to relish being wrong about virtually evrything

obama didnt stop an economic collapse leftard; because our economoy wasnt collapsing you idiotic drama queen. if it didnt collapse in the Carter years of DOUBLE DIGIT INFLATION AND HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT than it isnt going to collapse
Not going to engage in revisionist history fantasies

um leftard; what part is revisionist history? did we not have "stagflation" in the Carter years? do you even know what that is? how old are you? did we not have double digit inflation AND high unemployment, and gas lines stretching down the block?
Obama was elected to double the debt? to put more people in poverty? to build up ISIS? Wow, I guess I missed those things in his campaign speeches.
Obama was elected primarily to stop an economic collapse. To do that he had to push money into the economy. Balancing the budget while trying to reverse a recession is foolish
ISIS filled a power void. Something you could have predicted after we toppled the government

there was no recession in 08. the market took a dump, but there was no recession.

As to why obama was elected--------------he was elected because of his skin color. he was elected by black pride and white guilt accompanied by a biased media that was afraid to truly vet him lest they be accused of racism. he has proven to be the worst president in history and has done damage to this nation that will take many years to repair.
Sorry......stopped reading after the first sentence

I told you not to mix paxil and vodka. maybe you can try again. read slowly try to focus.

If you want to classify it as a depression, you are welcome

except that it wasnt even close to that leftard
you're having a bad day here....................again
But their perception is "The government owes me a social safety net."
Not so. The American public wants fair, equal, and just representation, a responsible government, and opportunities to be self-supporting productive members of society.
No they do not. They re-elected a man POTUS who claimed small business owners never built their business.

If you continue with that misdirected misrepresentation of what he actually said you are a liar. If you believe that is what he actually said, you are a mental defective. To a right winger, the truth means nothing.

he said that business people did not build roads and bridges---------he's right and he's wrong, because their tax payments built those roads and bridges. Without business profits there would be no taxes collected from businesses.

Perhaps the businesses did contribute some to the roads and such, but without that infrastructure being given to them to use, their businesses could have never been built. In many cases, even with massive business profits there are no business taxes collected.
But their perception is "The government owes me a social safety net."
Not so. The American public wants fair, equal, and just representation, a responsible government, and opportunities to be self-supporting productive members of society.
No they do not. They re-elected a man POTUS who claimed small business owners never built their business.

If you continue with that misdirected misrepresentation of what he actually said you are a liar. If you believe that is what he actually said, you are a mental defective. To a right winger, the truth means nothing.

he said that business people did not build roads and bridges---------he's right and he's wrong, because their tax payments built those roads and bridges. Without business profits there would be no taxes collected from businesses.

Perhaps the businesses did contribute some to the roads and such, but without that infrastructure being given to them to use, their businesses could have never been built. In many cases, even with massive business profits there are no business taxes collected.
It was GIVEN to them?

Many founding fathers economically benefited from owning slaves. They demonstrated clear disregard for the rights of other people. They established a federal government that was destined to fracture due to the inherently contradictory ideas of the rights of man and the evil institution of slavery.

The best thing you can say about the founding fathers is that they made things better. They were far from perfect and we have been dealing with their mistakes for a long time. We have also learned to adapt to a world they could not even begin to imagine.

If you want to really emulate the founding fathers then you would look to progress. The founding fathers made massive progress.
Getting things done?

Obamacare------the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation
the Iran deal---------they won we lost
doubled the national debt
helped make ISIS an international threat
did nothing to stop illegal entry into this country
maintained high unemployment
put more in poverty than ever before in our history
more on food stamps than ever before
increased the gap between rich and poor
screwed up every international relationship
made Putin look like a leader

I do agree that the republicans have not done what they were sent to DC to do. Many of them will be replaced next election with republicans with balls.
I get it....you hate all things liberal
That is why you voted Republican

Obama is a liberal and has delivered what he was elected to do
Why haven't Republicans?

Obama was elected to double the debt? to put more people in poverty? to build up ISIS? Wow, I guess I missed those things in his campaign speeches.
Obama was elected primarily to stop an economic collapse. To do that he had to push money into the economy. Balancing the budget while trying to reverse a recession is foolish
ISIS filled a power void. Something you could have predicted after we toppled the government

you seem to relish being wrong about virtually evrything

obama didnt stop an economic collapse leftard; because our economoy wasnt collapsing you idiotic drama queen. if it didnt collapse in the Carter years of DOUBLE DIGIT INFLATION AND HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT than it isnt going to collapse
Not going to engage in revisionist history fantasies
The only revisionist history fantasy going on is that Obama saved us from another Great Depression. Bullshit churned up by leftist news media who have never worked a manual labor job in their whole life. Hey, what about the millions that lost their livelihood because of jobs going to China or Mexico? Nope, media clowns and politicians do not understand the value of these jobs because they never had them or come from privileged suburbia and have no idea what they meant to these people. This is why Trump polls so well. People, dare i say WHITE people are hurting in America. The nation that won WWII is now a groveling pussy to China, Japan, Mexico, and Iran. What a disgrace.
Not so. The American public wants fair, equal, and just representation, a responsible government, and opportunities to be self-supporting productive members of society.
No they do not. They re-elected a man POTUS who claimed small business owners never built their business.

