Has Trump felt his end?

No. They gave amnesty to illegal immigrants. And the border was open.
Reagan cut a deal with democrats for that, and then they reneged.
He reluctantly caved to their demands for amnesty in exchange for a promise of border security.
The amnesty happened and the border security didn't.
Surely you know this, right?
The repubs aren't angels, but they are by far the lesser of two evils if you oppose marxism.
Reagan cut a deal with democrats for that, and then they reneged.
He reluctantly caved to their demands for amnesty in exchange for a promise of border security.
The amnesty happened and the border security didn't.
Surely you know this, right?
The repubs aren't angels, but they are by far the lesser of two evils if you oppose marxism.
Empty fantasy. These are not the only signs. He was connected with the Colombian guys, he financed the rebels from Nicaragua, he remembered the principles of Monroe and he trampled Europe into the mud. And he never humiliated Mexicans and Texans. He made California a leader in the technology sector, and California is essentially a Latin state.
At what cost compared to the existing situation in America of the possibly stolen election and the consequences if the decision on it goes the wrong way for on angry side or the other?

Canada quite successfully avoided a similar situation by dealing the the trucker protests in a way that prevented lawlessness from gaining a hold on our country.

I'm happy to discuss nearly any issue with you but I have to know that you are interested in contributing to the conversation.

At what cost you ask?
Are you honestly asking for my opinion? If so then I've told you how we've avoided the 'cost' that America might pay, depending one which side is defeated and banished.
Yeah, Canada did freeze the peaceful truck drivers bank accounts. I see your point. :rolleyes-41:
Healthcare in Canada is just incredible, I see Canadians from Alberta in our hospital just south of the border.
I just don't understand with their healthcare why they would even consider ours. :rolleyes-41:
Not sure what your tax rate is to pay for your nanny government.
You have it so much better than we do. :rolleyes-41:
I'm sure the justice system in Russia and China are a lot more fairer than our justice system. :rolleyes-41:

Our government is not perfect, but I always say it's way better than the second place governments.
"Felt his end"? Is that some kind of kneejerk gay expression? We have a president who might be on experimental psychotropic drugs and still can't read a teleprompter and the left pretends they lost the freaking election and they are the victims. TDS rules.
"Felt his end"? Is that some kind of kneejerk gay expression?

This too

Empty fantasy.
Brainless response.
These are not the only signs. He was connected with the Colombian guys, he financed the rebels from Nicaragua, he remembered the principles of Monroe and he trampled Europe into the mud. And he never humiliated Mexicans and Texans. He made California a leader in the technology sector, and California is essentially a Latin state.
None of that blather changes the truth of my post:
Reagan cut a deal with democrats for that, and then they reneged.
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None of that blather changes the truth of my post:
I'll put it mildly: you're not very smart. The more signs, the more likely.

If you see only a painted nail, you don't know what it is, but when you see boobs, pussy, no stubble on the face, you understand that this is not a joker or a faggot, but a woman. Same here.

Humanity has become dumber than animals, animals have better associative thinking.

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