Has there been a more racist president in our lifetime?

Is Biden the most racist president of our lifetimes?

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What makes me a bigot or a fascist?

This should be enlightening.

I will grant you the bigot might be close to accurate as I see the homosexual & trans movement as pretty degenerating for our nation. If that makes me a bigot then so be it.

But Fascist? Enlighten me
Biden and his administration racism goes beyond just what they say and do to blacks.

It goes beyond I to condemning whites, propping up blacks by giving them special treatment, and so on. Racism isn't just whites against blacks, giving anyone special treatment or consideration just because of the color of their skin is racist.
He was saying “Great pitcher of the Negro Leagues who went on to become a great pitcher in the pros….” But stumbled. This board is a racist cesspool so replace your fake outrage with real outrage and maybe you’ll not end up in Hell.
He was saying “Great pitcher of the Negro Leagues who went on to become a great pitcher in the pros….” But stumbled. This board is a racist cesspool so replace your fake outrage with real outrage and maybe you’ll not end up in Hell.
You say that as if this was an isolated incident or an innocent slip of the tongue. Problem is there are DOZENS of examples going back DECADES, some in the video in the op.
But I get it, you're like a small child who believes mommy and daddy never do any wrong.

Have at your delusions chump
He was saying “Great pitcher of the Negro Leagues who went on to become a great pitcher in the pros….” But stumbled. This board is a racist cesspool so replace your fake outrage with real outrage and maybe you’ll not end up in Hell.

God, I hope Sippy Cup doesn't stumble with the nuclear codes!!
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