If you continue with that misdirected misrepresentation of what he actually said you are a liar. If you believe that is what he actually said, you are a mental defective. To a right winger, the truth means nothing.

he said that business people did not build roads and bridges---------he's right and he's wrong, because their tax payments built those roads and bridges. Without business profits there would be no taxes collected from businesses.

Perhaps the businesses did contribute some to the roads and such, but without that infrastructure being given to them to use, their businesses could have never been built. In many cases, even with massive business profits there are no business taxes collected.
It was GIVEN to them?

Yes it was given to them to use. They didn't build it on their own.
I get it....you hate all things liberal
That is why you voted Republican

Obama is a liberal and has delivered what he was elected to do
Why haven't Republicans?

Obama was elected to double the debt? to put more people in poverty? to build up ISIS? Wow, I guess I missed those things in his campaign speeches.
Obama was elected primarily to stop an economic collapse. To do that he had to push money into the economy. Balancing the budget while trying to reverse a recession is foolish
ISIS filled a power void. Something you could have predicted after we toppled the government

you seem to relish being wrong about virtually evrything

obama didnt stop an economic collapse leftard; because our economoy wasnt collapsing you idiotic drama queen. if it didnt collapse in the Carter years of DOUBLE DIGIT INFLATION AND HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT than it isnt going to collapse
Not going to engage in revisionist history fantasies
The only revisionist history fantasy going on is that Obama saved us from another Great Depression. Bullshit churned up by leftist news media who have never worked a manual labor job in their whole life. Hey, what about the millions that lost their livelihood because of jobs going to China or Mexico? Nope, media clowns and politicians do not understand the value of these jobs because they never had them or come from privileged suburbia and have no idea what they meant to these people. This is why Trump polls so well. People, dare i say WHITE people are hurting in America. The nation that won WWII is now a groveling pussy to China, Japan, Mexico, and Iran. What a disgrace.

Trump polls so well because the right wing is crazy.

Many founding fathers economically benefited from owning slaves. They demonstrated clear disregard for the rights of other people. They established a federal government that was destined to fracture due to the inherently contradictory ideas of the rights of man and the evil institution of slavery.

The best thing you can say about the founding fathers is that they made things better. They were far from perfect and we have been dealing with their mistakes for a long time. We have also learned to adapt to a world they could not even begin to imagine.

If you want to really emulate the founding fathers then you would look to progress. The founding fathers made massive progress.
Progress is not gay marriage, hand up don't shoot, or sending our jobs overseas. States rights as per 10th Amendment will go a long way. The federal government is a waste. they could fuck-up a cannon ball with a sponge.
Obama was elected to double the debt? to put more people in poverty? to build up ISIS? Wow, I guess I missed those things in his campaign speeches.
Obama was elected primarily to stop an economic collapse. To do that he had to push money into the economy. Balancing the budget while trying to reverse a recession is foolish
ISIS filled a power void. Something you could have predicted after we toppled the government

you seem to relish being wrong about virtually evrything

obama didnt stop an economic collapse leftard; because our economoy wasnt collapsing you idiotic drama queen. if it didnt collapse in the Carter years of DOUBLE DIGIT INFLATION AND HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT than it isnt going to collapse
Not going to engage in revisionist history fantasies
The only revisionist history fantasy going on is that Obama saved us from another Great Depression. Bullshit churned up by leftist news media who have never worked a manual labor job in their whole life. Hey, what about the millions that lost their livelihood because of jobs going to China or Mexico? Nope, media clowns and politicians do not understand the value of these jobs because they never had them or come from privileged suburbia and have no idea what they meant to these people. This is why Trump polls so well. People, dare i say WHITE people are hurting in America. The nation that won WWII is now a groveling pussy to China, Japan, Mexico, and Iran. What a disgrace.

Trump polls so well because the right wing is crazy.

wow. how profound

ok continue drooling
No they do not. They re-elected a man POTUS who claimed small business owners never built their business.

If you continue with that misdirected misrepresentation of what he actually said you are a liar. If you believe that is what he actually said, you are a mental defective. To a right winger, the truth means nothing.

he said that business people did not build roads and bridges---------he's right and he's wrong, because their tax payments built those roads and bridges. Without business profits there would be no taxes collected from businesses.

Perhaps the businesses did contribute some to the roads and such, but without that infrastructure being given to them to use, their businesses could have never been built. In many cases, even with massive business profits there are no business taxes collected.
It was GIVEN to them?

Yes it was given to them to use. They didn't build it on their own.
Yes they did. Their insurance, payroll, labor in the hot sun,risk at taking the contract...shit does not happen for free Mr. Marx.
Obama was elected primarily to stop an economic collapse. To do that he had to push money into the economy. Balancing the budget while trying to reverse a recession is foolish
ISIS filled a power void. Something you could have predicted after we toppled the government

you seem to relish being wrong about virtually evrything

obama didnt stop an economic collapse leftard; because our economoy wasnt collapsing you idiotic drama queen. if it didnt collapse in the Carter years of DOUBLE DIGIT INFLATION AND HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT than it isnt going to collapse
Not going to engage in revisionist history fantasies
The only revisionist history fantasy going on is that Obama saved us from another Great Depression. Bullshit churned up by leftist news media who have never worked a manual labor job in their whole life. Hey, what about the millions that lost their livelihood because of jobs going to China or Mexico? Nope, media clowns and politicians do not understand the value of these jobs because they never had them or come from privileged suburbia and have no idea what they meant to these people. This is why Trump polls so well. People, dare i say WHITE people are hurting in America. The nation that won WWII is now a groveling pussy to China, Japan, Mexico, and Iran. What a disgrace.

Trump polls so well because the right wing is crazy.

wow. how profound

ok continue drooling
Out of touch with reality...kinda like the liberal news media.
If you continue with that misdirected misrepresentation of what he actually said you are a liar. If you believe that is what he actually said, you are a mental defective. To a right winger, the truth means nothing.

he said that business people did not build roads and bridges---------he's right and he's wrong, because their tax payments built those roads and bridges. Without business profits there would be no taxes collected from businesses.

Perhaps the businesses did contribute some to the roads and such, but without that infrastructure being given to them to use, their businesses could have never been built. In many cases, even with massive business profits there are no business taxes collected.
It was GIVEN to them?

Yes it was given to them to use. They didn't build it on their own.
Yes they did. Their insurance, payroll, labor in the hot sun,risk at taking the contract...shit does not happen for free Mr. Marx.

The contractors who built the roads were paid by everybody's tax money. I worked on a lot of construction jobs, but that doesn't mean I have any personal right to use what I was paid to do.
I get it....you hate all things liberal
That is why you voted Republican

Obama is a liberal and has delivered what he was elected to do
Why haven't Republicans?

Obama was elected to double the debt? to put more people in poverty? to build up ISIS? Wow, I guess I missed those things in his campaign speeches.
Obama was elected primarily to stop an economic collapse. To do that he had to push money into the economy. Balancing the budget while trying to reverse a recession is foolish
ISIS filled a power void. Something you could have predicted after we toppled the government

you seem to relish being wrong about virtually evrything

obama didnt stop an economic collapse leftard; because our economoy wasnt collapsing you idiotic drama queen. if it didnt collapse in the Carter years of DOUBLE DIGIT INFLATION AND HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT than it isnt going to collapse
Not going to engage in revisionist history fantasies

um leftard; what part is revisionist history? did we not have "stagflation" in the Carter years? do you even know what that is? how old are you? did we not have double digit inflation AND high unemployment, and gas lines stretching down the block?

Wrong on two counts

To have stagflation, you need a stagnant economy plus rampant inflation

Conservative myth
Obama was elected to double the debt? to put more people in poverty? to build up ISIS? Wow, I guess I missed those things in his campaign speeches.
Obama was elected primarily to stop an economic collapse. To do that he had to push money into the economy. Balancing the budget while trying to reverse a recession is foolish
ISIS filled a power void. Something you could have predicted after we toppled the government

you seem to relish being wrong about virtually evrything

obama didnt stop an economic collapse leftard; because our economoy wasnt collapsing you idiotic drama queen. if it didnt collapse in the Carter years of DOUBLE DIGIT INFLATION AND HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT than it isnt going to collapse
Not going to engage in revisionist history fantasies

um leftard; what part is revisionist history? did we not have "stagflation" in the Carter years? do you even know what that is? how old are you? did we not have double digit inflation AND high unemployment, and gas lines stretching down the block?

Wrong on two counts

To have stagflation, you need a stagnant economy plus rampant inflation

Conservative myth


which one?

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